"Delufen" for children: reviews, instructions, manufacturer

A little about the manufacturer

Delufen is very popular in Russia. And in general it has proven itself on the positive side. Let's get to know her better.

The pharmaceutical concern Richard Bittner AG was founded in Austria in 1954. The manufacturer of Delufen and other medicines is the initiator of research competitions and projects. The main goal of active work is to increase the importance of non-synthetic medicines in the treatment of various pathologies.

Bittner produces drugs that combine the benefits of natural ingredients, ancient folk recipes and advanced technologies. Innovative equipment and strict control of each stage of production allows us to obtain products of impeccable quality.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

  • Hyaluron
  • Eucasept
  • Pinosol
  • Otrivin Baby
  • Physiometer
  • Morenasal
  • Evamenol
  • Salin
  • Aqua Maris
  • Aqua Maris Strong
  • Sinuforte
  • AquaMaster
  • Euphorbium Compositum Nazentropfen S
  • Marimer
  • Isofra
  • Cinnabsin

The drug is very popular on the pharmaceutical market, especially among young mothers, because nasal spray analogues make up a relatively large range of drugs: Adelfan (as a rule, if there are any contraindications to the use of Delufen, this medicine is used, since it is a combination of three active components : reserpine, dihydralazine and hydrochlorothiazide), Enap, Trirezide, Reserpine.

Delofen: what's inside?

Delufen is available in spray form. Contains 5 main ingredients and excipients. Delufen contains:

  • milky juice of milkweed. Includes tannins, alkaloids, saponins, bitterness, resins. Has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cleansing effect;
  • meadow lumbago. Valued for its bactericidal, fungicidal, anesthetic, antispasmodic abilities;
  • black mustard. They have a warming, analgesic and irritating effect. Indispensable in the treatment of colds;
  • luffa. Present in many homeopathic remedies intended for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs;
  • mercury iodite. A powerful antiseptic and an excellent assistant in the fight against chronic respiratory tract infections.

The spray is easy to use. Just one injection allows you to evenly distribute the medicine over the entire surface of the nasal mucosa.

Features and composition of the drug

As already indicated, this product is developed on the basis of natural ingredients, in particular, the drug contains the following ingredients:

  • Euphorbia resiniferous;
  • mercury diiodide;
  • black mustard;
  • loofah;
  • meadow lumbago.

Since most people prefer the more practical nasal sprays to nasal drops, it is not surprising that Delufen is available in spray form.

Nasal sprays are not only more convenient, they are also effective, since when injected, the product is evenly distributed throughout the nasal cavity and, accordingly, has a greater effect.

The complex effect of the drug is also due to the fact that it can be used regardless of the cause of a runny nose and nasal congestion. That is, Delufen will be effective for allergic, bacterial, colds and inflammatory runny nose, this is confirmed by user reviews. As for the pharmacological effect of the drug, it consists in relieving swelling, eliminating the inflammatory process, and also reducing signs of rhinitis, such as dryness and burning in the nose. In addition, this spray helps to quickly remove mucus from the nasal passages and sinuses, which in turn makes breathing easier. And, of course, it should be noted that with the help of this remedy you can prevent the risk of developing purulent processes.

In addition to the fact that Delufen for the nose eliminates the manifestations of any type of runny nose, it is also capable of having an antimicrobial effect, that is, using this remedy, you can improve the immunity of the mucous membrane and restore its natural biocenosis. Unlike most simple nasal drops, Delufen is not addictive, that is, it can be taken for a long time, and the effectiveness of the drug will not decrease.

How does the drug work?

Delufen has a pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and restorative effect.

The use of Delufen reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membrane to bacteria and allergens (wool, dust, pollen), eliminates swelling and mucus secretion. Frees the sinuses from viscous secretions and restores the sense of smell. Relieves allergic manifestations - dryness, burning, itching, and also reduces susceptibility to strong odors, changes in air temperature and other irritants.

The drug not only has an antimicrobial effect, but also increases local immunity. Moisturizes tissues, normalizes blood circulation and accelerates healing.

pharmachologic effect

Delufen is a combination of various individual homeopathic remedies. A special combination of ingredients complements its results, expanding the range of indications and increasing the safety and ease of therapy.

The homeopathic remedy Delufen helps to quickly eliminate swelling and inflammation of the olfactory organs without causing dryness and irritation of the nose. This use of an aerosol helps to quickly restore breathing through the nose.

In addition, the spray prevents the development of purulent-septic complications. It also has an excellent antiallergic effect: it eliminates congestion and itching of the nasal mucosa.

The drug reduces the sensitivity of the olfactory organs to various irritants (such as odors, tobacco smoke, dust, hair and pollen of various plants, etc.).

A filler (isotonic NaCl solution) added to the product moisturizes the nasal mucosa, softens scabs, facilitates secretions and protects the nasal passages from drying out.

And another advantage of this product is that it exhibits a significant antimicrobial effect and increases the patient’s defenses.

Can Delufen be used for adenoids?

Homeopathy is increasingly being used to treat adenoids. The main reason is harmlessness and high efficiency. How effective is Delufen for hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil?

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Patient reviews on this matter are contradictory. The first half claims that Delufen is useless for adenoids, the second considers the spray almost the best as part of complex therapy for tonsil hypertrophy.

What is the opinion of doctors? Experts say effectiveness depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the degree of hypertrophy and the presence of concomitant ENT pathologies. A good result is observed in patients with mild to moderate adenoids.

Pharmacological authorities

DELUFEN®, nasal spray, a comprehensive anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, reparative and chemical action on the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, effectively treats the undead, regardless of the cause (viral, bacterial ial, vasomotor or allergic). Shvidko feels sore and sore, not causing teasing but feeling dry in the nasal cavity. It clogs the nasal passages and sinuses with mucus. Reduces the risk of development of purulent complications of acute catarrhal rhinosinusitis.

At the same time, the drug has a pronounced anti-allergic effect: relieves itching, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea, allergic gait, including during polynoses and sleep fever. The drug reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membranes to various substances (odors, cotton smoke, temperature changes and excessive wind) and allergens (roslin saw, buty saw, outside).

Does not cause swelling or weakening of the clinical effect, as well as in case of dry stagnation.

In patients with manifestations of chronic atrophic rhinitis, such as dryness of the nasal mucosa, the mucous membrane is more irritated and bleeding, the drug improves the work of colicho-like cells, the vitalization and structure of the nasal mucosa. Restores the mucous membrane, relieves dryness in the nose and crust. It relieves the process of suppression of the mucous membrane, renews the drying function, normalizes nasal breathing and smell.

The drug has a direct antimicrobial effect, strengthens mucosal immunity and restores the normal biocenosis of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Delufen: instructions for use

At the very beginning of treatment, Delufen is used every half hour to an hour (8 times a day), then the dosage is reduced to 4 injections per day.
In each nasal passage - 2 sprays. The duration of the course is determined by the characteristics of the disease:

  • for acute rhinitis - 7 days;
  • for acute purulent sinusitis, rhinitis, eustachitis - from 14 to 30 days;
  • for allergic rhinitis and hay fever - from 7 to 30 days;
  • for chronic runny nose - from 30 to 60 days.

If necessary, the course (after a short break) is repeated.

Features of application

Special instructions: since Delufen contains natural plant components, slight turbidity may be observed during storage, which does not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

At the beginning of treatment, a short-term slight increase in secretion in the form of serous-mucosal discharge from the nose is possible, which indicates the effect of the drug, effective drainage of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity and their release from accumulated mucus. When these manifestations appear, there is no need to discontinue or adjust the dose of the drug. Unlike products in aerosol cans, the dosage form of Delufen (spray in a bottle without gas) when used ensures uniform application to the mucous membrane without any risk of increasing pressure in the respiratory tract , and therefore Delufen is recommended for use even in newborns. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Information regarding any risk to the fetus and child as a result of taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been registered. The drug has an exclusively local effect, so it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles and other mechanisms. The drug does not have a sedative effect and does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate other mechanisms.

Is there a children's Delufen?

Some “adult” drugs have an alternative that contains fewer active substances and is designed specifically for children. Is there Delufen for children?

The drug does not have a “children’s” form, but the spray is prescribed even to babies under one year old. It is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions. But you should still consult your doctor before use.

Any disease requires a professional approach. Especially if we are talking about a baby who was recently born.

For newborns and children under 12 years of age, 1 injection is recommended in each nasal passage (2-3 times a day). At the beginning of the inflammatory process, the spray is used every 2-3 hours. Then - only in the morning and evening. In case of purulent and chronic diseases, the number of “sprays” increases to 4 per day.

Medicine "Delufen" for children: positive reviews

This drug has polar responses: there are supporters of this drug, and there are its obvious opponents. Now let’s look at the positive responses from patients for whom this spray really helped. So, those lucky people who have found this remedy note the fact that when using the spray, the swelling of the olfactory organ is perfectly relieved, and the nasal mucosa does not dry out. Also, many patients are satisfied that this medication is universal: it is used as an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and decongestant medicine.

Pregnant women are very pleased with Delufen spray. After all, pregnant women should not use conventional vasoconstrictors. But they can use the medicine “Delufen”, because it is completely of plant origin. And pregnant women thank the manufacturer who came up with this drug. After all, the product really helps to cope with runny noses of various origins in pregnant girls.

delufen for children instructions for use

Another advantage of the medication, according to patients, is that Delufen spray can be used for the whole family. However, drops for newborns have not been invented (the spray cannot be used for babies), so mothers themselves must take care and use this medicine differently. You need to remove the sprayer, take out a pipette and use it to draw up the medicine and drop it into your baby’s nose. This manipulation should only be performed on children under 1 year old. And after 12 months you can use a spray. And adult family members can also use this remedy on themselves. Therefore, this medicine is universal in all meanings.

Many patients also note the convenience of this product: a good dispenser, ease of use (there is no need to lay the baby down to put drops in the nose, because Delufen spray for children, reviews of which can be easily found on various websites dedicated to children, is injected in a vertical position) .

Patients are also delighted that this medicine can be used independently of the main treatment, if any. After all, very often medications interact, and then it gets even worse. And in this case, no problems will arise.

Delofen and pregnancy

Waiting for a baby is an exciting time for every woman, which, unfortunately, is often overshadowed by such a phenomenon as a runny nose. Traditional recipes do not always help. In addition, many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Delufen can be a good help during pregnancy. It will relieve constant sniffing, eliminate congestion and give the expectant mother the opportunity to fully enjoy all the delights of the magical period.

Characteristics and therapeutic properties of the drug

Delufen is a complex remedy from the homeopathic pharmacological group, the action of which is aimed at eliminating allergic, infectious rhinitis and a number of other diseases of an otolaryngological nature. The medicine is characterized by an exclusively natural, herbal composition, so it is approved for use even for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Available in the form of a nasal spray.

The instructions for use contain information regarding the following therapeutic properties of Delufen spray:

  • Moisturizing the nasal mucous membranes;
  • Improved olfactory function;
  • Elimination of polypous neoplasms;
  • Elimination of puffiness;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Antiallergic effect;
  • Improving the structure and intensive nutrition of the nasal mucous membranes;
  • Active stimulation of local immunity;
  • Activation of regenerative processes.

Delufen spray helps normalize breathing processes, reduces swelling, itching and discomfort localized in the nasal area, reduces the sensitivity of mucous membranes to the effects of irritating allergenic substances and adverse external factors. The use of this drug helps prevent the development of purulent complications and intensive cleansing of the nasal cavity from accumulated mucous secretions.

The spray acts softly and delicately, which eliminates the risk of drying out the nasal mucous membranes or developing irritation. Unlike nasal vasoconstrictor drugs, Delufen spray is not addictive and, even with prolonged use, maintains high rates of effectiveness. The medicine intensively moisturizes the nasal mucous membranes, preventing them from drying out and the formation of crusts in the nasal cavity.

Medical experts point out that this homeopathic type spray not only provides symptomatic treatment, eliminating the characteristic clinical signs of otolaryngological diseases, but also helps eliminate their root cause!

Delofen: pros and cons

Almost every homeopathic remedy has both pros and cons. And Delofen, of course, is no exception.


  • no side effects or contraindications;
  • safe. Prescribed for young children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • is not addictive;
  • easy to use bottle;
  • as part of complex therapy, it allows you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms 2 times faster.

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  • high cost compared to other sprays for the common cold;
  • does not help everyone;
  • requires long-term use.
  • Shelf life after opening: 2 months.

Specific instructions

During the beginning of the treatment process, there may be a short-term increase in the secretion of secretions from the organ; stagnant mucus may come out more actively.
Thus, the drug increases its effectiveness during drainage of the nasal area. The patient gets rid of accumulated substances, after which breathing resumes. If a positive reaction is not received after several days of treatment, you should consult a doctor for the possibility of parallel prescription of the drug. Since the form of delivery is in the form of a spray, the application is even. This means that the pressure will not increase during use.

The positive quality of the drug Delufen is that its components can be used to treat runny nose in children aged two months and older. There are no contraindications if the child does not have an allergic reaction. Pregnant girls cannot use the drug in parallel due to the increased risk of side effects and allergies. The drug has a local effect, which does not allow rhinitis to worsen.

The homeopathic remedy Delufen does not have a sedative effect on the body, which reduces the risk of a detrimental effect on the level of reactions. If a person drives a car, treatment with Delufen will not interfere with him on the road and will not cloud his mind.

The medicine contains natural active ingredients that are of natural origin. It is not recommended to store it open for a long time, as the effectiveness of the product on the human body is reduced.

Why are there so many dissatisfied people?

If you analyze the reviews available on the Internet, you will notice that Delufen has many negative reviews. This is explained by several reasons.

Reason #1. Incorrect use.

It’s not enough to buy Delufen at the pharmacy; you need to know how to use it correctly. First, the nose should be rinsed with salt water, then cleaned and a vasoconstrictor should be instilled. And only after 15 minutes you can inject Delufen.

Reason #2. Use after expiration date.

The shelf life of a closed bottle is 5 years. If you have already started using the spray, then the “life expectancy” of an open bottle is reduced to 2 months. Some people don't pay attention to this or simply forget about it. Is it possible to expect results from expired medicine?

Reason #3. Insufficiently long course of treatment.

Homeopathy does not work immediately. It takes some time to achieve the effect. And, to tell the truth, this time should be longer than what is indicated in the instructions for Delufen.

But the main reason for dissatisfaction is the high cost of the drug. Indeed, the spray cannot be called cheap, but nothing can be done about it.

Release form and storage

The medicine is available in a 20 ml bottle equipped with a sprayer. Unlike drops, the spray ensures uniform distribution of the drug throughout the nasal mucosa; before using it, it is not necessary to lie down and throw back your head, which makes it possible to use it even outside the home.

The bottle is not under pressure, so even for infants there is no need to take precautions when instilling nasal drops (since there is no gas in the bottle, the child does not have increased pressure in the respiratory tract). . The drug is stored in a dark place

The drug is stored in a dark place

The drug is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, and no longer than 3 years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the medicine cannot be used. From the moment the bottle is opened, Delufen can be used for 2 months. Since Delufen consists of herbal and other natural ingredients, a change in its organoleptic properties or turbidity of the liquid may occur. This does not affect the properties of the drug in any way.

Delufen can be sold in pharmacies without a prescription. And although it has no contraindications or negative consequences in case of overdose, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before using it. Only a specialist will be able to adjust the dosage of the drug depending on the degree of symptoms.

How does Delufen act on the mucous membranes?

The effect of the drug is caused by the action of its components. Delufen contains:

  • black mustard (has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect, provides a rush of blood to the vessels, which makes breathing easier);
  • milky juice of Euphorbia resiniferous (has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, helps improve immunity);
  • meadow lumbago (has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal properties);
  • luffa (the plant stimulates blood circulation and has a general strengthening effect on the body);
  • mercury iodide (has disinfectant and antiseptic properties, has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • excipients (benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, purified water).

Delufen has anti-inflammatory, reparative (restores epithelial tissue), antiallergic and protective effects. The drug eliminates runny nose regardless of the nature of its origin.

The medicine quickly removes inflammation, that is, restores the normal activity of tissues and cells, without causing unwanted side effects such as irritation or drying out of the mucous membrane. As the trophism of the cells returns to normal, they reduce the production of exudate, as a result of which the nasal passages and sinuses are cleared of mucus, nasal breathing and the ability to perceive odors return. Since nasal congestion is eliminated, this reduces the risk of complications. When inflamed, goblet cells secrete mucus, which clogs the sinuses.

Delufen has an antiallergic effect. It removes itching, swelling, rhinitis, nasal congestion, which are an excessive protective reaction of the body to an irritant. This occurs due to the fact that the medicine reduces the susceptibility of the mucous membrane to the allergenic factor.

The active components of Delufen stimulate the processes of restoration of mucosal cells and help restore its protective properties. By destroying pathogenic microorganisms, the medicine normalizes the microflora of the nasopharynx and helps restore local immunity.

For chronic atrophic rhinitis (symptoms: dryness, crust formation, frequent nosebleeds as a result of fragility of blood vessels), the drug normalizes the functioning of goblet (mucus-producing) cells and their trophism, and restores the structure of the mucous membrane. The medicine moisturizes the epithelial tissue, so a person stops feeling discomfort in the nose associated with dry mucosa, and crusts do not form.

It is also important that when using Delufen there is no addiction, and its effectiveness remains at a high level even with long-term use. .

How to recognize a fake

The best and most effective products, especially those with a high price, are often counterfeited. How to distinguish Delufen from a counterfeit:

  1. The drug is produced only in the form of a spray, drops are not produced.
  2. There is only one manufacturer of the drug - Richard Bittner AG (Austria).
  3. The volume of the bottle is 20 milliliters. Material: white plastic.


In the pharmacy chain, you can request a certificate of conformity with numbers that match those printed on the packaging. It is better to buy medicine from large pharmacy chains that receive the product directly from the manufacturer or official representative. The likelihood of buying counterfeit goods at such points is reduced by almost a third.

Instructions and packaging must be available and produced in a typographical manner with clear printing, without damage or blurry letters. A price significantly lower than average may indicate a product produced illegally.

If the buyer has an old package of a quality product, he needs to take it with him and check for similarity with the new Delufen. Often even a non-specialist can notice the differences.


What analogues are there?

There are no exact analogues in composition; the medicine can be replaced with drugs with a similar effect. Review of some popular medications for the treatment of nasal inflammation:

  1. Euphorbium Compositum. German homeopathic remedy for the treatment of nasal pathologies. Contains natural ingredients of plant and mineral origin. Used for treatment during pregnancy and children over 4 years of age.
  2. Pinosol. This is a preparation based on plant materials, enriched with vitamins. Available in the form of drops, spray, ointment. Contains essential oils. Allowed for children from 2 years old.
  3. Physiometer. The spray is created on the basis of sea water. It cleanses and protects the nasal passages well, relieves inflammation, and prevents infection. Suitable for children from 2 weeks.
  4. Sinuforte. Contains an extract from cyclamen roots. It relieves swelling of the mucous membranes well and normalizes secretion. Not used for treating children under 12 years of age.
  5. Eucasept. Contains a large set of oils and extracts from plants - eucalyptus, mint, fir. It eliminates infection well, helps relieve inflammation, pain and burning. Relieves vascular spasms, moisturizes and heals mucous membranes. Not applicable up to 2 years.
  6. Otrivin, Otrivin baby. Available in two forms. Contains sea salt. Used to treat newborns. Can be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent infection.

The choice of an effective treatment for inflammation of the ENT organs, especially for children, can only be made by a specialist. All medications differ in composition, severity of action, and have specific uses.

Delufen is in great demand among young mothers and pregnant women. Its natural composition and high authority of the manufacturer inspire respect and trust among most consumers. The drug has few contraindications and is safe even for children.

However, this is precisely what can lead to the fact that, in severe cases of the disease, stronger and more effective drugs will be required, and time will be lost. Therefore, before using Delufen for home treatment, you must visit a doctor and get recommendations.


Typically, such drugs that affect the condition of the body and improve breathing are sold without a prescription at pharmacy kiosks. The homeopathic medicine Delufen fully copes with these requirements.

Delufen is a drug with complex effects on the body. This product contains a large number of natural trace elements that have an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and protective reaction to protect the mucous membrane.

Homeopathic medicine for rhinitis has been actively prescribed by therapists for adults and children for many years. This medicine is safe and does not cause severe side effects. It is used in most cases by people who have problems with tolerating drops and tablets.

The drug itself includes components in the form of: black mustard extract, mercury diiodide content. It is sold exclusively in the form of a spray; it cannot be purchased in the form of drops.

Due to the fact that Delufen is available in the form of a spray, the product is evenly applied, which exceeds the effect of action. This drug is recommended for getting rid of rhinitis, gives an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the entire nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.

Regardless of the prerequisites for the onset of a runny nose: an allergic reaction, an inflammatory reaction, damage by viruses or bacteria, the drug quickly eliminates swelling and inflammation. But the spray does not cause drying out and irritation of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ. The paranasal sinuses and nasal passages themselves begin to quickly release fluid, which helps get rid of nasal congestion.

The chance of the onset of purulent sinusitis deposits is reduced. Antiallergic medicine: eliminates swelling, burning, difficulty breathing and rhinorrhea, the cause of which is allergies, hay fever and hay fever.

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