Methionine is classified as an essential sulfur-containing amino acid with an unpleasant odor that cannot be produced
Causes of brucellosis Brucellosis is an infectious-allergic disease accompanied by fever, damage to the mononuclear phagocyte system, vascular,
Infectious disease specialist Sinitsyna Olga Valentinovna Experience 33 years Highest qualification category of infectious disease doctor Make an appointment
In the modern world, not everyone can maintain bright and contrasting vision. Experts blame
In the structure of gynecological diseases, cervicitis occupies far from the last place. According to statistics, the disease is detected
Alpha-amylase is one of the enzymes of the digestive system, synthesized mainly by exocrine pancreatic cells
Instructions for use Influcid (Method and dosage) Tablets Influcid instructions for use advises taking
Instructions for use Eubicor A dietary supplement indicated in the treatment of many diseases of internal organs, it helps
Argosulfan ointment is a medicine with antibacterial activity for external use. The drug has disinfectants
Pharmacological action Hormonal contraceptive drug. Etonogestrel is a progestogen that binds to receptors in target organs