Undevit: instructions, composition, side effects, reviews from doctors

Sometimes people complain of feeling unwell, drowsiness, constant fatigue, deterioration of vision, hair, nails, and skin. In this case, doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes. Vitamins Undevit is one of these drugs, more details about the product below.

In our time, no one doubts the benefits of vitamin complexes. The variety of these products in pharmacies does not surprise anyone; there are various complexes for improving memory, vision, hair, nails, etc. But in this article we will look at one of them - Undevit vitamins, which were created by the famous scientist V.V. in the last century. Efremov. A vitaminologist, not only from a scientific point of view, but also experimentally, has proven the importance of vitamin balance for the human body.

Thanks to such drugs, the condition of the immune system improves and the aging process of the body slows down. Undevit contains no foreign substances; it includes only essential vitamins, fatty acids, and microelements that help improve the functioning of all body systems. Undevit vitamins are also suitable not only for a growing body, but also for women after 50 years.

Composition of Undevita

One dragee contains: ascorbic acid (75 mg), nicotinamide (20 mg), retinol palmitate (1.817 mg), α-tocopherol acetate (10 mg), calcium pantothenate (3 mg), pyridoxine hydrochloride (3 mg), rutoside (10 mg), folic acid acid (70 µg), riboflavin (2 mg), cyanocobalamin (2 µg), thiamine hydrochloride (2 mg).
Composition of vitamins Undevit also contains an auxiliary substance: peppermint oil .

pharmachologic effect

Retinol is a stimulus for epithelialization , necessary for normal growth of cartilage and bones, as well as the synthesis of rhodopsin.

Thiamine catalyzes carbohydrate metabolism and affects the functioning of the nervous system.

Pyridoxine activates the exchange of amino acids , neurotransmitters and histamine , riboflavin – tissue respiration.

Cyanocobolamine takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, as well as the synthesis of myelin .

Nicotinamide is involved in the process of tissue respiration, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Ascorbic acid takes part in the formation of hemoglobin , corticosteroids , maturation of collagen , dentin and red blood cells , redox processes in the body, blood clotting, and also improves nonspecific immunoresistance, and together with rutin participates in the process of reducing tissue permeability.

Folic acid creates conditions for the normal course of nucleic acid, amino acid and choline metabolism, and is also necessary for hematopoiesis.

Tocopherol stimulates the synthesis of proteins and heme, as well as the processes of proliferation and tissue respiration, and has antioxidant activity.

Calcium pantothenate creates the necessary conditions for coenzyme .

Instructions for use

Indications for use

According to the instructions and recommendations of specialists in the field of medicine, the Undevit multivitamin complex is used:

  • in the absence of a complete balanced diet and the intake of necessary substances from food;
  • in the treatment of hypovitaminosis;
  • for premature aging in patients to improve metabolic processes in the body and normalize general condition;
  • during a long course of treatment with antibiotics and after an illness for a speedy recovery of the body;
  • under high physical and mental stress;
  • to improve the functioning of the visual organs.

Mode of application

How to take a vitamin complex?

The drug is taken orally after meals with a sufficient amount of water.

Depending on the purpose, according to the instructions, different dosages are recommended:

  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency. Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age during the period of intensive growth and pregnant women in the second trimester and women during lactation are recommended to consume 1 Undevita tablet per day . For older people, the dosage can be increased to two tablets per day.
  • During the period of recovery of the body after illness or serious surgery, in case of metabolic disorders, as well as increased mental and physical stress, vitamins must be consumed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
  • Treatment of particularly severe cases of hypovitaminosis . Adults are prescribed to consume 2 Undevita tablets 2-3 times a day .

The course of taking Undevit multivitamins varies between 20-30 days. Repeated treatment, if necessary, can only be prescribed by a doctor, and a temporary break of at least 1-3 months must be observed after the previous course of taking the drug.

Release form, composition

Undevit is produced as a combined multivitamin preparation in a polyethylene or glass jar in the amount of 50 tablets. The dragee has a spherical shape and is light orange in color.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is achieved thanks to the beneficial properties of the substances that make up Undevit:

Substance nameQuantity in one drageeProperties of matter
Retinol or vitamin A1.82 mgPromotes the normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes, maintaining their integrity, and also improves the functioning of the visual organs. In addition, retinol increases the body's ability to demonstrate its protective functions and resistance to infections.
Thiamine hydrochloride - vitamin B12 mgServes as a catalyst for important processes in carbon metabolism and the synthesis of proteins and fats, and also takes part in the normalization of the nervous system and the transmission of nerve impulses.
Riboflavin or vitamin B22 mgTakes direct part in the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception. Provides the necessary growth and development of the body and the functioning of the reproductive system. It also has a positive effect on the health of the skin, nails, hair and thyroid gland.
Pyridoxine hydrochloride is also known as vitamin B63 mgProvides protein and protein metabolism in the body. In addition, it promotes the production of serotonin, a substance that controls emotions, sleep and appetite.
Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B122 mgPromotes the development of epithelium, so that damaged tissues can quickly recover. Also, vitamin B12 affects the production of myelin, a substance that is involved in the formation of nerve sheaths.
Arscorbic acid or vitamin C75 mgIt is a powerful antioxidant and protects the body from free radicals. Also, vitamin C is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes and helps strengthen the immune system.
Folic acid - vitamin B90.07 mgParticipates in the exchange of amino acids and nucleic acids. Helps in the formation of red blood cells.
Vitamin P10 mgTakes part in redox processes and prevents the oxidation of vitamin C, and is also an antioxidant.
Tocopherol acetate or vitamin E10 mgKnown as the vitamin of youth. Promotes the proper functioning of the human reproductive system. It also improves the condition of hair and nails and strengthens the body's immune system.
Calcium pantothenate - vitamin B53 mgParticipates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and neutralizes the harmful effects of toxins. In addition, it promotes the regeneration of tissue epithelium.
Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP20 mgTakes part in the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates, and is also responsible for tissue respiration. Normalizes the functioning of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.
Undevit also contains excipients: sugar, molasses, wheat flour and wax.

Interaction with other drugs

  • The drug contains a number of vitamins
    B vitamins reduce the effect of taking antibacterial drugs

    , such as tetracycline and erythromycin.
  • Ascorbic acid is poorly absorbed when taking oral contraceptives . Also, vitamin C impairs the absorption of iron and increases the toxic effect of taking sulfonamides and penicillin.
  • Vitamin A reduces the effect of glucocorticoid drugs . In turn, the action of nitrites reduces the effectiveness of vitamin A.
  • The benefits of vitamin E may be reduced by iron-containing medications. Tocopherol enhances the effect of taking non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.

We also note that drinking alcoholic beverages reduces the positive effect of vitamin therapy to zero.

Video: “What vitamins help preserve youth?”

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Each of the vitamins included in the complex undergoes its own natural transformations in the human body.

Multivitamin preparations do not have clearly defined pharmacological properties. The dose of each of the vitamins present in the composition is close to the norm that a person needs. The ratios between the individual vitamins of the drug are close to the natural quantitative ratios. Thanks to this, when taking multivitamin preparations, a general background of the body with vitamin saturation is created.

Thanks to the coenzyme function , which is inherent in vitamins, all kinds of biochemical systems are simultaneously activated: the process of oxidative phospholation , redox processes are enhanced, protein synthesis increases, the level of tissue respiration increases, etc. Thus, taking multivitamin preparations helps raise the entire vital activity of the body as a whole to a higher level.

Thanks to the above properties, when taking multivitamin preparations, sleep is normalized, well-being is improved, mental and physical activity is increased, liver function is enhanced, and the ECG and electroencephalogram . As a result, the body's resistance and nonspecific immunological reactivity increases.


When Undevit is used in recommended amounts, signs of drug intoxication are not observed.

Undevit vitamins. Reviews from doctors, instructions for use, composition, price

Uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pathological drowsiness;
  • periodic muscle spasms;
  • general lethargy and apathy;
  • nausea;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • causeless irritability;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • joint pain;
  • aching legs;

With such signs of overdose, symptomatic therapy is carried out, the stomach is washed or an absorbent medicine is taken.

Instructions for Undevit (Method and dosage)

Undevit vitamins should be taken orally after meals.

To prevent hypovitaminosis , take 1 tablet per day.

In case of heavy loads, previous operations or illnesses, as well as in old age, it is recommended to take 2-3 tablets per day.

The course of treatment with Undevit vitamins is 20-30 days. Before taking the next course, 1 to 3 months should pass.

Instructions for use of Undevit for children: the drug should be taken from the age of 14, 1 tablet per day for preventive purposes. As a treatment, take 2-3 tablets per day.

Vitamins Undevit - contraindications

This vitamin complex, already well studied by medical specialists, has contraindications. Before you start taking pills, familiarize yourself with them.

Contraindications to the use of vitamins Undevit:

  • If you are hypersensitive to at least one constituent substance, Undevit vitamins should not be consumed.
  • It is not advisable to drink pills for patients with inflammatory skin diseases or hypervitaminosis. After consulting with a doctor, you can drink Undevit with caution in case of nephritis, heart failure (second or third degree) and pregnant women in the first trimester of an interesting situation.
  • The complex should not be used for nephrolysis, thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis.
  • Malignant tumors are a contraindication to the use of Undevit.
  • Do not drink pills if you have bleeding of various etiologies or hemorrhages.

What are the contraindications for undevit?
What are the contraindications for Undevit?

Under the supervision of a doctor, it is allowed to use Undevit with caution in case of: ulcers, angina pectoris, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, anemia, oxalosis, thalassemia, hemochromatosis, hyperoxaluria, oxalosis, kidney stones, peptic ulcers, cardiosclerosis, heart attack, thyroid diseases (hypoprothrombinemia), hypovitaminosis K.

When taking vitamins, symptoms of overdose .
Most often this happens due to improper use of the complex. The instructions say that the pills are drunk after meals and in a certain quantity. If these requirements are not met, then various painful conditions and pathologies appear, in particular: liver disease, diarrhea, epigastric pain, gastrointestinal disorders, lethargy, drowsiness.


Vitamins A and E mutually enhance each other's actions, being synergists. Retinol reduces the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids . The drug should not be taken simultaneously with cholestyramine or nitrites , because their action interferes with the absorption of retinol. Vitamin A is not prescribed with retinoids.

Iron-containing preparations suppress the effects of vitamin E on the body. Therefore, vitamin E cannot be taken simultaneously with preparations containing silver, iron, and also those with an alkaline environment ( trisamine , sodium bicarbonate , etc.) and indirect anticoagulants.

Vitamin C enhances the action and toxicity of sulfonamides , penicillin , reduces the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants and heparin , and also increases iron absorption. When taking vitamin C with oral contraceptives, its absorption is reduced.

Vitamin B6 weakens the effect of levodopa , and also reduces or completely prevents the toxic effects that can occur when taking isoniazid or other anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Thiamine affects the processes of polarization of neuromuscular synapses, and can weaken the curare-like effect.

Riboflavin cannot be combined with streptomycin; it also reduces the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs.

Indications for use of Undevita

The vitamin complex is prescribed in the following cases:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • recovery from illnesses;
  • simultaneous use of antibacterial drugs;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • rapid growth in adolescents.

Important! Undevit is prescribed for children, young and old people. The use of the supplement promotes stress resistance, proper development and functioning of organs and systems.


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Pikovit Forte


Vetoron for children

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There are analogues of the Undevit multivitamin complex: Hexavit, Revit, Aerovit, Vetoron, Vitamult, Vitabex, Pikovit and others.

special instructions

To prevent the development of hypervitaminosis, it is not recommended to combine the intake of several multivitamin complexes. During a preventive or therapeutic course, urine turns yellow, which is explained by the presence of riboflavin among the constituent components of the vitamin complex. Taking the drug does not affect concentration and the ability to operate machinery and vehicles.

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Reviews about Undevit

There are a lot of positive reviews about Undevit vitamins on the Internet. After taking them, people note improved nail color, stronger hair and increased immunity. In addition, they note that, despite their low price, they are not inferior to many more expensive analogues.

Many people note the pleasant taste of Undevit vitamins. Reviews from doctors warn against taking them as pleasant “sweets”, since in this way you can get hypervitaminosis .

Some people debate whether these vitamins should be swallowed or absorbed. There is no definite answer to this question - everyone accepts them in their own way.

Undevit is a vitamin that has only positive reviews online. No negative reviews were found. There is no page on information about the drug Undevit on Wikipedia.

Vitamins Undevit: what are they useful for: reviews

Ilona, ​​56 years old:

After 50, problems with joints and spine began. I went to the doctor, who advised me to take Undevit vitamins. I drank them morning and evening for a month. Thanks to this, I felt a surge of energy and a general improvement in my condition. I noticed that my vision and mood improved. There were no adverse reactions, although I was prone to allergic manifestations.

Svetlana, 52 years old:

After I tried this complex, I can safely recommend it to women over 50. Firstly, it has a low cost. It has a good composition, helps strengthen the immune system, and secondly, it tastes good.

Undevita price, where to buy

Undevit vitamins cost from 42 to 56 rubles for 50 tablets.

The price in Ukraine for the Undevit multivitamin complex is on average about 10 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Undevit (other No. 50) Marbiopharm OJSC
    RUR 38.order
  • Undevit (other No. 50)FS-UfaVita

    40 rub. order

  • Undevit (other No. 50)Altaivitamins

    42 RUR order

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  • Undevit N50 dragee PAT "Kiev Vitamin Plant", Kiev, Ukraine
    14 UAH. order
  • Undevit N50 dragee PAT "Vitamin" Ukraine

    13 UAH order


  • Undevit etc. No. 50 Ukraine, Tekhnolog ChAO

    18 UAH order

  • Undevit etc. No. 50 Ukraine, Vitamins PJSC

    13 UAH order

  • Undevit etc. No. 50 Ukraine, Kiev Vitamin Plant PJSC

    15 UAH order

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