11 powerful breathing exercises by Strelnikova for healing the body

This article describes Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. You will learn how to do them correctly and why they help.

Many people are curious about methods and means of rejuvenation. Some do not believe in them, others, on the contrary, religiously follow every step in the descriptions on the Internet or in books.

But there are methods that have been tested by time and by many people. They really help and are used not only by ordinary people, but also by show business stars. Such techniques include Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. These are miraculous exercises that help you forget about many ailments forever. Read more below.

Strelnikova: who is this, what does her breathing exercises help with?

Strelnikova and her breathing exercisesStrelnikova and her breathing exercises
Who is Strelnikova? Many people still don't know anything about her, but for most, she is a great person.

  • Strelnikova A.N. was an opera singer and teacher.
  • She was inspired to develop a unique technique by the loss of her main instrument - her voice.
  • Alexandra's mother suggested some simple exercises to quickly restore her ligaments.
  • Over time, this support complex has grown into a huge program that effectively helps many people, and even a breathing exercise center has appeared.

Worth knowing: The key difference between this technique is the unusual breathing technique - a strong energetic inhalation and passive exhalation.

What does the breathing exercises of the famous singer help with?

  • Initially, Strelnikova’s gymnastics was intended for singers who had lost their voice. The exercises helped them very quickly and effectively.
  • Soon people saw positive changes in other aspects of health.
  • Thus, the opera singer’s breathing exercises began to be used to treat many diseases.

Strelnikova’s followers claim that this health system can significantly alleviate conditions with:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • Diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system
  • Emotional stress and stress
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Allergic reactions
  • Nicotine addiction
  • Viral infections
  • Problems with the endocrine system
  • Snoring
  • Deviated nasal septum
  • Anemia
  • Stuttering

This technique also improves mood, as the body is saturated with oxygen and even helps to lose weight. Read more below.

The Importance of Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises help enrich the body with oxygen. This substance is carried by the bloodstream and promotes a speedy recovery of the affected areas of the organs. For bronchitis, breathing exercises are very effective, as they help combat conditions such as obstruction; they are also actively used to treat chronic bronchitis. It is also used to cough up mucus, since with bronchitis, mucus is sometimes difficult to remove from the body. What positive health benefits does such gymnastics lead to?

  • Due to the enrichment of oxygen in the bronchial tree, the inflammatory process goes away faster.
  • During proper breathing, blood circulation in the vessels improves.
  • Oxygen enrichment leads to a slight increase in hemoglobin.

  • With constant exercise, a person's immunity is strengthened.
  • When a patient does breathing exercises for bronchitis, phlegm is gradually eliminated better.
  • Oxygen enrichment is a prevention of complications after bronchitis.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis are not the main treatment. It complements drug therapy. The high effectiveness of exercises for children is noted already during the period of fading of symptoms, when the child is recovering. Usually this period is prolonged in children due to weak immunity. Therapeutic gymnastics in this case contributes to the rapid recovery of the child’s body.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova: description of exercises - how to do it correctly?

Description of strelnikov exercisesDescription of Strelnikova’s exercises
One of the main theses of the practice of traditional medicine of the East is the ability to breathe correctly. In Russia, the most popular breathing technique is the technique invented by singing teacher Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova. Initially, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises were developed to improve the quality of singing.

It is also known that Strelnikova’s daughter suffered from heart disease. After she completed a course of gymnastics, she was able to recover from her disease. As a result, the Strelnikov family began to actively study the effect of gymnastics on the body’s ability to recover. Description of exercises:

  • The principle of this gymnastics is based on the systematization of inhalation and exhalation.
  • Inhalation is of particular importance : its depth, frequency and intensity, while exhalation is voluntary.
  • An effective breathing system will be provided that the basic rules of its implementation are followed: inhalation is noisy, straining the diaphragm, exhalation is voluntary, relaxed.
  • Inhalation and exhalation is carried out comprehensively, spending at least an hour daily, together with exercises that connect the muscles of the whole body.

Such breathing exercises strengthen the protection of the body's systems, increase tone, improve the functioning of all organs, stabilize the functioning of the respiratory system and breathing itself, and improve the general condition. The complex consists of a set of basic, basic, or as people also call them, miraculous exercises:

  • “Palms” is a good warm-up: standing, close your palms, turning your arms away from you, tense your palms as you inhale, and relax as you exhale.
  • “Shoulder straps” - stretch your arms along your body, bend your elbows, pressing your clenched palms to your stomach, tighten your shoulder muscles, and while inhaling, straighten your arms with your palms outstretched.
  • “Pump” - bending at a right angle to the floor, you need to round your back and tilt your head, inhale at the extreme point of the tilt and straighten up.
  • “Cat” - stand up straight, press your arms to your body and bend your elbows, squat slightly while inhaling and “grab” the air with your palms; this exercise must be performed in both directions.
  • “Ears” - tilt your head as you inhale, reaching your shoulder with your ear, straightening your neck as you exhale.
  • “Hug your shoulders” - while inhaling, hug yourself so that your elbows come together.
  • “Big Pendulum” - perform alternately “Hug your shoulders” and “Pump” .
  • “Head turns” - vigorous turns to the sides while inhaling.
  • “Pendulum with the head” - performed like “Ears” , only back and forth.
  • “Rolls” - while inhaling, transfer the body weight to the right leg, slightly extended forward, performed alternately for each leg.
  • “Forward step” - while inhaling, raise one leg to the stomach, squatting on the other.
  • “Back step” - raise your leg towards your buttocks.

Doing gymnastics is simple. With each new movement, it is necessary to sniff loudly with your nose, as if inhaling deliberately noisily. Below you will see a video that explains and describes everything in detail.

The benefits of proper breathing for bronchitis and lung diseases

The therapeutic effect of exercises for the respiratory system has been confirmed by many years of medical practice. Doctors agree that with medications alone, without regular deep breathing sessions, it is difficult to reduce rehabilitation time, achieve a full, sustainable recovery, and prevent relapses.

The beneficial effects of exercise therapy are evidenced by the following facts:

With breathing exercisesWithout her
the diaphragm is strengthened, pushing the lungs from below to perform a full inhalation and exhalationthe diaphragmatic muscle weakens, leaving the respiratory apparatus without mechanical stimulation, which leads to congestion and hypoxia
the cardiovascular sphere is activatedthe heart and blood vessels, under the influence of the disease, reduce their functionality, depleting the tissues of blood, nutrition, and oxygen
the conduction of nerve impulses to organs and cells is acceleratedin conditions of illness, the passage of neurosignals along the vagus and sympathetic nerves is disrupted, and the regulation of bronchial tone worsens
the number of bronchospasms decreasesthe smooth muscles of the bronchi contract reflexively, blocking the advancement of pathogens; as a result, exhalation and ventilation become difficult, swelling occurs, increased concentrations of carbon dioxide and sputum, and lack of oxygen
mood improves - one of the important factors on the path to recoveryshortness of breath, cough, restless sleep lead to depression

Gymnastics is useful, not only during illness, but throughout life.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis and lung disease. Exercises according to Strelnikova, Buteyko, Frolov

Proper breathing ensures the harmonious functioning of the whole body:

  • stimulates the absorption of oxygen at the cellular level;
  • increases resistance to negative factors;
  • eliminates excess weight;
  • improves health in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • stimulates metabolism, elimination of toxins;
  • ventilates the entire volume of the lungs;
  • slows down rapid heart rate;
  • dilates blood vessels, reducing blood pressure on the walls;
  • fights fat reserves;
  • allows you to reduce the dosage of medications.

Video: Breathing gymnastics by Strelnikova Strelnikovskaya HUNDRED 32x32x32

If you don't have that much time to practice every day or even several times a day (recommended for many diseases), then here is a shortened version of this video in 12 minutes. If desired, such a complex can be completed in 7 minutes. Mikhail spends several minutes in the video explaining several exercises.

Important: But first, still practice for a couple of days with the full video in order to remember the technique and ways of performing the exercises of this breathing exercise.

Mikhail Shchetinin: who is this, his version of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises

Mikhail Shchetinin and his version of Strelnikova breathing exercisesMikhail Shchetinin and his version of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises
Mikhail Shchetinin - who is he and what does he do? This person is a doctor and a specialist in breathing exercises. He studies physical health, as well as provides consultations to many medical institutions in Moscow. One of the doctor’s best works is devoted to breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method. He is its receiver and studies the influence of breathing on the functioning of human organs.

Mikhail Shchetinin’s version of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises is described below. In order to fully master this course, you need to know basic exercises that will help prepare the body for breathing exercises. All exercises are performed in the rhythm of an army step. Here are 3 key exercises:

  • "Palms" . The goal is to learn to control your breathing. We take 4 short breaths through the nose without pausing. Then exhale through the mouth, followed by a pause. Thus, you need to take 100 breaths. Try to concentrate on inhaling.
  • “Pogoniki” should be performed with 8 breaths without a break. After a short pause, repeat. And so we do 96 approaches.
  • The next exercise is called “Pump” . Nothing new, just now 12 breaths are taken with a break of a few seconds.

It will take 15 minutes to complete, during which a person must take 3 hundred breaths. It is best to do classes in the morning and evening for maximum effect. These are only preparatory exercises from the breathing exercises program.

Important: At first it will be difficult to do these exercises and you will even feel pain inside your sinuses. But after 1-2 sessions, the discomfort goes away and relief comes.

Then you need to learn to take breaths without exhaling, starting with 3 and increasing, but so that it is easy for your body to cope with such a load. Otherwise you may feel dizzy.

Drainage gymnastics

Positional removal of viscous or purulent mucus alleviates the condition of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. Drainage is carried out half an hour after receiving aerosols, endotracheal infusions, bronchodilators, expectorant teas.

Drainage exercises are done twice a day. The patient takes a position that ensures spontaneous flow of mucus closer to the trachea and its subsequent coughing up.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis and lung disease. Exercises according to Strelnikova, Buteyko, Frolov

  1. From the stance with your arms down, draw in air, first counting to 3, then to 6. To exhale, extend the count by 1-2.
  2. Lying down, raise your arms with an inhalation and reach for the ceiling. Exhale and lower yourself smoothly.
  3. In a supine position, one arm lies along the body, the second is placed further than the head. In free breathing mode, swap limbs.
  4. Back and feet on the carpet. As you take in air, lift your hips up, and when releasing, return to the carpet.
  5. In a lying position, inhale, while exhaling, stretch your hands to your feet. Lie back while inhaling.
  6. Roll over onto your stomach. While inhaling, raise the upper part of the body, bend to the lower back, and return with an exhalation.

Drainage exercises are combined with chest massage. If shortness of breath worsens, stop exercising.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for children: what is the difference between gymnastics for adults?

Strelnikov breathing exercises for childrenBreathing exercises by Strelnikova for children
The importance and power of the influence of proper breathing on human health is underestimated by many. The set of exercises developed by Strelnikova has proven its effectiveness all over the world. It helps cope with various diseases of the respiratory system and has a beneficial effect on all organs in general.

Worth knowing: Despite the fact that breathing exercises have almost no contraindications, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for children have their own optimization.

  • Unlike adults, children are supposed to do a larger number of cycles with fewer repetitions: 4 breaths are taken every second, followed by a rest for 5 seconds. A total of 24 such cycles are performed.
  • Young patients work with less physical activity during lung exercises.
  • The basic exercises are “Palms”, “Pump”, “Epaulettes” .
  • Breathing exercises for children are performed in three stages: warm-up, main complex, and play form of exercise.

In order not to cause a feeling of discomfort and reluctance to continue working, the children's technique is developed in the format of a game. A fun activity will fill the growing body with health and energy.

Indications for classes

People with the following problems can use this technique:

  • diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, adenoids, tuberculosis, nasal congestion, cough;
  • snore;
  • speech difficulties, including stuttering;
  • complications with ligaments;
  • high blood pressure;
  • complex psychological state;
  • for weight loss;
  • cardiac arrhythmia.

Exercise has a beneficial effect on the back and neck. Gymnastics for children can be used as treatment and prevention. This is especially true during the cold season: exercise helps strengthen the immune system.
If a child does exercises during acute respiratory infections, the symptoms will subside much faster. Suitable for preschool children too. Reference! Strelnikova’s exercises during pregnancy are not prohibited!
However, in the third semester it is recommended to reduce the number of approaches performed. Positive reviews from doctors recognize this method as therapeutic. The main principle is regularity and competent execution technique. Training can be combined with medication treatment or done as a preventive measure.

Does Strelnikova’s book of breathing exercises exist: where can I buy it?

Book of breathing exercises by StrelnikovaBook of breathing exercises by Strelnikova
Alexandra Strelnikova is the author of a complex of breathing exercises. There is a complex of breathing exercises for weight loss, longevity, and a healthy lifestyle. Are there books on breathing exercises by Strelnikova, and where can you buy them?

So, Strelnikova’s books on breathing exercises exist.

  • They can be purchased in different editions from various publishers.
  • Alexandra herself did not write such a book, but her methodology was translated into books by other authors.
  • Now this book is available in some online stores: “Read the City” , “Labyrinth” at a very good price, suitable for any wallet.
  • Strelnikova’s book can also be downloaded on the Internet, both in printed format and in audio.
  • You can also find videos on the YouTube . Search higher in the text.
  • Strelnikova’s gymnastics are currently used by some firms and companies, offering services based on her methods.

Strelnikova’s book of breathing exercises exists and is available for study in any way convenient for you

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method: auxiliary or additional complex

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova methodBreathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method
In addition to the main set of exercises according to this system, there is also an auxiliary or additional complex aimed at developing all muscle groups of the body and preparing it for the complex.

  • This complex includes Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for the arms in various variations from swings to “scissors”, as well as for developing the leg muscles, “lifting on the toes and circular movements on them.”
  • In the additional complex, special attention is paid to preparing the head and spine for breathing exercises, using circular movements of the head and hips to prepare correct posture and strong back muscles to perform the Strelnikova complex.
  • The additional complex includes exercises for people undergoing rehabilitation after serious illnesses. These are exercises: “toes and heels”, “pump on all fours”, “monkey” and others.

For patients with diseases of the genitourinary system, special preparatory exercises are also provided: “spring”, “pelvic lift”, “metronome”. Many argue that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises help, even if a person is lying down, cannot get up, and does the exercises while lying down. That is, you can perform an arbitrary complex, but with correct breathing.

Urological complex

Additional exercises of Strelnikova’s gymnastics are called the urological complex. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to perform it naked for both men and women.

The training includes 5 exercises and has the following indications:

  • prostate adenoma;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • decreased hormonal function of the ovaries.

During each task, 96 breaths and compressions are performed. Inhalation-squeeze is a tandem consisting of a short and noisy inhalation and simultaneous compression of the muscles of the buttocks and anus.

"Sit down - stand up"

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

Technique: quick squatting with a simultaneous noisy and short inhalation, then lifting, accompanied by squeezing the buttocks and a similar inhalation. In a sitting position, the back remains straight, the palms lie on the knees spread apart, the heels are slightly raised from the floor.

Norm of execution: 6 or 3 approaches with breaks between complexes of 3-5 seconds.


IP: sitting on a chair with a straight, relaxed back. Arms are bent at the elbows, palms facing away from you.

Technique: similar to the “Palms” exercise. The buttocks and anus are squeezed together with the hands.

Norm of execution: break for 3-5 seconds after every 4 breaths-compressions.

"Lifting the pelvis"

IP: lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms under your head.

Technique: simultaneously with a noisy inhalation-compression, the pelvis is quickly lifted upward, followed by a smooth lowering with a passive exhalation.

Completion rate: 12 approaches with 3-5 second breaks between them.


IP: lying on your back with your knees bent and legs spread apart.

Technique: the right knee is quickly placed on the floor towards the left leg while inhaling, returning to the original position while exhaling. The repetition is carried out in a similar way with the left leg.

Performance rate: 12 times 8, 6 times 16 or 3 times 32 with a 3-10 second break.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises complex: reviews

Strelnikova breathing exercises: breathe correctly!Breathing exercises by Strelnikova: breathe correctly!
Breathing exercises have a positive effect on health. People began to master proper breathing from ancient times. Strelnikova developed the best breathing exercises technique in Russia. It is based on inhalations with different depths and intensity and spontaneous exits. Those who tried Strelnikova’s technique were very pleased with the result. Here are reviews about the breathing exercises complex:

Vera, 35 years old

I recently learned about breathing exercises. I started exercising with the goal of losing weight. After a month, I felt that I had lost extra pounds and began to feel more alert and energetic. Every day I began to notice that my brain was working better and there was no drowsiness. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises gave her the desired shape and an additional boost of energy. I am very glad that I decided to try breathing exercises. I now recommend them to all my friends and relatives.

Anastasia, 29 years old

I am very grateful to Strelnikova. The woman turned her attention to breathing exercises when she herself found herself in an unpleasant health situation, and her daughter was given a disappointing diagnosis related to heart disease. Together they began doing a set of exercises according to Strelnikova and the child’s condition improved. At the same time, mother and daughter began to suffer from colds less often.

Irina, 32 years old

When I was pregnant, I became very ill. There were suspicions of bronchitis. But in this state, taking antibiotics was prohibited. Therefore, I decided to try breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. And after a few days the condition improved. This way I helped myself and did not harm my unborn child.

Breathing technique according to Strelnikova

She devoted the rest of her life to helping patients suffering from a wide variety of ailments. She received a patent for the Strelnikova breathing method. Some doctors were skeptical of her idea that one set of exercises could work for people of all ages, but scientific research has proven otherwise. One of those who became convinced of its miraculousness was singer Igor Talkov: as a child he suffered from chronic laryngitis and was able to make a career thanks to his studies.

This technique is called paradoxical, because during inhalation the chest does not expand, as is required in other practices, but contracts. Classic breathing exercises stimulate the opposite effect. Strelnikova breathing is contraindicated to be done simultaneously with other techniques, especially those performed according to practices developed by yogis. But it is recommended to do it in conjunction with other types of physical activity - for example, running or swimming.

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