Tetracycline eye ointment: instructions for use for children and adults, price, reviews, analogues

Tetracycline eye ointment is a product for external use with a pronounced antibacterial effect.

In Russia, the drug is included in the list of vital drugs. The ointment is widely used in ophthalmology as an effective remedy for combating infectious lesions of the ocular apparatus.

The drug is in demand among the population, as it is a budget pharmacy product that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

In our country, tetracycline ointment is produced by
Biosynthesis , Tatkhimfarmpreparaty and other pharmacological companies.

Indications for use

The use of Tetracycline ointment 3% is indicated for skin diseases: acne , furunculosis , infected eczema , streptostaphyloderma , trophic ulcers . For what exactly this remedy will help in each specific case, it is better to consult a specialist.

Ointment 1% is used for barley , trachoma , blepharitis , conjunctivitis and other infectious diseases.
For what and in what dosages to use this remedy, it is also better to consult a doctor.

Selection and purchase of ointment

Before purchasing, you need to determine what concentration of tetracycline you need the drug with. It is recommended to focus on the price and size of the tube. In most cases, manufacturers offer 3% ointment in a 15 gram tube, and 1% - 3 grams.


If the medication is contraindicated or side effects occur, it can be replaced with another drug with a similar effect.

Cynovit and Zinc ointment will have an antiseptic effect and help with problem skin. Erythromycin and hydrocortisone ointment will help with keratitis and conjunctivitis.

Tobradex does not contain tetracycline, but has a similar effect. Treats blepharitis, conjunctivitis.


If the patient needs to treat stye and other eye diseases, the drug cannot be used simultaneously with other drugs of similar action. In addition, it is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

The remedy for skin diseases cannot be used in cases of liver dysfunction, mycoses , leukopenia , or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, the ointment is contraindicated for children under 8 years of age and women during the third trimester of pregnancy .

Main characteristics

Tetracycline ointment is an affordable drug that has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but requires strict compliance with the instructions to avoid side effects.

Composition of the drugThe main active ingredient is tetracycline hydrochloride; additional components are petroleum jelly, paraffin.
Types of ointment1% - used to treat eye diseases,
3% - used in the treatment of skin pathologies
Release formThe ointment is yellowish in color, not transparent, with an unobtrusive aroma
Use in pediatricsContraindicated under 8 years of age
IndicationsInflammatory-infectious diseases of the eyes, skin infections
Best before date2 years from the date of issue
Storage conditionsIn a cool place, do not expose the tube to sunlight
Price40-75 rubles

Side effects

When using a product against skin diseases, itching , redness, and a burning sensation may occur. In this case, the use of the ointment should be stopped immediately. In addition, side effects such as nausea, loss of appetite , diarrhea , dysphagia , esophagitis , vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation , glossitis . In rare cases, angioedema and photosensitivity . candidiasis , deficiency B vitamins thrombocytopenia , temporary increase in the level of liver transaminases bilirubin , alkaline phosphatase , and residual nitrogen may appear intestinal dysbiosis , neutropenia , and hemolytic anemia is also noted .

Eye ointment is generally well tolerated by patients. However, in rare cases, when using it, decreased appetite, vomiting, changes in mucous membranes, Quincke's edema , nausea, diarrhea , and allergic skin reactions . In addition, the product may increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.

If signs of hypersensitivity to the drug and negative side effects appear, you should take a break from use. If necessary, you can start using a different antibiotic .

Interaction with other drugs

  1. Concomitant use with vitamin A may provoke the development of intracranial hypertension.
  2. Use simultaneously with such antibiotics (cephalosporins, penicillins) is not allowed. These drugs are considered tetracycline antagonists.
  3. When using the ointment for a long time, you should consume brewer's yeast, vitamins K, B. They are necessary for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.
  4. Simultaneous use with colestipol and cholestyramine provokes a decrease in absorption of the main component of the ointment.
  5. It is undesirable to use the ointment with medications that contain metal ions (Mg K Na). Due to their interaction, complex compounds (chelates) arise that reduce the effect of tetracycline.

Read reviews of the drug tetracycline ointment for barley, acne and other skin problems below.

Instructions for use of Tetracycline ointment (Method and dosage)

For those who are indicated for use of Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment, the instructions for use indicate that it should be applied intraconjunctivally. This is done using a sterile stick.

It is very important to know not only how to apply the ointment, but also how to distribute it. This should be done using a cotton-gauze swab. Several massaging movements are performed on the outside of the eyelid.

Tetracycline ointment for conjunctivitis and other eye diseases should be used 3-5 times a day. The average course of treatment is 5-7 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, Tetracycline eye ointment can be used in a dosage of 0.2-0.4 g.

The remedy for skin diseases is applied directly to the affected areas. This should be done 1-2 times a day. The instructions for use of Tetracycline ointment also indicate that it can be used with a bandage that is changed every 12-24 hours. You can use the product from several days to 2-3 weeks.

In cases where Tetracycline ointment for acne is used, it is applied to each pimple, that is, pointwise.

Description of the drug

Tetracycline ointment is a clear yellowish substance with an antibiotic odor. It is easy to apply, well absorbed by mucous membranes, and quickly has a therapeutic effect. The causative agents of eye diseases can be:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungi.

Therefore, laboratory tests are required before starting treatment. If the cause of pain, burning and lacrimation is staphylococcus or streptococcus, the patient is prescribed a tetracycline-based remedy.

3% ointment is thicker due to the use of paraffin by manufacturers to form the base. After applying the drug, a film forms on the affected skin. It not only has a therapeutic effect, but also becomes an excellent prevention of re-infection.

Tetracycline ointment for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyes and skin is not intended for long-term use.

After the severity of symptoms decreases, the doctor can replace it with a drug with a more gentle effect.

Tetracycline ointment with a yellowish tint

Pharmacological action and group

The main ingredient of Tetracycline ointment is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the tetracycline group. The bacteriostatic activity of the drug is manifested against most known microorganisms:

  • staphylococci;
  • shigella;
  • clostridia;
  • Klebsiella;
  • salmonella.

The substance tetracycline hydrochloride penetrates bacterial cells and prevents the formation of complexes between transfer RNAs and ribosomes. Under such conditions, microbes are not able to produce the proteins necessary for their life. Growth and reproduction are quickly inhibited, which causes their death.

Composition and release form

The composition of Tetracycline ointment varies slightly depending on its concentration and indications for use. The active ingredient of 1% and 3% of the product is the antibiotic tetracycline hydrochloride.

To form the gel-like base of the eye preparation, only petroleum jelly and lanolin are used. And the composition of the 3% product is more diverse.

The antibacterial agent contains the following auxiliary components:

  • ceresin;
  • paraffin,
  • petrolatum;
  • lanolin.

The external agent contains sodium disulfite, which has an antiseptic effect. All auxiliary ingredients of the ointment ensure rapid penetration of the antibiotic into inflammatory lesions.

The drug is produced by domestic manufacturers in aluminum tubes. The net weight of the ophthalmic product is 3 g and 10 g, external - 15 g and 30 g. The secondary packaging of the drug is a cardboard box with an attached annotation.

The main active ingredient of the ointment is an antibiotic

Storage conditions

The shelf life of 1% and 3% Tetracycline ointment is 24 months. The drug is stored in a cool place (temperature 15-20°C), protected from direct sunlight. Small children should not have access to the medicine.

The shelf life of the product after opening the initial packaging is reduced to 2 months. The drug is not used for treatment if its color, smell or consistency changes.


Level 4 ATC code matches:





Analogs of this product are not found very often in pharmacies. The active ingredient and ATX code for the eye ointment are the same as a drug called Tetracycline . Other analogues of the drug are not available.

Tetracycline ointment during pregnancy

3 percent Tetracycline ointment during pregnancy is contraindicated during the third trimester.

Pregnant women can take the drug against eye diseases only after appropriate analysis. A woman needs to undergo a bacterial culture , which makes it possible to determine the pathological flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics . The drug is prescribed only if the bacteria are sensitive only to tetracycline . In this case, the duration of pregnancy, the possible risk to the fetus and the duration of use of the medication should be taken into account.

Thus, the medicine is used with great caution, because its active component can cause disruption of bone tissue mineralization and, as a result, abnormal bone development in the fetus. So the use of an eye remedy is rather an emergency measure in which you need to be aware of all possible risks.

Most often during pregnancy, it is prescribed in case of conjunctivitis , which can cause a bacterial infection . For the weakened body of a pregnant woman, this is a real problem, so the use of the drug is considered justified.

Features of treatment, side effects and contraindications

Knowing the specifics of tetracycline treatment will help you avoid unwanted side effects. What is important to consider:

  • During tetracycline therapy, milk and milk-based products should not be taken . They interfere with the absorption (absorption, absorption) of the antibiotic.
  • Tetracycline forms sparingly soluble complexes with calcium, iron and other metals. Therefore, when treating with this antibiotic, it is not recommended to drink milk and other calcium-containing foods, as well as consume mineral complexes and foods rich in iron (apples, peas, herbs, buckwheat, apricots).
  • not be used together with vitamin A. This can lead to increased blood pressure.

What side effects (unwanted consequences) may occur:

  • Possible digestive disorders - intestinal dysbiosis, bloating and flatulence. At the same time, external treatment with tetracycline is much easier to tolerate by the body than oral antibiotics (by mouth). But in general, it also destroys friendly flora inside hollow organs.
  • Disturbance of bacterial balance affects not only the intestines, but also the vaginal cavity - candidiasis is possible .
  • Allergic itching, redness, swelling.
  • In newborns, there is an accumulation of fat cells in the liver (in medical terminology, fatty hepatosis). Let us remind you once again that tetracycline ointment is not used in the treatment of infants and schoolchildren under 11 years of age.

Note: tetracyclines are a group of antibiotics that have been used in treatment for a long time. Therefore, today there are some strains of bacteria that are not sensitive to this antibiotic.

Contraindications to treatment:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding - tetracycline crosses the placenta and into breast milk.
  • Children under 11 years old.
  • Individual allergic reaction.
  • Exceeding the storage period . The shelf life of tetracycline ointment is 3 years. Even if the composition was kept in the refrigerator, you should not use it after the specified period. At best, it will be ineffective. At worst, it will cause unwanted allergic or toxic reactions in the body.

Consider the storage features: a dark place (dark glass containers) and a temperature not higher than +25°C.

Reviews of Tetracycline ointment

Opinions about this drug are mostly positive. Reviews of Tetracycline ointment contain virtually no reports of side effects, but patients praise the rapid action and good effect. Moreover, people often use the same remedy for both eye and skin diseases. For example, those who have used the drug for acne supplement their reviews with reports of successful treatment of barley , etc. For this purpose, a one-percent remedy is usually used.

Reviews of the eye ointment also report that it can be used on animals. Among the negative aspects, patients note only the unpleasant smell of the product.

special instructions

During treatment with the drug in question, you should not drink milk - it impairs the absorption of the antibiotic. Tetracycline is capable of creating poorly soluble compounds with iron and other metals, so for the entire period of therapy you need to adjust your diet and stop eating apples, liver, apricots, buckwheat porridge, greens, and peas.

If Tetracycline ointment is used to treat skin infections, then at the same time using masks and cosmetic creams based on vitamin A is prohibited. The combination of these two active substances will definitely provoke an increase in blood pressure.

Tetracycline ointment price, where to buy

The average price of Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment in UAH is 35 UAH, in rubles – 35-50 rubles. Many of those who compare how much this drug costs compared to other drugs for skin and eye diseases choose it precisely because of its economical cost. The price of Tetracycline ointment is considered one of the most affordable among similar medications.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Tetracycline ointment (tube 1% 5g (l.)) TCPP
    66 rub. order
  • Tetracycline ointment (tube 3% 15g) Biosynthesis OJSC

    86 rub. order

  • Tetracycline ointment (tube 3% 15g) Sintez (Kurgan) OJSC

    89 rub. order

  • Tetracycline ointment (tube 1% 3g (l.)) TCPP

    49 RUR order

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  • Tetracycline ointment 3% 15 g VAT "Nizhpharm", Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
    52 UAH.
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