Leveton-P vitamin-mineral complex Parapharm 60 tablets

The drug "Leveton P", reviews of which you can read in this article, is a very effective dietary supplement created specifically for people actively involved in strength sports. This may include athletes, bodybuilders, as well as athletes involved in weightlifting and powerlifting. This drug has a very strong anabolic effect, that is, it helps build muscle mass, develop endurance and speed. In this article we will get acquainted with information on how to take this dietary supplement, and also study the composition and reviews of athletes taking it.


The drug "Leveton P" has many advantages. Reviews report that this product is indeed very effective for men's health. Regular use of this drug helps athletes cope with erectile dysfunction, which can begin to develop during excessive physical activity. This property of the dietary supplement has been proven through a large number of medical studies. It is also worth considering that Leveton P is not an anabolic steroid.

leveton n reviews

Reviews from people taking it confirm this. In addition, this dietary supplement does not have a negative effect on the human body and is not a doping agent prohibited in sports. Experts recommend using it in preparation for various competitions, as well as directly during them. By the way, doctors recommend taking the drug “Leveton P” to patients suffering from neurocirculatory dystonia, since the components included in the drug have a positive effect on the circulatory system.

Antioxidant property and strengthens the immune system

In 2006, VNIIFK specialists conducted a large-scale study of Leveton P on 33 high-class athletes. Scientists were interested in how it affects physical performance. The athletes performed work on a bicycle ergometer for 20 days, taking the drug the entire time. [9]

The hypothesis was confirmed that the biocomplex increases performance , and this is achieved by influencing the processes of lipid peroxidation and the antioxidant effect . It was also noticed that the concentration of immunoglobulins is restored, that is, immunity increases.

The study also revealed the ability of the drug to remove waste products from the muscles. The amount of lactic acid in the body decreased, which made it possible to return to training faster.

In one of the articles, the developer of Leveton P , Professor R.D. Seifullah described the mechanism of action of the drug. In his opinion, it is “associated with central tonic and peripheral anabolic effects.” [10]

He also noted that neutralizing free radicals that accumulate in the body when performing extreme loads speeds up recovery and increases performance.

Effects of the drug "Leveton P" on the body

Reviews from patients indicate that when using this dietary supplement, the quality of life improves, as well-being also improves significantly. According to the instructions for use, this medicine can have the following effects on the human body:

  • improve the activity of the nervous system as a whole;
  • normalize the functioning of the body’s hormonal system;
  • with regular use, cellular and humoral immunity will be restored;
  • the drug normalizes metabolism in the body;

leveton p n60 tabl reviews

  • the dietary supplement can prevent oxygen starvation of the body during excessively intense physical activity;
  • active components normalize blood circulation, including in the brain;
  • The most important thing is that this remedy is able to stimulate protein synthesis, which leads to rapid growth of muscle tissue in the body.

"Leveton P": composition and release form

This dietary supplement is produced in Russia. The tablets are placed in a plastic bottle with a capacity of sixty or three hundred tablets.

The medicine contains vitamins C and E, Leuzea root and bee pollen. This component is an essential source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and flavonoids.

The drug also contains auxiliary components, such as calcium stearate, titanium dioxide, methylcellulose and Tween-80.

But the drug "Leveton P Forte", in addition to all the components listed above, also contains drone brood.

In what cases is it recommended to take it?

"Leveton P" n60 tab. (reviews about this product are mostly positive) doctors often recommend taking it in such cases:

  • During intense sports activities. The product can support the body and also promote its rapid recovery. With regular use, the risk of developing hypoxia during large amounts of physical exercise is minimal.
  • The drug can be used not only during intense sports activity, but also during mental activity, since the active components included in the composition include all body systems.
  • The drug eliminates the asthenic condition and also improves the patient’s condition after surgery.

leveton p instructions

  • Scientists have proven that this remedy can fight prostatitis and also have a good preventive effect.
  • The drug is able to restore microcirculation in the brain, which is the prevention of many dangerous diseases.
  • With regular use, it improves the functioning of the body's hormonal system.
  • Improves hearing and vision.


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  2. Ludyansky E.A. A guide to apitherapy (treatment with bee venom, honey, propolis, pollen and other bee products) for doctors, medical students and beekeepers. Vologda: Polygraphist, 1994. – 464 p.
  3. Vasilyev A. S. Pharmacological effects of extracts of ecdysteroid-containing plants in models of hyperviscosity syndrome: abstract. dis. ...Dr.Biol. Sciences: 03.14.06 / Scientific research. Institute of Pharmacology, Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAMS. – Tomsk, 2012.
  4. Kulinenkov O.S. Pharmacology of sports. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2011.– P. 192.
  5. Dushkin M., Khrapova M., Kovshik G. Effects of rhaponticum carthamoides versus glycyrrhiza glabra and punica granatum extracts on metabolic syndrome signs in rats // BMC complementary and alternative medicine. 2014 Jan 20; 14:33. doi:10.1186/1472-6882-14-33.
  6. Syrov V.N., Khushbaktova Z.A., Komarin A.S. Experimental and clinical assessment of the effectiveness of ecdisten in the treatment of hepatitis // Experimental and clinical pharmacology. – 2004.– T.67– No. 5.– p.56–59
  7. Seifulla R.D. New combined adaptogens that increase the performance of highly qualified athletes // TiPFK. – 1998. – No. 10. – pp. 47–50.
  8. Seifulla R.D., Ordzhonikidze Z.G., Saninsky V.N. The main properties of new non-doping drugs recommended for use in sports medicine to improve sports performance and accelerate the recovery processes of athletes. // Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine. Guidelines. – M., 2003.
  9. Karkishchenko N.N., Uiba V.V., Karkishchenko V.N. Essays on sports pharmacology. T. 2. – Vectors of pharmacoprotection / edited by N.N. Karkishchenko and V.V. Uiba. M., St. Petersburg: Aising, 2014, – 448 p.
  10. Seifulla R. Pharmacological properties of multifunctional biologically active substances that increase the performance of athletes // Man in the world of sports: New ideas, technologies, prospects: Proc. report Intl. congr. – M., 1998. – T. 1. – P. 168.
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  12. Plotnikov MB, Logvinov SV, Pugachenko NV Cerebroprotector activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract in rats with brain ischemia // Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia. 2005 Jul-Aug; 68 (4):19-23.
  13. Wu J., Gao L., Shang L. Ecdysterones from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin reduce hippocampal excitotoxic cell loss and upregulate mTOR signaling in rats // Fitoterapia. 2017 Jun; 119:158-167. doi: 10.1016/j.fitote.2017.03.015. Epub 2021 Apr 2.
  14. Makarova G.A. Pharmacological support of sports activities. M.: Soviet sport, 2013. – 232 p.
  15. Dushkin M., Khrapova M., Kovshik G. Effects of rhaponticum carthamoides versus glycyrrhiza glabra and punica granatum extracts on metabolic syndrome signs in rats // BMC complementary and alternative medicine. 2014 Jan 20; 14:33. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-33
  16. Svoboda, J. Pollen and its substitutes // Beekeeping. – No. 7. – I960. – P. 4–22.
  17. Ng CF, Lee CP, Ho AL Effect of niacin on erectile function in men suffering erectile dysfunction and dyslipidemia. The journal of sexual medicine // 2011 Oct; 8(10):2883-93. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02414.x. Epub 2011 Aug 2.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Despite the fact that Leveton P n60 tab. (you can read patient reviews in this article) is a biological supplement; you need to take the drug very carefully. Be sure to consult with a specialist before doing this.

Please note the main list of contraindications. In these cases, the drug is prohibited for use:

  • the presence of excessive sensitivity to at least one component of the drug;
  • The dietary supplement should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under eighteen years of age;
  • do not use the product if you have increased nervous excitability or suffer from insomnia;
  • You cannot use the dietary supplement if you have atherosclerosis, or if you have serious diseases of the nervous system.

Leveton n n60 tab

Some patients complained of side effects. Namely, digestive disorders and allergic reactions. In these cases, you will have to stop taking the medication immediately so as not to worsen your health. In some cases, patients complained of increased nervous excitability and insomnia.

Rules of application

Many athletes are interested in the question of how to take the drug Leveton P. Instructions for use reveal all the secrets. It is best to use the product in the first half of the day, taking it with meals. The tablet should be swallowed whole, without biting or chewing it. Take the medicine with plenty of liquid. You should not take the pill in the evening, as this can lead to difficulty falling asleep, as well as overstimulation of the body.

If you accidentally increase the dosage once, then nothing bad will happen to you, but if you do it constantly, it may cause the development of side effects. If you notice a manifestation of an allergy on your body, immediately stop taking the dietary supplement and be sure to consult a doctor.


Since Leveton is not a drug, but only a dietary supplement, there are no side effects when taking it. Feedback on the application is usually positive and supportive. At least the supplement didn't harm anyone. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids in reasonable quantities are not capable of causing harm. It’s hard to believe that they can increase testosterone synthesis by 27%.

It is even more difficult to imagine what dosages of twenty amino acids declared by the manufacturer in 1 tablet. Those who have ever taken amino acids know what the doses are. Capsules with amino acids are swallowed by the handful. And in this case, 1-2 tablets are enough. If you have tried Leveton, describe its effect in the comments below the article.

Selection of dosage

The instructions for use of the drug "Leveton P" recommend that adults take one pill three times a day. It is best to do this while eating. Usually the course of treatment is about a month, but it can be adjusted depending on the patient’s well-being.

If an athlete uses the drug to increase muscle mass, as well as in preparation for competitions, then in this case he should increase the dosage and take two tablets at a time. However, this must be done during the first week of use. During the second week, you need to reduce the dosage to three tablets per day. And in the third and fourth weeks, increase it again to two tablets at a time.

Who will Leveton help most?

According to the manufacturers, Leveton is needed primarily by athletes for whom large muscle mass is very important and who experience regular physical activity. These are bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters, crossfitters, etc.

The most important property of the drug is that it increases muscle mass, but at the same time the muscle fibers remain strong and elastic. And it is not doping. You can legally take the drug and participate in competitions. The strength and endurance of the athlete increases, since the effect of the supplements is complex, due to natural components.

The only limitation on the time of admission is no more than three to four weeks. Then there should be a break, after which the course can be repeated.

complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids

Use by athletes in bodybuilding

"Leveton P" n60 tab. very often used by athletes in bodybuilding. With its help, you can significantly improve your strength performance, as well as increase muscle mass. This effect is achieved due to the presence of unique components and a vitamin and mineral complex in the preparation. The product is not a synthetic doping, as it contains only components of natural origin. Not only will muscle mass grow rapidly, but also the muscle fibers will be reliably protected from various damages (including biochemical ones).

leveton p tablets

"Leveton P" are tablets that contain a considerable amount of substances similar to hormones. These include progesterone, estradiol, and testosteroids. They have a direct effect on the center for regulating androgen content in the body. That is why it is possible to rapidly build muscle mass, as well as increase indicators such as endurance and strength.

Please note that Leveton P supplement should not be taken continuously. This should be done in courses of three to four weeks, after which a break is required.

“Leveton P” instructions for use also recommend using it to improve the body’s hormonal levels. The correct hormonal levels are involved in improving metabolism, and this will contribute to the conversion of energy into muscle tissue.

It's no secret that too active and intense workouts lead to erectile dysfunction. The drug is able to easily cope with this problem, which cannot be said about synthetic anabolics. With regular use of the Leveton P dietary supplement, you don’t have to worry about weight loss. If intense training usually leads to the destruction of protein tissue, then the components included in the dietary supplement will interfere with this process.

The drug is recommended to be taken for a month by both ordinary people and bodybuilders. The only difference is in the selection of dosage. Experts recommend that people involved in sports take Leveton P tablets together with the Elton P dietary supplement. This will improve all sports performance.

Can women take it?

The drug "Leveton P" (you can read how to take it in this article) can also be used by females. Reviews from women confirm that the drug is safe and helps achieve incredible results in sports.

Also, representatives of the fair sex noted that the product improves libido levels quite well. This has been proven by scientists who conducted dozens of studies in scientific institutes. Women's libido begins to increase thanks to the perfectly selected herbal ingredients included in the composition. In addition, Leveton P is not a hormonal drug, so it does not cause significant harm to your body.

leveton p supplement

It was said above that the dietary supplement contains substances that resemble real hormones in their purpose. So, when they get into the ovaries, they are able to turn into female sex hormones, and this leads to an increase in libido.

At the same time, this medicine improves overall health. The functioning of the endocrine system is normalized, the central nervous system is toned and mood improves. All this helps to increase the level of sexual desire.

Nerves are under control, mood is high

Leveton P is also recommended when exposed to a stress factor. It protects the nervous system, primarily due to the content of Leuzea. This plant in the East is valued not only for enhancing sexual activity, but also for its ability to restore after severe shocks. There is also an opinion among Altai people that a decoction of Leuzea roots clears the mind.

Before introducing maral root into the State Pharmacopoeia in Tomsk, scientists conducted a clinical study of Leuzea preparations. During it, an effect such as stimulation of the cerebral cortex . In addition, sympathetic transmission in the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the peripheral nervous system improved. The hypothesis that Leuzea stimulates cognitive functions was also confirmed. People who took the plant extract improved their logical thinking and memory, and they concentrated faster. [eleven]

Scientists suggest that this effect on the nervous system is due to hormone-like substances - phytoecdysteroids, the number of which in the plant is very large - 65.

Leuzea, like pollen, stimulates cerebral circulation, which is of particular value in old age. Therefore, Leveton P is worth taking into service if you are over 50 years old. However, check with your doctor first as the drug may increase your blood pressure.

Our country is still studying the effect of Leuzea on the central nervous system. Doctor of Biological Sciences M.B. Plotnikov and Doctor of Medical Sciences S.V. Logvinov conducted a study in 2005. They studied the effect of this adaptogen on rats with a model of cerebral ischemia. For 5 days, the animals received dry extract of Leuzea safflower orally at 150 mg/kg per day. This treatment gave excellent results: ischemic damage in rats decreased and the structure of neurons improved . As shown by the electroencephalogram, the brain activity of animals becomes higher thanks to the plant. [12]

Experts in China recently came to similar conclusions. They found that this plant helps reduce the damaging effects of glutamate on the brain. (Wu J., Gao L., Shang L.) [13]

The benefits of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3 or niacin) in bee pollen for metabolism were mentioned above. It is important to note its importance for the nervous system. Good memory, coordination, high performance - all these are the merits of nicotinic acid. Thanks to its participation in many biochemical reactions, this substance helps regulate sleep and mood. So if you've lost your energy and alertness, chances are you're lacking niacin. And Leveton P will help fill its shortage.

Vitamin B6, which pollen also contains, has the property of reducing anxiety. It has been proven that when it is lacking, a person becomes more irritable. And without vitamin B9 (folic acid), there will be difficulties in the formation of serotonin, which is responsible for positive emotions.

Can this medicine be used by children?

"Leveton P" tab. 60 is not recommended for use by persons under eighteen years of age. This is due to the fact that during childhood the musculoskeletal system is actively formed. If you add to this a drug that can increase muscle mass, this can lead to many problems.

According to doctors, first of all, the spine will be susceptible to various deformities. Excessive muscle mass is a very common cause of scoliosis.

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