Vaginal secretion can indicate natural and signal pathological processes in a woman’s body, so attention is paid to it first. You can guess what brown discharge might mean based on the time of its occurrence, the duration of its course and the presence of additional symptoms.
Causes of light or dark brown discharge without pain
The release of mucous secretion between menstruation is a normal option. They confirm the adequate functioning of the reproductive organs. Gynecologists are unanimous in their opinion that approximately on the 11th day of the cycle, representatives of the fair sex secrete a viscous, watery, white or transparent secretion. It indicates the beginning of ovulation.
When dark brown discharge appears instead of light in the middle of the cycle, you need to think about the presence of diseases of the female reproductive organs. Color changes until brown discharge appears in the middle of the cycle without pain occurs for the following reasons:
- hormonal changes - when using contraceptives for no more than 3 months, the dark color of the discharge is considered normal, as the adaptation process is underway;
- cycle failure - light brown discharge in the middle of the cycle in the absence of pain appears when the number of days of menstruation and other periods changes, as a result of exposure to stress, lifting heavy objects, moving to other climatic conditions;
- microcracks in the lining layer of the vagina - occur during rough sexual intercourse, insufficient amount of lubricant during intimacy;
- dysplasia or neoplasms on the cervix;
- after the hymen ruptures, brown discharge appears in the middle of the cycle, it appears several more times after sexual intercourse;
- lack of personal hygiene - brown color occurs when care of the genital organs is ignored, because of this the acid-base balance changes.
Brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle is alarming, because it is a symptom of both local minor problems and serious problems in a woman’s health.
Cycle phases
In what cases should you visit a doctor?
When you notice changes in the color of your vaginal discharge and the appearance of blood in it, which was not the case before, it is always better not to self-medicate, not torment yourself with fears and worries, but to immediately go for a gynecological examination. In order for the diagnosis to be of high quality, it is better to visit the same doctor who knows your medical history, the characteristics of your body and whom you trust. Such a specialist will dispel groundless worries and, if necessary, help choose adequate treatment.
What does the spreading consistency mean?
Gynecologists reassure worried patients: spotting brown discharge in the middle of the cycle, which lasts a maximum of 3 days, is normal. This phenomenon occurs when there is a change in the amount of hormones.
Changes in hormonal levels also affect the onset of menstruation; on the 20th day of the cycle, brown discharge may begin menstruation, then everything returns to normal. Cyclic bleeding during this period begins in women with a cycle of 20–23 days.
But more often, spotting brown discharge on the 21st day of the cycle and the next few days indicates microdamage in the genitals, as the unfertilized egg travels through the fallopian tube. Or this is a sign of the beginning of pregnancy; in the case of smudge marks on the pad, it is important to take care to preserve it.
If prolonged spotting brown discharge occurs in the middle of the cycle, the reasons are as follows:
- erosion - “wound” on the epithelium of the cervix;
- endometriosis – spread of the endometrium beyond the uterus;
- endometritis - inflammation in the organ;
- fibroids are a benign neoplasm in which brown discharge appears on the 10th day of the cycle and on any other.
Smearing secretion for more than 3 days is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Any of the listed diseases, if not treated in a timely manner, leads to complications.
Recommendations from gynecologists
Obstetricians-gynecologists recommend that you consult a doctor if you have any new discharge from the genitals. This also applies to changing the nature of the old secret. Timely diagnosis of the disease will shorten the duration of treatment and protect against serious complications: infertility, massive blood loss.
With early treatment for cervical cancer, the five-year survival rate is 8-9 out of 10 people. And the mortality rate from this disease is increasing. This is due to women’s late referral to a specialist, which leads to untimely diagnosis.
Copious discharge
Heavy brown discharge on the 12th day of the cycle is no longer a sign of ovulation, but one of the symptoms of an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted.
Often such diseases are accompanied by severe pain and an unpleasant odor of mucous secretion. Ignoring the problem leads to chronic pathology, which, in turn, leads to infertility. With a malignant formation, streaks of blood appear in the abundantly secreted secretion, and bleeding is possible. This disease attacks patients mainly after 50 years, when physiologically the period of menopause begins. With this disease, bleeding similar to menstruation may resume if it has not happened for several months.
If the discharge has an odor
A brownish secretion with an unpleasant odor in the second half of the cycle occurs due to the spread of infection in the genitals. An unpleasant odor from the vagina appears due to the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms; as a result of their vital activity, an odor is released. This symptom is given by pathologies:
- gardnerellosis is a disease that occurs due to a significant increase in the number of opportunistic bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis;
- chlamydia is an infectious disease, sexually transmitted, with this disease the discharge is mucopurulent;
- Gonorrhea is an infectious pathology caused by gonococcus and has severe symptoms.
If after the menstrual cycle there is brown discharge with an unpleasant odor, it is important to conduct a diagnosis for the presence of bacteria and fungi in the genitals.
Acute endometritis
Acute purulent inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus, caused by specific (gonococcus, chlamydia, trichomonas) or nonspecific mixed microflora (enterobacteria, klebsiella, gardnerella, etc.).
As a rule, purulent inflammation of the endometrium occurs after childbirth (including cesarean section), abortion, diagnostic curettage, hysteroscopy, intrauterine manipulation to remove the remains of the fertilized egg, IUD.
The development of infection is facilitated by weakened immunity, hormonal fluctuations, and concomitant sexually transmitted infections.
Symptoms of acute endometritis:
- Discharge of varying intensity depending on the microflora and the severity of inflammation (leucorrhoea, cloudy, grayish, green, mixed with blood).
- Pain in the lower abdomen, groin, rectum, perineum.
- Pain when urinating.
- The general condition suffers significantly: chills, palpitations, fever, fatigue, weakness, and other signs of intoxication.
What do women say about this problem in their reviews?
An analysis of reviews about brown discharge in the middle of the cycle showed that many women encounter this problem on the 13th, 15th day of the cycle.
This deviation from the norm manifests itself in different ways; for some, a dark secretion from the vagina appears at the beginning of the day, then does not appear for a day. Others note that clots appear. With the initial manifestations of a certain disease, brown discharge appears on the 16th day of the cycle, then disappears. After several days, on the 19th day of the cycle, brown discharge appears again. After the secondary appearance, as a rule, the color becomes lighter, the consistency becomes more abundant, and the frequency decreases.
After examinations, endometriosis and neoplasms in the ovaries and uterus are often discovered. Treatment tactics after diagnosis depend on the diagnosis and reproductive plans.
Some note that if brown discharge appeared on the 22nd day of the cycle, and it quickly passed, this is just preparation for the upcoming menstruation. Gynecologists confirm that during this period the woman’s connective tissue structure changes slightly, so after sexual intercourse, damage to the mucous membrane is possible, which is accompanied by this symptom. This condition is complemented by hypermobility of the joints and nagging pain in the spine.
A set of procedures aimed at eliminating pathology is prescribed only by a doctor. Once the diagnosis is made, drug or surgical treatment may be used.
The course of therapeutic procedures depends on the complexity and duration of the disease.
Important! You cannot self-medicate! Incorrect diagnosis and incorrect choice of medications leads to chronic disease. Helping to get rid of the pathology will be much more difficult. All activities aimed at recovery must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
What to do?
If brown discharge is visible in women in the middle of the cycle, there is no need to panic, but you should not relax either. If they are delayed for 3 or more days, a consultation with a gynecologist is required. Diagnostic measures will help clarify the situation:
- examination, palpation for inflammation in the genitals;
- blood test to diagnose infection;
- strokes;
- Ultrasound and other studies to diagnose the condition of the uterus.
A woman should be extremely attentive to her health if brown or bloody streaks are visible in the discharge at the end of the cycle, for example on day 24. The addition of this symptom to pain and nausea seriously threatens ectopic pregnancy.
Bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis (gardnerella) is a representative of the normal microflora of the vagina, therefore, under optimal conditions (microflora balance), it does not cause disease.
When the number of lactobacilli begins to decrease (pregnancy, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, severe somatic pathologies, violation of intimate hygiene rules, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, menopause, frequent douching), gardnerella actively multiply and lead to inflammation of the vaginal mucosa in women and girls.
In addition to Gardnerella, other microorganisms are also important; their number in a woman is assessed using the Femoflor test system.
The main symptom of bacterial vaginosis can be considered the appearance of yellowish, white-gray, white-green, greenish leucorrhoea with the smell of rotten fish and herring. They are often abundant and liquid, but can also be viscous and thick. In addition, itching and burning in the vagina and discomfort may occur.
The following drugs are used for treatment:
- 1Metronidazole in the form of tablets or 0.75% vaginal gel. The duration of the course is at least 7 days.
- 2 Clindamycin, vaginal cream 2% - at least 7 days.
- 3 Local treatment of bacterial vaginosis: combined suppositories (Hexicon, Terzhinan, Neo-Penotran), douching with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
Brown discharge instead of menstruation
This condition can become normal or pathological for a woman.
In some cases, after hormonal changes, a woman changes pads with brown spotting discharge for 5-7 days without feeling pain or other alarming symptoms. With additional symptoms, this condition is a manifestation of ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages, the body’s reaction to hormonal pills, ovarian dysfunction and other pathologies.
In the absence of diseases, simple rules of prevention will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence:
- alternate physical activity evenly with rest;
- try to maintain peace of mind and not take stressful situations to heart;
- do not exhaust the body with strict diets and lack of sleep;
- do not forget about safety during sexual intercourse;
- spend more time outdoors;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene.