Belladonna extract: instructions for use of tablets and suppositories

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


It has an antispasmodic effect, which is explained by the presence of tropane alkaloids - atropine and hyoscyamine . Inhibits the action of acetylcholine , reduces the secretion of glands (salivary, gastric, lacrimal, bronchial, sweat). When applied rectally, it reduces the tone of the gastrointestinal tract muscles and pain, eliminates the increased tone of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Belladonna alkaloids dilate the pupils and increase intraocular pressure, but these phenomena are not pronounced when administered rectally.


Not studied.


Most of those who have used belladonna extract in the form of suppositories, tinctures, tablets or injections note a significant improvement in their condition and the complete disappearance of a number of negative manifestations of the disease.

The use of rectal suppositories in late pregnancy for the treatment of hemorrhoids produces a double effect, namely the normalization of stool, the disappearance of itching, inflammation, pain and persistent constipation. In addition, patients point to the attractive cost of drugs and their availability in the pharmacy chain.

There are also negative responses . However, all of the listed phenomena, which worsened the patients’ condition, occurred due to ignoring information about contraindications and side effects in the instructions for the drug.

You can learn more about the results of treatment with drugs with belladonna extract from the reviews at the end of the article.


  • angle-closure glaucoma or suspected glaucoma;
  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • intestinal atony and atonic constipation ;
  • ulcerative colitis in the acute stage;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe atherosclerosis ;
  • cardiac decompensation;
  • hypersensitivity.

Use with caution in case of hypertension; long-term use is not recommended for diaphragmatic hernia , cholelithiasis , reflux esophagitis and nephrolithiasis .


Like any other medications, products containing belladonna extract can be replaced with analogues that reduce the side effects or enhance the effect of the extract. Thus, rectal suppositories can be replaced with similar Anuzol or Betiol.

This combination allows you to achieve an astringent, drying and anti-inflammatory effect . Unlike Anuzol, Betiol includes fewer components. This is the same extract of belladonna and ichthyol.

Video on the topic: Hemorrhoids treatment. How to treat hemorrhoids at home.

Belladonna extract, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Belladonna extract suppositories are administered rectally 2-3 times a day. You can use 10 candles during the day.

A thick belladonna extract is included not only in suppositories, but also in tablet preparations - these are the well-known Belalgin , Bekarbon , Bellastesin , Besalol . Belladonna extract tablets with sodium bicarbonate ( Becarbon ) are used for intestinal colic , gastritis with high acidity , heartburn , dyspepsia 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 tablet. 2-3 times a day.

In combination with phenylsalilate (drug Besalol ) it is used as an antispasmodic and antidiarrheal drug, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The combination with benzocaine and sodium bicarbonate (drug Bellastesin ) has an antispasmodic, pronounced analgesic and antacid effect. These tablets are indicated for gastric , biliary , and intestinal colic .

For the treatment of vegetative-vascular disorders, the drugs Belloid , Bellaspon , Bellataminal . The complex drug Bellazon is used for Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism that occurs against the background of encephalitis or atherosclerosis .

Indications for use

Belladonna extract according to the instructions is prescribed for systemic treatment:

  • Hypersecretory gastritis;
  • Spasms of smooth muscle organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as bile and urinary tracts;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Poisoning with anticholinesterase drugs, m-cholinomimetics and salts of heavy metals;
  • AV block;
  • Obstructive bronchitis;
  • Hypersalivation;
  • Bradyarrhythmias;
  • Bronchial asthma.

The medication is also used as a premedication before operations and to prevent cardiac arrest and bronchospasm during anesthesia.

Belladonna Extract suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.


Belladonna weakens the effect of cisapride and reduces the effect of m-cholinomimetics .

Potentiates the arrhythmogenic effect of cardiac glycosides and clonidine .

Enhances the effect of barbiturates , antihistamines , adrenergic agonists and tranquilizers .

Enhances the m-anticholinergic effects of tricyclic antidepressants (dry mouth, urinary retention, tachycardia, constipation).

Severe tachycardia is possible when taken together with drugs that increase the heart rate.

When drinking alcohol, inhibition of the central nervous system is observed.

Side effects

With systemic use of Belladonna Extract according to the instructions, the following are possible:

  • Nervousness;
  • Headache;
  • Weakness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Loss of taste and appetite;
  • Dizziness;
  • Speech impairment;
  • Ataxia;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Excitation;
  • Constipation.

In case of overdose, belladonna extract can lead to the development of hyperthermia, tachyarrhythmia, nausea, myocardial ischemia, vomiting, decreased sweating, suppression of lactation, tachycardia, impotence, urticaria, idiosyncrasy.

With topical application of Belladonna Extract, in some cases mydriasis, blurred vision, increased intraocular pressure, paralysis of accommodation, and photophobia may be observed.

Belladonna extract during pregnancy

Belladonna preparations in the form of suppositories are used for spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus, as an anesthetic during childbirth. Gynecologists prescribe suppositories two weeks before childbirth to prepare the cervix, soften it and prevent ruptures. This is considered a generally accepted practice, and even more so if there are indications - an inelastic neck, the presence of scars on it after treatment of erosion, which may prevent dilatation.

Indeed, the drug relaxes the cervical muscles and minimizes the possibility of protracted labor. Its use in later stages is safe, since it will no longer affect the development of the fetus, and local use practically eliminates the systemic effect of the drug. For many women in labor, the drug helps to relax the cervix, but for some it does not work.

The use of belladonna suppositories during early pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. In any case, suppositories can only be prescribed to pregnant women by the attending physician after assessing the risks and expected benefits.

Storage conditions and periods

Due to the variety of forms of release of drugs based on belladonna extract, their shelf life may vary slightly. The most commonly used suppositories can be used for two years , subject to storage rules.

It is allowed to store medicines with belladonna extract in rooms where the temperature does not exceed twenty-five degrees. The place where the drug is stored must be protected from light. More details about storage times and conditions are indicated on the packaging of each drug.

Reviews of belladonna extract

The most common reviews are about the use of suppositories for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. Patients note rapid relief and reduction of pain. Gastroenterological patients also often use long-known drugs based on a thick extract of belladonna, which were mentioned above, as antispasmodics for colic, cholecystitis, and peptic ulcers.

The effectiveness of the drug Beloid for vegetative-vascular disorders in children (sympathetic-adrenal paroxysms) is noted. Under its influence, the balance of both parts of the autonomic nervous system is restored. Patients note that sometimes adverse reactions occur in the form of dry mouth and dilated pupils. This mainly concerns the use of the tablet form of the drug. Belladonna preparations should be used with great caution, since increased individual sensitivity is possible. A slight overdose causes dilated pupils, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, and tachycardia.

pharmachologic effect

Belladonna extract is a herbal medicine containing hyoscyamine, alkaloids, atropine and scopolamine. The medication has m-cholinolytic activity.

As a result of using Belladonna Extract:

  • The secretion of the lacrimal, bronchial, digestive and sweat glands decreases;
  • Intraocular pressure increases;
  • Paralysis of accommodation and pupil dilation develops;
  • Smooth muscles relax, which causes spasm of the bile and urinary tracts;
  • The cholinergic effect of the vagus nerve on the heart is reduced.

According to the instructions, belladonna extract has no effect on blood pressure and blood vessels.

In high doses, the medication stimulates the cerebral cortex, and can also cause speech and motor excitation, hallucinations and depression of the respiratory center.

Price for belladonna extract, where to buy

You can purchase this drug in pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities. Rectal suppositories with belladonna extract are offered for 26-66 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Belladonna extract suppositories rectal.
    15 mg 10 pcs. PAO Biosintez 60 rub. order
  • Belladonna extract suppositories rectal. 15 mg 10 pcs. Nizhpharm OJSC

    71 RUR order

Release form

Belladonna extract is available in several dosage forms:

  • Rectal suppository containing the active ingredient (Belladonna leaves) in an amount of 15 mg;
  • Whole plant raw materials in the form of whole or partially crushed leaves with a thin petiole of ovoid, elliptical or oblong-ovate shape, up to 10 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. The color of the leaves is green or brownish-green on top and lighter below, in packs of 45 g, 0.5 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg;
  • Crushed plant materials, consisting of pieces of leaves with a diameter of up to 7 mm, in packs of 45 g, 0.5 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg.

Analogs of Belladonna Extract according to the mechanism of action exerted by the drug are:

  • Drops for oral administration – Wormwood tincture 8 ml, valerian tincture 10 ml, belladonna tincture 2 ml;
  • Tablets – Gastric tablets with belladonna extract;
  • Drops for oral administration – Zelenina drops;
  • Crushed vegetable raw materials – Burdock roots;
  • Vegetable raw materials – fragrant dill fruits.

Contraindications and precautions

Price: from 39 to 53 rubles.

Tincture and pills are contraindicated for use in diagnosing intraocular hypertension or increased susceptibility to phytoextracts. The drug is not prescribed for children.

The use of suppositories is not recommended for persons with pathological prostate hyperplasia and deterioration of urine outflow, with the development of glaucoma. During treatment with the drug in the form of suppositories, you should be careful when driving a car and working with precision mechanisms.

Cross-drug interactions

Alkaloids contained in the phytoextract reduce the therapeutic effect of ketoconazole, anticholinesterase drugs, m-cholinomimetics, agents with anticoagulant properties, and corticotropin. In the case of simultaneous use of drugs for inducing anesthesia, the duration of their action is reduced.

A drug based on belladonna extract increases the therapeutic effect of taking anticholinergic drugs and antidepressants.

The herbal medicine is incompatible with thiamine bromide, aminazine, prozerin, caffeine-containing products, diprazine, pilocarpine.

Before using any other medicines, you will need to consult a specialist.

Side effects and overdose

While taking tinctures and tablets, you may experience dryness of the oral mucosa, deterioration of visual perception, and attacks of tachycardia.

When using rectal suppositories, signs of intestinal atony, urinary retention, and severe dizziness may appear.

If any negative symptoms occur, it is recommended to complete treatment with the herbal medicine and consult a doctor. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe an alternative treatment that will be better tolerated.

After exceeding the recommended dosage of the herbal medicine, nausea, arrhythmia, attacks of tachycardia, ischemia, impaired sweating, and urinary retention may occur. Asymptomatic treatment is prescribed.

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