Ways of infection with human roundworm and the main methods of combating worms

Life cycle of the human roundworm

The route of transmission of roundworm eggs to humans, which a person may not be aware of:

  • water;
  • domestic;
  • food.

Ascariasis is a common disease caused by the multiplication of a parasite, and no matter how much effort you make, the threat of “picking up” a helminth remains.

The methods of spreading worms depend on the lifestyle of the family. If purified water is used for cooking and food is processed, then the method of infection with roundworms becomes close contact on the street - in the garden or in the yard. Worm larvae are found in the soil, where they remain viable for a long time. After the larvae are hatched from the human body, they enter the environment. This is how the spread of worms - roundworms - occurs.

roundworm specimens

Worm larvae can enter the house along with uncleaned shoes, and children come into contact with roundworms in the sandbox or near the swing. A healthy individual of the parasite reproduces daily, and if one part of the eggs dies, then a large number of larvae become mature after two weeks, capable of further reproduction. The continuous process of reproduction of the parasite and its resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions contribute to the spread of an unpleasant disease - ascariasis.

Life cycle of roundworm

Roundworms (Ascaris lurabricoides) belong to helminths (as worms are scientifically called) and are representatives of nematodes - roundworms.

The female is capable of laying from 200 to 240 thousand (!) eggs per day, which, together with feces, pass from the human body into the external environment.

Ascaris eggs have amazing viability: they are able to survive in the ground even at thirty degrees below zero!

It is there, in the soil, that their maturation occurs. When, with the onset of spring, the temperature and humidity create optimal conditions for ripening, full-fledged mobile larvae emerge from the fertilized eggs, which are carried by flies.

roundworm eggs

It is not for nothing that flies are considered the main route of transmission of various intestinal infections and parasites to humans.

Once mature fertilized eggs enter the esophagus, the risk of infection with human roundworm increases to its maximum.

This is what is called the fecal-oral route of infection with ascariasis: some people excrete ascaris eggs along with feces, while others, who do not follow the rules of protection against infection (the second route), bring them into the mouth, as a rule, along with food.

Now the roundworm larva has complete freedom, because our body is the whole world for it! Together with food, the larvae directly enter the intestine, and through its walls into the blood vessels, which carry them to the lungs.

From the lungs they are excreted with sputum into the oral cavity, and the process is repeated: saliva and food again transport the larvae to the intestines, where they “mature” and then grow into adult roundworms.

Then the “mature individual” lays a terrifying number of eggs every day, which are passed along with the feces, and the whole thing repeats.

The only consolation is that, if a person is not re-infected, the adult roundworm will live only a year, and then die a natural death and will be eliminated from the body naturally, that is, again along with feces.

Life cycle of roundworm

About the pathogen

Ascariasis is caused by a parasite called human roundworm or Ascaris lumbricoides. It is called human not because of its humanity and humanity, but for the simple reason that it can live exclusively in the human body. Ascaris will not survive either in the body of a dog, or in the body of a cat, cow or horse.

Ascaris is a roundworm. In general, it does not have a single organ or appendage with which it could attach to organs, and therefore, unlike many other worms, it does not choose habitats in the child’s body, but constantly travels, moving towards food masses. The roundworm is almost devoid of sense organs, there is only touch, which is responsible for the small tubercles around the mouth of the worm.

The roundworm lives in the lumen of the small intestine. These are very impressive parasites in size: an adult female can reach 40 centimeters in length, and a male can reach 25 centimeters. Parasites reproduce sexually, and every day a fertilized female can lay up to a quarter of a million eggs, which are released with the contents of the intestines.

Nature has taken great care of the offspring of roundworms - the eggs are “equipped” with shells that have 5 layers, which make them almost invulnerable to the influence of the external environment. Neither cold, nor chlorine, nor other disinfectants threaten them.



Ascaris eggs are only afraid of products that dissolve fats - alcohol, gasoline and hot water; they also “dislike” direct directed rays of the sun.

Before finding a new host, the eggs mature in the ground. The warmer the climate in the region, the faster the eggs mature. There are cases where they remained alive and potentially dangerous even after 12 years in the ground.

Roundworms remain “faithful” to their host; they do not change it throughout their entire life. As soon as unfertilized eggs penetrate into the child's body from the soil with dirty vegetables or fruits, having been carried by flies and other unpleasant insects, larvae emerge from them in the intestine, which are able to enter the blood vessels through the intestinal wall, from there into the liver, into the right atrium , lungs. The child begins to cough, and the larvae with mucus move into the pharynx, are swallowed again, and again end up in the small intestine, where they mate and lay eggs. This is a complete life cycle.

The migration phase from the intestines to the lungs through the bloodstream takes up to two weeks. Sometimes young larvae manage to cover the entire path in 8 days. The subsequent intestinal stage after secondary ingestion is the longest. It can last about a year; the first “fresh” eggs begin to appear in the child’s stool within a couple of months after infection.

What the roundworm feeds on is known to science in some detail: at first it is blood serum, but as it grows older, the serum becomes scarce, and the individual begins to consume red blood cells - erythrocytes. The choice is not accidental - roundworms also need oxygen, and these are the cells that carry it. The older the roundworm gets, the more oxygen it needs, which is why individuals devoid of intelligence intuitively strive to where there is the most oxygen - into the lungs.


The insidiousness of roundworms lies in the fact that they do not always clearly follow the phases of the life cycle provided by nature. Individuals can linger in the liver or lungs, causing serious pathological processes there.

Over time, they are distributed throughout the body and can affect the pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts, heart, and brain.

It is noteworthy that roundworms also have benefits. Researchers from California discovered their phenomenal ability to increase women’s fertility. They found that the presence of roundworms in a woman’s body increases the chances of conceiving and bearing a child.

It is believed that this is due to the “distraction” of the immune system to parasites, which is more favorable for pregnancy and its gestation.

How roundworms affect various human organs

In principle, roundworms are able to live in almost any human organ, and this can cause not just minor discomfort, but a decrease in immunity and serious deterioration in the body’s condition.

Most often this is expressed in an allergic reaction due to infection with roundworms, since their waste products are very allergenic, so not only the affected organs suffer, but the entire body. Manifestations of allergies can be expressed in the form of skin rashes or runny nose.

In addition, the consequences of infection manifest themselves in the form of:

  • general weakness and anemia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbances and, as a result, increased nervousness.

These are only fairly general manifestations of the consequences of infection, which many attribute to completely different reasons: stress, overwork, age-related phenomena; sometimes they are mistaken for manifestations of completely different diseases (for example, hepatic ascariasis - for hepatitis or liver abscess).

It is unlikely that it would occur to anyone that this is how roundworm infection manifests itself. However, the list of these consequences does not end there.

Intestines. If roundworms are localized in it (most often in its thin part), then this disrupts the stability of its functioning: pain in the intestines, especially in the navel area, and bloating may appear, stool becomes unstable, constipation often occurs, nausea and vomiting are possible.

In this case, a sign of infection with roundworms is the coloration of stool in a dark burgundy color.

roundworms in the intestines

Lungs. If roundworms have taken root in the lungs, this will cause breathing problems, shortness of breath, often a dry cough, which is sometimes accompanied by sputum production - in short, all these symptoms are very similar to bronchitis.

If the lesion is particularly intense, then you can even detect the presence of roundworms in the nose or throat. It happens that they come out of the nose or mouth, so that they are visible to the naked eye.

However, such cases are quite rare, and usually an analysis of sputum from the throat, as well as an ultrasound of the lungs, is necessary to identify the parasite.

parasites in the lungs

Liver and bile ducts. The liver is perhaps the favorite organ of roundworms, to which they strive to get through the bloodstream, and due to high mobility, physical damage by the larvae to the intestinal walls and capillaries is possible.

As a result, hepatic ascariasis occurs, which in its symptoms resembles cholelithiasis, only with more severe pain attacks.

More than 80% of patients experience nausea and vomiting, and in half of this number the parasites themselves come out along with vomiting.

Often the presence of roundworms in the biliary tract is indicated by painful sensations in the subcostal area and the appearance of jaundice, however, if the bile duct is wide enough and the parasites do not interfere with its separation, then jaundice may not occur.

And these are not all the organs that can be affected by roundworm infection. The pancreas, lymph nodes, heart muscle, and even the brain can suffer from their harmful effects.

helminths in the liver

Symptoms and signs

Signs of ascariasis in children depend on the degree and intensity of helminthic infestation. As a rule, this disease has two stages of development:

  • migratory stage (early acute);
  • intestinal stage (late chronic).

With small helminthic infestations, ascariasis may occur in an erased form or its symptoms may be completely absent.

At the initial stage of the disease, symptoms of intoxication and allergies appear. During migration throughout the body, the larvae secrete products of their vital activity, which cause severe allergization of the body. When the larvae penetrate the liver and lungs, symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract are observed:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • stomach ache;
  • stool disorder;
  • constipation;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • bile stagnation;
  • allergic skin rash;
  • anemia;
  • deterioration in general health.

When they migrate to the lungs, symptoms from the respiratory system develop:

  • cough with phlegm;
  • heavy sweating;
  • swelling of the eyelids and face;
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • dyspnea;
  • rash and itching on the skin;
  • leukocytosis and eosinophilia in the blood;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • temperature increase;
  • muscle pain.

With complicated helminthiasis, pneumonia and pleurisy, granulosa hepatitis and myocarditis can develop. Against this background, the body’s defenses are weakened and its general allergization continues.

These are the symptoms of the first migratory stage of ascariasis.

Take a roundworm test

During the intestinal stage, when the larvae again enter the intestines and begin to actively grow and multiply there, symptoms characteristic of a gastrointestinal tract disease appear. May be observed:

  • indigestion;
  • decreased acidity of gastric juice;
  • insufficient production of gastric juice;
  • decreased enzyme activity;
  • deterioration of food digestion;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • intestinal colic;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • weight loss;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Due to the suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora, the immune system of the whole organism begins to suffer, which becomes increasingly unable to cope with its protective function. Therefore, the child constantly experiences secondary diseases in the form of viral and infectious diseases. Children's infectious diseases are complicated and take a very long time.

The child also experiences complications from the nervous system:

  • nervousness and moodiness;
  • irritability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • delay in physical development;
  • convulsions;
  • hysterical or convulsive seizures;
  • impaired concentration;
  • memory loss;
  • restless sleep.

An active and cheerful child suddenly becomes capricious, irritable and restless.

During the migration of larvae, ulceration, perforation of the intestinal walls and micronecrosis are often observed. With massive and advanced infestations, serious complications are observed, which can sometimes threaten the child’s life:

  • appendicitis (when roundworms penetrate there);
  • peritonitis;
  • abscesses;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • inflammation of other organs and systems (kidneys, brain, heart);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ulceration of the small intestine;
  • hemorrhages;
  • perforation (violation of the integrity) of the walls of the small intestine.

Ways of infection with roundworms

Ascaris eggs are so small (only 7 micrometers) that it is impossible to see them with the naked eye, but they can be present almost everywhere where flies, their main carriers, land.

Therefore, it is extremely important not to keep food that will not be cooked open.

Often, the way worms enter a person is through the use of feces to fertilize garden plots, which makes infection almost inevitable.

There are two ways: either refuse this fertilizer and thoroughly clean the area of ​​it, or wash the products obtained from it very carefully.

Better yet, pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits, because the roundworm larva dies already at 38°C.

Take a test for worms

Features of the treatment process

Traditional methods of treating ascariasis are not always effective. More benefits are obtained when used in combination:

  • anthelmintic drugs,
  • antihistamines,
  • sorbents,
  • vitamins

Almost all antiparasitic medications are toxic. Their independent use can cause very serious health problems. Only a doctor can accurately determine the required dosage after an examination and study of the test results.

A whole army of parasites will come out of you overnight if you drink regular, Soviet... Read more »

The worm guard will begin to capitulate by morning, if in one gulp… Read more »

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Author of the article: Alla Gromova

Measures to combat ascariasis infection

When infection has already occurred, the best option is to consult a doctor, do the necessary tests and strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen; but preventive measures are also good ways to protect your body from parasites:

  • Wash your hands with soap more often (after visiting the toilet, before eating, after using public transport, etc.) and instill this habit in children.
  • Be sure to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables that do not undergo heat treatment (it is better to pour boiling water over them).
  • Drink only bottled or boiled water.
  • Do not leave dishes and food uncovered.
  • Fight flies in every possible way and prevent their presence in the house.
  • For owners of garden plots, do not use feces as fertilizer and regularly clean the soil from it on your plot, as well as equip it with a proper cesspool.


Option 1: peeled and chopped garlic in an amount of 10 grams, pour boiling water in an amount of 100 ml, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Divide the infusion into two parts. Then, for two days, do enemas from the resulting solutions. It is advisable to eat fresh garlic at this time.

Option 2: the ingredients can be taken in the same proportions. Chopped garlic is poured with warm milk and left overnight. Before breakfast, drink a glass of infusion.

Option 3: Peel and chop garlic cloves in the amount of one cup. After an evening meal, two hours later, swallow a slice without chewing; you can wash it down with kefir or tomato juice.

Option 4: large garlic head, peeled and cut into quarters. Boil in 200 ml milk for 20 minutes. Infuse the decoction and drink it warm five times a day, one teaspoon at a time. The course lasts a week.

Pumpkin seeds are very useful. The seeds contain cucurbitin, which fights helminths and promotes their removal from the body. Pumpkin seeds should be consumed raw or after natural drying. Heat treatment kills all the healing power of the product.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.
Interesting to know:

Factors provoking the development of the disease

Ascariasis can appear in absolutely any person, regardless of gender, age and type of activity. Despite this, the disease has its own risk group, which includes farmers, summer residents and children. Most infections in the CIS countries occur during the warm seasons of the year: spring and summer.

Important! Worm eggs easily tolerate low temperatures. They can survive winter in conditions down to -30°C. Under favorable conditions, with sufficient air humidity and temperature, eggs can remain in the soil for up to 10 years, while remaining viable.

Studies have shown that children experience ascariasis more difficult than adults. They experience more symptoms, often with extreme intensity. In this regard, it can be argued that the main factor aggravating the course of the disease is weak or unformed immunity.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Brucellosis. Parasites. Link
  • Corbel MJ Parasitic diseases // World Health Organization. Link
  • Young EJ Best matches for intestinal parasites // Clinical Infectious Diseases. — 1995. Vol. 21. - P. 283-290. Link
  • Yushchuk N.D., Vengerov Yu.A. Infectious diseases: textbook. — 2nd edition. - M.: Medicine, 2003. - 544 p.
  • Prevalence of parasitic diseases among the population, 2009 / Kokolova L. M., Reshetnikov A. D., Platonov T. A., Verkhovtseva L. A.
  • Helminths of domestic carnivores of the Voronezh region, 2011 / Nikulin P. I., Romashov B. V.

An article for patients with a doctor-diagnosed disease. Does not replace a doctor's appointment and cannot be used for self-diagnosis.

The best stories from our readers

Topic: Parasites are to blame for all troubles!

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected] )

To: Administration Noparasites.ru

Not long ago my health condition worsened. I began to feel constant fatigue, headaches, laziness and some kind of endless apathy appeared. Problems also appeared with the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, diarrhea, pain and bad breath.

I thought it was because of the hard work and hoped that it would go away on its own. But every day I felt worse. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

I decided to go to a private clinic. Here I was advised, in addition to general tests, to get tested for parasites. So in one of the tests they found parasites in me. According to doctors, these were worms, which 90% of people have and almost everyone is infected, to a greater or lesser extent.

I was prescribed a course of antiparasitic medications. But it didn’t give me any results. A week later, a friend sent me a link to an article where some parasitologist shared real tips on fighting parasites. This article literally saved my life. I followed all the advice that was there and after a couple of days I felt much better!

Digestion improved, headaches went away and the vital energy that I so lacked appeared. To be sure, I took the tests again and no parasites were found!

Anyone who wants to cleanse their body of parasites, no matter what types of these creatures live in you, read this article, I’m 100% sure it will help you! Go to article>>>

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How to get rid of parasites in a week. The answer is here!

A reliable and effective remedy for combating worms. Removes all parasites in 21 days.

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Symptoms that 100% indicate parasites! Take the Test.

How to rid your body of life-threatening parasites before it’s too late!

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To get a consultation

The doctor tells how to quickly get rid of parasites for adults and children!

A parasitologist explains what effective methods exist to combat helminths.

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Search for cures for parasites

This service is a small help in finding cures for parasites. To start using it, select the type of parasite. If you don’t know what kind of parasite you are infected with, this parasite identification tool will help you by symptoms.

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The symptoms of roundworms in children are very similar to the symptoms of colds or allergies. Therefore, doctors recommend that if you experience a prolonged cough for no apparent reason, a rash or intestinal disorders, you should be tested for helminths.

The main method of identifying helminths is laboratory tests of blood and feces. This way the type of worms and the degree of the disease are determined. It is not always possible to detect a disease this way the first time. If only males are present in the body or the intensity of infection is low, then helminth eggs may not be detected in the feces. Surely such an analysis shows ascariasis in an advanced or chronic form.

Another diagnostic method is serological testing. This will require saliva, blood serum and feces. This analysis shows antibodies to helminths, which are produced within a couple of days after infection. Serological testing is effective even at an early stage of infection.


Compared to other helminths (bovine tapeworms, flukes), roundworms are not as dangerous. Most patients are successfully treated without surgery. But timely treatment requires at least a competent diagnosis.

Ascariasis claims several thousand lives every year. But, taking into account the total number of patients with this diagnosis, the figure of 2-3 thousand does not seem so large. Death is possible and probable in the absence of therapy and massive invasion.


In most cases, drug treatment is used. Non-traditional or traditional methods of therapy are suitable only as an addition to medications.

Ascariasis at the last stage of development with massive invasion and severe intoxication of the body often requires surgical intervention. The operation is used when complete intestinal obstruction occurs or when the airways are blocked.

Drug therapy

Roundworms are easier to eliminate in adults than in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

This is due to the fact that anthelmintic drugs are mostly toxic and should not be bought at random.

When choosing medications, you must be guided by your doctor’s recommendations, but you can also take this table into account and, perhaps, find cheaper analogues of the prescribed drugs in it:

NameWho can take itDoes it work on eggs/larvae of parasites?Side effectsRules of application and course duration
PirantelTeenagers, all adults, in particular pregnant women. Nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age should not take it; patients with pathologies and liver disorders should first consult with their doctor. For larvae.Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, general ailments.Inside, regardless of meals. Dosage depends on age. Treatment for children under 6 years of age - 1 tablet, from 6 to 12 - 2 tablets. If the child’s body weight is more than 75-80 kg, then he should be given 3 tablets.
Adults need to consume 4 pieces at once.

The course of treatment is 1 day; to avoid re-infestation (eggs may remain in the body), the dose should be repeated after 2-3 weeks.

NemozolChildren and adults are welcome.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not allowed. For liver dysfunction, see Pirantel.
For larvae. The drug is effective for mixed invasions. See Pirantel.Treatment in children over 2 years of age, as well as adults, requires a single dose of 2 or 1 tablet of 400 mg. The course of treatment is 1 day. If necessary, you can repeat the appointment after a few weeks.
DekarisAll adults, in particular pregnant women (but with caution). Breastfeeding mothers are not allowed. For liver dysfunction, see Pirantel. See NemozolVomiting, nausea, dizziness, weakness, rash, insomnia.Single dose: 1 tablet of 150 mg. Treatment is possible in children with complete or partial intestinal obstruction, but dosages in this case are set on an individual basis.

These drugs are not very toxic, so most of the side effects described are not fully observed or do not appear at all.

It is important not to exceed recommended dosages and carefully study contraindications.


It is better to prevent any disease than to cure it, and preventing roundworms and the routes of infection with them is not so difficult.

It is enough to follow a few rules, which are more moral than require additional training:

  1. Wash your hands more often: after going outside, after visiting the toilet, before eating;
  2. Don't bite your nails; bad habits can be detrimental to health;
  3. Monitor the cleanliness of bed linen;
  4. Carry out general cleaning more often;
  5. Clean your toothbrush and floss if you have one.

Thus, knowing what roundworm is and how you can become infected with ascariasis, the path to recovery is seen much more clearly than with unreasonable fear of an unknown disease.

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