I’m embarrassed to ask: “How can I avoid getting pregnant without using protection?” Important questions about contraception

From time to time people think about what to do if there was an unprotected act. This question is extremely important, especially for girls. Unwanted pregnancy does occur in the situation described. If fertilization of the egg occurs, you will have to either give birth or have an abortion. Termination of pregnancy is a serious blow to the body in all directions. Abortion can be avoided if you know how to behave during spontaneous and unprotected sex. How high are the chances of getting pregnant? What methods of emergency contraception should I use? All this and more will be discussed below. The information is equally useful for both men and women.

Could there be pregnancy?

What to do if there was an unprotected act? First of all, don't panic. The girl needs to calm down and analyze the situation. Just don’t hesitate either.

Secondly, remember when you had sex without protection. The thing is that pregnancy almost always has a chance of occurring during interrupted or unprotected intercourse. But on certain days the probability is negligible.

As a general rule, sex a few days after ovulation, during your period, and a week after your period is considered safe. The likelihood of getting pregnant during these periods is least.

What is the probability of becoming parents?

The likelihood of getting pregnant with a condom is determined by the so-called Pearl index. To put it simply, this is the rate of failures that lead to unwanted pregnancy.

Statistics have been kept since 2007, according to which the risk of becoming parents, even if you follow all the instructions and use the product correctly, still remains and amounts to 2%.

If we look at survey data among the population, the prognosis is even more disappointing: the likelihood of getting pregnant with a condom increases to 15%.

Moreover, product No. 2 was ranked only fifth in terms of effectiveness after sterilization of one or both partners, intrauterine device or oral contraceptives.

Couples who conceive through a condom make the same mistakes, here they are:

  1. store protective equipment in pockets, purses and glove compartments of cars, which should not be done under any circumstances, as exposure to a warm and humid external environment can damage the product;
  2. tear the packaging with teeth or use other piercing and cutting objects, which increases the risk of compromising the integrity of the product;
  3. use condoms that have expired, which affects its ability to protect against unwanted conception;
  4. put on the product immediately before ejaculation, and not at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, as is supposed to be done. And although there is still controversy over whether sperm are contained in the fluid secreted by the penis for lubrication, the couple is taking a great risk if they hope that they are not there after all;
  5. use two condoms at once. Those who are particularly worried do not even suspect that in this way they only increase their chances of becoming parents;
  6. use contraception repeatedly. You should first carefully read the instructions, which say that the product is intended for one-time use only;
  7. they “forget” about the existence of the rubber product and do not remove it, but continue to make love, increasing the risk of sperm getting outside the condom;
  8. use lubricants and lubricants that are not intended for use with this method of contraception. It must be said that some components included in lubricants can negatively affect the quality of contraception, destroying the structure of latex.

When to be careful

What to do after an unprotected act? You can guess how high the probability of getting pregnant is, because emergency contraception can have a negative impact on your health. And therefore, for prevention purposes, it is not recommended to use them.

“Dangerous” days for unprotected sexual intercourse are ovulation, a few days after and 7 days before it. This is due to the fact that sperm can live in the female body for about a week. This means that they are quite capable of fertilizing an egg during ovulation.

What does unprotected sex lead to?

Has an unprotected act occurred? What to do? To begin with, everyone must understand what this entails.

The point is that under such circumstances a girl can become pregnant. We have already talked about this. Moreover, we considered possible “dangerous” and “safe” days for unprotected sexual intercourse.

A more unpleasant situation is infection with sexually transmitted infections. These include:

  • syphilis;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • papillomavirus;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • AIDS;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • thrush;
  • molluscum contagiosum.

In real life, you can get more than 20 STDs. At the same time, in men, diseases often occur latently, without revealing themselves in any way. But women quickly understand how unprotected sex turns out.

Protection against pregnancy without contraception

This category of “non-contraceptive” protection has a wide range of admirers, since it does not require any material costs, is always “at hand” and has relatively reliable protection indicators. Let's look at the main ways that will answer the question “how not to get pregnant without protection.”

  1. Calculation of safe and dangerous days. This method should be “programmed” to be performed in every woman’s head by default. After all, keeping track of the menstrual cycle will not only help identify dangerous days for conception, but will also become a reliable indicator of a woman’s overall health. Of course, it should not be considered the main one and completely rely on the calculated results, since the female body reacts sensitively to any changes that can shift the timing of ovulation, and with it the safe days for sexual intercourse: illness, stress, depression, fatigue, etc. d. If your menstrual cycle has had a clear periodicity over the past year, then you are in luck, since this method is completely suitable for calculating dangerous days. But if the cycle is clearly acyclic, then you shouldn’t risk using it. Track the onset of ovulation using other equally reliable methods:
      measurement of basal temperature;
  2. ovulation test;
  3. control of secretions;
  4. increased libido;
  5. pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. Interrupted sexual intercourse. This method is a favorite of almost all sexual partners. There is nothing easier than removing the penis from the vagina in time. Yes, the method is simple, free and, at first glance, safe, but using it you play the game “lucky or unlucky”:
      a man may not react in time and interrupt contact late, as a result of which some of the sperm will end up in the vagina;
  7. if you plan to have several sexual intercourses, then there is a high probability that some sperm may remain in the man’s urogenital canal and in the folds of his penis after previous intercourse. Therefore, these sperm can easily enter the vagina upon next contact. Carrying out basic hygiene procedures after each sexual intercourse (washing the penis, going to the toilet “little by little”) will significantly reduce the risk of sperm remaining in all the “secret corners” of the penis.
  8. Douching. It turns out that an acidic environment has a detrimental effect on sperm. For douching, you can use lemon juice, vinegar essence, and even your own urine, but only in strict proportions. It is advisable to use this method only in extreme cases, since along with the effective effect you can get serious troubles: vaginal dysbiosis, burn of the genital mucosa.
  9. Overheating of the scrotum. To “disarm” male sperm, it is quite enough to increase the ambient temperature. This can be done by taking a hot shower or bath, visiting a sauna, wearing tight underwear, etc. Even a common cold with an elevated body temperature can “disable” the viability of sperm for several months in advance.
  10. Position during sexual intercourse. According to sexual affairs experts, the position in which a couple has sex also has an impact on conception. Namely, the position in which a woman occupies a vertical position contributes to the active release of sperm from the vagina and its minimal entry into the uterus.

Anal sex

What to do if there was an unprotected act? The algorithm of actions depends on what kind of sex took place.

For example, it is impossible to get pregnant during anal intercourse. Especially if you immediately take a shower and rinse the anus thoroughly. Therefore, partners are advised to simply wash themselves thoroughly and get checked by a venereologist for STDs. You don't need to do anything else.

What is the probability of getting pregnant without a condom?

Many women who are sexually active are interested in what is the likelihood of becoming pregnant in a given situation. Most often, this question is of interest to those who are not yet planning children, but those dreaming of a child can also look for similar information.

Probability is just a statistical parameter. Whether conception occurs depends on many factors. Some women will be able to get pregnant even with minimal probability. Others will not be able to conceive under the best circumstances. What is the probability of getting pregnant is information that must be taken into account, but you should not hope for chance.

Oral sex

The next scenario is oral sex. As a rule, it always happens to be unprotected, but there are exceptions.

Oral sex is considered more dangerous for men. For example, if a lady has dental problems. The same applies to a woman if her partner caresses her orally.

Immediately after such an event, a man needs to get tested by a venereologist and carefully observe his genitals. If you have any complaints, you will have to immediately consult a doctor. During unprotected oral sex, an infection can be introduced into the genitals. As in the previous case, oral sex does not lead to pregnancy under any circumstances.

Protection against pregnancy with contraceptives

  1. Condoms. This protection method is the most popular and widely used. If you don’t want to stuff yourself with hormonal pills, put unnecessary parts in the form of coils inside your body, and PPA is generally taboo for you, and at the same time you are wondering “how not to get pregnant,” then condoms are what will definitely suit you. In addition to pregnancy, a condom acts as a reliable barrier that protects against sexually transmitted diseases, allows both partners to relax and does not require special knowledge and skills to use. Perhaps, this attribute should be included in the complete “combat kit” of every woman and man, especially since it does not take up much space.
  2. Hormonal contraceptive pills. This is a fairly reliable method that many women use. Regular and correct use of birth control pills suppresses the occurrence of ovulation, changes the structure and nature of mucus, creating unfavorable conditions for the movement of sperm to the egg. It is recommended that tablets be used by regular and reliable partners, because they do not protect against diseases of the reproductive system.
  3. Intrauterine contraception. Intrauterine devices and their modifications have taken a strong place among reliable means of contraception. How well it turns out - I installed the spiral and forgot about it for 5 years. All this time, she increases the contraction of the fallopian tubes so that the egg moves through them faster, without having time to be fertilized by the sperm. In addition, the viability time of sperm is significantly reduced, egg implantation does not occur, and a structural change in the endometrial layer does not occur. But, despite the almost ideality of the method, there are several disadvantages that become an obstacle to using the spiral:
      no protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  4. a slightly open entrance to the cervix is ​​a direct path to infections entering the “system”;
  5. high probability of intrauterine pregnancy;
  6. a foreign body inside the body that can cause inflammatory processes.
  7. Emergency contraception. This method should not become permanent and regular. Its use is intended for emergency cases, when intimacy ends in “climax” directly inside and there is a high probability of conception. You have only 72 hours to respond, during which you must take special medications with a high percentage of hormones, insert an intrauterine device, or use progestin medications as quickly as possible. The sooner you do this, the higher the chances of preventing an unwanted pregnancy.
  8. Hormonal injections. The principle of operation of this method of protection is very similar to taking hormonal birth control pills. The difference is the method of administration, in which you do not need to take one tablet every day, but rather visit a gynecologist once every two to three months to get an injection. This method is recommended for use only by women who have already given birth or are older. The disadvantage of hormonal injections is the irreversibility of the process. If the drug does not work, you will have to wait until its effect ends.
  9. "Female condoms." The effectiveness of diaphragms and caps has already been proven, but not everyone is in a hurry to use them in practice. To use “female condoms” correctly, you need to have skill and dexterity, because putting them on is completely inconvenient. But if you decide to try this method, first consult a gynecologist about the size and method of “dressing”.
  10. “Killer” lubricants and creams. If you are not suitable or simply do not like all the methods of contraception described above, then you will like this simple and reliable method. All contraceptive lubricants and creams contain spermicides, which have a “killing” effect on sperm. They paralyze the mobility and viability of all sperm entering inside. To activate the contraceptive effect, it is enough to lubricate the vaginal walls with cream and lubricant before sexual intercourse.
  11. Contraceptive suppositories. The effectiveness of suppositories is on par with contraceptive creams, but like everything else in this world, it is not 100% guaranteed. Containing benzalkonium chloride or nonaxinalone, suppositories actively affect the sperm, destroying its membrane and reducing its activity. In addition, suppositories kill all viral and bacterial pathogens and prevent sexually transmitted diseases. But along with the beneficial effects, they negatively affect the entire microflora of the vagina, causing dysbacteriosis, allergies and discomfort in this area.
  12. Contraceptive patch. This is the “cry” of contraceptive fashion with a 99.4% reliability guarantee in the field of “how not to get pregnant using contraceptives.” The aster is glued once a week to the buttock, abdomen, shoulder or back and is replaced at the end of the permissible wearing time. The hormonal effect of the patch is aimed directly at the ovary, which stops the production of eggs suitable for fertilization, changes the structure of cervical mucus, and also has a positive effect on a woman’s menstrual cycle, smoothing it out and eliminating all unpleasant symptoms: heavy bleeding, pain, PMS, skin rashes, etc. .P.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to avoid getting pregnant, but which one to use depends only on you. Remember that no remedy will protect against pregnancy 100%, so be vigilant and attentive.

Showering as a way to protect yourself

An unprotected act occurred? What to do? There are different ways to avoid pregnancy in this case.

You should start by taking a shower. Immediately after sex, a girl needs to wash herself thoroughly. It is advisable to use gels and soaps for intimate hygiene. Showering will help flush out most of the semen from your vagina. And this will significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy.

Important: after unprotected sex, it is recommended to treat the genitals with any antiseptic.

Determination of dangerous days

This method can be called the most reliable. Monitor your menstrual cycle and identify dangerous days. The greatest chance of getting pregnant occurs during the period of ovulation, which, as we know, lasts only a couple of days.

In a healthy woman, ovulation occurs every month and represents the complete readiness of the egg for fertilization. And these 1-2 days fall approximately in the middle of the cycle.

If you want to avoid pregnancy using this method, then it is best to do an ovulation test to determine the dangerous period. Such tests are sold at any pharmacy, and they are easy to carry out.

Calendar calculation method

To calculate “safe” days, you need to know the duration of your menstrual cycle:

  • Calculate your shortest and longest menstrual cycle over the past six months.
  • Subtract 18 from the short cycle and get the beginning of the most dangerous period. For example, 28 – 18 = 10, which means that the highest probability of conception begins on the 10th day of your cycle.
  • Subtract 11 from the longest menstrual period. For example, 32 – 11 = 21.

The 21st day is the last day when you need to be careful while having sex.

From the example it follows that the maximum probability of conception occurs in the period from the 10th to the 21st day of the menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature

The approximate date of ovulation can also be calculated by changes in basal temperature, which is measured in the vagina, rectum or mouth. To do this, from the first day of the menstrual cycle, you need to measure your basal temperature immediately after sleep.

Enter the data you receive daily into a pre-created calendar. The first half of the cycle is accompanied by a temperature in the range of 36.6-36.9 degrees, and the second, after ovulation, from 37 degrees. You can find out in advance about the onset of ovulation by observing the schedule.

A slight decrease in temperature on days 12-16 of the cycle indicates the release of the egg from the follicle in the coming hours. Therefore, women who do not want to become pregnant yet should use barrier contraception or not have sexual intercourse at all.


Some women determine ovulation by their own sensations, such as: pain in the lower abdomen or in one of the ovaries, a sharp increase in libido, strong whitish discharge from the vagina, which disappears after 2-3 days.

All of these methods for calculating ovulation are not suitable for women whose menstrual cycle is unstable. This is caused by many factors, which are almost impossible to determine: stress, nervous breakdowns, medication, various diseases, etc.

Obesity or sharp fluctuations in body weight in one direction or another lead to hormonal imbalances. And if the menstrual cycle is irregular, then ovulation cannot be detected. It may not occur for a couple of cycles or, on the contrary, occur twice in a month.

Douching as contraception

Some girls prefer to douche after unprotected sex. This is the process of washing sperm out of the vagina. The method is somewhat reminiscent of a regular shower with thorough washing.

Douching is often carried out using ordinary boiled water or a spermicide solution. You cannot rely on this technique alone. The thing is that sperm reach the fallopian tubes and penetrate them in about 1.5 minutes. It will not be possible to do douching so quickly even if you want to. And wash sperm from the fallopian tubes too.

Intrauterine devices

An unprotected act occurred? What to do to avoid pregnancy? A woman can use intrauterine devices. They help prevent pregnancy.

Ideally, it is better to use the technique in advance. More precisely, install an intrauterine device (spiral) in advance, as a means of contraception.

Important: girls sometimes complain that due to such devices in their bodies they have ectopic pregnancies.

Within 5 days after unprotected sex, the most effective intrauterine devices are “devices” containing copper. They are installed only by doctors.

What to remember

  • There are no 100% reliable methods of contraception, short of complete abstinence.
  • If you use contraception strictly according to the instructions, its effectiveness increases.
  • The most reliable methods today are surgical methods (they are irreversible and have many limitations) and intrauterine devices.
  • In second place in terms of reliability are hormonal contraceptives.
  • In third place are barrier methods. Moreover, condoms work better than spermicides. The effectiveness of condoms is reduced due to improper use.
  • Natural methods of contraception work the worst: calendar, temperature measurement, or interrupted coitus. You can also get pregnant while breastfeeding.
  • The most effective methods of contraception have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Hormonal agents

Did the couple have unprotected intercourse? What to do to avoid getting pregnant?

Today, girls have long been familiar with this method of emergency contraception, such as taking hormonal drugs. There are a lot of them. They all have their own characteristics.

The bulk of “emergency” contraceptives are taken in the first 72 hours after unprotected sex. Some must be consumed within 48 hours.

The most common emergency contraceptive drug in Russia is Postinor. You can use the tablets no more than once a month. Within 2 days after sex, a girl needs to take 1 tablet of Postinor, and 12 hours later - another one.

I’m embarrassed to ask: “How can I avoid getting pregnant without using protection?” Important questions about contraception

In the “I’m embarrassed to ask” section, we collect questions that Belarusians are usually embarrassed to ask friends and professionals, but often Google. Today we’re asking a specialist about contraception: how to protect yourself correctly and what to do if everything doesn’t go according to plan?

Dmitry Trofimchik obstetrician-gynecologist

► What methods of contraception are there and how do they work?

– They often talk about dividing contraceptive methods into abortive and non-abortive . I’ll say right away: this division is not medical. From the point of view of genetics and biology, as well as in most religions, the origin of life is considered to be the moment when the sperm has already penetrated the egg and the fusion of male and female reproductive cells has occurred. And in clinical gynecology, the fact of establishing pregnancy is either an increase in the specific pregnancy hormone - hCG (but subject to a delay in menstruation), or the detection of a fertilized egg on an ultrasound. Before a missed period, the question of whether a woman is pregnant or not is not even discussed by doctors. So, abortive methods are those methods that prevent the already fertilized egg from moving into the uterus and then attaching to the mucous surface of the uterus. Emergency contraception is the same abortive method, when the fertilized egg does not develop and is thrown away. Non-abortive methods are hormonal drugs that prevent, in principle, the appearance and development of the egg itself, as well as barrier means (condom, vaginal caps, suppositories, etc.). This also includes interrupted sexual intercourse and the calendar method.

As a physician, I can name hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception; there are also concepts of barrier and barrier-free . Non-hormonal methods: calendar method, condom, interrupted intercourse, vaginal creams and suppositories - they do not affect the ovaries, but the sperm (they destroy sperm).

► Are there hormonal products for men?

No, if they exist, they are not used in practical medicine. Yes, there were developments, but they were not successful and had many side effects. Men can consider 3 ways:

• condom; • interrupted sexual intercourse (if it can even be called a method); • vasectomy, when the spermatic cords are ligated. That is, sterilization.

► Are hormonal treatments reliable?

In addition to tablets, there are hormonal patches, a ring, and injections. Hormonal pills are a reliable method, but with regular use. Probably every woman at least once missed one pill and forgot. But the main thing here is to remember in time and take the necessary measures.

► Do hormonal pills reduce libido?

This side effect is common. And in this case, you can try changing pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

But tablets are more popular than other methods because, firstly, they appeared first, secondly, they are more convenient to use, and thirdly, such tablets usually have many other (medicinal) effects. They can solve the problem of bad skin, excessive hair growth or skin rashes. It happens that they are prescribed not for contraception, but for the treatment of gynecological problems, for example, bleeding. Athletes can regulate their cycle, shift or exclude menstruation - if competitions are scheduled on such days. Some women take advantage of this opportunity while on vacation.

Of course, you need to choose pills with your doctor (yes, they also require prescriptions). There are contraindications: varicose veins, migraine (as a diagnosis), thrombosis, smoking, liver disease, oncology (even through close relatives - mothers, sisters, aunts).

► Are vaginal rings and intrauterine devices suitable for everyone?

Hard to tell. The only option is to use it for 2-3 months and observe whether the method is suitable or not, and monitor the discomfort. It happens that a vaginal ring is unpleasant to a woman’s partner.

This principle of selecting a contraceptive applies to other means. For example, the hormonal patch is changed once a week. If you visit the pool several times a week, then this method is not suitable.

Vaginal suppositories can be used for irregular, rare contacts: the vaginal flora suffers from their composition, plus sometimes foaming occurs during sex. And this can confuse your partner.

► What method of emergency contraception do you recommend?

Special hormonal pills for emergency contraception.

You can also consider another option - inserting an intrauterine device within 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. This is suitable if a woman, for example, has contraindications to taking hormonal contraception.

► In what cases do “those 3%” occur when the condom does not break, but the woman becomes pregnant?

Logically: when some of the sperm got into the vagina - and both did not notice it. Yes, the condom is popular, but it is less reliable than the pill or IUD.

► Is it possible to catch sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with a condom?

When used correctly, it is considered not.

► What to do if a guy just doesn’t want to use protection?

If a guy doesn't want to use protection, he may have a number of reasons. Perhaps he wants his partner to become pregnant, and if pregnancy is not an issue, it means he does not want to use a condom or resort to coitus interruptus.

What's a girl to do? Be prepared for any surprises. Naturally, you need to take care of this yourself: use vaginal creams or tablets before sexual intercourse. There are also emergency methods of contraception.

► And if a girl only wants a condom, but the guy “doesn’t shine” in it, what should she do? What if wearing a condom is uncomfortable and the desire goes away?

A girl who insists on using a condom is afraid of unwanted pregnancy or infections. What is he more afraid of? If you are pregnant, you can use vaginal cream (but this is for rare contacts) or choose long-term and reliable contraception, for example hormonal. If she thinks about infections, then you need to prove to her that you are “clean”. Well, if everything needs to be decided this very second, well, then perhaps there won’t be sex.

► What tests should I take to be sure that I am a safe partner?

For women and men: for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas. Blood tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C. For women, standard smears for flora (exclude thrush or gonococci).

For women: there is an extended blood test for the TORCH complex (usually included in the examination during pregnancy) - this checks for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes. It is also necessary to be tested for HPV - human papillomavirus. These tests are expensive.

It is wrong if one partner is checked - you need to make sure that everything is fine with both. And if any problem is detected in at least one of the partners, both should be treated at the same time.

► Is it possible not to use protection during menstruation?

In short, it is possible. Getting pregnant while on your period is a rare occurrence. I recently read that researchers wrote that some sperm can be preserved in the vagina after sexual intercourse and wait for a favorable moment to then penetrate the uterus, fallopian tubes and overtake the egg at the time of ovulation. But this is unlikely to be true. Spermatozoa live on average 1–5 days, and eggs live for 1 day. There is also an assumption that sometimes eggs can mature in two ovaries, but not at the same time, but with a difference of, for example, 2 weeks. And then, theoretically, it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation if unprotected sex occurs. But this is an unproven fact.

► Does the calendar method work - and how?

It works, but subject to a regular cycle. The normal menstrual cycle is from 21 to 34 days. The main thing is its regularity. 2-3 days is not a delay. So, with a 28-day cycle, classic ovulation occurs on the 12th–14th day. You can get pregnant at this time. And the closer to ovulation, the higher the chance of getting pregnant. Closer to menstruation the chance is less.

There are various mobile applications, for example Flo (by the way, it was developed by Belarusians). It notes many parameters of the menstrual cycle. The application itself remembers all this data, then artificial intelligence analyzes it, and the application gives you, for example, the following conclusion: “You are on the 8th day of your cycle - the likelihood of getting pregnant is extremely low.” Now at my appointment all young girls under 35 years old answer the question “when was your last period?” They immediately take out their smartphone and look at all the information there.

► Folk remedies – lemon, vinegar – don’t help with conception?

More harmful: an extremely acidic environment has a very negative effect on the beneficial flora of the vagina. No doctor recommends using folk remedies. Then you can undergo treatment for months.

If sperm are in the vagina for several minutes after sexual intercourse, then a significant number of them have already been able to penetrate the cervix and further, it is too late to try to remove them from there. And after 40 seconds, run to the bathroom - why such sex?

Physical exercises - squats and jumping - do not affect anything.

► How did you protect yourself before?

Coitus interruptus was the most popular and only method. By the way, according to statistics, it is the most ineffective. They knew nothing about the menstrual cycle, but hormones were synthesized in the 60s and 70s. Judging by how the population has grown over the past hundreds of years, people did not protect themselves at all.

►Who should take precautions better – a woman or a man?

Depending on the health status of the partners. But it is logical that a woman still gets pregnant, and therefore, based on the fact that her body is exposed to possible risks, she has to take care of protection in the first place.

► Does orgasm (women) affect conception?

It is believed that orgasm is favorable for conception, but this is unproven. It hardly matters, but in any case an orgasm is preferable.

► Are twins always born after stopping taking hormonal pills?

Twins are born only if there is heredity, often through the female line (we are not talking about IVF). Hormonal drugs have no effect on this.

► Why do “infertile couples” sometimes have children in a new relationship without any problems?

In 10% of infertility the cause is unknown. And the diagnosis of “infertility” is made specifically to the couple, and not to the woman or man. In such cases, it is customary to talk about the incompatibility of partners in matters of conception.

There is also a type of infertility called immunological, when in a woman’s cervix there are various components that immobilize the sperm of a particular (this one!) sexual partner, but if you want to get pregnant, this problem is easily solved by IVF methods. And if a couple breaks up, a new partner appears and there is no incompatibility or immunological factor of infertility, then pregnancy does not take long to arrive.

► How do I understand that I am infertile and do not need protection?

I have already talked about the fact that infertility is diagnosed in a couple. A clear criterion is if there is regular sexual activity (not every day, but still) for 12 months in the absence of contraception, and pregnancy does not occur.

A man can take a spermogram; if his sperm are “immobilized, deformed, defective,” then an expert’s conclusion will be drawn about infertility.

For women, the test may show, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. But a miracle can always happen here, and everything can be restored.

► Is there 100% protection from pregnancy?

In medicine, the very concept of “100%” is used very rarely. In gynecology, such a figure is unacceptable. Moreover, modern advances in medicine allow even women who do not have a uterus but still have at least one ovary to have children. Patients with removed fallopian tubes can also count on a successful solution to the issue of childbearing.

With any method of contraception, there is a chance of getting pregnant, but depending on the method, the likelihood will be different. For example, the highest probability is with interrupted sexual intercourse. And the most reliable way is sterilization. But I will say that there is no one hundred percent method of contraception, and if someone uses such a figure, know: this is a populist move.

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Is sex the main thing? 12 (un)true beliefs about relationships

Too shy to ask. “I rarely orgasm, is this normal?”

Too shy to ask. Everything you need to know about intimate hygiene (and guys too!)

Regular contraceptives

What to do if there was an unprotected act? It's hard to believe, but some oral contraceptives help prevent pregnancy. Some drugs are used in real life as emergency contraceptive pills.

For example, you can drink Ovidon or Microgynon after sex without protection. The first drug is taken for 3 days in the amount of 2 tablets at a time, after 12 hours - 2 more tablets. “Microgynon” is drunk within 72 hours after the act in the amount of 4 capsules, after 12 hours - another 4 pieces.

Mini pills for pregnancy

What to do after an unprotected act? You can take birth control pills like mini-pills. This is not the best solution, but sometimes it works. Especially if the woman is breastfeeding.

Take 20 “mini-pills” containing 30 mcg of levonorgestrel in the first 48 hours and another 20 tablets after 12 hours.

Important: all of the listed oral contraceptives can lead to side effects. For example, minor vaginal bleeding, vomiting and nausea.

When to take the test

Some people wonder when to take a test after an unprotected act. This is a completely normal question, especially if the girl did not use emergency contraception.

Ideally, it is recommended to carry out the test on the first or second day of missed menstruation. Until this point, a home test will not bring the desired result.

You can donate blood for hCG if your period does not come on time. The level of this hormone is used to determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

What is the probability of getting pregnant in the days leading up to menstruation?

The days before menstruation are “safer” in terms of conception. If ovulation was a single event and fertilization did not occur, then conception is theoretically impossible until the next cycle. This rule certainly has its exceptions. A particular difficulty for many is the very definition of the days preceding menstruation. If the cycle is irregular, then this cannot be done. What is the chance of getting pregnant in the days leading up to your period? The chances are small, but not less than 3-5%. Diagnosing pregnancy in such a situation can become a problem. A woman will guess about her situation only after a month, when her next menstruation does not come. Should I use protection or not in the days before my period? Definitely yes. The risk of getting pregnant is still unreasonably high even these days.

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