Dibikor 250 mg - official instructions for use

Dibicor and Metformin to prolong life

The possibility of using Dibicor to prolong life has just begun to be studied. It has been found that the aging process develops faster in animals with severe taurine deficiency. The lack of this substance is especially dangerous for males. There is evidence that Dibicor reduces the risk of diabetes, reduces the risk of death from coronary heart disease, prevents hypertension, memory and cognitive decline with age, suppresses inflammation, and can be used for weight loss. This information is preliminary and is not reflected in the instructions. Long-term studies are required to confirm it. In combination with metformin, which is also now considered as an anti-aging drug, Dibikor enhances its properties.

History of the discovery of taurine

The active component of Dibikor was first isolated at the end of the 19th century from bull bile, which is why it acquired its name, because “taurus” is translated from Latin as “bull”. Studies have found that the component is able to regulate calcium in myocardial cells.

Initially, no one paid much attention to this substance until it became clear that in the body of cats it is not synthesized at all, and without its intake from food, animals develop blindness and the detail of the heart muscle is impaired. It was from this moment that scientists began to more carefully study the action and properties of taurine.

Instructions for use

"Dibikor" is taken orally within 20 minutes. before meals, with water or unsweetened tea. The dosage regimen and duration of treatment depend on the disease.

Heart failure therapy

For heart failure, Dibikor is prescribed 250-500 mg (single amount) with a dosage frequency of 2 times a day. The amount is adjusted depending on the therapeutic effect, concomitant therapy, and the condition of the body. The daily dose can be increased to 2-3 g/day. or reduce to 125 mg. Frequency of use – 2 rubles/day. The maximum amount should not exceed 2 g/day. The duration of treatment with Dibicor is determined by the doctor individually, usually it is 1 month.

Treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

For type 1 diabetes, Dibicor is usually prescribed in combination with insulin. The single dose is 500 mg, the frequency of administration is 2 times a day. The maximum amount is 1.5 g/day. The duration of the course is 3-6 months. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 2-5 months.

People with type 2 diabetes need to take 500 mg of Dibikor 2 times a day. It is prescribed as a single drug or combined with hypoglycemic agents. With moderate hypercholesterolemia, to reduce blood glucose, it is enough to drink only Dibikor.

Other indications

As a hepatoprotector, Dibikor is used in a dose of 500 mg (single amount), the dosage frequency is 2 times a day. It should be taken during the entire period of therapy with antifungal agents.

For intoxication with glycosides, the daily amount of the drug is 750 mg. During treatment with Dibicor, it may be necessary to adjust the amount of cardiac glycosides or calcium channel blockers. This should only be done by a doctor. It is not recommended to independently adjust the daily amount of medication.

Instructions for use, dosage

  • For type I diabetes mellitus - 500 mg twice a day, course of treatment from 3 months to six months, used together with insulin .
  • For type II diabetes, the dose of Dibikor is the same as for type I, and can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other glucose-lowering medications for oral administration. For diabetics with high blood cholesterol levels, the dosage is 500 mg 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
  • In case of poisoning with an excessive amount of cardiac glycosides, at least 750 mg of Dibikor per day is required.
  • In case of cardiac dysfunction, the tablets are taken orally in the amount of 250-500 mg twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of therapy lasts an average of 4 weeks. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 3000 mg per day.
  • To prevent the harmful effects of antifungal agents on the liver, it is recommended to take Dibikor 500 mg 2 times a day throughout their course of administration.

Since Dibicor is produced in two concentrations, it is better to start with 250 mg until a constant dosage is established. Moreover, dividing tablets of 500 mg is not always permissible, because one half may contain less than 250 mg, and the other, accordingly, more, which has a bad effect on the body when taken in a course. It is recommended to take the tablets with half a glass of clean water at room temperature. After using Dibikor orally, it quickly penetrates the systemic bloodstream, the concentration reaches its highest value after an hour and a half. The drug is excreted from the body within 24 hours in the urine.

pharmachologic effect

The biological properties of taurine determine several pharmacological actions of Dibikor:

  1. Relieves the effects of stressful situations, while significantly reducing anxiety and other restless conditions. Required for hyperactivity.
  2. Restores and improves energy processes in the heart, liver, other organs and tissues, increases blood flow in them, and has a stimulating effect on wound healing.
  3. Counteracts insomnia and promotes restful sleep.
  4. Increases attentiveness and strengthens memory, affecting the quality of activity of the meninges.
  5. As a result of improving blood circulation processes, various phenomena of stagnation in both circles of blood circulation are eliminated.
  6. Gradually reduces blood pressure in the presence of hypertension.
  7. In patients with cardiac pathologies, the ability to withstand physical activity increases, which has a beneficial effect on their general condition.
  8. Stabilizes the content of potassium ions in the heart muscle for its full functioning.
  9. Reduces glucose levels in cases of diabetes mellitus types I and II. The content of lipophilic alcohol cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  10. Stabilizes the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscular lining of the heart and increases its resistance to low oxygen levels;
  11. Blood microcirculation in the eye returns to normal and prevents degenerative processes.
  12. Enhances sperm activity, which has a very good effect on egg fertilization when planning pregnancy.
  13. Strengthens urination by controlling the barrier function of membranes, reduces attacks of spastic pain;
  14. Reduces your body weight due to accelerated energy metabolism within the body.
  15. Promotes regeneration of various types of tissues.
  16. Protects lymphocytes from their death, which supports the functioning of the immune defense.
  17. Reduces the manifestations of weather dependence of the body.
  18. Increases performance.

Biological effect of taurine

Taurine for weight loss:

  1. Protects the integrity and prevents lysis of cell membranes, preventing the oxidation of lipid compounds contained in them.
  2. Effectively counteracts poisoning due to an overdose of cardiac glycosides.
  3. Plays an important role in osmoregulation of the human body, controlling it by controlling water-salt metabolism.
  4. Sulfonic acid normalizes the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood plasma.
  5. An inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, involved in signal transmission by neurons to muscle tissue, and also prevents seizures. From this we understand that it is an effective antidepressant in the fight against stressful situations.
  6. In the form of eye drops, taurine is used for dystrophic pathologies, including cataracts of various origins.
  7. Regulates the release of adrenaline, prolactin and the body's reaction to these substances.
  8. Thanks to the formation of new cells under the influence of sulfonic acid, the activity of the brain areas responsible for memory improves.
  9. Taurine, contained in cosmetics, is useful for strengthening hair and rejuvenating skin. There are recipes for such products based on eye drops with taurine, which are available for self-production.
  10. In addition, taurine is used as a biologically active additive in the composition of dry formulas for children and food products, and is also added to animal food, and to cat food - it is mandatory, since cats have reduced activity of the catalytic system, and for them taurine is an essential compound, the deficiency of which leads to retinal degeneration and pathologies such as cardiomyopathy.

Dibikor - indications for use

  • Diabetes mellitus type I and II, including those with slightly elevated blood lipids.
  • Consumption of cardiac glycosides in toxic doses.
  • Problems of the heart and blood vessels of various origins.
  • For liver support in patients prescribed antifungal agents.

There is evidence that Dibicor can be used as a means of losing excess weight. But by itself it does not burn extra pounds; without a low-carb diet and regular exercise there will be no effect. The taurine-based drug acts as follows:

  1. Dibikor accelerates catabolism and helps break down fat deposits.
  2. Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.
  3. Increases performance and physical endurance.

In this case, Dibikor should be prescribed by a doctor who will monitor the person’s health condition.

Customer reviews about Dibikor cholesterol tablets

Pavel, 33 years old

Who would have thought that solving a cholesterol problem would be so easy?

Anatoly, 42 years old

My blood vessels are fine. And all thanks to the drug Dibikor.

Polina, 69 years old

I thought I was going to die. The pressure was jumping. My head was simply exploding. Now all this is in the past.

Galina, 52 years old

Thank you for the incredible result.

Instructions for use Dibikor method and dosage

The tablets are intended for oral use. As a rule, the drug is taken twenty minutes before a meal, washed down with water or weak unsweetened tea.

  • For heart failure, the drug is taken orally at 250–500 mg (1–2 tablets of 250 mg or 1/2–1 tablet of 500 mg) 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals, the course of treatment is 30 days. The dose can be increased to 2–3 g/day (8–12 tablets of 250 mg or 4–6 tablets of 500 mg) or reduced to 125 mg (1/2 tablet of 250 mg) per dose.
  • For type 1 diabetes mellitus - 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 tablet of 500 mg) 2 times a day in combination with insulin therapy for 3-6 months.
  • For type 2 diabetes mellitus - 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 tablet of 500 mg) 2 times a day as monotherapy or in combination with other oral hypoglycemic agents.
  • For type 2 diabetes mellitus, incl. with moderate hypercholesterolemia - 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 tablet of 500 mg) 2 times a day, course duration - as recommended by a doctor.
  • For intoxication with cardiac glycosides - at least 750 mg/day (3 tablets of 250 mg each or 1.5 tablets of 500 mg each).
  • As a hepatoprotector - 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 tablet of 500 mg) 2 times a day during the entire course of taking antifungal drugs.

The duration of treatment and dose should be determined solely by the attending physician. It is prohibited to independently adjust the dose of the drug. If therapy is ineffective or if side effects occur, you should consult your doctor.


A drug that improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues

Release form, composition and packaging


white or almost white, round in shape, flat-cylindrical, with a notch and a chamfer.

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose – 23 mg, potato starch – 18 mg, gelatin – 6 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil) – 0.3 mg, calcium stearate – 2.7 mg.

10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (3) – cardboard packs. 10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (6) – cardboard packs.


white or almost white, round in shape, flat-cylindrical, with a notch and a chamfer.
Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose – 46 mg, potato starch – 36 mg, gelatin – 12 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil) – 0.6 mg, calcium stearate – 5.4 mg.
10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (3) – cardboard packs. 10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (6) – cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Taurine is a natural metabolic product of sulfur-containing amino acids: cysteine, cysteamine, methionine. Taurine has osmoregulatory and membrane protective properties, has a positive effect on the phospholipid composition of cell membranes, and normalizes the exchange of calcium and potassium ions in cells.

Taurine has been shown to have the properties of an inhibitory neurotransmitter; it has an anti-stress effect, can regulate the release of GABA, adrenaline, prolactin and other hormones, as well as regulate responses to them.

By participating in the synthesis of respiratory chain proteins in mitochondria, taurine regulates oxidative processes and exhibits antioxidant properties; affects enzymes such as cytochromes responsible for the metabolism of various xenobiotics.

Dibikor improves metabolic processes in the heart, liver and other organs and tissues. In chronic diffuse liver diseases, Dibikor increases blood flow and reduces the severity of cytolysis.

Treatment with Dibicor for cardiovascular failure leads to a decrease in congestion in the pulmonary and systemic circulation: intracardiac diastolic pressure decreases, myocardial contractility increases (maximum speed of contraction and relaxation, contractility and relaxation indices). The drug moderately reduces blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension and has virtually no effect on its level in patients with cardiovascular failure with low blood pressure. Dibikor reduces side effects that occur with an overdose of cardiac glycosides and slow calcium channel blockers, and reduces the hepatotoxicity of antifungal drugs. Increases performance during heavy physical activity.

In case of diabetes mellitus, approximately 2 weeks after starting to take Dibicor, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases. There was also a significant decrease in the concentration of triglycerides, and to a lesser extent in the concentration of cholesterol, and a decrease in the atherogenicity of plasma lipids. With long-term use of the drug (about 6 months), an improvement in the microcirculatory blood flow of the eye was noted.


After a single dose of 500 mg of the drug, taurine is determined in the blood after 15-20 minutes, reaching Cmax after 1.5-2 hours.

It is completely eliminated within a day.


  • diabetes mellitus type 2, incl. with moderate hypercholesterolemia;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular failure of various etiologies;
  • intoxication caused by cardiac glycosides;
  • as a hepatoprotector in patients taking antifungal drugs.


  • age under 18 years (efficacy and safety have not been established);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.


The drug is taken orally, 20 minutes before meals.

For type 2 diabetes mellitus, incl. with moderate hypercholesterolemia,

prescribed 500 mg 2 times a day as monotherapy or in combination with other hypoglycemic agents for oral administration; The duration of the course is as recommended by the doctor.

For type 1 diabetes mellitus

It is recommended to take 500 mg 2 times a day in combination with insulin therapy for 3-6 months.

For cardiovascular failure

prescribed 250-500 mg 2 times/day; course of treatment – ​​30 days. The dose can be increased to 2-3 g/day or reduced to 125 mg per dose.

In case of intoxication with cardiac glycosides

Prescribe at least 750 mg/day.

As a hepatoprotector

It is recommended to take 500 mg 2 times a day during the entire course of using antifungal drugs.

Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible

If side effects worsen or any other side effects not listed in the instructions are noted, the patient should inform the doctor.


There are no data on overdose.

Drug interactions

Dibikor can be used with other medications.

The drug enhances the inotropic effect of cardiac glycosides.

special instructions

While taking the drug Dibicor, the dose of cardiac glycosides should be reduced sometimes by 2 times, depending on the sensitivity of patients to cardiac glycosides. The same rule applies to slow calcium channel blockers.

If there is no reduction or if the symptoms of the disease worsen, the patient should consult a doctor.

Do not exceed the maximum duration and recommended doses of the drug without consulting your doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher, operator).

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended due to the lack of experience in clinical use in this category of patients.

Use in childhood

Contraindicated in people under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established).

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life – 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

The description of the drug DIBIKOR is based on officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.

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Source: https://health.mail.ru/drug/dibikor/

Side effects of the medicine

Dibikor has virtually no side effects for the body. Allergic reactions to the auxiliary ingredients of the tablet are very rare. Taurine itself is a natural amino acid, so it does not cause allergies.

Long-term use with increased stomach acidity can lead to exacerbation of ulcers. For such problems, treatment with Dibicor should be agreed with your doctor. He may recommend getting taurine from food rather than from pills.

ProductTaurine in 100 g, mg% of requirement
Turkey, red meat36172
Chicken, red meat17334
red fish13226
Liver, heart of a bird11823
Beef heart6613

Diabetics are characterized by taurine deficiency, so at first its consumption should exceed requirements.

Who will it harm?

During the oncological process, such a drug is not prescribed to a person.
Despite its high effectiveness, not everyone is allowed to use Dibicor to reduce “bad” cholesterol. The pharmaceutical drug will not bring any benefit, but will only cause harm, if used if you are individually intolerant to any component of the composition. People with cancer, children under 18 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers should not take the medicine. Patients with gastric ulcers and impaired liver function should use Dibicor tablets under the strict supervision of a physician.

Negative effects

Usually, treatment with Dibicor proceeds well, but occasionally, after taking a dose of the medicine, undesirable symptoms may develop, including:

  • itching of the skin;
  • rashes on the surface layer of the dermis;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • increase in hydrochloric acid.

The occurrence of any side effect while taking Dibicor tablets requires discontinuation of the medication and consultation with a doctor.

Instructions for use

The effect of treatment with a standard dosage develops gradually. According to reviews from those who took Dibicor, a steady drop in glycemia is observed by 2-3 weeks. In patients with a mild taurine deficiency, the effect may disappear after a week or two. It is advisable for them to take Dibicor 2-4 times a year in 30-day courses at a dosage of 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and evening).

If the effect of Dibikor persists, the instructions recommend drinking it for a long time. After a couple of months of use, the dose can be reduced from therapeutic (1000 mg) to maintenance (500 mg). Significant positive dynamics are observed after six months of use, patients have improved lipid metabolism, glycated hemoglobin decreases, weight loss is observed, and the need for sulfonylurea drugs decreases. It matters whether you take Dibicor before or after meals. The best results were observed when taken on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before eating any food.

Side effects and contraindications

The tablets are not toxic, but during treatment it is important to observe the following conditions:

  • If an allergic reaction occurs: urticaria, shortness of breath, swelling, the medication must be stopped immediately.
  • It is not recommended for use in children under 18, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.
  • In the case of simultaneous use of Dibikor and drugs with cardiac glycosides, the dosage of the latter is reduced by half, since Taurine helps to increase the inotropic effect.

Some authors of instructions report the effectiveness of Dibikor Taurine in reducing cravings for alcohol, as well as the success of losing weight with the help of these tablets. There is no official data confirming such treatment for alcohol addiction, as well as obesity, therefore, in order to avoid metabolic disorders, you should not drink the medicine on your own without the advice of a doctor.

How to use?

It is allowed to begin treatment for high cholesterol with Dibikor only after consultation with a specialized physician, who will individually write out a therapeutic regimen and determine the required duration of the treatment course. The instructions provide general recommendations for taking the medicine and, according to it, the tablets are taken orally, 1 piece at a time. twice a day.

The drug Metformin is often prescribed along with Dibikor. The latter medicine inhibits the aging process and reduces the prevalence of the atherosclerotic process, which leads to the development of stroke and heart attack. Therefore, when taking Metformin and Dibikor simultaneously, the therapeutic effect of each doubles.

Dibikor's analogs

If individual intolerance is detected (for example, in the form of a skin allergy), the doctor may replace the drug with one of the structural analogues (Taurine Bufus or Taufon), or with a drug with a similar mechanism of action. These medications include:

  • Vazonat is a drug for activating metabolism and improving energy supply to tissues; it is prescribed for heart disease and eye diseases with damage to the retina.
  • Mexicor is a drug with antihypoxic, neuroprotective, nootropic, anxiolytic and antioxidant effects, used for ischemia and in the acute stage of myocardial infarction.
  • Metamax is an angioprotector used in the treatment of heart diseases and fundus vascular pathologies.
  • Neocardil is an antianginal, antiarrhythmic, antioxidant, cardiotonic, antiplatelet, antispasmodic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiatherosclerotic agent.
  • Preductal is a medicine with an antihypoxic effect that improves energy metabolism.
  • Hawthorn tincture is a herbal remedy with a cardiotonic antispasmodic effect, used in the treatment of heart diseases.

Special instructions and drug interactions

During the period of taking Dibikor, it is recommended to reduce the dose of digoxin by half, but this figure depends on the sensitivity of the individual patient to them and the dose change is regulated by a specialist. The same applies to drugs from the calcium antagonist group. No studies have been conducted on the safety of expectant mothers and nursing women; it is unknown how the drug acts on the fetus and on the body of a newborn child, so it is recommended to refrain from taking it during this period of time. Dibikor does not affect psychomotor reactions and allows you to perform various types of work associated with a constantly increased concentration of attention. Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or control complex mechanisms. There is no evidence of negative interactions between the product and other medications.

But you should still be careful when using it simultaneously with digoxin and the like, because the inotropic effect increases (the strength of heart contractions increases)

At the moment, there are no registered data on overdose with Dibikor. If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment is symptomatic: if necessary, sorbents and anti-allergy agents are used.

Composition of the drug

Taurine is the main substance of this drug; it is a sulfonic acid, used as a food additive and medicine, formed in the body under the influence of the sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine, methionine and cysteamine. In medicine, taurine acts on the exchange of lipid components, acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, and also has a beneficial effect on the normalization of metabolic processes in eye tissues. Taurine is designed to stimulate brain function, increase concentration and coordination ability, and relieve fatigue, which is successfully used by athletes and other people with regular stress.

Other properties of the drug

What other properties does the drug “Dibikor” have? Instructions for use, reviews from doctors inform patients that it is able to improve metabolic processes occurring in the liver, heart and other organs and tissues.

In the presence of diffuse chronic liver diseases, the medication increases blood flow and also reduces the severity of cytolysis.

Therapy of cardiovascular failure with the drug in question leads to a decrease in congestion in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. As a result of this effect, diastolic intracardiac pressure significantly decreases, and myocardial contractility also increases.

It should also be said that this drug moderately lowers blood pressure in patients with hypertension (arterial), and also has virtually no effect on its value in patients with low blood pressure (in the presence of cardiovascular failure).

What do you need to know before using Dibikor? The instructions for use state that this drug reduces the side effects that occur with an overdose of calcium channel blockers and cardiac glycosides, and also reduces the hepatotoxicity of antifungal agents. In addition, this medicine can increase a person’s performance, especially during physical activity.

If you have a disease such as diabetes, approximately 14 days after starting to take the pills, the patient's blood glucose level decreases. Significant reductions in triglyceride concentrations, cholesterol levels, and plasma lipid atherogenicity were also observed.

With long-term use of the medication (about six months), the microcirculatory blood flow of the visual organs significantly improves.

Composition and medicinal properties

The drug Dibicor is sold in the form of tablets containing the active component taurine, which acts in the fight against high cholesterol levels.

The main ingredient of the medicine takes an active part in normalizing the metabolism of K and Ca, protects cell membranes from various types of damage, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and helps restore the balance of hormones. "Dibikor", in turn, regulates oxidative processes in the human body and affects enzymes involved in metabolism.

By regularly taking the pills, it will be possible to reduce congestion and restore blood flow, which together helps reduce the likelihood of blood clots forming. In addition to the fact that Dibicor lowers bad cholesterol levels in people with atherosclerosis, it also helps normalize high blood pressure. The drug cures various pathologies of the myocardium and blood vessels, increases the overall tone of the body and generally improves human health.


Dibicor should not be taken by diabetics with hypersensitivity to the components of the tablet or by patients with malignant neoplasms. Taurine is widely used in formulas for feeding babies up to one year old, but the manufacturer of Dibikor did not test its drug in pregnant women and children, so these groups are also included in the instructions as contraindications.

There is no information about compatibility with alcohol in the instructions. However, ethanol is known to impair the absorption of taurine. The simultaneous intake of taurine with alcoholic beverages and coffee leads to overstimulation of the nervous system.

Reviews from doctors about a safe way to get rid of cholesterol

Yuri Gennadievich Oskolkin, cardiologist

We must fight not the effect, but the cause. I recommend these tablets to patients for the prevention and treatment of acute conditions.

Galina Petrovna Ryumina, cardiologist

Cholesterol is like a time bomb. The sooner it is neutralized, the better. After many years of practice in the hospital, I came to a clear conclusion. Only natural remedies bring the long-awaited therapeutic effect. This drug undoubtedly became one of these.

Results of using Dibikor

According to patient reviews, long-term use of the medicine (more than six months) improves the general condition of the body, blood microcirculation is restored in the organs of vision. In people with cardiovascular diseases, taking Dibikor helped reduce intracardiac diastolic pressure. The medicine reduces congestion in the blood circulation (large and small), reduces the risk of developing a heart attack. In such patients, Dibikor increases tolerance to physical activity. Small doses of Dibikor helped reduce side effects that developed during the period of taking cardiac glycosides and drugs used to block calcium channels.

It should be noted that the drug is not able to normalize blood pressure in case of hypotension or hypertension. The medicine reduces the sensitivity of the liver to antifungal agents. In patients with diabetes mellitus, take Dibikor for 2 weeks. helped reduce the level of glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Some women took the drug to lose weight. In this case, the effectiveness of the medicine depended on the individual characteristics of the organism.


An overdose of the drug can be eliminated by gastric lavage.
When using a medication in excessive doses, the risk of developing and the severity of side symptoms increases. "Dibikor" does not have a specific antidote. In case of poisoning of the body with its components, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take an antihistamine.

Dibikor's analogs

Group of drugs, release formTrade name of the analogueManufacturerTaurine in 1 tablet/capsule/ml, mg
Tablets registered as medicineCardioActive TaurineEvalar500
Tablets registered as dietary supplementsCoronarhythmEvalar500
TaurineNow Foods500-1000
L-taurineCalifornia Gold Nutrition1000
Complex dietary supplements with taurineBiorhythm visionEvalar100
Oligim vitamins140
Glyukosil NormaArtlife100
Eye dropsTaufonMoscow endocrine plant40
Taurine DiaDiapharm40

Vitamin complexes enriched with taurine contain less than the daily requirement for this amino acid, so they can be taken together with Dibikor. If you drink Dibikor together with Olijim, the dose of taurine needs to be adjusted. For diabetes, take 2 capsules of Olijim and 3.5 tablets of Dibikor 250 per day.

Instructions for use of Dibikor

The drug Dibikor belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs with metabolic effects. Taking these drugs affects the normalization of metabolic processes such as oxygen transport function of the blood, correction of energy balance and metabolic disorders of cells of various organs. During the course of treatment, healthy energy supply to tissues is restored.

Composition and release form

The drug Dibikor is available in the form of scored tablets of white or almost white color, intended for oral administration. Packaged in contour cells of 10 pieces (3 or 6 cells in one package), or in dark glass bottles, 30 or 60 pieces each. The content of the active ingredient taurine in one tablet is 250 or 500 mg. Full composition of the drug:

SubstanceContent, mg
Microcrystalline cellulose23
Potato starch18
Calcium stearate2,7
Silicon dioxide colloidal0,3

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main active substance of Dibikor - taurine - is a product of the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine, methionine, cysteamine). Taking the drug has a membrane-protective, osmoregulatory effect on damaged cells, affects the cellular phospholipid composition, stabilizes the ion exchange of calcium and potassium in the cell. During clinical studies, the properties of an inhibitory neurotransmitter were discovered, affecting the release of gamma-aminobutyric acids, prolactin, adrenaline, and other hormones.

The drug Dibikor improves metabolic processes in the liver, heart, and other organs and tissues. It is a hepatoprotector - in case of chronic failure or other diffuse liver diseases, it reduces the severity of cytolysis and increases blood flow. Reduces congestion in the pulmonary and systemic circulation, therefore it is used in the treatment of cardiovascular failure. Reduces diastolic intracardiac pressure, improves contractility of the heart muscle. Moderately lowers blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension.

In case of diabetes mellitus, 10-14 days after the start of administration, the blood sugar level decreases. Reduces hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. In case of poisoning due to an overdose of cardiac glycosides or calcium channel receptor blockers, it reduces the severity of side effects and can be considered an antidote. With long-term use (from six months or more), there is an improvement in the microcircular blood flow of the retina.

Absorbed in the digestive tract. With a single dose of 500 mg of Dibikor, taurine is detected in the blood after 15-30 minutes. The maximum level of concentration occurs after 2 hours. The active substance of the drug is metabolized in all cells of the human body, the elimination period is 24 hours (excreted by the kidneys). With long-term use, it gradually accumulates in tissues and organs in therapeutic doses.

Indications for use of the drug Dibikor

The drug Dibikor is prescribed for diseases and conditions that require normalization of cellular metabolic processes. Indications for use are:

  • functional disorders of the heart - cardiovascular failure of various etiologies;
  • complex therapy for diabetes mellitus of 1 and 2 degrees, including those with moderately elevated cholesterol levels;
  • lesions of the retina - cataracts, injuries and dystrophy of the cornea;
  • intoxication of the body after poisoning with cardiac glycosides;
  • prevention of the development of drug-induced hepatitis with long-term use of antifungal drugs;
  • obesity treatment;
  • stimulation of the production of adrenaline and other neurotransmitters.

How long can you take Dibicor without a break?

Dibikor - tablets for improving metabolic and energy processes in the body. They contain taurine and are used for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, to protect the liver and lower cholesterol.

Doctors usually recommend taking Dibicor as part of complex treatment, combining it with other drugs. The product has a mild action and high efficiency, however, reviews are not always positive; there are also negative opinions from patients and specialists. They are associated, first of all, with the incorrect use of the medicine or with too high hopes that they placed on it.

At the same time, you cannot call the product a pacifier. Each tablet contains 250 mg of taurine, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the body suffering from diabetes, liver disease and cardiovascular disorders. The pills act as a hepatoprotector and are recommended for course use, often together with antifungals, insulin-containing and other strong drugs.

In addition, the product will be useful for older patients experiencing problems with the gastrointestinal tract and well-being in general. The active component of the composition is designed to normalize metabolism, disperse the blood and improve the absorption of nutrients. It is not for nothing that the medicine is often called the elixir of youth and strength.

What are the features of the medicinal formula, how to take the tablets, to whom they are indicated and why doctors are dissatisfied - we will look at this in the review.

Indications for use

The main component of the tablets is taurine. This is the same substance on the basis of which various energy drinks have been developed and are still successfully sold.

Attractive jars of drinks designed to raise morale, restore vigor even after a sleepless night and reveal all the body’s reserves - they all contain this “magic” substance.

Its one-time intake in acceptable proportions causes:

  • - a surge of vigor and strength;
  • - good mood and high performance;
  • - suppression of drowsiness and other manifestations of fatigue;
  • - increased concentration of attention;
  • - good health.

However, do not forget that such drinks also contain caffeine and other ingredients that, if taken regularly, can harm the body.

Therefore, if you want to nourish yourself with useful taurine, it is better to take a course of a special medicine based on it, following the instructions and dosages.

So, each Dibikor tablet contains 250 or 500 mg of the active substance, depending on the packaging.

As a rule, the medicine is taken twice a day in the first half of the day. The course can last up to three months. And the indications are:

  • — prediabetes (stable elevated blood sugar, a condition close to diabetes);
  • — diabetes mellitus of the first and second types;
  • — disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • - high blood pressure;
  • - hormonal disorders, metabolic problems;
  • - high cholesterol;
  • — excess body weight (the drug helps burn extra kg);
  • — taking care of the liver, especially while taking antifungal drugs;
  • — pathological fatigue, low performance;
  • - frequent stress, irritability;
  • - sharp deterioration of vision.

How does a hepatoprotector work?

You should know that hepatoprotectors are not able to provide emergency assistance to a damaged liver or cure diabetes. This is an auxiliary drug for the restoration of a damaged organ and all vital systems. It is aimed at gradually improving the condition by normalizing all metabolic processes, as a result of which natural regeneration occurs.

This means that taking this drug one tablet at a time is pointless. In this case, Dibikor will be ineffective. But a disciplined course can significantly lower cholesterol levels and normalize the condition, including those with diagnosed diabetes.

Also, patients who have tried the effect of the product note that it has the properties of quickly replenishing energy and improving mood. Most often, tablets are taken as part of complex therapy.

Composition of the drug

The tablets are white in color and have no pronounced taste due to the protective coating. In the middle is risk. Packages come in 10, 30 and 60 tablets. the main active ingredient can be 250 or 500 mg. Compound:

  • — taurine is an amino acid that improves metabolic and energy processes in the body;
  • — microcrystalline cellulose;
  • - potato starch;
  • — aerosil;
  • - calcium stearate;
  • - gelatin.

Capsules do not conflict with other drugs used to treat diabetes.

Analogues and advantages

The tablets are produced in Russia by the company PIK-Pharma and are included in the middle price category. The analogues are pills with a similar medicinal composition from Poland, Slovenia, the USA, France and products of competing Russian pharmaceutical companies. Titles:

Does Dibikor have negative reviews from doctors?

It is believed that Russian tablets with taurine are a mild remedy. Therefore, patients willingly buy it without consulting a doctor and take it on their own. Experts do not welcome such careless attitude towards medicine.

Vladislav Denisovich R., endocrinologist:

“Of course, pills are preferable to uncontrolled intake of energy drinks, but even here you need to be careful. The Dibikor tablet will not at all help relieve the harmful effects of a stormy feast and alcoholic libations, as many of my patients believe. The drug helps the liver recover gradually and by improving natural processes, rather than “patching” the damaged organ with patches.

It is also worth understanding that taking the drug for diabetes does not cancel diet or insulin medications. Tablets improve overall health, but are not a panacea for all ills. Although I regularly record good results from course use in patients.”

Tamara Sergeevna D., general practitioner:

“Any drug has contraindications, including beneficial hepatoprotectors. Don’t think that Dibikor is not capable of causing negative reviews from doctors. It may well cause, for example, allergies. So a preliminary consultation before taking it is required. Especially when it comes to advanced diabetes.

The tablets are an auxiliary treatment, promote important internal processes, are useful for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, restoring the liver and improving vision. The drug also successfully improves performance and helps withstand stress.”

Source: https://doc-diabet.com/diabet/kak-dolgo-mozhno-prinimat-dibikor-bez-pereryva.html

List of indications for use

The main advantage of the drug is its wide range of therapeutic effects. The use of Dibikor Taurine allows you to get rid of several pathologies at once. For what diseases does medicine become vital?

Heart failure, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, suspected stroke, atherosclerosis

For cardiovascular diseases, using tablets by normalizing metabolic processes improves the supply of cardiac muscle tissue with oxygen, beneficial macro, microelements, vitamins, and also accelerates the removal of toxins from cells.

  • Dibikor Taurine promotes the destruction of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.
  • Increases firmness and elasticity of the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels.
  • Prevents the formation of stagnation.
  • Increases the contractility of the myocardium.
  • Increases the adaptive abilities of the heart.
  • Allows you to reduce doses of medications that contain cardiac glycosides and calcium antagonists - blockers.

Diabetes mellitus: types 1 and 2

By normalizing the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, Dibikor Taurine improves the condition of patients with diabetes:

  • Lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Reduces the likelihood of glycemic amplitude fluctuations.
  • Helps reduce insulin resistance.
  • Reduces the number of low-density lipoproteins, as well as triglycerides.
  • Prevents the occurrence of complications: retinopathy, polyneuropathy, angiopathy.
  • Allows you to reduce excess weight.

Dibikor for liver hepatosis

Due to the unique hepaprotective and antioxidant properties of taurine, the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of taurine is manifested as follows:

  • The metabolism of liver cells and bile ducts improves.
  • The flow of blood and lymph in the vessels of the liver increases.
  • Stagnation is prevented.
  • The activity of hepatocytes begins to increase.
  • The solubility and excretion of bile acid are accelerated.
  • As a result of use, the volume of formation of harmful cholesterol, triglycerides, and glycated hemoglobin is reduced.
  • With long-term treatment with antifungal drugs, Dibikor Taurine reduces their hepatotoxic effect, protecting the liver.

In addition, the medicine has a pronounced anti-sclerotic and hypotensive effect, which makes it especially effective for pathologies accompanying hepatosis: diabetes, hypertension, and other diseases that have developed due to metabolic disorders.

Taurine for visual impairment

Against the background of diabetes, as well as other metabolic diseases, ophthalmological diseases often occur: degeneration of eye tissue, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment.

The principle of the therapeutic effect of Dibikor Taurine:

  • Protecting your eyes from harmful environmental factors.
  • Improving microcirculation of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Normalization of intracellular metabolic processes.
  • Reduced intraocular pressure.
  • Regeneration of cell membranes.
  • Reducing stress when visibility deteriorates.

The effect of the medicine occurs approximately two hours after taking the tablets orally.

Pharmacological action of Dibikor

This drug is mainly prescribed for:

  1. diabetes mellitus of any type;
  2. cardiovascular diseases or heart failure;
  3. in case of poisoning with drugs that contain substances from the category of cardiac glycosides.

Treatment with the drug is based on the membrane protective and osmoregulatory properties of taurine. Such properties ensure the normal functioning of all organs, as well as the normalization of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Doctors and patients who leave their reviews note the beneficial effects of taurine on human immunity, bone tissue and vascular condition

This substance is important for normal heart function. It improves blood circulation and metabolism in this organ

If the human body loses taurine, then in this case it can lead to the loss of potassium ions, which in turn leads to heart failure, as well as some other irreversible processes.

Taurine has neurotransmitter properties, which means it can be used as a drug to reduce the effects of nervous tension and stress. This drug allows you to control the production of adrenaline, prolactin and other hormones, as well as the body’s reaction to them.

Action of Dibikor

After the discovery of taurine, scientists for a long time could not understand why the body needs it. It turned out that with normal metabolism, taurine has no protective effect. The therapeutic effect begins to manifest itself only in the presence of pathology, as a rule, in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Dibikor acts at the initial stages of disorders, preventing the development of complications.

Properties of Dibikor:

  1. At the recommended dosage, the drug reduces sugar. After 3 months of use, glycated hemoglobin decreases by an average of 0.9%. The best results are observed in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes and prediabetes.
  2. Used to prevent vascular complications in diabetics. The drug reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, improves blood supply to tissues.
  3. For heart disease, Dibikor improves myocardial contractility, blood flow, and reduces shortness of breath. The drug increases the effectiveness of treatment with cardiac glycosides and allows you to reduce their dose. According to doctors, it improves the general condition of patients and their tolerance to physical activity.
  4. Long-term use of Dibikor stimulates microcirculation in the conjunctiva. It is believed that it can be used to prevent diabetic retinopathy.
  5. Dibikor is able to work as an antidote, eliminating nausea and arrhythmia in case of overdose of glycosides. A similar effect was also found with respect to beta blockers and catecholamines.

Clinically proven benefits of Dibikor

Most traditional drugs used to combat cholesterol have a significant drawback. No matter how many times a person takes them, it is impossible to achieve a long-term effect. This fact forces many to resort to dangerous advice offered by adherents of traditional medicine. The developers of Dibikor tablets tried to solve the problems. And practice shows that they succeeded!

Innovative tablets have the following advantages:

  • normalize heart rate;
  • improve metabolism;
  • stabilize intracranial and blood pressure;
  • reduce the likelihood of congestion;
  • improve the structure of blood vessels;
  • slow down negative age-related changes;
  • increase natural protein production in the body;
  • stabilize calcium levels in the body;
  • normalize ion exchange;
  • improve the composition of cell membranes.

The drug has no age restrictions. Taken without a doctor's prescription.

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