Uses of the cohosh plant (black cohosh) for women's health. In what cases is the supplement prescribed by a doctor?

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga, Black Cohosh) is a North American herb that has been used as a folk remedy for inflammatory conditions and has become popular for its ability to treat some symptoms and signs of menopause, most notably night sweats and hot flashes. According to some surveys, this natural supplement ranks 8–10 in terms of sales in the United States. Black cohosh tablets and tinctures are sometimes recommended as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat hot flashes in menopausal women.

About the plant

The plant reaches two meters in height. The roots are strong and go deep into the ground. The shoots are covered with fine hairs and have branches. The leaves are arranged in several tiers. Below are the largest ones, reaching forty centimeters. A little higher are pointed leaves no more than ten centimeters long.

Black cohosh blooms vigorously in July. At this moment, the flowers emit a pronounced sweetish aroma, which attracts insects. They do not bloom immediately, but gradually.

Voronets appeared in North America, but today it has become widespread not only on this continent, but also on other continents. The plant is attracted to temperate climates, so it can be found in Mongolia, China, India and other Asian countries. Cohosh grows in deciduous forests, in wet ravines, and in bushes.

Description of the plant

Cohosh is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in one place for up to 20 years. It has an erect stem with a square cross-section. The leaves are large, of two types, growing from the root, forming a large rosette. The bush reaches a height of 1.5 m or more. Gardeners are attracted by the decorative appearance of the inflorescences - long racemes (up to 1 m), covered with sessile white flowers with pubescence.

Cohosh for women. Instructions, medicinal properties of the plant, indications for homeopathy, contraindications. Medicines, prices

The flowers emit an unpleasant odor, attracting flies and other carrion-loving insects for pollination.

Some of the popular names - stinkhorn, stinking black cohosh, stinking root - reflect this feature of the plant. In Rus' it was used to combat parasitic insects, hence the name black cohosh. The German name - silver candles - reflects the beauty of the blooming black cohosh.

Chemical composition


Black cohosh is rich in flavonoids and alkaloids, which are presented in inflorescences. However, the chemical composition also includes other beneficial substances found in the root part. These include:

  1. phenolic compounds;
  2. tannins;
  3. plant estrogens;
  4. essential oil;
  5. salicylic and isoferulic acids;
  6. tannins;
  7. gum;
  8. organic acids.

The root contains small amounts of starch, sucrose, carotene and useful elements such as selenium, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

What is black cohosh

Black cohosh, or black cohosh, is a plant that grows up to 2 m in height . Its roots are strong, going deep into the soil. Shoots with branches are covered with thin hairs. The foliage is arranged in layers. In the lower part the leaves are large, up to 40 cm. Pointed leaf plates are located slightly higher, their length does not exceed 10 cm.

The plant blooms in mid-summer. The inflorescences have a pleasant sweetish smell. They bloom gradually. Black cohosh appeared in North America, but is now widespread on many continents with temperate climates.

Beneficial properties of black cohosh

The benefits of the plant are undeniable. It has a positive effect on various organs and systems. Supplements containing black cohosh extract have many beneficial properties. Their active components act on brain receptors that are responsible for the synthesis of hormones. As a result, the production of certain of them is stimulated, smooth muscles relax, and cardiac activity is normalized.

Black cohosh has a mild sedative effect. When taken, excessive excitability is eliminated and the nervous system relaxes. For this reason, supplements are used in the treatment of various behavioral disorders and help relieve depression.

Sofia Sokolova

Pharmacist. Author of articles on the site

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Dietary supplements based on cohosh have a positive effect on bone health. They are often used for rheumatism, arthritis and osteoporosis.

For women

Black cohosh is especially useful for the female body. With its help, it is possible to eliminate many gynecological problems. The plant helps stimulate the production of breast milk. Thanks to the use of supplements based on it, the severity of premenstrual syndrome is reduced and the condition is alleviated during menopause.

Cohosh-based preparations are used in the complex treatment of menstrual irregularities, infertility, endometritis, and menopause.

Plant properties


The properties of black cohosh are best demonstrated in the treatment of pathologies of the female reproductive system. This is due to the presence of bioflavonoids, which play the role of natural estrogens. The components improve the functioning of the hormonal system, thereby improving the mechanisms of the menstrual cycle.

Preparations based on the plant are used in the complex treatment of hormonal disorders in women, especially during menopause. In addition, they help get rid of the symptoms of certain diseases of the reproductive system.

Doctors prescribe treatment using black cohosh in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • menopause period;
  • headache, stress, overexertion;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • metabolic problems;
  • excess cholesterol;
  • high blood pressure;
  • asthma;
  • rheumatism.

The effect of drugs based on Voronets is that the components bind to the brain receptors responsible for the hormonal system. As a result, the production of certain hormones improves. Smooth muscles relax, cardiac activity is not disturbed, and the uterine muscles contract.

Due to the mild sedative effect, increased excitability is reduced and the nervous system relaxes. Therefore, black cohosh is often used to treat behavioral disorders when the use of potent medications is contraindicated.

Another direction of use of drugs with plant extract is the treatment of bone tissue diseases. The positive effect of the drugs on osteoporosis, arthritis, and rheumatism has been proven.

Nature's Way, Cohosh (Black Cohosh), 540 mg, 180 Capsules

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This supplement contains only pure cohosh root. There are 540 mg per capsule. active substance. The manufacturer advises taking the supplement one capsule three times a day.

Many women admit that during menopause there is nothing better than this product. Sleep is normalized, hot flashes go away, and mood swings are significantly reduced.

Mental characteristics of the patient

Patients taking Cimicifuga are mostly nervous women of all ages. They have a pale, blue-tinged face, white lips, deeply sunken eyes with blue circles around them.

Their mood changes dramatically - from hysterical joy easily moves to apathy mixed with despair. They are very impressionable and extremely emotional. They know about their mental problems, this frightens them greatly. They often have a fear of going crazy.

A detailed study reveals that among the causes of health problems in Cimicifuga patients are mainly unrequited love, business failures, overexertion, fear of becoming a mother, and postpartum depression. Source: flickr (meha jayaram).

Homeopaths identify the main psychosomatic symptoms characteristic of patients of Cohosh:

  1. Confused thoughts, slow mental processes.
  2. Feeling like you are going crazy, disappointing thoughts accompanied by headaches.
  3. Feeling depressed, feeling like no one needs you.
  4. Melancholy, pessimism, suicidal thoughts.
  5. Insanity, hallucinations, incoherent speech.
  6. Postpartum depression.
  7. Epilepsy attacks.

Use in homeopathy, traditional medicine

In most cases, folk therapy involves the use of black cohosh rhizome, since it contains a larger number of useful elements. It is used to create herbal homeopathic preparations. In addition, the use of black cohosh in folk recipes is common.

Most often it is used to treat diseases associated with the female reproductive system. However, Voronets is also used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, to combat migraines. In China, the plant has found widespread use in the treatment of snake bites and as an immunity booster.

Medicinal properties

Cohosh, like all buttercups, is a poisonous plant, so collecting raw materials and using them for self-treatment is dangerous. Pharmacology and homeopathy include parts of the plant (roots are mainly used) in dietary supplements, herbal preparations, ointments, and tinctures. Most drugs are intended for women. Monotherapy for this plant is rare.

Plant activity extends to:

  • a wide range of gynecological diseases and disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • rheumatism, neuralgia and joint diseases;
  • nervous system disorders: hysteria, anxiety, severe excitability, insomnia;
  • headaches and respiratory diseases;
  • bronchial and cardiac asthma;
  • kidney disease and urine formation;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • cardiac disorders;
  • stimulation of the digestive glands;
  • relieving pain and spasms of various origins;
  • smooth muscles (relaxes);
  • regulation of fat metabolism;
  • visual impairment (cataracts);
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders (diabetes mellitus), atherosclerosis;
  • destruction of neoplasms;
  • increase in general tone;

    Cohosh for women. Instructions, medicinal properties of the plant, indications for homeopathy, contraindications. Medicines, prices

  • painful manifestations on the skin;
  • infectious diseases with rash (anthrax, measles, diphtheria);
  • testosterone production;
  • toxins and poisons (snakes and other animals);
  • sperm motility and timing of ovulation.

Use for women's health

reproductive function

The most common use of the plant is in the treatment of diseases associated with the female reproductive system. Medicines based on black cohosh extract are prescribed for menstrual irregularities, including menopause. Scientists have conducted numerous studies to prove the effectiveness of its medicinal properties. It turned out that Voronets interacts with brain receptors, having a positive effect on the body during hormonal imbalances.

During menopause, menopause

Women experience the following symptoms of menopause:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • chills or excessive sweating that alternate constantly;
  • nervous state, inadequate reaction to certain events;
  • tearfulness;
  • headache;
  • rapid fatigue, etc.

When taking homeopathic remedies based on herbal components, an improvement in the condition is noted. First of all, the effect is manifested in a decrease in hot flashes and a decrease in sweating.

And yet, experts are not yet ready to unanimously call black cohosh a panacea in the treatment of menopause. Some researchers believe that products based on it have more of a placebo effect.

To reduce follicle-stimulating hormone levels

Studies have been conducted repeatedly to find out whether the components of the plant affect the decrease in FSH levels during menopause. The data is mixed. Some scientists say that homeopathic remedies do not bring any results, others are confident that there is a slight decrease in hormone levels.

The action is that the components of the plant work like natural estrogens, although the principle is different.

For endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which the tissues of the lining of the uterus gradually grow. If you do not get rid of the pathology, it threatens infertility. Treatment can be hormonal or surgical, depending on the degree of tissue proliferation.

The use of homeopathic remedies containing crow racemose extract allows you to stop the development of the disease and prevents the endometrium from further enlarging. This occurs due to the fact that the functioning of the hormonal system improves and the immune system becomes stronger.

As a result of complex treatment, the main symptoms of endometriosis disappear. Bleeding stops, discomfort disappears, the woman stops feeling a constant loss of strength, and her mood improves.

For fibroids

With this diagnosis, a benign formation is formed on the uterus or its cervix, the size of which can reach several centimeters. The disease is often caused by low levels of female hormones. Symptoms appear only when the fibroid reaches an impressive size. The neoplasm is often detected during a routine examination.

For treatment, the method of surgical removal is used. Conservative therapy involves the use of hormonal drugs to eliminate the pathology. However, in some cases, their use can provoke additional growth of the tumor.

Herbal preparations based on black cohosh do not have a negative effect on tissues, but at the same time help achieve the following effect:

  • the concentration of female hormones increases, the lack of which most often causes fibroids;
  • the concentration of FSH and LH decreases;
  • a calming effect on the nervous system and a decrease in excitability were noted.

Herbal components help stop the growth of the tumor, but you will need to take the prescribed medications for a long time. Otherwise, the effect will be insignificant and after stopping the intake the tissues will begin to grow again. In order for the symptoms to become less severe, it is necessary to take homeopathic remedies for several weeks or even months.

21st Century, Black Cohosh & Soy Isoflavones, 200 Vegetarian Capsules

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Reviews of this drug all claim that it helps cope with “hot flashes” during menopause. Many note an improvement in mood, the number of changes in emotional state decreases, women become calmer and more balanced. Some people stop feeling the symptoms of panic attacks.

Soy isoflavones also have a positive effect on a woman’s hormonal levels. These two components complement each other perfectly. However, before taking it, do not forget to consult your doctor!

The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules per day: morning and evening. And we strongly do not recommend exceeding the indicated dosage.

Indications for use for women

Cohosh for women has ancient traditions of use, dating back to the culture of American aborigines. This is due to the fact that the raw materials contain phytoestrogens similar to female sex hormones. They normalize the body’s hormonal levels and eliminate various manifestations that arise from imbalance.

Use in gynecology is aimed at:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • pain during menopause and PMS;
  • moderate menstrual bleeding;
  • amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
  • dysmenorrhea (painful condition during menstruation);
  • postpartum pain and complications;
  • infertility treatment;
  • facilitating labor;
  • uterine prolapse.

Cohosh substances do not directly affect the uterus, which does not lead to endometrial growth. During menopause, taking black cohosh helps to cope with hot flashes, tachycardia, vaginal dryness and other unpleasant symptoms of this period.

Instructions for use

taking pills

The method of use depends on the form in which the patient takes the herbal remedy. Black cohosh extract is included in some homeopathic preparations. They are produced in the USA and some European countries. In this case, the specific dosage will depend on the instructions provided by the supplement manufacturer.

The products are available in the form of soluble powder, tablets or liquid substance. Experts believe that the daily dose for oral administration of dry matter should be no more than 200 mg. In liquid form, the dosage will be up to 2 ml of solution. In addition, the specific dosage depends on the type of disease for which black cohosh is used.

At home, a decoction of the plant's roots is used. To do this, you need to boil 1.5 grams of rhizome in a glass of water. The product is infused for 2 hours, then filtered and cooled. Drink the decoction up to 4 times a day, ¼ cup.

Solgar, Black Cohosh Root Extract, 60 Veggie Capsules

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Homeopathic preparations containing black cohosh

The pharmaceutical industry widely uses black cohosh in the production of drugs.

Cohosh for women. Instructions, medicinal properties of the plant, indications for homeopathy, contraindications. Medicines, prices

Some of them are monoform, but most, in addition to black cohosh, include other plant and animal components:

Drug nameImpact, indications for use, dosage form, administration.Side effects,
Prices (RUB)
KlimadinonPrescribed for menopause, 1 tablet twice a day, relieves negative symptoms.
The drug is in tablet form. Does not contain additives of other herbs.

The effect is noticeable no earlier than after 14 days.

Duration of treatment – ​​maximum 3 months.

  • allergy;
  • weight gain;
  • tension in the mammary glands;
  • stomach pain;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Do not use:

  • liver pathologies,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • lactose intolerance,
  • epilepsy,
  • tumors
  • brain diseases.
330 — 610
MulimenDrops containing, in addition to cohosh, St. John's wort, nettle, jasmine, mineral compounds and substances of animal origin.
Prescribed for menopause, cycle disorders, PMS, mastopathy.

Take 15-20 drops 3 to 5 times a day.

No side effects were found.
Do not use: if you are sensitive to the components.
1300 — 1400
Menopause day-nightTablets for day and night use.
Prescribed for menopause. In addition to black cohosh, the drug contains: hops, ginseng, passionflower, valerian, green tea. The effect will appear when taken for 30 days.
There are no side effects.
Do not use: hypersensitivity, atherosclerosis, grade 2-3 hypertension.
420 — 1200
KlimaktoplanThe drug is in the form of tablets, which also contain sepia, lachesis, ignace, sanguinaria.
Indicated for menopause, cardiac disorders, for the prevention of genital cancer in the elderly, normalization of the autonomic part of the nervous system and hormonal levels.

Prescribe 1-2 tablets three times a day.

Allergic reactions are rare.
Do not use: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug.
500 — 800
Cohosimifuga-HomaccordContains strontium.
Effective for treating joint diseases, neuralgia, relieving spasms and pain.

Available in the form of drops and ampoules for injection.

There is no information about side effects or contraindications.1200 — 1300
Qi-klimTablets containing only black cohosh extract.
Used to relieve symptoms of menopause.

Effect – after 2-4 weeks from the start of use, take no longer than 3 months.

  • allergy;
  • weight gain;
  • pain in the stomach area. Do not use: pregnancy, breastfeeding, tumors, epilepsy, brain diseases, hypersensitivity, liver diseases.
200 — 400
Cohosh racemosaThe drug is available in various pharmacoforms: drops, tablets, capsules, dry extract. Effectively fights fatigue, nervous exhaustion, VSD, and symptoms of menopause. Do not use: liver pathologies, pregnancy, lactation, thromboembolism, vaginal bleeding, estrogen-dependent formations, allergies.430 — 1400
RemensAlcohol drops containing other herbal ingredients.
Active influence on the symptoms of menopause, normalization of the cycle and gynecological inflammation.

Take 10 drops 3 times a day for 3-6 months.

  • increased salivation;
  • liver dysfunction. Do not use: lactation and pregnancy, intolerance to the drug, age under 12 years, together with other drugs of this plant, liver disease.
150 — 800
Estrovel (Valeant)Dietary supplement Available in tablets and capsules. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of: PMS, menopause, recovery after gynecological operations, chronic cystitis, after 35 years for the prevention of aging. Allergic reactions.
Do not use: pregnancy, hypersensitivity, lactation, phenylketonuria, age under 14 years.
430 — 560

Side effects

Numerous studies have proven that the use of preparations based on Voronets racemosus does not lead to a toxic effect. Homeopathic remedies are considered safe if the dosage is followed and there are no contraindications to use.

The following side effects occur extremely rarely:

  1. upset stomach (when taking certain types of medications);
  2. allergic reactions;
  3. bleeding in women (it has not been proven that they arose precisely because of taking medications).

Some scientists have expressed concern that long-term use of herbal preparations causes endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in the future, but this assumption has not been proven.

Pharmacological action of cohosh

Cimicifuga is a herbal preparation. The substances shengmanol and acetylshengmanol have a sedative effect and help lower blood pressure, increase myocardial contractility without affecting the heart rate.

According to the instructions, Cimicifuga causes an estrogen-like effect by binding to estrogen receptors of hypothalamic neurons. This leads to a decrease in the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and, as a consequence, a decrease in the secretion of luteinizing hormone. Thus, Cohosh leads to the elimination of vegetative-vascular disorders that arose during the premenopausal and menopausal periods.

Cohosh increases the volume of urine produced, increases the secretion of glands of the digestive system, relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines and urinary tract, and has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Contraindications for use

Despite the safety of using black cohosh, there are contraindications in which taking drugs based on it is prohibited. These include:

  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • estrogen-dependent neoplasms;
  • the presence of bleeding in pathologies of the female reproductive system;
  • high sensitivity of the skin;
  • chronic diseases (primarily these include liver diseases);
  • a tendency to allergic reactions is a relative contraindication;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases, medications should be used with caution, as they can cause stomach upsets;
  • if there is a tendency to form blood clots, it is also not recommended to use herbal medicines, since they increase the activity of blood clotting.

Natural Factors, WomenSense, Menopause, Black Cohosh, Extract 90 Vegetable Capsules

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Cohosh for women is an alternative to therapeutic treatment. When choosing black cohosh preparations for use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of diseases and periods of life in which its use is prohibited, as it can lead to serious disorders that pose a danger to health and life.

The contraindications are as follows:

  • liver dysfunction, its acute or chronic diseases;
  • thromboembolism;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • estrogen-dependent formations;
  • tumors;
  • chronic severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • children's age (up to 3 years);
  • low blood pressure;

    Cohosh for women. Instructions, medicinal properties of the plant, indications for homeopathy, contraindications. Medicines, prices

  • high photosensitivity of the skin.

In addition, cohosh preparations are incompatible with some medications (for example, to lower blood pressure), as well as with medications containing cohosh raw materials.


Currently, experts have not reached a consensus on the effectiveness of cohosh-based drugs. Some researchers believe that there is a placebo effect, in which patients convince themselves that the products are helping them.

The other half of scientists confirm that after taking herbal medicines, the condition of menopause, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and manifestations of stress are significantly alleviated. In any case, medications should not be used thoughtlessly. Only the attending physician can prescribe them and prescribe the dosage.

Compresses and lotions with black cohosh

Compresses are used externally for skin problems, gynecological diseases, and diseases of the oral cavity:

  1. Muscle pain and spasms, joint diseases, rheumatic pain. A compress of a decoction of black cohosh roots is placed on problem areas: they are boiled in a small amount of water for about 45 minutes.

    Cohosh for women. Instructions, medicinal properties of the plant, indications for homeopathy, contraindications. Medicines, prices

  2. Stomatitis and dental diseases are treated with juice squeezed from the roots of black cohosh. A tampon soaked in juice is kept on the sore spot for 15 minutes. up to 7 times a day.
  3. Skin diseases, joint pain, rheumatic inflammation can be relieved by applying a compress of ground fresh stems and leaves of the plant to the sore spots.
  4. For external use and enemas for prostate cancer, mastopathy, diseases of the vagina and cervix, black cohosh oil is used. To prepare it, you need fresh, finely chopped roots, which are poured with unrefined vegetable oil (preferably olives). The mixture is infused for about 1 month. In the dark, preventing the temperature from rising and stirring.
  5. Powdered roots mixed with honey in equal quantities will help in the treatment of measles. It is recommended to treat rashes on the body with this disease with a decoction of black cohosh roots.

In 1993, black cohosh became a prize winner from the Royal Horticultural Society of Britain. The American Pharmacopoeia had black cohosh in its lists for a hundred years.

Explorers of Canada, Europe and Australia at the end of the 20th century. stated the toxicity of the plant's raw materials to the liver and the risk for women of developing uterine tumors with long-term use of black cohosh preparations. However, the American expert commission did not find a connection between pathologies and taking the herb.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Liver failure

The Australian and American health departments have issued a warning that cohosh, found in medications as an additive, is harmful and may have a detrimental effect on liver function. Depending on the purpose and form of the drug, you should consult a specialist. Pregnant women (with a complicated period) and people with organ dysfunction should not be treated with this drug. If symptoms such as dark urine, jaundice and pain are detected, you should consult a specialist.

If patients do not have an allergic reaction, then the medication will be well tolerated and no adverse reactions will occur for 6 or 12 months. It does not affect mental and physical activity, and does not have a negative effect on the body while driving a vehicle.

Reviews of black cohosh from iHerb

Among the numerous reviews about black cohosh supplements, negative ones are extremely rare. As a rule, people who purchase low-quality drugs and do not follow the instructions are dissatisfied with the results. The overwhelming majority of reviews about dietary supplements are positive.

A short time after starting to take the drug, a general improvement in health is observed. Women cope more easily with the symptoms of menopause, get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and their cycle normalizes.

In addition, stress resistance increases and depression is eliminated. Thanks to the supplements, the psycho-emotional state significantly improves. Treatment of gynecological diseases and pathologies affecting bone tissue, when black cohosh is included in the therapeutic course, turns out to be more effective.

Thus, it becomes clear that black cohosh has a positive effect on health. It is well tolerated by the body and brings great benefits. It is worth making sure that such supplements are always in your home medicine cabinet. When taking them, you just need to strictly follow the instructions and store the drug correctly. Thanks to such actions, the risk of side effects is reduced to almost zero.

Side effects

A number of studies have shown that black cohosh supplements do not have a toxic effect. They are safe when taken at the recommended dosage. However, in rare cases, the following adverse reactions were observed during their use:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • diarrhea;
  • gagging and nausea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • constipation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • slow heart rate;
  • problems with body weight.

Scientists also put forward the theory that with prolonged use of black cohosh, the risk of the onset of malignant processes and the development of endometrial hyperplasia increases. True, evidence of these assumptions has not yet been found.

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