Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

People with excessive sweating always experience discomfort and guilt in front of others. Any part of the body can undergo this process, but for many, the question of why palms sweat is relevant. If a person encounters such a problem not for the first time, then he knows the reason. But if this happens for the first time, the main task is to identify the preconditions and apply effective methods to eliminate them.

Sweaty palms bring great discomfort, it is important to understand the causes of the disease

Endocrine disorders as the main cause of sweaty palms

The endocrine system includes hormones that enter the blood in small portions and regulate the condition of the entire body. When it malfunctions, as a rule, increased sweating of the palms is observed.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems
The causes of sweaty palms are varied. This is not always a pathological disorder; excessive sweating may be a genetically inherited factor

The endocrine system is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. If the level of these hormones increases, hyperthyroidism appears.

When hyperthyroidism is observed:

  • increased sweating;
  • weight loss;
  • intolerance to high temperature;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland.

If two or more signs appear at the same time, it is necessary to undergo examination by an endocrinologist and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Wet palms in children

The child’s body, starting from birth, undergoes serious changes in the development of all structures, in particular the nervous system. When a baby has sweating on both hands, this may be due to physiology and is not a deviation. Sometimes the still imperfect heat exchange process in a child’s body can go astray, which leads to increased sweating.

Another category of situations when hands sweat as a result of exposure to pathological factors:

  • the thyroid gland does not fully perform its functions;
  • one of your relatives suffers from hyperhidrosis;
  • some diseases: rickets, pneumonia, kidney pathologies, acute infection;
  • overweight;
  • impaired metabolism.

If your child not only has sweaty palms, but also changes in behavior and condition, you need to consult a pediatrician.

High temperature, general weakness, runny nose, drowsiness - the presence of these symptoms indicates that your palms are sweating for a reason.

Sweaty hands in a child indicate illness and metabolic disorders.

It is worth paying attention to child care. A large number of warm clothes that he is wearing lead to overheating of the body. Not only the left or right hand sweats, but the whole body. If synthetic fabrics are used in clothing, the greenhouse effect also occurs.

It is important to monitor the room temperature (it should not exceed 22 °C) and humidity (not less than 50% and not more than 70%).

Why do your palms sweat: diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system that occurs due to high blood sugar levels.

Sweating of the palms with the disease in question appears:

  • during strenuous physical activity;
  • during night sleep;
  • with a strong feeling of hunger.

This phenomenon is associated with a sharp drop in the amount of sugar in the blood. In this case, only the palms and head sweat, and the skin on the legs becomes excessively dry.

This occurs because the sympathetic nerves, which are responsible for the body's thermoregulation, are unevenly disrupted. The pulsation reaches the upper part of the body well, but practically none to the lower part.

It is important to know! Glucose contained in sugar is a source of energy for the body's cells.
For complete absorption of glucose, some cells need a special hormone - insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. Lack of insulin prevents glucose from entering cells, which can lead to death.

Primary hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is the term used to describe excessive sweating. Primary pathology is usually fixed locally; it occurs only on a certain fragment of the body. Primary hyperhidrosis is said to exist if its underlying cause is unknown. What is clear is that the issue is the abnormal activity of the nerves that transmit impulses to the sebaceous glands.

Interestingly, modern research has confirmed the following hypothesis - people with this problem sweat a certain type of sweat secreted by the endocrine sebaceous glands.

Girl with sweaty palms

Primary hyperhidrosis is diagnosed if you can agree with at least two of the following:

  1. Sweat forms symmetrically on both palms;
  2. Excessive sweating interferes with your normal activities. You feel discomfort every day;
  3. You feel the problem getting worse at least once a week;
  4. The first time you encountered such an illness was earlier than twenty-five years old;
  5. Someone in your immediate family also suffers from hyperhidrosis;
  6. Sweating stops when you sleep.

If you still see that you answer yes to such questions, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Experts, by the way, note that almost 90% of people who come to them with such symptoms are diagnosed with “primary hyperhidrosis.”

Infectious diseases that cause sweaty palms

In the presence of infectious diseases, sweat is necessary to lower body temperature; this is a natural reaction of the body. In this case, increased sweating is observed not only in the palms, but throughout the body, especially if the patient has a fever.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

Increased hand sweating occurs with the following infectious diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • lung diseases, including tuberculosis;
  • molaria, bacterial fever, purulent infections and others.

After eliminating the disease, increased sweating of the palms goes away along with other symptoms.

Surgery against hyperhidrosis

Surgery can be conditionally called an effective way to solve the problem, but it is used only when conservative tactics have not brought results. The doctor may scrape, cut, or use suction to remove the sweat glands themselves.

Doctors may also resort to endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy. Sympathetic nerves are identified by doctors and then cut out, pinched or burned. But you need to understand that this process is irreversible and it is fraught with complications.

For example, after surgery, a patient’s mechanism of compensatory sweating will begin to work (if there is a decrease in one place, there is an increase in another). So, by removing the sweat glands from the palms, there is a chance that hyperhidrosis will affect the buttocks or armpits.

Injections for hyperhidrosis

Genetic disorders that cause sweaty palms

The reasons for increased sweating of the palms lie in some hereditary diseases. Such diseases include:

1. Brunauer syndrome - the disease manifests itself in the form of increased sweating of the palms and feet. In these places, the skin becomes keratinized and becomes thick and rough.

The main symptom of the disease is the “Gothic palate”, which becomes high and narrow. Speech problems appear.

2. Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome or Dyskeratosis is a congenital disease that can be confused with normal sweating. It appears in the form of spotty rashes that alternate with each other.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

The skin on the hands and feet thickens, the hair and nail plates become thin, erosions appear in the mouth, and the composition of the blood changes.

3. Jadasson-Lewandowski syndrome or congenital pachyonychia - with this disease, sweating of the hands appears against the background of thickening of the nail plate, roughening of the skin on the feet, knees, elbows and palms. There may be irritation on the thighs and erosion on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity.

4. Hamstorp-Wohlfahrt syndrome - sweating of the palms due to poor muscle development in the body, which is why the disease is often accompanied by nervous tics.

5. Beech syndrome - constant excessive sweating of the palms, which is accompanied by poorly developed teeth, early graying and keratinization of the skin on the legs and arms.

6. Weir-Mitchell disease or erythromelalgia - the disease manifests itself in the form of a sharp dilation of arterioles, which is accompanied by redness, swelling, pain and increased sweating. Mainly present on the legs, less often on the arms.

In the presence of the listed diseases, increased sweating of the hands causes less discomfort compared to other symptoms.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

Genetic diseases have practically no cure and require certain rehabilitation and lifestyle.

Interesting fact! Women are more likely to suffer from increased sweating of the palms because they are more emotional and susceptible to hormonal imbalances. But in men, sweating is more pronounced due to the presence of more sweat glands.


Excessive sweating is a taboo topic. An explanation would be useful here. While the public often equates increased levels of underarm sweating and sweaty feet with poor hygiene, excessive sweating of the hands is a sign of a lack of self-confidence. Both correspond to half-truths—even people who sweat normally can smell bad if they don't wash their feet and armpits and change their socks and T-shirts regularly.

But those who suffer from excessive sweating in their hands, armpits or feet cannot do anything about it - their feet also smell unpleasant even after a shower, and they change their socks as often as other peers. In other words, if you have chronic sweating, your hands will be wet not only under the influence of stress, but also in a completely relaxed state.

Autonomic system disorders and sweaty palms

The autonomic system is an independent part of the human nervous system, which is responsible for the smooth functioning of all internal organs and various processes in the body and ensures its adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Disorders of the autonomic system begin against the background of stressful situations, hormonal imbalances and mental disorders.

This violation negatively affects the heart rate and the functioning of the body as a whole. Increased sweating of the palms is a natural phenomenon with such failures. Stress aggravates the problem and causes additional stress, which only increases sweating.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

Increased sweating of the palms due to a violation of the autonomic system appears in the presence of:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • allergies;
  • negative environmental impacts;
  • stress.

Note! It is necessary to undergo an examination to find out why disorders of the autonomic nervous system occurred.
After eliminating the causes, increased sweating of the palms will disappear along with other signs of the disease.

Hereditary predisposition

Interestingly, the causes of hyperhidrosis in men due to heredity are diagnosed much more often than in women. However, this problem remains relevant for the female population as well. In some cases, a woman is a carrier of a tendency to excessive sweating, which can be passed on to the next generation.

sweaty feet

Hereditary predisposition cannot be treated, so to eliminate sweaty symptoms it is necessary to use various antiperspirants, herbal remedies, medications and cosmetic procedures. To choose the optimal remedy for sweaty hands and soles, you need to consult a doctor who will assess the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the pathology.

Adrenal gland disorders: cause of sweaty hands

The adrenal glands are paired glands located in the abdominal cavity that produce hormones necessary for normal functioning. These include important hormones that help a person cope with stressful situations.

Hormones such as:

  • adrenaline – helps to cope with severe, short-term stress;
  • cortisol – helps the body adapt to long-term stress.

The adrenal glands also respond to:

  • for blood pressure;
  • for the production of male and female hormones.

Failures in their production by the adrenal glands inevitably cause increased sweating in the palms and dry mouth. A person cannot cope with stress, an imbalance occurs throughout the body.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

Additionally, the following symptoms are observed:

  • weight loss;
  • hypotension;
  • housing and communal services disorders;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • depression or irritability;
  • pigmentation on the palms, near the areola of the nipples on the oral mucosa.

Stressful situations, nervous tension

Almost all people have sweaty palms and feet during times of excitement and anxiety. However, in individuals prone to hyperhidrosis, any emotional change can cause sweating of the feet and palms. Most often, people, knowing about their problem, trigger a circular mechanism: they have a fear that their limbs will become covered in perspiration, and because of their worries, this happens.

If your palms and feet are sweating, you can attend a course of psychological sessions that will help you quickly cope with all your worries and worries. Usually, to eliminate the problem, several sessions are required, and the exact duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by a psychologist.

stress and sweating

Sweaty palms: the cause is constant stress and psychological discomfort

Increased sweating of the hands is a common occurrence during times of nervous tension or stress. The reasons for increased sweating lie in the hormones that the body secretes.

Strong emotional experiences excite the nervous system, and cortisol is produced, which increases blood pressure. This is why your palms begin to sweat during times of stress.

Increased sweating of the hands can occur not only during times of severe stress. If a person is in an unusual environment or situation, he may experience psychological discomfort, which also affects the nervous system and activates the sweat glands.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

Sweating causes even greater distress, which aggravates the situation. It is most difficult for those whose work requires close contact with other people.

To reduce the manifestation of sweating in this case, you should visit a psychologist. He will suggest techniques that will help overcome worries. also often prescribe various soothing tinctures and herbs (Valerian, Motherwort).

Functional problems

At the same time, excessive sweating of the hands leads to functional problems: victims, for example, have problems lifting a glass or a barbell in a sports center. It also harms them in their work. What is usually just a "breach of etiquette" can be dangerous wherever a dry hand is needed. A roofer who can't get a grip on a roof rafter, a carpenter who has trouble holding a hammer, or even a forest worker whose ax slips—on these jobs, a wet hand can cause injury or even death. Wet hands also interfere with office work, although not life-threatening, but work productivity suffers and affected individuals are often frustrated.

Hot and spicy foods as a cause of sweaty hands

The appearance of sweat after eating hot and spicy foods is common. Such food heats the walls of the stomach, which transmits high temperature throughout the body.

The temperature of the whole body rises, and sweat helps reduce it. This phenomenon is considered normal and is necessary for humans as a natural thermostat.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

In addition,
sweat helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. Increased sweat production may indicate the body's protective functions.
In this case, sweating will be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of poisoning. Sweating also occurs when consuming some other products, the classification of which is given in the table:

Foods that cause your hands to sweat
Product classificationFood consumedWhy does it cause sweating?
AcuteDishes high in pepperIrritate receptors and mucous membranes
SpicesMustard, ginger, cinnamon, spicesIrritate receptors and mucous membranes
HotFood and drinks significantly above body temperatureRaises body temperature
AlcoholAll drinks containing alcoholIncreases blood pressure, dilates blood vessels
CaffeinatedChocolate, coffee, energy drinksActivate the functioning of the entire body, including the sweat glands

Increased body temperature

When an infection enters the body, it reacts by increasing body temperature. At the same time, the body begins to try to get rid of toxic substances through sweat, increasing its volume. In this case, in addition to the feet and palms, almost the entire body sweats actively and a lot. Some patients have an additional symptom: a feeling that sweating areas of the body are burning. This sensation is due to the fact that the body senses significant temperature changes.

To get rid of sweating caused by an increase in temperature, you simply need to cure the infection that has entered the body. To make a diagnosis, you should contact a therapist who will help you choose the optimal and effective treatment, as well as its duration.

If your palms sweat, which doctor should you contact?

Why palms sweat - the reasons may lie in both external and internal irritants. If increased hand sweating is not associated with a stressful situation or spicy food, then you should contact your local physician.

Causes of sweating palms in adults. Possible diseases, health problems

He will be able to identify the cause of sweating and prescribe treatment. If necessary, he will refer you to the right specialist: neurologist, psychotherapist, endocrinologist.

Wet palms put a person in an awkward situation, especially if it happens quite often. It is necessary to find out why your hands sweat, find out the reasons, which will help you get competent therapy.

Why do your palms sweat? Causes:

How to get rid of hyperhidrosis of the palms:


Regardless of why your palms begin to sweat very often, you can get rid of this manifestation using conservative methods.

The drug "Formidron"

The following medicinal substances can combat profuse sweating on the palms:

  • "Hidronex" - indicated for both external and internal use;
  • “Formidron” - the solution is applied to clean skin of the palms and kept for half an hour;
  • "Formagel";
  • "Zinc ointment";
  • “Teymur paste” has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

You can get rid of excessively sweaty palms using baths that add:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • birch leaves;
  • sea ​​salt.

In addition, it is not prohibited to use traditional medicine, which involves the use of:

  • apple cider vinegar;
  • a decoction based on chamomile, mint, aloe and burdock juice, viburnum and walnut leaves;
  • animal fat;
  • castor oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • infusion of oak bark and St. John's wort, sage and nettle;
  • mixtures of alcohol and glycerin;
  • black tea;
  • a solution of salt or rosin.

In addition, among the effective methods of treating sweaty palms it is worth highlighting:

  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • use of medical antiperspirants and powders;
  • ionization is a treatment using a weak current;
  • Botox injections.

Surgical intervention is resorted to when ineffective treatment methods are ineffective, as well as when there is excessive sweating. The essence of the operation is that through an incision on the arm, those nerve fibers through which the nervous system transmits impulses to the sweat glands are destroyed or compressed.

It must be borne in mind that the treatment methods described above help fight only the main symptom, and not the cause that caused it.

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