Incorrect position of the placenta during pregnancy - symptoms, features of pregnancy and childbirth
After successful fertilization and fixation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, a temporary organ begins to form -
What is a Nervous Breakdown
“What’s happening to me?”: 16 signs of a nervous breakdown that require help
Photo: A nervous breakdown is an acute condition caused by external stimuli and has symptoms
Why does a calf muscle cramp occur and in what cases does a doctor need help?
Episodic muscle spasms are considered a normal physiological phenomenon, which can be caused by a lack of vitamins, a disorder
Serotonin drugs - Fevarin, Paroxetine, Sertraline, Mirtazapine
How to increase serotonin levels with drugs and folk remedies?
A good mood, the predominance of positive emotions - all these states are largely determined by serotonin, its
Unprotected sexual intercourse
I’m embarrassed to ask: “How can I avoid getting pregnant without using protection?” Important questions about contraception
From time to time people think about what to do if there was an unprotected act. This
Pain under the ribs on both sides in front and discomfort
Pain and burning under the ribs on both sides are common symptoms that indicate
Vegetables for T2DM
Diet for type 2 diabetics nutrition rules and healthy diet
Diabetes mellitus does not have clearly defined degrees that can be expressed by numerical indices. Usually isolated
Lymphocytes in the blood: normal, increased, decreased, causes of deviations
How are lymphocytes formed? The main organs that form lymphocytes are the thymus (before puberty) and the bone marrow.
the girl thought about it
Menstrual cycle: what is it, duration, norm, failures, disorders
Young girls who will become mothers in the future should know what menstruation is and for
A child has a rapid heartbeat: reasons, what to do
Heart rate (HR) is an important indicator that allows doctors to determine the health status of the unborn child.