Instructions for use of children's Ingavirin 60, ➄ analogues for replacement
Release form and composition The drug is produced in the form of capsules of size No. 2, with a white logo
Interferon alfa-2b: instructions, release forms and side effects
Side effects and contraindications Price of the drug Among other medicines used for the treatment of COVID-19
Cohosh for women. Instructions, medicinal properties of the plant, indications for homeopathy, contraindications. Medicines, prices
Uses of the cohosh plant (black cohosh) for women's health. In what cases is the supplement prescribed by a doctor?
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga, Black Cohosh) is a herb from North America that has been used as a folk
Instructions for use of Tsipramil, reviews of the drug from patients and doctors, its analogues
There are restrictions during pregnancy. There are restrictions on breastfeeding. There are restrictions for children.
Antral - instructions, indications, composition, method of application
Antral is an effective remedy against hepatitis in acute and chronic form and cirrhosis
Lamisil ointment in tube
Instructions for use of the drug Lamisil
Terbinafine hydrochloride is used as an active component in the production of the drug Lamisil. This is the chemical
Man and doctor
Hexicon - instructions for use and release form, composition, dosage and cost
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: NIZHFARM Active ingredients Chlorhexidine bigluconate Disease class Itching of the vulva
RioFlora probiotics contain up to 9 strains of microorganisms
Rioflora Immuno - guarding immunity and gastrointestinal health
Probiotics are a heterogeneous group of non-pathogenic bacteria, that is, living microorganisms present in normal
Wormwood medicinal properties, research on benefits and harms
Wormwood was once very popular, especially among artists, who chose it as their favorite drink
Solian instructions
Solian, 100 mg/ml, oral solution, 60 ml, 1 pc.
Schizophrenia is a polymorphic endogenous mental disorder or a group of mental disorders that are associated with instability
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