Numbness of the lips, or their parasthesia, is an extremely unpleasant condition in which the skin loses
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which can be caused by a number of
TRICHINELLOSIS (trichinellosis; synonym: trichinosis, “puffy”) - helminthiasis from among nematodes, characterized by
Vomiting is a nonspecific symptom that can have many causes: from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Distribution There are no reliable statistics on the incidence of amebiasis. When studying the infection rate of E. histolytica in the population of different countries
Symptoms of a brain abscess Treatment of a brain abscess Conservative therapy Surgical treatment Consequences Video
Hallux valgus is a very serious orthopedic disease. At the same time, in the area of the base
The term appetite means the desire to eat. This is a signal to the body that it needs to replenish nutrients.
The main causes of dangerous symptoms Schematically, aching, any other pain will belong to the category of organic,
Pneumonia is an inflammatory process that affects the lung tissue. This disease is infectious in nature and is caused by