How to take Liv 52 and how harmful is it to the liver?

Liv 52 is a complex herbal medicine intended for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the liver and gall bladder. For several decades, Liv 52 has been used for hepatitis of various origins and to protect the liver from drug and alcohol intoxication.

There are polar opinions about the effectiveness of the drug and its ability to have a negative and even malignant effect on the liver. Whether this is true or not can be understood by examining in detail the mechanism of action of the drug and reviews of patients who have undergone treatment with Liv 52.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Liv 25

Pharmacodynamics. A combined herbal preparation, the effect of which is determined by the properties of the components included in its composition. Herbaceous capers contain thioglycosides, steroid saponins, rutin, ascorbic acid, quercetin and have hepatostimulating, hepatoprotective, diuretic, antiseptic, analgesic effects, and improve appetite. Wild chicory contains glycosides, fructose, levulose, choline, ascorbic acid, B vitamins. Chicory stimulates appetite, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, especially with gastritis, enteritis, colitis, has a hypoglycemic, hepaprotective effect, is useful for cholecystitis (stimulates the secretion of bile), kidney diseases (diuretic effect). Chicory potentiates the effect of capers. Black nightshade contains glycoalkaloids, rutin, asparagine, sitosterol, tannins, saponins, citric and ascorbic acid. It has antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic, emollient, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects. The composition of western cassia includes anthraglycosides, flavonoids, sterols, and organic acids. Has a choleretic, antitoxic, laxative effect. Cassia is effective in cases of disruption of the flow of bile into the intestines. Does not change the normal function of the small intestine, does not cause constipation after a laxative effect (tonic effect on the gastrointestinal tract). Terminalia arjuna has a diuretic effect and has a general tonic effect. Tamarix calii has hepatoprotective properties. Common yarrow contains essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, vitamin K. It causes dilation of the bile ducts, increases bile secretion into the duodenum, increases diuresis, and eliminates spastic pain in the intestines. Tones the gastrointestinal tract, has a carminative effect. Due to these properties, it is used for hypoacid gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, spastic ulcerative colitis, flatulence, and liver and kidney diseases. Iron oxide stimulates hematopoiesis. In general, Liv.52 has hepatoprotective, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, and choleretic effects. Improves the digestion process, stimulates hematopoiesis. The hepatoprotective effect is due to the antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing properties of the components included in the drug. The drug reduces the degradation of cell membranes caused by (nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate) NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation, increases the content of antioxidants in hepatocytes, and prevents the formation of free radicals. The antitoxic effect is based on the protection of the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes. The drug normalizes and increases the content of cytochrome P 450. During alcohol intoxication, it increases the elimination of acetaldehyde. In chronic alcoholism, it prevents the infiltration of lipids into liver cells. Provides liver protection against carbon tetrachloride. In the pre-cirrhotic phase, it delays the development of the disease and prevents further damage to the liver. Liv.52 stimulates the synthesis of protein, cholesterol, phospholipids, promotes the regeneration of liver cells, restores their functional ability. The drug improves appetite and facilitates the passage of gases from the intestines. Increases body weight when exhausted. Pharmacokinetics. The effect of the drug Liv.52 is the combined effect of the components that make up its composition. This combination ensures the activity and synergistic action of its herbal ingredients. Kinetic studies are not possible; the totality of components cannot be investigated using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to identify the metabolites of the drug.


The attached sheet contains important information. After reading it you will learn about the indications, method of administration, side effects. In addition, in the article you can learn about the approximate cost of the medicine, as well as some tips that may also be useful.

pharmachologic effect

Liv 52 has a complex effect on body systems. To a greater extent, the effect of the drug extends to the liver. The medication improves the functional state of cells, regulates metabolic processes and prevents the progression of liver pathologies. In case of alcohol damage to the body, Liv 52 not only accelerates the processes of restoration of liver cells and tissues, but also relieves conditions indicating a hangover syndrome (tremor of the limbs, thirst, chills, etc.).

For children, the medication can be used as part of complex therapy or to prevent liver pathologies at risk of their occurrence.

Pharmacological properties:

  • improving the processes of digestion and absorption of food;

  • restoration of liver function by glycogen accumulation;
  • stimulation of phospholipid biosynthesis;
  • decreasing the level of ethyl alcohol in urine and blood;
  • increasing the level of vitamin E in the body;
  • increase in tocopherol levels;
  • stimulation of the hematopoietic system;
  • relief of dystrophic and fatty processes in the liver;
  • eliminating the consequences of the negative effects of toxic compounds;
  • restoration of intracellular metabolism;
  • decrease in bilirubin levels.


Liv 52 may be prescribed for conditions such as:

  • Hepatosis, any form of hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic liver damage;
  • Anorexia;
  • Cholecystitis, as well as biliary dyskinesia.

Liv 52 can also be prescribed to prevent liver damage (caused by taking antibiotics).

Mode of application

This medicine must be taken orally. The dose should be taken 30 minutes before sitting down to eat. As a medicine, children over 6 years of age are prescribed Liv 52 in a dosage of 1-2 tablets. In this case, the reception is divided into 2-4 times. Adults should take 3 tablets.

For hepatitis C, A and Bchildren should be given 1 tablet 3 times a day. Adults should take 2 tablets. Treatment can be continued for up to three months. If necessary, the treating doctor may decide to extend treatment.
For hepatitis C and Bwhich have a chronic form, children are recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, while for adults the dosage is increased to 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment can last up to six months.
For anorexiachildren should take the medicine in a dosage of 1 tablet. 3 times a day. Adults need to take 2 tablets. Treatment should be continued for 14 days. If the doctor considers it necessary, the treatment is extended for another 2 weeks.
For anti-tuberculosis therapyadults are prescribed the medicine Liv 52 in a dosage of 2 tablets 2 times a day, and children can take no more than 1 tablet. 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

In addition, for preventive purposes, the drug Liv 52 can be prescribed to adults in a dosage of 80-120 drops (1-2 tsp) 2 times a day, as well as for children in a dosage of 10-20 drops. The dose should also be divided into 2 times.

Release form

This medicine can be presented in the form of tablets and drops.

Includes 1 table. includes powder of chicory seeds, chamber roots, cassia seeds, phylanthus niruri, tamarix, black nightshade, terminalia arjuna, yarrow, mandour basma and extract of raw materials: Tinospora cordifolia, Eclipta alba, Tinospora, radish, Embelia currant, Fumitaria officinalis, Terminalia hebula.

Additional components: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, magnesium stearate, and croscarmellose sodium.

The drops contain the following types of extracts: liquid aqueous, prickly caper roots, yarrow, cassia seeds, terminalia arjuna, Tamarix Gali, cassia occidentalis, white eclipta, radish sativum, smokeweed, chicory seeds, black nightshade, spreading berhavia, phylanthus niruri, tinospora cordifolia, terminalia chebula peel, currant embelia.

Additional components : peach flavor, sodium citrate, sodium propylarabene, water, and sucrose.

Drug interactions

The drug Liv 52 reduces the absorption of iboprofen in human blood. That is why it is necessary to adjust the dosage of the latter drug.

In addition, it is worth considering that Liv 52 may reduce the bioavailability of doxycycline and tetracycline.

Liv 52 Ingredients and composition

Kapparis Bush (Himsra) - Kapparis Spinosa and Chicory (Kasni) - Cichorium Intubus are the two main ingredients of Liv 52. We present to you the detailed information about all the ingredients and composition for the various variants of Liv 52 available.

Liv 52 Composition of tablets

Ingredient nameEach tablet contains
Kapparis Bush (Himsra) – Kapparis Spinoza65 mg
Wild Chicory (Kasani) – Cichorium Intibus65 mg
Mandur Bhasma – Iron Oxide Scale33 mg
Black Nightshade (Kakamachi) – Solanum Nigrum32 mg
Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna32 mg
Black Coffee (Casamarda) – Cassia Occidentalis16 mg
Yarrow (Biranyasifa) – Achillea Millefolium16 mg
Tamarisk (Yavuka) – Tamarix gallica16 mg

Liv 52 DS Composition of tablets

Ingredient nameEach tablet contains
Privateer Bush (Himsra) – Kapparis Spinoza130 mg
Wild Chicory (Kazan) – Chichorium Intub130 mg
Mandur Bhasma – Iron Oxide Scale66 mg
Black Nightshade (Kakamachi) – Solanum Nigrum64 mg
Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna64 mg
Black Coffee (Casamarda) – Cassia Occidentalis32 mg
Yarrow (Biranyasifa) – Achillea Millefolium32 mg
Tamarisk (Yavuka) – Tamarix gallica32 mg

Composition of syrup Liv 52

Ingredient name5 ml syrup contains
Kapparis Bush (Himsra) – Spinoza Kapparis extract34 mg
Wild Chicory (Kasani) – Cichorium Intybus34 mg
Black Nightshade (Kakamachi) – Solanum Nigrum16 mg
Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna16 mg
Black Coffee (Casamarda) – Cassia Occidentalis8 mg
Yarrow (Biranyasifa) – Achillea Millefolium8 mg
Tamarisk (Yavuka) – Tamarix gallica8 mg

Composition of Liv 52 DS syrup

Ingredient name5 ml syrup contains
Kapparis Bush (Himsra) – Kapparis spinosa extract68 mg
Wild Chicory (Kasani) – Cichorium Intibus68 mg
Black Nightshade (Kakamachi) – Solanum Nigrum32 mg
Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna32 mg
Black Coffee (Casamarda) – Cassia Occidentalis16 mg
Yarrow (Biranyasifa) – Achillea Millefolium16 mg
Tamarisk (Yavuka) – Tamarix gallica16 mg

Composition of Liv 52 drops

Liv 52 Drops are used for infants.

Ingredient name1 ml of liquid contains
Kapparis Bush (Himsra) – Kapparis spinosa extract17 mg
Wild Chicory (Kasani) – Cichorium Intibus17 mg
Black Nightshade (Kakamachi) – Solanum Nigrum8 mg
Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna8 mg
Black Coffee (Casamarda) – Cassia Occidentalis4 mg
Yarrow (Biranyasifa) – Achillea Millefolium4 mg
Tamarisk (Yavuka) – Tamarix gallica4 mg

Composition of Liv.52 HB (capsules)

Liv.52 HB is a new combination of drugs specifically designed for patients with hepatitis B.

Ingredient nameContents of the capsule
Walnut grass (Musta) – Cyperus rotundus125 mg
Umbrella edge (Nagaramustaka) – Cyperus scariosus125 mg

The effectiveness of Liv.52 HB is comparable to all modern allopathic drugs. Plus, hepatitis B has no side effects and is a safer choice.

In what situations is it recommended to take the drug?

What does Liv-52 help with? As a hepatoprotector, the drug protects hepatocytes from damage and promotes their active regeneration. In addition, Liv-52 increases the activity of the biosynthetic function of liver cells, inhibits the oxidation of lipid components, protecting cell membranes from the negative effects of oxidation products on them. The action of the drug is also aimed at binding toxins and other harmful substances that have entered the body and negatively affect the functions of hepatocytes. The drug Liv-52 successfully combats congestion in the biliary tract, eliminating dyskinesia and normalizing the digestive process, increasing the patient's appetite. To the above properties of the drug you can also add choleretic, antioxidant and mild diuretic effects.

Main indications for use of Liv-52:

  • Diffuse liver damage (prevention and treatment);
  • Toxic lesions of hepatocytes;
  • Fatty liver degeneration;
  • Hepatitis of various origins;
  • Prevention of liver damage during the period of taking chemically aggressive medications, for example, antitumor drugs, antibiotics, etc.;
  • Prevention of liver damage during radiological treatment (irradiation);
  • Dyskinesia of the bile ducts;
  • Cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis;
  • Paraproteinemia (presence of functionally defective proteins in the blood);
  • Anorexia, weight loss in children.

Time to take Liv 52

When should I take Liv 52?

In most cases, all Liv 52 preparations should be taken 30 minutes before meals. This is the best time to take Liv 52, which helps stimulate appetite, bile production, liver function, etc. If you have no appetite, constipation and liver disease, then this is the best time to take Liv 52.

If you have a good appetite and are not constipated, but suffer from poor digestion leading to malabsorption, then you should take Liv 52 after meals.

How long before or after a meal should I take Liv 52?

It should be taken 30 minutes before or at least 30 minutes after meals.

Analogs and which one is better

The cost of an Ayurvedic remedy confuses some patients with limited financial resources, so a search for analogues of Liv.52 is underway. There are no direct analogues of this medicine, since it contains 7 herbal powders and they are treated with a special herbal steam. Other plant-based hepatoprotectors are being considered as possible replacement options.


The question of which is better “Liv.52” or Karsil should be asked to your doctor. Both drugs are created on a plant basis, their use is not characterized by a high risk of side effects. Karsil contains milk thistle extract, has an antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antitoxic effect. To achieve results, long-term use is required several times a day.

A comparison of the effectiveness of these drugs has not been carried out; the biological effects, as described by the official manufacturer, are almost the same, so it is not possible to clearly answer the question of whether to choose Liv.52 or Karsil. At almost the same cost, the Liv.52 package contains more tablets (100 pcs.) than Karsil (80 pcs.). Karsil has been produced for decades in Europe (Bulgaria) and enjoys well-deserved popularity among specialists.


The answer to the question of which is better Phosphogliv or Liv.52 should be sought from your doctor. The main component of Phosphogliv is essential phospholipids. They compensate for defects in the hepatocyte membrane, which increases the barrier function of the liver. Phosphogliv has a wider range of contraindications; a doctor's prescription is required to purchase it. "Liv.52" is considered as a herbal complex, and therefore safer. The pharmacy cost of a package of “Liv.52” (100 pcs.) is less than Phosphogliv (50 pcs.).

Phosphogliv solution and capsules

Essentiale forte

The answer to the question of which is better “Liv.52” or “Essentiale Forte” is similar to that given above in relation to the pair “Liv.52” - “Phosphogliv”. This is the same hepatoprotector based on essential phospholipids, which are more trustworthy than herbs from India. is the largest European pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis.


Ursosan is a hepatoprotector based on ursodeoxycholic acid. Its main advantage in comparison with “Liv.52” is the stimulation of bile secretion, changes in the composition of bile, proven effectiveness in the treatment of cholestatic forms of hepatitis. Ursosan is produced by a Czech pharmaceutical company. It is more appropriate for use in patients with acute hepatitis, and “Liv.52” is used as a prophylactic agent. Which is better, Ursosan or Liv.52, depends on the specific pathology of the patient.

Side effects

In isolated cases, this drug can cause a response from the body, which can manifest itself in the form of conditions such as:

  • Flatulence, abdominal pain, taste disturbance, poor appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, belching, and nausea;
  • Redness, urticaria, itching, dermatitis, angioedema, blisters, eczema.


No episodes of severe consequences of an overdose of Liv 52 have been recorded in medical practice. The drug has minor side effects and, if the dosage regimen is regularly violated, can only provoke allergic reactions. A single overdose will not lead to pathological conditions. An exception is hypersensitivity to plant components. With this feature of the body, allergies can occur from minimal dosages of medication.


Liv 52 should not be taken if you are allergic to certain components of the product.


At this time, it is not advisable for a woman to take the medicine Liv 52. This is due to the possible negative effect that the drug may have on the fetus.

It is also better not to take the drug Liv 52 while feeding the baby. If it is not possible to choose a gentle similar drug or abstain from treatment, then the baby should be transferred from breastfeeding to formula.

Liv 52 - indications for use

The instructions indicate that Liv 52 has the following indications for use:

  • acute hepatitis A;
  • hepatitis C and B (acute and chronic);
  • hepatitis of toxic etiology (including drug overdose);
  • anorexia;
  • alcoholic liver disease;
  • pre-cirrhotic condition;
  • as a prophylactic agent for long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs (antibiotics, antituberculosis, antipyretic drugs), during a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

Therapy of other gastrointestinal diseases

Liv 52 is used not only for liver pathologies, but also for diseases of other organs of the digestive system:

  • Very often, this medicine is prescribed after removal of the gallbladder, but you should understand how effective its use is after cholecystectomy. After removal of the gallbladder, bile has nowhere to accumulate and flows directly from the liver into the intestines. But in some cases, especially if the diet is not followed, bile can accumulate in the liver and cause inflammation.


    This is why many patients after cholecystectomy complain of pain in the right hypochondrium. To support liver activity, hepatoprotectors and choleretic agents are prescribed. But Liv 52 is not the most effective in this situation - its action is more aimed at contracting the gallbladder, and since there is nothing to reduce after surgery, its use is not mandatory.

    After cholecystectomy, drugs containing bile and bile acids are considered the most effective. Although it is worth saying that patient reviews indicate the effectiveness of Liv 52.

    Thus, Igor writes: “After removal of the gallbladder, pain periodically occurs under the right rib. The doctor advised me to take courses of Hofitol or Liv 52. I tried both drugs, it seems to me that Liv 52 gives a positive result faster.”

  • Taking Liv 52 can be prescribed if the pancreas is not functioning properly. This drug or other choleretic drugs are needed when bile backs up into the pancreatic duct, causing inflammation.


    In addition, pancreatitis is often accompanied by diseases such as cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, so it is necessary to take medications that normalize the flow of bile. Liv 52 is prescribed for pancreatitis to relieve stress on the pancreas, eliminate bile stagnation, prevent swelling and normalize digestion. But there are also contraindications to taking the drug for the following diseases:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • stones in the gall bladder or ducts;

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • severe form of cirrhosis.
    Liv 52 is most popular for pancreatitis due to its natural composition, as it is best tolerated and causes virtually no side effects. So, Maria writes: “I have had pancreatitis and cholecystitis for several years now, I take Liv 52 two courses per year. The attacks have practically disappeared, but of course, you need to maintain a diet, otherwise the treatment will be of no use.”
  • For biliary dyskinesia, hepatoprotectors are prescribed when there is severe stagnation of bile or cessation of its secretion. Liv 52 is one of the drugs that effectively fights cholestasis, eliminates the symptoms of dyskinesia and normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs.

    Many patients noted that taking the drug during an attack eliminated pain. But Liv 52 is a non-specific drug for the treatment of this disease, as well as pancreatitis - with these diseases the most important thing is to maintain a diet and give up bad habits.

    Valeria writes: “I’ve been taking Liv 52 for dyskinesia for two weeks and have already noticed that not only the discomfort in the stomach has gone away, but also my general condition has improved - stools have normalized, skin color has improved, heartburn has disappeared.”

  • Price

    The price of Liv 52 should be found in city pharmacies. This measure is due to the fact that in different regions the price may differ significantly.


    • On average you will have to pay 365 rubles for tablets;
    • For drops of the drug Liv 52 you will have to pay 370 rubles.


    • You will have to pay 150-198 hryvnia for the tablets;
    • For drops of the drug Liv 52 you need to pay 200 hryvnia.

    Video on the topic: Liv 52 commercial

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    The combined herbal medicine has choleretic, hepatoprotective, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antianorexic effects on the body.

    Also, when taking Liv.52, the following effects are observed:

    • stimulation of the digestion process;
    • improving food absorption;
    • an increase in the concentration of cytochrome P450 and the content of endogenous tocopherols in liver cells;
    • accelerating the process of hepatocyte restoration;
    • increasing the liver's ability to accumulate glycogen;
    • stimulation of the production of proteins and phospholipids;
    • activation of intracellular metabolism;
    • slowing down the process of fatty, degenerative and fibrotic changes;
    • stimulation of gallbladder peristalsis;
    • prevention of gallstone formation;
    • improvement of colloidal indicators of bile;
    • stimulation of the process of hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis);
    • decreased levels of bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase;
    • normalization of the level of plasma blood proteins and the concentration of cholesterol, plasma transaminases, triglycerides;
    • suppression of manifestations of dyslipidemia.

    According to the instructions, Liv. 52 ensures a decrease in the level of ethyl alcohol in the blood and urine in case of alcoholic damage to liver tissue. It is able to enhance the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, accelerating the process of reducing the concentration of acetaldehyde, as well as preventing the reaction of acetaldehyde with cell proteins and accelerating the evacuation of this substance from the body. The drug also prevents damage to liver cells by acetaldehyde and reduces the risk of developing hangover syndrome.

    Review of expert reviews

    The phyto-pharmaceutical company Himalaya has been producing hepatoprotector for more than half a century, but despite its advanced age, reviews of Liv.52 are mixed.

    Among the advantages are: herbal composition and associated safety, noticeable effectiveness with regular use. Patient reviews of Liv.52 also describe disadvantages: the need for long-term use to achieve results, a large frequency of dosing per day (3 times), large sizes of the package and the tablets themselves. The affordable price of this medicine and long experience of use are also important for patients.

    Reviews from experts about Liv.52 are cautious and not always positive. Doubts are caused by the lack of description of pharmacokinetic features and the inability to assess the full effect of the drug due to its multicomponent composition.

    Large-scale randomized studies of the use of Liv.52 have not been conducted to confirm its effectiveness and safety.

    Liv 52 – compatibility

    The instructions for the drug indicate that it can be taken in parallel with antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis, antipyretics and contraceptives (from the influence of which it should protect the liver). When used with ibuprofen, Liv.52 helps to reduce the concentration of the latter in the blood (probably due to reduced absorption). In addition, when considering Liv 52 compatibility with other drugs, it is worth considering that the drug reduces the bioavailability of tetracycline and doxycycline.

    Many patients who are getting acquainted with the medication Liv 52 are interested in the compatibility of this herbal hepatoprotector with alcohol. It is believed that the drug can be used while drinking alcohol (more precisely, it is recommended to take it before and after drinking alcohol). This will help not only prevent damage to hepatocytes by ethanol, but also alleviate hangover syndrome.

    special instructions

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

    Impaired concentration or decreased speed of psychomotor reactions is not included in the list of side symptoms of Liv 52. The medication does not affect the central nervous system.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    During the lactation period and pregnancy, Liv 52 is prohibited for use. The drug contains many herbal components that can provoke various disorders in the body of a woman and a newborn child. During pregnancy, some substances can have a negative effect on the process of fetal formation.

    Use in childhood

    Liv 52 in tablet form can be used to treat children from the age of six (drops are suitable for use for children from two years of age).

    For impaired renal function

    Renal dysfunction is not a reason to discontinue the drug or adjust the dosage regimen.

    For liver dysfunction

    Liv 52 is used to treat liver pathologies of various etiologies. The instructions do not contain information about exceptions.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    A prescription from a doctor is not required.

    Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of liver diseases

    • Arogyavardhini Vati - A promising remedy for hepatitis and liver diseases.
    • Punarnavarishta
    • Ashta Churnam is an excellent remedy for fatty liver.
    • Punarnava Mandur (Punarnava Mandur) is a good medicine for hemolytic jaundice.
    • Navaka Guggulu for poor liver function and fat accumulation.
    • Punarnavadi Kashayam is the best medicine for liver swelling.
    • Varanadium Kashayam for fatty liver disease.
    • Amritarishta (for bile deficiency and liver diseases)
    • Kumaryasava for liver enlargement
    • Panaviraladi Bhasma is an excellent remedy for liver swelling caused by liver disease.

    Best before date

    There is no need to leave the drug near children or pets. Liv 52 can be stored in a place where water or sunlight does not reach. The temperature in this room should not be lower than 10, but also not exceed 30 degrees.

    If these conditions are met, both dosage forms of the drug can be stored for no more than 3 years. After the expiration date, the medicine should be disposed of immediately and its further use is prohibited.


    Only a doctor can choose the right replacement product.

    The drug Liv 52 has a large number of effective analogues. Among them are:

    Berlition, Vitanorm, Hepatofalk planta, L-Methionine, Antraliv, Brenciale forte, Hepatosan, Heptrong, Heptral, Legalon 70, Hepa Merz, Karsil, Cavehol, Heptrol, Glutargin alkocline, Glutargin, Legalon 140, Livodexa, Lipoid C 100, Ornitsetil, Milife, Methionine, Livolife Forte, Rezalut, Lipoid PPL 400, Molixan, Metrop GP, Maxar, Octolipen, Urdoxa, Exhol, Espa Lipon, Hepabos, Ursofalk, Ursodex,

    Thiolipon, Silymarina Sediko, Silimar, Rezalut Pro, Silimar, Ursosan, Ursoliv, Ursodez, Urso 100, Thiotriazolin, Sirepar, Ursorom, Essliver, Hepabos, Tykveol, Fosfonciale, Choludexan, Silymarin, Hepabos, Erbisol, Essentiale forte N, Betaine Citrate Bofus , Cryomelt MN, Molixan, and Essentiale N.

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