The girl put her hands on her stomach
Vaginal suppositories Livarol - instructions for use in gynecology
All information on the site is for informational purposes only and requires mandatory additional consultation with
Report by V.O. Kaibysheva at the conference “Esophagus-2014”. 40 mg of esomeprazole twice a day provides the necessary decrease in acidity in the stomach and the absence of acid reflux in the esophagus in patient O., 23 years old with multiple erosions of the esophagus, with complaints of heartburn, night heartburn, sour belching
Esomeprazole-Vial, 40 mg, enteric-coated tablets, 14 pcs.
Pharmacological action A drug that reduces the secretion of gastric glands - a proton pump inhibitor. Esomeprazole is an S-isomer
Maltofer Fol, 100 mg+0.35 mg, chewable tablets, 30 pcs.
Release form and composition The drug is produced in the form of chewable tablets: flat, round, scored,
Erinit tablets in packaging
The drug "Erinit": indications for use and rules of administration
Pharmacological action Venous vasodilator, has an antianginal effect. Stimulates the formation of nitric oxide in the wall of blood vessels,
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Phosphogliv forte - instructions for use for liver health
Currently, due to poor lifestyle, a large number of people suffer from numerous diseases.
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Tablets "Laktinet": reviews from doctors, instructions, side effects
The problem of control over the birth of children in modern times is the most pressing. After all, a woman's health
Infagel or Acyclovir reduce the activity of the virus, relieving unpleasant symptoms and preventing the spread of infection
"Infagel": reviews of the effectiveness of the drug. The use of "Infagel" in children
When treating herpes, topical antiviral agents are used. Gels and ointments reduce the activity of the virus,
Ampicillin + Sulbactam: indications, contraindications, dosage
The drug is a penicillin antibiotic together with an inhibitor of microbial enzymes. Thanks to the combination, the spectrum of action
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Quercetin with Bromelain, 120 capsules
Flavonoids are a powerful weapon in the fight against atherosclerosis, oncology, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Especially
Brusniver is often used in complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
Results of using Brusniver for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract
When treating inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, complex therapy methods are often used. Among the necessary
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