Sourdough "Evitalia": reviews. Instructions, application

It's no secret that the work of the digestive tract, as well as the composition of the intestinal microflora, are of great importance for the entire body, including even the immune system. Unfortunately, no one is immune from digestive problems and dysbiosis - both children and adults, regardless of age, face this.

What to do if you have intestinal problems? Naturally, modern medicine offers a huge number of different drugs to restore microflora. And one of them is Evitalia sourdough. Reviews indicate that this product is really effective. That is why many readers are interested in additional information about the product. What is included in sourdough and what properties does it have? How to properly prepare yoghurts and kefir? Are there any contraindications for use? What effect can you expect? The answers to these questions will be useful to many people.

sourdough starter reviews

Composition and release form

This yogurt starter comes in the form of a whitish mixture, which is placed in a glass ampoule with a rubber cap. There are ten such ampoules in one package.

It's no secret that starter cultures are widely used in cooking to prepare high-quality fermented milk (and other) products. Evitalia sourdough is positioned in a completely different way. Its use is advisable primarily for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and other disorders. This is due to the fact that the product contains a huge amount (more than two billion) of living bacteria, which are part of the natural intestinal microflora.

In particular, the starter contains strains such as Lactobacillus helveticus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactococcus lactis, Propionibacterium freudenreichi subsp. Shermanii and some others.

Evitalia sourdough application

By the way, the shelf life of the bottle is 1.5 years. For the first six months it can be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, but the remaining twelve months can be stored at a temperature no higher than six degrees (preferably in the refrigerator). Under no circumstances should the starter be used if the integrity of the bottle cap has been damaged or the required storage conditions have not been met.

Home remedies

Take two liters of fresh milk. Pour it into a saucepan and put it on fire. Slowly bring the liquid to a boil and wait five minutes. After this, using a sterilized spoon, you need to remove the foam from the white liquid. It is recommended to cool boiled milk to a temperature of 40 degrees. If you don't have a special cooking thermometer, check doneness with your finger. The milk should be hot, but not scalding.

Take two tablespoons of liquid from the pan and pour into the opened ampoule. After this, thoroughly mix the contents of the ampoule until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. Pour the prepared mixture back into the pan and stir with the same clean spoon. Wrap the covered pan in several layers of newsprint. After this, cover the milk with a towel and leave in a warm place for 14 hours. After the specified time has passed, place the pan in the refrigerator. This stage will complete the ripening. You can use the drug after three hours in the refrigerator.

Sourdough Evitalia instructions for preparation from your own experience. Step-by-step actions with photos. All the highlights and secrets

Basic pharmacological properties

This yogurt starter is a complex of freeze-dried strains of beneficial lactic acid and some other types of bacteria that have retained the ability to actively reproduce in the human digestive tract.

In addition, the finished product contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, B6, B12 and folic acid), ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron and some other useful substances .

The peculiarity of the bacteria present in the mixture is that they are not able to ferment carbohydrates without the formation of gas. At the same time, they secrete specific acids that suppress the growth of opportunistic and putrefactive microorganisms. Due to the formation of enterotoxins, amines and other substances of bacterial origin, a decrease in the load on the liver is observed. In addition, sourdough increases the overall resistance of the body, which makes it useful for every person.

Product Evitalia for women

Sourdough Evitalia instructions for preparation from your own experience. Step-by-step actions with photos. All the highlights and secrets

It is used as a dietary supplement to food and is called “Evitalia. Perfection for women." Reviews note that after using it, not only their intestinal function improved, but also their skin condition. The dietary supplement contains probiotic and lactic acid bacteria. Saturates the body with useful substances such as:

  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a source of good mood and helps maintain vitality. Increases immunity and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.
  • Vitamin B6. This substance helps stabilize the balance between potassium and sodium. Helps withstand stress. Involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Removes excess water from the body. Fights swelling. Rejuvenates.
  • Vitamin E. Is an antioxidant. Helps maintain youth and beauty. Improves the condition of skin and hair. Protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Accelerates blood circulation in tissues.
  • Vitamin B5. Increases the body's resistance to stress. Helps bifidobacteria grow and develop in the intestines. Helps reduce fat deposits. Stimulates lipolysis. Reduces the number of wrinkles and accelerates hair growth.
  • Vitamin N. Has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood. Transports sulfur to the epidermis, nail plate and hair, which has a positive effect on their appearance.
  • Lactulose. Polysaccharide. Strengthens the peristalsis of the intestinal organ. Stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. Not absorbed by the body.
  • Zinc. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. Prevents the formation of tumors. Increases immunity.

Evitalia capsules for women have good reviews; users note that the supplement improves intestinal function. Positive changes are visible after just a few days of using the drug. This product helps maintain youth and beauty. Supports psychological and physical stress. Indicated after a course of antibiotics. Useful when following a diet and active lifestyle.

The dietary supplement is recommended for adult women to take 1 capsule three times a day. The course should last about 2-4 weeks. If the need arises, it can be repeated.

The supplement is not a medicine and cannot replace drug treatment, and you should consult your doctor before using it. The cost of 20 tablets is 250 rubles.

What are the indications for use?

In what cases is Evitalia starter used? Reviews from doctors, scientific studies and statistical data indicate that this remedy can be effective in combating various problems. In particular, sourdough is recommended:

  • to restore the normal composition of intestinal microflora;
  • with severe dysbacteriosis;
  • in case of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for chronic constipation;
  • for allergies and allergic skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis, diathesis, neurodermatitis;
  • used in oncology for the removal of cytostatics, restoration of intestinal motility and regeneration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract after chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • during the period before and after surgery on the digestive system;
  • in the presence of certain gynecological diseases, including thrush;
  • to restore the immune system (products made from sourdough help remove cholesterol, free radicals and radionuclides);
  • during seasonal epidemics of colds to strengthen the immune system;
  • as a dietary food, as well as to combat excess weight (due to the normalization of metabolism, the process of losing weight sometimes becomes easier);
  • in the treatment of intestinal infections;
  • when the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases;
  • after undergoing antibacterial therapy (antibiotics quite often disrupt the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora).

As you can see, the list of indications is quite impressive. Fermented milk products made from this starter will have a positive effect on health, help eliminate existing diseases and prevent the development of new ones.

evitalia dry sourdough

It is worth understanding that this product is not a panacea. For example, if you have a serious intestinal infection or severe dysbiosis, you will most likely need to take other medications - sourdough can be an auxiliary remedy. Therefore, if you have health problems, be sure to consult a doctor, since only a specialist can create a competent and effective treatment regimen.

Mode of application

According to the instructions, Evitalia can be used to prepare a variety of fermented milk products by fermenting cow's milk. The resulting product will have the consistency of thick kefir and a light, pleasant taste. The finished product may be classified as a special medicinal yoghurt.

Evitalia ferment can also be used as a base for powders, capsules and tablets, which are prescribed to be taken twice a day - in the morning and also in the evening. Such medications must be taken for 21 days, but no less and only as prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to attempt self-treatment.

Sourdough Evitalia instructions for preparation from your own experience. Step-by-step actions with photos. All the highlights and secrets

Sourdough "Evitalia": preparation instructions

In fact, using this mixture, you can easily and quickly make real homemade yogurt or kefir. So how is the product “Evitalia” (sourdough) used correctly? Preparation usually looks like this:

  • First you need to boil about two liters of milk.
  • After this, let it cool to a temperature of about 40 degrees (maybe a little lower) and carefully remove the film from the surface.
  • Carefully open the bottle with the starter, add a little milk to it, close with a rubber cap and shake thoroughly until the mixture is completely dissolved.
  • Now the contents of the bottle can be poured into a saucepan and mixed thoroughly so that the starter is completely dissolved.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid, wrap it in paper and a warm towel, and then leave it in a warm place for about twelve hours.
  • After this, the container can be opened, left for a while at room temperature, and then placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  • The resulting mixture must be divided into two parts. You can use the first (about 1.4 liters) immediately to improve the health of the body, and the second (about 600 ml) should be left in the refrigerator - this is the so-called “working starter”, which can be stored for two weeks. For subsequent preparation of the fermented milk product, you will not need to open a new bottle. Instead of dry mixture, you will need to add 150 ml of “working” starter to warm milk. Then the technology is repeated.
  • By the way, you need to store the prepared product (except for the “working” part) in the refrigerator, but not longer than seven days.

This is how Evitalia sourdough is bred. Customer reviews, however, indicate that this technique is suitable for making kefir. If you need thick yogurt, which children like so much, then you will still need a yogurt maker or multicooker with this function.

Evitalia sourdough instructions

By the way, some parents note that they add a small amount of sugar or even jam to yogurt (but in no case to the “working starter”) - this makes the product much tastier, which is important if your child refuses to drink kefir.

You can make a smoothie from yogurt. For example, it can be mixed in a blender with the same jam or fresh fruit. In a word, sourdough can be used to prepare a lot of tasty and healthy desserts.

Why didn't the yogurt work out?

It happens that after half a day of preparing a fermented milk product, milk in jars turns out to be unpleasant-looking milk with lumps. Or a large amount of whey separates from the top, and the yogurt does not at all look like store-bought...

The reasons why the yoghurt maker fails to produce a delicacy are the following:

  • You heated the milk above 40 degrees, or it was cold.
  • You have sterilized the dishes and they are hot for your starter.
  • We kept it in the yogurt maker for too long, and the yogurt didn’t turn out.
  • The starter itself was expired or improperly stored.

Correct your mistakes and everything will work out!

The finished starter is stored for no more than 14 days at a temperature below 4 degrees, and the finished yogurt is stored for 5 days under the same conditions.

Dosage for adults and children

In what quantities should Evitalia starter be taken? The instructions for use state that the recommended single dose for adults is 100-150 ml of the finished product (be it yogurt or kefir). You need to eat it about half an hour before meals, three times a day. Children aged three years and over receive 50-100 mg of the finished product, also three times a day. On the other hand, if we are simply talking about prevention, the dosage regimen can be changed - you can find out about this from your doctor.

By the way, you can also use dry sourdough without first fermenting it. To do this, the contents of the bottle need only be dissolved in a glass of warm milk or water and drunk immediately. For intensive restoration of microflora, adults are recommended to take three bottles a day, and children over three years old - one.

The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, treatment lasts about 15-30 days, especially if we are talking about the use of dry sourdough. Nevertheless, many people today prefer to simply prepare delicious yoghurts from time to time, which are both beneficial for the functioning of the body and are an excellent preventive measure for a host of diseases.

yogurt starter

How to prepare it in the Evitalia yogurt maker

The instructions for use (making the product in a yogurt maker is easy and simple) tells us that it is much more convenient and practical to prepare the product using a special device. It is worth noting that the device heats the milk to the desired temperature on its own. All you need to do is set the shutdown timer. Also, after fermentation is complete, you should place the prepared product in the refrigerator. This will help complete the fermentation process.

How is Evitalia sourdough used? The instructions for use (the easiest way to prepare the product in a yogurt maker) says the following. Take one liter of milk. If you prefer a fresh product that has a short shelf life, then you should pre-boil it, as described above. Pasteurized or UHT milk can be used immediately. Take 20 milliliters of warm liquid and dilute the dry starter. If desired, you can use boiled water for this. After this, dissolve the drug in milk and mix thoroughly. Pre-treat with boiling water or sterilize the included yogurt maker cups. Pour milk over them and place them in the case. Plug in the device and leave it for 6-12 hours.

Sourdough Evitalia instructions for preparation from your own experience. Step-by-step actions with photos. All the highlights and secrets

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, many people are interested in questions about whether there are any restrictions on the use of this product. In fact, there are practically no contraindications here. Evitalia sourdough is just as useful for children as it is for adults. Prepared yogurt or kefir can be consumed even during pregnancy and lactation. It is not necessary to wait until the first signs of dysbiosis appear - fermented milk products can be consumed as a preventive measure and simply to normalize digestion.

The only limitation is, perhaps, increased sensitivity to any of the constituent components, which, due to its natural composition, is extremely rare. This phenomenon is accompanied by allergy symptoms - rashes, itching, swelling.

Side effects

All Evitalya products are well tolerated. The only side effect that occurs if you are individually intolerant to the product is allergic reactions.


Taking Evitalia in large doses can cause an overdose, accompanied by allergic reactions.

You can restore the necessary balance of beneficial microflora with the help of the drug Evitalia


The dietary supplement Evitalia is not prescribed to people with individual intolerance to the product or allergic reactions to any components of the drug.

During pregnancy

The use of the supplement during lactation and pregnancy is not prohibited. However, the use of the drug by these categories of patients must be agreed with the doctor.

What results can be achieved?

What effect can the “Ephytalia” starter provide? Reviews indicate that a full course of therapy really helps improve the functioning of the body. After 1-2 weeks you can notice an improvement in your well-being. The functioning of the digestive tract is also normalized. This starter, as well as all probiotics, is truly effective in preventing dysbiosis during antibacterial therapy.

Evitalia sourdough for children

It has also been proven that taking fermented milk products prepared from a mixture helps reduce cholesterol levels by 4-5%. There is evidence that sourdough is excellent for the final stage of therapy for diathesis and neurodermatitis, and also helps to strengthen the body’s resistance to various viral infections, especially when it comes to pediatric patients.

In addition, many people today prefer to prepare kefir and yoghurt themselves, instead of buying them in the store: a homemade product is more healthy and definitely will not harm your health, since it does not contain any chemically synthesized substances.

Evitalia price

Names of capital's pharmacies Price of dry sourdough, bottle No. 10, rubles
Doctor Stoletov 470
Online pharmacy "Dialogue" 535
NIKA 560
Pharmapark 560
Beauty and health laboratory 570
EuroPharm 640
ElixirPharm 700
Pharmacy IFC 720
Neopharm 720

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not encourage self-treatment

Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient. Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

Article updated: 07.25.2019

How much does sourdough cost?

For many people, an important point is the cost of a product. So how much will Evitalia sourdough cost? The price, of course, depends on many factors. Here you need to take into account the manufacturer, the financial policy of the pharmacy, city of residence, etc. On average, a package containing ten bottles of the mixture costs about 700 rubles.

Some buyers note the relatively high cost of Evitalia. The starter is dry, however, it can be stored for quite a long time. Moreover, as you can see, this amount of mixture is enough to prepare a large volume of fermented milk product.

By the way, if for one reason or another the Evitalia yogurt starter is not suitable for you, this product is also available in capsules, sachets and even chewable tablets. Everyone will be able to find a truly suitable and effective form of the drug.

Evitalia sourdough negative reviews from doctors


Analogs of Evitalya starter culture include various lyophilized cultures of probiotic bacteria used to create natural fermented milk products using fresh whole milk.

Today, the pharmaceutical market can offer the following analogues of the drug:

  • dry starter cultures Yoghurtel (there are several varieties of the drug, including for making fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, acidophilus, cottage cheese, matsoni, etc.);
  • dry sourdough Eviton, which was previously called Evita roses;
  • dry fermented milk starter Kurunga;
  • dry starter cultures Lactoferm ECO (there are several varieties of the product - with Bulgarian bacillus, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, etc.);
  • sourdough Narine Life;
  • dry starter cultures VIVO (represented by several varieties of starter cultures - with lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, Bacillus bulgaricus, etc.).

"Evitalia" (sourdough): reviews from doctors

There are negative reviews about this product, but most experts and patients agree that sourdough is really effective in solving some problems.

As you can read in the instructions, fermented milk products prepared from this mixture help normalize digestion, improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system and solve a lot of other problems. Therefore, many patients today recommend Evitalia (sourdough) as treatment or prevention. There are simply no reviews from doctors (negative reviews from specialists) about this product. Yes, there are patients who are dissatisfied with the results of therapy. But, according to surveys and studies, the lack of results from consuming yogurts or the appearance of deterioration (some patients complain of diarrhea and bloating) are not associated with the mixture itself, but with its improper preparation and storage.

The following points were noted as advantages. Kefir or Evitalia yogurt is prepared quickly and easily. The taste pleases him, as it is in no way inferior to that of store-bought fermented milk products. You can easily make a real treat out of it for children and adults. Moreover, according to reviews, from one bottle of starter you can prepare an amount of fermented milk product that will be enough for a full two-week course of therapy. This is why most specialists and their patients recommend this starter.

Features of the use of the drug Evitalia

Once the starter is ready, it should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

You can use the starter with any medicine.

During the preparation process, you must strictly adhere to the ratio of the starter and the amount of cow's milk.

Many people claim that to make yogurt it is better to use cow’s milk bought at the market. Store-bought products may spoil the taste or cooking technology.

Yogurt made from Evital starter is very useful for pregnant women, so expectant mothers will find it useful to take this product, which will help relieve indigestion, as well as constipation, which often ends in hemorrhoids.

sourdough packaging

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