Why does an adult or child constantly want to sleep, reasons for fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness

Home » Health » Causes of constant drowsiness, apathy and fatigue: in men and women

Many people felt a constant desire to switch off and fall asleep throughout the working day. The sensations were aggravated by headache, apathy, and lack of vigor. Coming home, nothing was needed except sleep, and the next day went the same way.

Constant drowsiness and fatigue makes a person fall out of reality, so it is worth finding out the main reasons for this condition.

Periodic lack of sleep gradually accumulates, apathy appears, the person becomes irritated, lethargy, and reluctance to work.

To eliminate this condition, it is worth understanding what caused it.:

  1. Lack of oxygen . The first sign is yawning, which is produced by the body to capture air.
  2. Magnetic storms - people with heart problems often react to them.
  3. Weather conditions - before the rain, during it the atmospheric pressure drops, a similar situation occurs in the body.
  4. Place of residence – large industrial cities do not have the best atmosphere for health.
  5. Lack of vitamins - due to a lack of B microelements, iodine, a person may experience constant fatigue.
  6. Poor diet – food does not meet the body’s requirements, a person does not have the energy to stay alert.
  7. Hormonal imbalances - in men can be caused by dysfunction of the prostate gland.
  8. Bad habits - smoking affects the lack of oxygen, and drinking alcohol affects the liver, which causes fatigue.
  9. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a constant rush, the inability to stop in time in the pursuit of success leads to negative consequences.
  10. Diseases of internal systems and organs - exhaustion of the body due to constant illness leads to fatigue and apathy.

Another important reason is the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is a consequence of other diseases. Symptoms include chronic drowsiness and fatigue.


Fatigue and nausea can be caused by:

  • lifestyle factors
  • acute diseases
  • chronic conditions

Lifestyle factors

The following lifestyle factors can cause fatigue and nausea:

  • person doesn't get enough sleep
  • eats too much
  • eats late at night
  • drinks a lot of alcohol the night before
  • uses drugs
  • lack of physical activity
  • experiencing excessive stress due to jet lag


Some infections can also cause symptoms of fatigue and nausea. Examples are bacterial infections such as:

  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
  • Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • chlamydial infections

viral infections such as:

  • flu
  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
  • hepatitis poliovirus
  • Ebola virus
  • malaria
  • Dengue fever
  • parasitic infections such as:
  • hookworm

Psychological reason

Mental health problems can sometimes cause physical symptoms, including fatigue and nausea. Examples include:

  • anxiety
  • stress
  • depression
  • loss and grief

Hormonal changes

Fatigue and nausea can sometimes occur as a result of a condition that affects hormones or the endocrine system. Examples include:

  • hyperthyroidism
  • hypothyroidism
  • hyperparathyroidism
  • hypercalcemia
  • Addison's disease

Neurological diseases

Diseases that affect the nerves and nervous system can also cause symptoms such as nausea and fatigue. Examples include:

  • migraine
  • epilepsy
  • brain concussion
  • traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • a brain tumor

Other conditions

Other conditions can also cause nausea and fatigue, with or without additional symptoms. Some examples include:

  • reactions to animal bites
  • food poisoning
  • food intolerance or allergy
  • celiac disease
  • inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)
  • stomach ulcer
  • hypertonic disease
  • heatstroke
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • intestinal endometriosis
  • sleep apnea
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • diabetes
  • kidney diseases
  • liver cirrhosis or liver failure

Fatigue and nausea are common in the early stages of pregnancy. Doctors use the term “morning sickness” to refer to nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, although these symptoms can occur at any time of the day. A 2014 study noted that morning sickness occurs in approximately 85% of pregnancies.

Feeling nauseous when waking up may simply be the result of poor sleep or indigestion from the previous night. However, it may signal a chronic health problem.


To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. Diagnosis begins with a study of laboratory parameters. It is necessary to take a general blood test to determine the presence of a viral or bacterial infection, parasitosis, chronic or acute inflammation, indirect indications of iron deficiency anemia, deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12. Next you need to pass biochemical tests:

  • ferritin
  • transferritin
  • glucose
  • insulin
  • glycated hemoglobin
  • bilirubin
  • total protein
  • uric acid
  • lipid profile: high and low density lipoproteins, triglycerides
  • cortisol: 4 saliva samples throughout the day from saliva; checking the hormone in the blood is not informative
  • thyroid panel: TSH, free T3, free T4 for timely detection of hypo- or hyperthyroidism

The studies described are basic; they need to be monitored regularly to prevent the development of diseases that cause drowsiness and weakness, significantly worsening a woman’s quality of life. If a deficiency of vitamins and minerals is suspected, it is necessary to check the omega-3 index, the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, minerals: copper, zinc, iron, selenium, chromium, manganese.

If loading with heavy metals is suspected, the Oligoscan technique is used. A scan is carried out using a special device. According to the results obtained, it is possible to determine the quantitative content of aluminum, mercury, arsenic, and lead and take appropriate measures. Additionally, the doctor may recommend instrumental diagnostics: radiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Fatigue and nausea after eating

Energy levels may drop after eating. This happens because the body redirects blood to the digestive system to move the food in the stomach. Overeating can lead to a big drop in energy levels as the body has to digest more food. Overeating can also make you feel nauseous.

Symptoms of fatigue and nausea after eating can sometimes signal digestive problems. Other possible symptoms of digestive system disease include:

  • difficulty swallowing
  • acid reflux
  • heartburn
  • vomit
  • bloating
  • abdominal pain
  • belching and flatulence
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • blood in stool
  • unexplained weight gain or loss

Increased drowsiness due to intoxication

Acute or chronic poisoning of the body, to which the cortex and subcortex are most sensitive, as well as stimulation of the reticular formation, which provides inhibitory processes with various medicinal or toxic substances, leads to severe and prolonged drowsiness not only at night, but also during the daytime.

  • Alcohol is the most popular household poison. After the stage of excitement during moderate intoxication (1.5-2.5%0 alcohol in the blood), as a rule, the sleep stage develops, before which there may be severe drowsiness.
  • Smoking, in addition to vascular spasm, leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the cerebral cortex, promotes constant irritation and inflammation of the inner choroid, which provokes not only the development of atherosclerotic plaques, but also potentiates their cracking with thrombosis of the vascular bed, including cerebral arteries. Therefore, for about 30% of smokers, constant drowsiness and loss of energy are constant companions. But when quitting a bad habit, drowsiness can also be a concern.
  • Psychotropic substances (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants) cause severe drowsiness, which becomes chronic with prolonged use of drugs or addiction to them. Also, long-term use of sleeping pills (especially barbiturates) and high doses of sedatives leads to drowsiness due to the activation of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system.
  • Drugs (especially morphine-like) also cause drowsiness.


Treatment for fatigue and nausea depends on the underlying cause. Treatment of the cause should eliminate or control symptoms. Chronic illnesses may require a long-term treatment plan.

Doctors may prescribe treatment for the symptoms themselves. For example, your doctor may prescribe antiemetic medications to reduce nausea and vomiting.

Some home remedies can help manage symptoms of fatigue and nausea.

Remedies that can soothe indigestion and reduce feelings of nausea:

  • drinking ginger or mint tea
  • eating foods containing ginger, such as ginger cookies or candied ginger
  • eating small portions
  • Fresh air
  • distractions such as listening to music, watching a movie, or reading a book

In addition, people should avoid:

  • preparing and eating strong-smelling foods
  • eating spicy, fried or fatty foods
  • drinking alcohol while eating
  • wearing clothes that are tight around the waist or stomach
  • horizontal position shortly after eating

Remedies that can reduce fatigue:

  • eat small meals every 3-4 hours
  • reduce caffeine intake
  • Limit your alcohol intake and avoid alcohol before bed
  • drink more water to avoid dehydration
  • gradually increase physical activity
  • maintain a moderate weight
  • go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends
  • avoid daytime naps
  • create and maintain a bedtime routine

To reduce your stress levels, you can:

  • do yoga or tai chi
  • spending time with friends
  • administer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for fatigue caused by stress, anxiety, or low mood

Physiological drowsiness

When a person is forced to stay awake for a long time, his central nervous system forcibly turns on the inhibition mode. Even within one day:

  • when the eyes are overloaded (sitting for a long time at the computer, TV, etc.)
  • auditory (noise in the workshop, office, etc.)
  • tactile or pain receptors

a person may repeatedly fall into short-term drowsiness or the so-called “trance”, when his normal daytime alpha rhythm of the cortex is replaced by slower beta waves typical of the rapid phase of sleep (during falling asleep or dreaming). This simple technique of immersion in a trance is often used by hypnotists, psychotherapists and scammers of all stripes.

Drowsiness after eating

Many people are drawn to sleep after lunch - this can also be explained quite simply. The volume of the vascular bed exceeds the volume of blood that circulates in it. Therefore, a system of blood redistribution according to a system of priorities is always in effect. If the gastrointestinal tract is filled with food and works hard, then most of the blood is deposited or circulates in the area of ​​the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Accordingly, during this period of active digestion the brain receives less oxygen carrier and, switching to economy mode, the cortex begins to work less actively than on an empty stomach. Because, in fact, why move if your stomach is already full.

Trivial lack of sleep

In general, a person cannot live without sleep at all. And an adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours (although historical colossi like Napoleon Bonaparte or Alexander the Great slept for 4 hours, and this did not prevent one from feeling invigorated). If a person is forcibly deprived of sleep, he will still switch off and may even sleep for a few seconds. To avoid wanting to sleep during the day, sleep at least 8 hours at night.


Another variant of physiological drowsiness is the body’s reaction to stress. If in the early stages of stress people often suffer from increased excitability and insomnia (against the background of the release of adrenaline and cortisol by the adrenal glands), then with prolonged exposure to stress factors, the adrenal glands are depleted, the release of hormones decreases, and the peak of their release shifts (for example, cortisol, released in the 5th 6 am, begins to secrete maximum by 9-10 o'clock). Similar conditions (loss of strength) are observed in chronic adrenal insufficiency or against the background of long-term use of glucocorticoids, as well as in rheumatic diseases.


Pregnant women in the first trimester, against the background of hormonal changes, toxicosis, and in the last trimester, when the cortex is naturally inhibited by placental hormones, there may be episodes of prolonged night sleep or daytime drowsiness - this is the norm.

When to see a doctor

Feeling tired and nauseous is not always a cause for concern. Sometimes these symptoms are the result of poor lifestyle choices. Changing these habits should lead to a reduction in symptoms of the disease.

However, people should see a doctor if they experience severe, persistent, or worsening episodes of fatigue and nausea.

It is important to see a doctor immediately if you experience fatigue and nausea accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • chest pain
  • labored breathing
  • slurred speech
  • confusion
  • continuous or repeated vomiting
  • fever
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes
  • suicidal thoughts

These symptoms may indicate a serious underlying condition that requires immediate treatment.


The outlook for people who have fatigue and nausea depends on the underlying cause of these symptoms. Fatigue and nausea are not always a cause for concern. This combination of symptoms sometimes disappears after appropriate lifestyle adjustments, such as changes in eating, sleeping, or exercise.

However, severe, persistent, or recurring episodes of fatigue and nausea may indicate a medical condition that requires treatment. In some cases, a doctor can diagnose and treat the cause.

Persistent weakness in women and men

If you feel well, you can remain cheerful, active and productive at work for a long time. However, for various reasons, men and women experience fatigue, drowsiness and weakness. Let's figure out why this happens.

Causes of constant fatigue and weakness in men

Tired man

Contrary to the belief that lethargy, headaches and stress are inherent in women, men also suffer from supposedly imaginary ailments.

Constant fatigue in men develops due to the following reasons:

  • psychophysical fatigue,
  • insomnia,
  • lack of oxygen
  • lack of vitamins and microelements,
  • taking sedatives and antihistamines,
  • viral diseases,
  • depression,
  • low testosterone levels,
  • non-compliance with the daily routine and incorrect lifestyle.

Causes of constant fatigue in women

Tired woman

A feature of the female body is the ability to procreate, which is associated with many changes in a woman’s body.

First of all, severe fatigue is felt during premenstrual syndrome, menstruation and pregnancy.

As a rule, there is no specific way to treat fatigue that occurs against the background of habitual changes in the female body. Here it is possible to correct pain sensations, if any.

Also, severe fatigue and weakness in women can be associated with gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalance. In order to prevent the development of serious women's health problems in time, it is worth visiting a gynecologist every six months.

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It may not be possible to prevent all causes of fatigue and nausea. However, the following factors may reduce a person's risk of developing these symptoms:

  • drink water
  • Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake and avoid it before bed
  • avoid large meals, especially late in the evening
  • sufficient sleep
  • maintain personal hygiene to prevent infections
  • Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly
  • Relieve stress in the following ways:
  • meditation
  • breathing exercises
  • yoga and tai chi

How to deal with chronic fatigue

If you are plagued by fatigue and a reluctance to do anything, the following recommendations will help:

  1. Establish a stable daily routine for yourself and strictly adhere to it.
  2. Take an invigorating cool shower in the morning. This will not only relieve fatigue, but also speed up metabolism and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Exercise regularly. During work, take 5-10 minute breaks to warm up all the muscles of the body. Pay increased attention to the cervical spine.
  4. Get rid of all bad habits. He should refuse cigarettes, do not abuse alcohol and do not overeat.
  5. Enrich your diet with foods containing selenium, iron, zinc, vitamins A, E and group B, as well as ascorbic acid.
  6. Maintain normal weight. If it is exceeded, there is a risk of apnea, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.
  7. Arrange pleasant walks and trips. Periodically change your usual environment and get new vivid impressions.

pleasant walks and trips

It is useful to carefully plan, motivate and reward your own work.

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