Arbidol for children: instructions for use (suspension, tablets), reviews by Komarovsky, dosage, analogues, price

How is Arbidol useful for coronavirus – does it help or not?

The active substance is quickly absorbed and enters the blood through the intestinal mucous membranes. Arbidol disrupts the production of the enzyme from which the virus cell envelope is created. This prevents its reproduction after infection, reduces the number of pathogens, helping the body fight the disease.

There are several ways in which Arbidol works against coronavirus:

  • increases resistance to pathogenic pathogens, viruses;
  • triggers the process of accelerated production of interferon, awakens immune defense;
  • increases the level of T cells in the blood that attack viruses.

The drug must be used after the first symptoms appear. This reduces the risk of damage to blood vessels, internal organs and systems, and reduces the severity of the disease.

How is Arbidol useful for coronavirus and other infections:

  • accelerates the formation of an immune response;
  • triggers tissue cleansing;
  • normalizes detoxification, which reduces temperature and improves thermoregulation;
  • weakens the virus, reducing the pathogenic effect on the respiratory system, digestion, and heart muscle.

The effectiveness of Arbidol against coronavirus has been repeatedly discussed in TV programs by Elena Malysheva and Dr. Myasnikov. Despite the lack of clinical trials, doctors note accelerated recovery of patients and a decrease in severe cases while taking antiviral medication.

Drug Arbidol: reviews of doctors and specialists about the drug

There is an opinion that colds and flu can not be treated at all or can be treated with “folk remedies” - after all, in any case, the disease lasts only about 7 days. Doctors fundamentally disagree with this. Firstly, there are drugs that have been proven to speed up recovery, secondly, the disease occurs in a milder form and, thirdly, which is very important, the risk of complications is noticeably reduced. I wonder what expert reviews there are about Arbidol.

Why, according to doctors, should we not neglect drugs with a direct antiviral effect, in particular Arbidol.

Firstly, the clinical effectiveness of Arbidol has long been confirmed by both foreign and domestic studies. For example, in 2013, the World Health Organization included the drug in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification under the code JO5AX13, class - direct-acting antiviral drug. In addition, Arbidol is constantly being researched in leading laboratories in the USA, Austria, Great Britain, France, China, etc.

A review work “Arbidol asabroad-spectrumantiviral: anupdate” from a French-American group confirmed in 2015 the effectiveness of the drug against a wide range of viruses. In September 2021, the English-language database of publications on medical and biological topics PubMed contains more than one hundred and ten papers devoted to studies of the effectiveness of Arbidol in vitro. These studies overwhelmingly confirm the specific pharmacological activity of the drug.

At the end of 2021, the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) of California published a paper with conclusions about the effectiveness of the active substance umifenovir against influenza due to binding to the viral envelope protein.

Arbidol: reviews from doctors

As for domestic work, the most famous and significant is the “Arbiter” study - a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study . In 2015, results were published proving the effectiveness of Arbidol: a milder course of the disease, prevention of possible complications and higher chances of early recovery.

Arbidol: expert reviews

How to drink Arbidol during coronavirus: instructions for use, dosage

The drug is not used as the only means to combat a dangerous infection. It is responsible for the immunostimulating effect and the production of interferon. Therefore, it must be combined with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medications. To produce T cells, the body additionally requires microelements and vitamins.

How long to take Arbidol for coronavirus depends on the stage of the disease. When prescribing a treatment regimen, the doctor takes into account the patient’s age, weight, and the presence of signs of pneumonia or chronic diseases. During therapy, the dosage may change.

For adults

In the standard course of the disease, patients over 18 years of age are recommended to take 100 mg of medication in the morning and evening. Arbidol should be taken with water. When staying with an infected person, the drug is prescribed for complex prevention at a dosage of 100 mg per day.

For children

When treating young patients under 2 years of age, a liquid suspension with a pleasant aftertaste is prescribed. It is given 2 to 4 times a day, 10 mg, using a measuring syringe or spoon, continuing therapy for 5 to 10 days.

Children over 3 years of age can be given the drug in the form of tablets or capsules. The recommended dose is up to 4 pieces per day for 5 days. After the condition improves and the temperature drops, the sick child is transferred to the normal dose of 50 mg of Arbidol 3-4 times a day until recovery.

Reviews from doctors about Arbidol

doctors' reviews about Arbidol

Maria P., therapist, Moscow

“When a flu epidemic begins and the swine flu virus appears, none of the patients refuses to receive Arbidol’s prescriptions, everyone understands the importance of treatment, patients comply with the course, bed rest and recover in a timely manner and without complications”

Elena O., infectious disease specialist in St. Petersburg

“When seasonal incidence increases, I recommend that therapists prescribe direct antiviral drugs, because they not only help patients, but also reduce the risk of infection for those who have been in contact with the sick person. I hear the best reviews from general practitioners about Aarbidol.”

Oksana Sh, therapist, Krasnoyarsk

“I often treat patients who get sick and spend the first 2 days hoping for recovery without taking any treatment. Complications often develop later. I try to prescribe Arbidol right away. Then everything goes fine, of course, depending on the patient’s characteristics.”

Irina V., pediatrician, Krasnodar

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“When the Arbidol suspension appeared, it became easier to manage young patients: they can take the drug from the age of 2. Of course, we have to explain to the mother that this drug is a medicine, and not very tasty, we must try to give the medicine to the baby, follow the frequency of administration and the course of treatment.”

Vera Shch., pulmonologist, Dolgoprudny

“Unfortunately, I often encounter the consequences of improper treatment: often with the flu, viral or bacterial pneumonia develops. It is necessary to use antiviral drugs and complex treatment. If patients immediately took, for example, Arbidol, at the onset of influenza, they would not end up in our hospital.”

Marina V., therapist, Samara

“I use different drugs, but I noticed that after taking immunomodulators, patients recover, but they begin to get sick more often. Now I use Arbidol and Tamiflu - these are real antiviral drugs, they are recognized by WHO, and they are recommended by the Ministry of Health. I see that they are working properly"

Alina K., Khimki, pediatrician

Arbidol: reviews

“I’ve been prescribing Arbidol since I was a student. Then, in fact, there was no other choice. Nowadays there are many different drugs, but I trust those drugs that I have been working with for a long time, which have few side effects, are well tolerated and help my patients quickly.”

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Natalya P., Perm, pediatrician

“I believe that it is inappropriate to use immunomodulators in children with colds and flu. After all, the cause of ARVI is viruses; here we need drugs that act directly on the virus. There are really few such drugs. If I’m sure that the child has the flu, I prescribe Tamiflu, and if it’s more like ARVI, then, of course, Arbidol, it has a wide spectrum of action.”

Anna Z., Ufa, therapist

“Many patients complain that Arbidol does not help them. When you start to understand, you are faced with a situation where patients expect a rapid decrease in temperature, but this does not happen, because Arbidol does not have an antipyretic effect. Its main effect is antiviral and reduces the risk of developing complications of influenza, because this is the worst thing - pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis, kidney damage.”

Alla U., cardiologist

“It would seem that cardiology is far from the problems of influenza, but this is not so. Our patients constitute the so-called risk groups, in which complications of influenza develop faster and more often than in other patients. The influenza virus affects small vessels and can provoke an exacerbation of the underlying disease, hypertensive crisis, and cardiac ischemia. Our patients are required to undergo vaccination, and if they have not received one, they need to use antiviral drugs, such as Arbidol or Tamiflu.

How long to take Arbidol

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the condition. When used at the initial stage, active production of interferon begins on the 3rd day. Intoxication is reduced, aches in joints and muscles are reduced. But you should take the product for at least 5-7 days.

To prevent infection upon contact with an infected person, it is necessary to take Arbidol for at least 7 days in the minimum dosage. It is recommended to monitor body temperature and blood pressure daily and follow doctor’s orders.

Patient reviews about Arbidol

Arbidol: reviews from general practitioners


“I’m afraid of getting sick and I don’t like it. Everything suddenly falls apart somehow. I immediately run to the pharmacy. And at first I was confused about what to choose, then Arbidol caught my eye on the display, and I decided to try it. And really, it immediately becomes easier, even if the temperature remains low, but you can live! As a rule, I go back to work in 2-3 days!”


“My colleague always takes Arbidol if she gets sick. At first I made fun of her, because this medicine is controversial, I read a lot of bad reviews. And then suddenly she fell down! I remembered my office neighbor and decided to try Arbidol. And you know, it really helped! I realized that the main thing is to follow the course of treatment, drink the prescribed 5 days, and do it according to the instructions.”


“When people get sick, they forget that they become dangerous to others. This kind of irresponsibility simply amazes me. They go to work, travel in public transport. If I hear that they are announcing the flu on TV or radio, I start taking Arbidol in a prophylactic dose - I only need it once a day for 10-14 days, and I don’t get sick.”


“I love using new drugs, the latest advances in medicine. After all, everything is developing, our technology, our cars, and medicines. But recently I tried this new product and ended up in the hospital for a long time, with pneumonia... That’s it, now no more experiments, I decided. Better proven medications that my mother gave. So now I’m holding on to Arbidol, if anything..."


“We were in Bulgaria this summer, it was a good hotel, but we caught a rotavirus infection. It’s a real shame, the whole family got sick, it’s very contagious. What should I do? Okay, I'm thrifty, I take a bag of medicine with me. I went online and saw that only Arbidol has an indication against rotavirus. The whole family jumped in! And in 2 days they recovered, at least they had time to rest. And the neighbors, I see, have been sick for a week.”

How much does the drug cost?

The price of an antiviral drug depends on the dosage and form of release:

  • 50 mg tablets (20 pcs.) – from 329 to 359 rubles;
  • 100 mg capsules (40 pieces) – from 1059 to 1200 rubles;.
  • a package of 10 capsules costs 318-365 rubles;
  • powder for the preparation of children's suspension 5 mg (125 ml) – 357 rub.

A more economical option is large packages intended for long-term treatment and prophylactic use after possible contact with a carrier of the virus.

Operating principle

Arbidol is an antiviral drug. According to the manufacturer, the following pathogens are sensitive to it:

  • influenza A and B viruses;
  • the coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
  • herpesvirus;
  • rhinovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • RS virus;
  • parainfluenza virus.

Arbidol prevents viruses from connecting to the cell membranes of healthy tissues. In experiments on mice, it was found that it causes the formation of interferon, which is responsible for immunity. According to the manufacturer, taking the drug reduces the duration and severity of a viral infection and prevents the addition of bacterial diseases.

Arbidol is not included in the list of medications recommended by the FDA for the treatment of influenza in the United States.

Clinical trials of the drug have not been completed, so it has not been studied how effective and safe the medicine is.

How does the medicine work?

flu in children
The virus envelope consists of the hemagglutinin protein. It is this substance that connects with the cells of the body, enters them, passing through the protective membrane, and causes inflammatory reactions. All this causes severe catarrhal syndrome. The child’s throat becomes red and sore, snot starts to appear, a cough develops, and the body temperature rises.

The protein is blocked, the microorganism can no longer bind to the body's cells and destroy them. As a result, the virus simply circulates in the blood for 3 to 4 days, the period during which it can live. Then the microorganisms die, the consequences of their influence on the child or adult are minimal.

The drug also reduces intoxication of the body and promotes the natural production of interferon. The body actively produces this substance when a person becomes ill with an infection. It is responsible for immune reactions.


Arbidol tablets

In any form of release, Arbidol can be taken by children for the purpose of treatment and prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome, ARVI, including influenza.

In addition, tablets and capsules can be taken for the treatment and prevention of secondary immunodeficiencies. They can be given to a child in combination with other medications for chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and infections caused by herpes viruses and rotaviruses.

They can be given to children who have undergone surgery to boost immunity and prevent infections.

What to choose Anaferon or Arbidol?

Anaferon for children is a homeopathic remedy; it is sold in drops and absorbable tablets. According to the manufacturer, it can be taken for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, viral infections, including those caused by herpes viruses, rotaviruses. In combination with other drugs, Anaferon for children can be taken to treat bacterial diseases. It can be given to children older than 1 month if they are not allergic to the composition of the medicine.

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies has not yet been proven.

How to buy and how to store

Arbidol is bought in pharmacies and sold over the counter. The cost depends on various factors: region, form of release of the drug, pricing policy of the pharmacy. On average, you need to pay around 300 rubles for a bottle of powder.

The tableted drug, capsules and dry powder are stored for two years in a dry place, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The suspension is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. The storage temperature of the liquid form should be below 8 degrees.

Arbidol is drunk by people of all ages. It helps both in the treatment of colds and in the prevention of flu. Numerous reviews from mothers confirm that the medicine helps cope with unpleasant symptoms. With preventive use, the risk of disease is significantly reduced.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis; do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has a small list of restrictions on use. It should not be taken if you have an individual intolerance to any component: main or auxiliary. Also, Arbidol in the form of a suspension should not be used by children under two years of age. The tablet form is at most contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age. Capsules can be taken by children over 12 years of age. But if teenagers swallow large capsules well, then the pediatrician may allow them to take the drug, following the prescribed dosage.

The main side effects are allergic reactions to Arbidol. They can manifest themselves in the form of a rash, hives, swelling, and redness of the skin.

How does the infection manifest?

The incubation period for this infection is short and is only two days. Manifestations of the disease are typical for any intestinal infection.

  1. It all starts with a general malaise.
  2. The temperature gradually rises.
  3. Soon after the onset of fever, repeated vomiting and loose, frequent stools appear.
  4. The person will complain of severe cramping pain in the upper abdomen, which then spreads to the entire abdomen.

Rotavirus infection affects the wall of the intestines and stomach, as a result of which such symptoms develop. A characteristic symptom is dysfunction of the pancreas.


The drug, developed by Russian pharmacists, is recommended for use in the treatment of viral infectious diseases, including several types of influenza. The medicine is also effective as a prophylactic agent. The active substance successfully fights the pathogens of the virus and prevents its spread throughout the body.

For adults, Arbidol is prescribed in capsules; for children, the drug is available in tablets. The daily dosage and dosage regimen should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and according to the characteristics of a particular organism. The form of the disease (acute, chronic, with or without complications) is also taken into account.

What is the purpose of prescribing antibiotics?

Antibacterial agents are not used in the treatment of viral infections from the first day of illness. Their prescription is justified only in the case of the addition of secondary flora and the development of bacterial complications:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • otitis

Antibiotics for rotavirus infection are also not indicated as primary treatment. Intestinal antiseptics are usually used - since rotavirus reduces the immune properties of the intestinal wall and pathogenic intestinal flora can be activated. This aggravates the course of the disease. What are intestinal antiseptics?

Nifuroxazide is the international name of the substance, and there can be many trade names for drugs with this active ingredient:

  • Enterofuril;
  • Mirofuril;
  • Ecofuril.

Nifuroxazide is prescribed to children and adults in the form of syrup and capsules. Nifuroxazide is active against major pathogenic intestinal bacteria. Drugs containing nifuroxazide are prescribed for diarrhea of ​​any origin - bacterial or viral. Nifuroxazide is contraindicated in children under one month of age and in case of individual intolerance.

The drug Biseptol is a combination antibiotic used mainly to treat intestinal infections. Available in the form of a children's suspension and capsules for adults. For rotavirus infection, it can be prescribed as part of complex therapy, but no particular effect has been identified.

Biseptol has many contraindications and side effects, so its use is not advisable.

Amoxicillin is a widely known antibiotic. However, using it to treat diarrhea, especially caused by rotavirus, is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. This is a fairly old drug with a lot of contraindications and side effects. In addition, over the years of its use, many microorganisms have developed resistance to it.

Flemoxin Solutab is the trade name of amoxicillin. It is also not used to treat intestinal infections.

Additional treatment

It should be remembered that rotavirus affects the pancreas. Therefore, the treatment regimen must necessarily include enzyme preparations - Creon, Pangrol. Their purpose is indicated from the very beginning of the disease.

To restore stool and prevent dysbiosis after antibiotics, probiotic preparations are used - Maxilak, Normobakt, Linex. Elimination of cramping pain is achieved by taking antispasmodics - No-shpa, Duspatalin.

After treatment, a course of vitamin preparations is necessary to restore the body's defenses and immunity. Good drugs are Multitabs immune or Bion 3.

Preventive measures include following personal hygiene rules, limiting contact with sick people, and thoroughly washing vegetables and fruits. Specific prevention consists of administering the Rotarix vaccine.

How is the drug released?

arbidol for children
Pharmacists produce medicine in several forms. This is done for the convenience of taking the drug by different age groups of patients. Each type of medicine comes with Arbidol instructions for children.

  • Medicine in capsules – suitable for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. If children of primary school age can swallow the capsule, then there are no contraindications for taking it. Capsules are available in two dosages - 50 mg and 100 mg. Inside the gelatin shell there is a powder mixed with granules. The shade ranges from whitish to cream. One cell of Arbidol 100 or 50 can contain 5 or 10 capsules.
  • The tableted drug is available in a dosage of 50 mg. Arbidol in description and composition is no different from capsules. The tablet is round and biconvex in shape, and comes in white or white-cream color. If you break it into two parts, you will see a white mass with greenish or yellowish inclusions. The disadvantage of tablets is that they cannot be crushed into powder, crushed or chewed. Like capsules, they are swallowed whole with plenty of water. There are 10 tablets in one cell.
  • Powder - a suspension for babies is prepared from this form. 5 milliliters of the finished solution contains 25 mg of the active substance. The powder is sold in a dark and glass bottle. To prepare the syrup, pour water and shake the preparation well. Afterwards the medicine is ready for use. The powder comes with a measuring spoon. The drug is also called Arbidol for children, but this is its unofficial name. The suspension is sometimes called drops or syrup in everyday life.

Attention! The medicine is available on sale in a dosage of 200 mg. This drug is exclusively for adults. Available only in capsules. Officially called “Arbidol Maximum”.

Release forms and composition of the drug

For children, the drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets for oral use. The tablets are small in size, round, flat in shape and white in color. They are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. An individual cardboard box contains 2 such blisters and instructions explaining the rules for using the medication.

The tablets do not have a specific smell or taste; when separated, the cut does not show any inclusions or structural abnormalities. Another form of medication for children is represented by white small round granules, which are placed in a dark glass bottle. After dissolution, the suspension has a pleasant fruity aroma and milky white color.

Each bottle is placed in a cardboard box, which also contains instructions for the correct use of the medication. The medicine contains the substance umifenovir, which has a therapeutic effect.

Arbidol for children. Reviews, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, price
Arbidol for children

Additionally, the tablets contain auxiliary ingredients:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Starch.
  • Povidone.
  • Calcium stearate.
  • Croscarmellose sodium.

The suspension also contains flavors, maltodextrin and titanium dioxide. Among the auxiliary ingredients are silicon dioxide, sucrose and starch.

Capsules are produced for adult patients; they contain the same active ingredient, but in a higher dosage, as well as excipients.

Clinical picture

For adults and children, Arbidol is indicated in the following cases:

  • to reduce the risk of infection during seasonal exacerbation of influenza and ARVI;
  • to exclude complications after influenza and other viral diseases;
  • for an easier course of the disease;
  • to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of chronic infections;
  • to reduce the risk of complications such as infections after surgery;
  • to speed up the recovery of children with rotavirus infection.

What to buy Ergoferon or Arbidol?

Ergoferon is a homeopathic remedy that is sold in drops and lozenges. According to the manufacturer, it can be taken for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory and intestinal infections, inflammation of the meninges, mouse fever, tick-borne encephalitis, and herpes. It can also be taken in combination with other medications to treat infections caused by bacteria. Tablets are allowed for patients older than six months, and drops are available from 3 years of age.

The therapeutic effect of the homeopathic remedy has not been proven in clinical trials.

Four analogues of arbidol

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