Hexicon suppositories: what they help with and when they are prescribed

Possible side effects

The most common adverse reactions to the use of suppositories are local allergic symptoms in the form of vaginal itching and burning.
Discharge after Hexicon is also possible. When such symptoms appear, there is no need for specific therapy. They go away on their own after the treatment course is completed. Very rarely, side effects appear after using the solution: itching or allergies. Judging by people's reviews, undesirable symptoms such as dry or sticky hand skin, dermatitis, photosensitivity, taste disturbances, etc. may also occur. We found out what Hexicon helps with.

Hexicon or Depantol

The drugs are not analogues of each other. Hexicon is an antiseptic with the active ingredient - Chlorhexidine. Available in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets. Depantol is a combined drug with antiseptic and regenerating activity. Active ingredients: Dexpanthenol and Chlorhexidine. Indicated for:

  • treatment of acute and chronic vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • endo-/exocervicitis;
  • true cervical erosions of a specific etiology (as part of complex therapy).

Prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications in obstetrics and gynecology:

  • before surgical treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • before delivery;
  • before medical termination of pregnancy;
  • before intrauterine examinations (including hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography);
  • before inserting an intrauterine contraceptive device.

To improve the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix:

  • after destructive methods of treatment (including diathermocoagulation, cryodestruction, laser destruction);
  • in the postoperative period;
  • in the postpartum period.

Both drugs are approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Available without a doctor's prescription.

Both drugs are produced in Russia. Depantol is more expensive than Hexicon. Price per package from 239 rubles.

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Hexicon or Depantol. Photo: stada.ru

If there are no antiseptics, what then?

  1. In this case, you need to urinate immediately after intercourse. When urinating, you need to press the foreskin with your fingers so that the urine, having no outlet, washes the entire inner surface of the urethra - then release it. If vodka is present, then a man can use it on the genitals, pubis, and inner thighs. It is better not to pour vodka into the urethra or vagina, because... this can lead to burns of the mucous membranes.
  2. Within a few days after such sexual intercourse, carry out preventive treatment in a medical center. It will prevent the development of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). After 3-4 weeks you need to undergo an additional examination by a venereologist.
  3. Or you can not carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then get examined by a venereologist.

There is no point in being examined before 3-4 weeks, since in case of infection this will be the incubation period, when there are no symptoms yet and tests are uninformative, but chlamydia is already doing its job. The exception is acute gonorrhea, which manifests itself after a few days.

Remember: 100% protection against sexual diseases can only be achieved by abstaining from sex.

Prevention after casual relationships helps prevent infection with STDs and the development of complications. In this case, it is recommended to use medications that have antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic effects. Oral administration of drugs is possible only after consultation with a doctor, who is recommended to be contacted immediately after unprotected or questionable sexual contact.

Suppositories Hexicon

As the instructions for Hexicon tell us, this form of release is intended for intravaginal use. For 7-10 days, one suppository must be administered every day. If necessary, the medicine is reused, but not earlier than twenty days after completion of the first therapeutic course.

To avoid the development of sexually transmitted pathologies in the patient, the use of a vaginal suppository is indicated no later than two hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

It is very important to insert vaginal suppositories correctly so that the contents do not leak from the vagina. To do this, a woman needs to lie on the bed, bend her legs and spread them to the side

The suppository is inserted with the index finger into the vagina to its depth. You need to lie down like this for five minutes so as not to drop the candle after the woman takes a vertical position. Sometimes discharge is observed after Hexicon. They are connected with the fact that when inserted into the vagina, suppositories dissolve. The main active ingredient, chlorhexidine, is absorbed into the mucous membranes, and the surface of the suppositories, polyethylene oxide, comes out.

In accordance with the instructions for their use, therapy with vaginal tablets or suppositories is permitted even during menstrual periods. Although the active substance slightly reduces the effectiveness if there is bloody discharge, pus or other body fluids, the treatment still allows you to get a positive result.

Hexicon suppositories for thrush are often used, despite the fact that they do not have an antifungal effect. But the drug relieves swelling of the mucous membrane that is observed in this disease, and also copes with inflammation. That is why Hexicon can be used for thrush in combination with antifungal agents, despite the fact that this pathology is not included in the drug’s indications.

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Special Recommendations

When Hexicon suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina, they melt. Therefore, it is advisable to use a panty liner during treatment. You can achieve the best effect if you administer them immediately before bedtime. If it is necessary to introduce a suppository in the morning, you must lie down for at least thirty minutes. Hexicon can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Vidal : https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/hexicon__29932 GRLS : https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Grls_View_v2.aspx?routingGuid=f075f7bd-c32a-4ceb-8798-ddac3df0cb33&t=

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Hexicon or Terzhinan

Both drugs are not analogues of each other. Hexicon is an antiseptic for intravaginal use. Active ingredient: Chlorhexidine. Release form: vaginal suppositories and vaginal tablets. Terzhinan is a combination drug with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiprotozoal action (active components: Ternidazole, Neomycin sulfate, Nystatin, Prednisolone). Indications:

  • Treatment of vaginitis caused by sensitive microorganisms, including: bacterial vaginitis; vaginal trichomoniasis; vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida; mixed vaginitis.
  • Prevention of urogenital infections/vaginitis, including: before gynecological operations; before childbirth or abortion; before and after installation of the IUD; before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix; before hysterography.

Hexicon suppositories are indicated during pregnancy and lactation. The use of Terzhinan is possible from the second trimester of pregnancy. The course of treatment with Hexicon is from 7 to 10 days. The minimum duration of treatment with Terzhinan is 6 days, the maximum is 20 days (for example, if mycosis is confirmed). The choice of drug for treatment is determined by the doctor. Hexicon is available without a prescription, Terzhinan is available with a prescription.

The country of origin of Hexicon is Russia. Terzhinan is produced in France. Terzhinan is more expensive than Hexicon. Price per package from 419 rub.

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Hexicon or Terzhinan. Photo: moimakiyazh.ru

Forms of the drug and composition of Hexicon

Each release form has an active ingredient such as the antiseptic chlorhexidine bigluconate. Only the concentration of this component differs. Its presence is responsible for the signs of an antiseptic.

  • Hexicon suppositories contain eight or sixteen milligrams in one piece. Their shape is torpedo-shaped, the color is yellowish or white, and slight marbling is acceptable. The drug is available in cardboard packages, including two contour cells with five suppositories.
  • A solution with a concentration of 20%. It is a transparent, colorless or slightly opalescent liquid that has no odor. Available in polyethylene bottles of various sizes.
  • The gel is transparent, colorless, produced in aluminum tubes.
  • Vaginal tablets with a dosage of 16 milligrams. The shape is biconvex, oblong, yellowish or white in color, and slight marbling may be observed on the surface.

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Prevention for men

Prevention of STDs after casual sex includes a set of measures to minimize the risk of infection within 2 hours after sex. To do this, a man needs:

  1. Immediately after sex, empty your urinary reservoir - urine has antiseptic properties. Due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the genitourinary system, by urinating it is possible to cleanse the urethra and mucous membranes of the penis from pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Wash your hands under running water and soap, take a shower and clean the groin and buttock area, penis with antibacterial soap.
  3. Treat the groin and penis with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, and potassium permanganate solution.
  4. Douche the urethra with antiseptic agents: insert the tip of the bottle or syringe into the urethra and pour in a few milliliters of solution.
  5. After treating the genitals, refrain from urinating for 3-4 hours.
  6. Wear clean underwear made from natural materials.

How to use different forms of the drug

For medicinal purposes, Hexicon suppositories are recommended for use intravaginally, i.e. deep into the vagina. The manipulation is performed in the morning and evening, using 1 candle at a time.

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The standard course of therapy lasts 7–10 days. According to indications, the period can be increased to 20 days.

As a preventive measure, suppositories are used after unprotected sexual intercourse. The suppository is inserted into the vagina within the first two hours after the end of intercourse. The regimen for using Hexicon D is identical to the instructions for 16 mg suppositories.

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The gel form of Hexicon is in demand in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The affected surfaces are treated with gel 2 times a day. The duration of treatment for gynecological and urological diseases is 7–10 days.

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To treat infectious dermatological pathologies, the gel is applied to problem areas 2–3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the specific disease.

In dentistry, the gel is used for application. The frequency of procedures is 2 – 3 times a day. Duration of 1 procedure – 1 – 3 minutes. The duration of the entire course is determined by the clinical situation.

Vaginal tablets

Before inserting the tablet into the vagina, it is moistened with warm water.

Hexicon reviews

The daily dose, depending on the diagnosis, is equal to 1 – 2 tablets. The course of therapy is 7 – 10 days. To prevent STDs, vaginal tablets, like hexicon suppositories, are administered within 2 hours after completion of unprotected sexual intercourse.


It is advisable to use a solution for the prevention of STIs if the procedure for disinfecting the urethral canal can be planned for the first 2 hours after sexual intercourse. The dose of solution for injection into the urethra is different for women and men. In the first case it is 1 - 2 ml, in the second - 2 - 3 ml.

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The vagina is irrigated as follows: the nozzle is inserted into the organ and 5–10 ml of the substance is injected. The nozzle is held for 2 - 3 minutes. The solution is also used to wipe the external genitalia and the skin of the pubis and inner thighs. After the procedure, it is not recommended to empty the bladder for 2 hours.

For dental diseases, Hexicon solution is used to rinse the mouth. The procedure is performed up to 4 times a day. For one session, take 5–10 ml of liquid.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to the use of suppositories and other forms of the drug is the patient’s increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. In this case, severe itching occurs in the area affected by the drug.

Other side effects may include:

Impaired taste perception. Staining of tooth enamel. Sticky or dry hand skin.

In case of individual intolerance to Hexicon, the doctor selects effective analogues - Iodoxide, Betadine, Iodovidone, Macmiror, Povido-Iodine, vaginal suppositories with eucalymin and trichomonacid.

Discharge of curdled and foamy type

If you detect curdled and foamy discharge, you can talk about signs of infection in the vagina, even if the lower abdomen does not hurt at all.
In a healthy woman, such manifestations are not observed. Curdled discharge should be a signal to consult a doctor to identify an infection. The presence of an unpleasant putrid odor indicates infection. Bacteria and microbes decompose inside the vagina, releasing gases and causing a specific odor. The main causes of such vaginal discharge are considered to be:

  • Candidiasis
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Trichomonas of urogenital type.

In the case of each of the described diseases, long-term treatment is required. For candidiasis, Clotrimazole (suppositories) is usually prescribed. Suppositories should be administered at a dosage of 200 mg for three days. It is possible that your doctor will also prescribe daily use of a 1% cream for 2 weeks, which will prevent a recurrence of thrush.

For trichomoniasis, drugs such as Nimorazole, Metronidazole, and Tinilazole are prescribed. After completing the course of treatment, it is recommended to conduct bacteriological studies in the laboratory, where vaginal smears are sent immediately after collection. This will help evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy.

Bacterial vaginosis is treated intravaginally with Metronidazole gel, which is inserted into the vagina every day before bed for 5 days. Along with this, it is recommended to use vaginal suppositories with the same active ingredient once a day, the duration of treatment is 6 days. Self-medication is not recommended. The regimen for using a particular medication is determined by the doctor individually, after receiving test results and identifying signs of the disease during the examination.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

As the instructions for Hexicon indicate, any form of release of the drug is based on chlorhexidine, which exhibits a significant disinfecting effect. A wide range of microorganisms are sensitive to it: protozoa, various types of bacteria and herpes viruses. Their list also includes fragilis bacteria, ureaplasma, gonococci, chlamydia, gardnerella, trichomonas, treponema pallidum, and the second type of herpes virus. Certain strains of Pseudomonas and Proteus are less sensitive to this substance; acid-fast bacteria, fungi, viruses and bacterial spores are completely resistant.

The active component is almost not absorbed from the digestive tract, as when applied topically through the skin. When used intravaginally, there is negligible systemic absorption. If the tablet is taken accidentally, the half-life will be 0.206 mcg per liter. The substance is excreted from the patient's intestines with feces. Chlorhexidine is excreted by the kidneys in an amount of less than 1%.

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None of us, unfortunately, are immune from contracting sexually transmitted infections. But we can reduce this risk as much as possible through simple, but at the same time, effective actions.

The simplest and most widespread method of protection is using a condom. The female condom is less varied and, according to most women, not very comfortable. But it protects against sexually transmitted infections as effectively as in men. Anal or vaginal intercourse is the most dangerous type of sex in terms of transmitting sexually transmitted infections. Most sexually transmitted diseases have a fifty percent chance of being transmitted through unprotected sex. When having oral sex without a condom, the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease is slightly lower. A condom protects you 99.9%, you will agree, the figure is high, but not one hundred percent. Unfortunately, today the more effective way to protect against sexually transmitted infections is to not have sex, so try to always use a condom during casual sex.

Other methods of preventing sexually transmitted infections are not guaranteed protection, but they help reduce the risk of developing a sexually transmitted disease. These include douching with water or a disinfectant liquid of the vagina or rectum, washing the genital mucosa with chlorine-containing antiseptics, washing the external genitalia after sexual intercourse with soap or a special product for intimate hygiene, as well as the use of contraceptive creams and suppositories during sexual intercourse .

Some of these methods, such as douching, have side effects. When douching, bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases move to the upper parts of the genital organs. Contraceptive creams and suppositories do not protect against gonorrhea, chlamydia and HIV infection. Moreover, often being the cause of dysbiosis of the vaginal flora, they cause gardnerellosis. The cause of the development of gardnerellosis is also a frequent change or multiple sexual partners and a recent change of sexual partner. Antibiotics can also cause the development of gardnerellosis.

If your sexual partner has genital herpes, you must adhere to certain rules of behavior. During an exacerbation of the herpes virus, avoid sexual contact, do not use his towel after a bath or shower, and limit all skin contact with the area of ​​the herpes rash on the skin.


Do condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases?

This question torments many young people, especially those who have heard and read all sorts of horror stories and rumors about HIV infection (AIDS). The number of speedophobes (those with mental illness - fear of contracting AIDS) is steadily growing and is tens of thousands of times higher than the number of people with acquired immunodeficiency and carrying the virus that causes it. I hasten to reassure them. According to the world's only large-scale study by American scientists from the Institute of Health (USA), conducted in 1998 - 2000. It has been proven that HIV infection cannot be transmitted through proper use of a condom. (Russian translation of the report). Although, by and large, HIV is transmitted through single unprotected sexual contact in only 0.1% of cases when contacting an HIV-infected partner and in 0.0001% if the HIV status of the sexual partner is unknown. (Risk of contracting HIV infection without using a condom). Also, during the study, it was found that the condom reliably protects against gonococcal infection. Unfortunately, scientists have not found clear evidence regarding other sexually transmitted infections.

What infections does a condom not protect against?

The condom does not protect against infections, the localization of which may be outside the protection zone of the condom. These are:

Tropical STDs (chancroid, donovanosis, lymphagranuloma venereum)

This question is widely discussed among ordinary people. Yes, back in 1996, scientists from the Technological Institute (St. Petersburg) using electronic equipment proved that condoms have holes with a diameter of up to 1000 nanometers (for example, the size of chlamydia bodies is 300 nm); there are similar works in the West. All serious publications on the violation of condom permeability are listed above.

What to do if the condom breaks

First of all, you need to wash the glans penis, coronary sulcus, foreskin, shaft of the penis, scrotum with warm water and soap and urinate. The use of various antiseptics can in some cases prevent infection (see emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases). In exceptional cases, preventive (prophylactic) treatment is indicated.

If you ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy: - What remedy can I use to cure thrush during pregnancy? They will immediately answer you: - Hexicon. Even the instructions for use of Hexicon indicate that this medication is a completely safe drug, the active substances of which do not in any way affect the formation of the fetus and its vital functions.

Hexicon vaginal suppositories completely dissolve in the vagina and do not penetrate into the bloodstream, gastrointestinal tract, or placenta. Accordingly, if a woman uses Hexicon in the early stages of pregnancy, there will be no negative impact on the formation of the embryo.

Special instructions for the use of suppositories and Hexicon solution

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The presented drug is absolutely incompatible with detergents that contain an anionic group (sodium lauryl sulfate, saponins and sodium carboxymethylcellulose). It is also worth noting that the hygiene of the external genitalia does not in any way affect the tolerability and effectiveness of suppositories, since they are used intravaginally. When using Hexicon locally and externally, you should avoid getting it inside wounds in patients with back injuries, including spinal cord injuries, open craniocerebral trauma, and perforation of the eardrum. If this drug gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, they should be washed immediately with warm water. We cannot ignore the fact that the contact of bleaching hypochlorite substances on clothing that was previously in contact with Hexicon can cause dark brown stains to appear on them. The bactericidal properties of this medication increase with increasing temperature. At 100°C and above, the active ingredient of this product partially decomposes.

Drug interactions

If ethanol is used simultaneously, the effectiveness of the drug will increase. It is not recommended to be treated with Hexicon together with products containing iodine. Other features of the interaction of this medication with other drugs:

  • since suppositories are administered intravaginally, their tolerability and effectiveness are not affected by the sanitation of the external genitalia;
  • incompatible with anionic detergents and soap, in the presence of which chlorhexidine is inactivated;
  • approved for use with drugs containing a cationic group.

Indications for use

In gynecology, indications for the use of Hexicon are limited to the use of the drug for preventive and therapeutic purposes in pathologies of infectious etiology.

Hexicon reviews

In gynecology, Hexicon is used to treat a number of diseases, which include:

  • thrush;
  • gonorrhea;
  • vaginal herpes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis.

Hexicon can be used in venereology and obstetrics. In gynecology, Hexicon suppositories help against inflammation of the appendages and are used before intrauterine examination. The use of the drug is permitted for pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Indications for use are the same.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Treatment with Hexicon assumes that a woman has no absolute contraindications. The main absolute contraindications are hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to individual components in the medication. If rejection occurs during the use of Hexicon suppositories, it means that the patient has intolerance to the active component.

Failure to comply with your doctor's instructions or an incorrectly selected dosage regimen increases the risk of side effects. In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients; side effects are observed in 12% of women. These include various allergic manifestations in the form of rashes on the skin and intimate area, itching and burning sensation.

During pregnancy

Each dosage form of the antiseptic is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. It is not only effective during this period, but also completely safe for both mother and fetus. The exception is vaginal tablets. They are used only when the expected benefit outweighs the potential harm. In the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, indications for use are:

  • ureaplasmos;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • genital herpes;
  • exocervicitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis

Although the drug is ineffective against Candida fungi, it is still prescribed for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women. The reason is that more often a fungal infection during this period in women is provoked by gonococci, Trichomonas and other bacteria. With a mixed fungal-bacterial nature of thrush, Hexicon is able to relieve signs of inflammation, reduce swelling and significantly reduce the severity of signs of the disease.

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How to use Hexicon

Suppositories must be inserted deep into the vagina. This is done twice a day. As a rule, one candle is placed in the morning, and the second in the evening. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician, but usually the period is about ten days. In special situations, the course is continued for twenty days.

If the drug is needed as a prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, it is used once. The most important thing is that the candle must be placed no later than two hours after completion of sexual intercourse. Otherwise, the infection will already have time to spread throughout the body, and there will be no point in prevention.

After being placed inside the vagina, the drug begins to melt, and the entire cavity is filled with a healing gel. It may leak out, especially if the suppository was not placed deep enough. This means that discharge after Hexicon suppositories is a completely normal process.

To date, no cases of drug overdose have been reported. It is considered safe, and therefore doctors often prescribe Hexion during pregnancy. A pregnant woman does not have to worry about the condition of her fetus, since the drug does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not pass through the placental barrier. However, Hexicon suppositories can cause a burning sensation if they are placed after childbirth.

Hexicon reviews
The suppositories are inserted as deep as possible into the vagina, the procedure is continued twice a day, usually in the morning and evening, the duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician

Pimafucin suppositories for STDs

Pimafucin (suppositories) – the active component of suppositories is natamycin, a polyene antibiotic with antifungal and antiprotozoal effects.

Pimafucin suppositories

Produced by actinomycetes of the genus Streptomyces.

Natamycin is able to react with sterols of the yeast-like fungal cell wall, which leads to its destruction and, as a consequence, death.

The drug has only a local effect and is not absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes.

The drug is indicated for the local treatment or prevention of vaginal infection caused by Candida albicans.

Suppositories are used topically.

To do this, you need to take a lying position and insert the candle as deeply as possible.

As a rule, the drug is prescribed for use once a day before bedtime.

As a preventive measure for thrush, the product can be administered once, and for treatment, a course consisting of 3-6 applications is used.

The action of the drug is directed against the fungus Candida albicans, so the drug is not used for the treatment and prevention of other types of STIs.

Important! At the same time, treatment or prevention is required for a sexual partner who, through unprotected contact, can become a carrier of a fungal infection.

For men, Pimafucin cream is recommended, which is applied topically (1-3 times a day).

The duration of use is determined individually in each clinical case, taking into account the possible development of candidal balanoposthitis.

Like all medicines, Pimafucin may cause side effects, although these may not occur in all people using this medicine.

In some cases (very rarely), a slight burning sensation in the vagina and slight irritation of the mucous membranes are observed.

It is due to the presence in suppositories of such an auxiliary component as cetyl alcohol.

These side effects are not grounds for interrupting treatment.

Pharmacological influence

According to the instructions for the Hexicon suppositories, the main active component of the suppositories is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is an antiseptic. Included in the chemical group of dichlorine-containing biguanides, it has a mainly bactericidal effect (eliminates bacterial cells). The specificity of the bactericidal effect lies in the destruction of the cell membrane due to its osmotic dissociation. Chlorhexedine bigluconate is active against many gram-positive (Gram-stained purple) and gram-negative (Gram-stained pink) bacteria and protozoa. The drug does not destroy bacterial spores, acid-fast bacteria and fungal viruses and cells.

After introduction into the vagina, the active ingredient envelops the mucous membrane in the form of a thin film, produces a local therapeutic effect and is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.

What else does the instructions for use of Hexicon suppositories in gynecology tell us?

What infections does it help with?

Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an antiseptic drug that is active against protozoa, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. According to the instructions, it effectively helps in the treatment of the following infectious agents:

  1. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea),
  2. Chlamydia spp. (chlamydia),
  3. Ureaplasma spp. (ureaplasmosis),
  4. Treponema pallidum (syphilis),
  5. Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis),
  6. Gardnerella vaginalis (gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis)
  7. Bacteroides fragilis (bacterial vaginosis)
  8. Candida albicans* (candidiasis)
  9. Herpes simplex virus* (genital herpes)

*The antifungal and antiviral effect of Hexicon is not indicated in the official instructions for use, but a number of studies have proven that its vaginal suppositories can be effectively used in gynecology in the treatment of thrush and for the prevention of genital herpes.

On the effectiveness of Hexicon suppositories against fungi of the genus Candida (candidiasis, thrush) and viral infections, see below.

The drug does not interfere with the functional activity of lactobacilli. Retains activity (moderately reduced) in the presence of blood and pus, which allows the drug to be used during menstruation and for purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Use of the product during menstruation

It is highly not recommended to start treatment with such suppositories during menstruation. This is due to several factors. Firstly, blood may prevent the suppository from completely dissolving, and secondly, significant changes in acidity in the vagina significantly reduce the effectiveness of this drug. Although experts say that you should not interrupt an already started course with the arrival of your period. After all, even the Hexicon medication, weakened by bloody discharge, continues to have a beneficial effect on the female body, ridding it of all existing pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the effectiveness of this remedy during menstruation is much higher than similar drugs.

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Erotex (suppositories) for STDs

This type of suppository belongs to the local type of contraception, additionally providing an antibacterial effect.

suppositories for STDs after an accidental relationship drugs

The active substance is benzalkonium chloride.

It is a disinfectant from the group of quaternary ammonium compounds.

Due to its emulsifying properties, benzalkonium chloride causes depolarization of microbial cell membranes and an increase in their permeability.

It has a spermicidal effect, due to which it is able to destroy the sperm lipid membrane.

Erotex is active against gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, staphylococci, HIV and hepatitis B viruses.

Erotex (suppositories) allows you to minimize the risk of contracting infections transmitted during sexual intercourse.

It does not affect the normal microflora of the vagina and does not change the hormonal balance in a woman’s body.

In the annotation for the drug you can see that suppositories should be inserted deep into the vagina 5 minutes before intimacy.

Some doctors recommend waiting 10 minutes for the suppository to completely dissolve and evenly cover the vaginal mucosa.

After sexual intercourse, the suppository mass is released along with seminal fluid and vaginal mucus naturally.


One candle provides complete protection for only one sexual act.

Features of work

A product called Chlorhexidine is known to many for its antiseptic properties. This substance is believed to be effective against protozoa, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Thanks to this, the drug protects female organs from sexually transmitted infections. According to the manufacturer, the product does not have a negative effect on the vaginal microflora and the number of local lactobacilli.

Hexicon does not help against all existing types of bacteria. For example, if they are acid-resistant, then you will have to choose a different medicine. Also, these suppositories are not suitable for eliminating viruses, fungi and spores. Many people consider Hexicon as a remedy for thrush, but this disease is caused by fungi called Candida. Therefore, this drug is not suitable for the treatment of candidiasis.

When suppositories are placed inside the vagina, the medicine begins to coat the mucous membranes. As a result, a thin film with protective properties is formed. Thus, the drug has a predominantly local effect and almost does not enter the bloodstream. This explains why it is sometimes acceptable to use Hexicon during pregnancy.

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After placing the suppository inside the vagina, the mucous membranes are coated with the drug, which leads to the formation of a thin protective film, so the drug has a predominantly local effect

Causes of inflammation of the “female organs”

Vulvovaginitis and vaginitis are most often caused by the following types of microorganisms:

Basically, pathology is caused by bacteria that are inhabitants of the intestines - enterobacteria, coliform microorganisms. Less commonly, vulvovaginitis is provoked by gram-positive cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and corynebacteria.

Recently, it has been found that inflammatory changes in the vagina are often provoked by two or three, and sometimes a large number of pathogens. Vaginitis of mixed etiology is diagnosed in more than a third of patients.

It is not so rare that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are detected simultaneously with opportunistic microflora. Most often, chlamydia, trichomonas, ureaplasma, and gonococcal infection are detected in smears of patients with vulvovaginitis. Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and external genitalia caused by mixed infection are especially severe. Under certain conditions, they can lead to complications in the form of spread of infection to other parts of the woman’s reproductive system. In addition, diseases of mixed etiology are especially prone to chronicity of the process with frequent relapses.

Price for Hexicon candles

With the final choice of intensive therapy method, everything is decided, all that remains is to make a purchase at the pharmacy

This is where potential buyers have the main question of how much Hexicon suppositories cost, and where it is cheaper to make such an important purchase for medical reasons. Below are the final prices and names of pharmacies where in Moscow you can purchase Hexicon vaginal suppositories without significant financial costs


Pharmacy name Price, rubles
ZdravZone 250
Low price pharmacy ElixirPharm 300
Liquitoria 320
Medbioline 290
Kremlin Pharmacy (Moscow) 310
Pharmacy City 300
Alexandrovskaya Pharmacy (Moscow) 325

When there is a need to select an analogue

Antiseptic vaginal suppositories are usually well tolerated by patients, so the need to find a substitute often arises out of a desire to save money. Naturally, consumers want to purchase an inexpensive and effective drug. It should be remembered that it must have the same medicinal properties. The lack of the drug Hexicon in the pharmacy also pushes us to look for substitutes.

Whether it’s a cheap analogue or a more expensive medicine, it doesn’t matter to women. Patients want to get treatment quickly, rather than wander through pharmacy chains in search of a prescribed antiseptic

In both cases, you should choose a replacement medicine together with your doctor. Otherwise, you risk purchasing a drug that is ineffective in this situation.

Hexicon has both cheap and expensive analogues. The need for their use may arise due to contraindications to the use of the claimed medicine. Hexicon suppositories should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active substance. If at the time of therapy the patient is diagnosed with dermatitis or allergic reactions of any kind, then antiseptic suppositories with chlorhexidine should also be discarded. The doctor will tell you which substitute will be safe in this case.

What does proper condom use mean?

  1. This means that the condom must be purchased at a pharmacy, since to maintain the integrity of the latex, a certain temperature regime and a certain ambient humidity are necessary. In stores and stalls, this regime may not be maintained.
  2. Condoms have an expiration date; you cannot use an expired condom, again due to the latex deteriorating over time.
  3. A condom must be used for any contact - vaginal and/or oral-genital and/or anal-genital.
  4. It is necessary to avoid contact of the condom with substances such as oil, petroleum jelly, creams or fats, because they destroy the latex from which condoms are made. The use of lubricant is only possible with water-based lubricants. Avoid contact of lipstick with a condom - almost all lipsticks are made of fat.
  5. Avoid any contact between the penis, vagina, mouth or anus before the condom is put on.
  6. An intact, undamaged condom is placed on the penis only when it has reached full erection.
  7. If you accidentally start putting the condom on inside out (in this case it does not roll out along the length of the penis), you will have to throw it away and use a new condom. Since contact with the penis on the side of the condom, which should be on the outside, may leave microscopic drops of ejaculate containing infectious agents, as well as sperm in quantities sufficient for pregnancy.
  8. To prevent the condom from breaking during sex, it is necessary to leave room for the sperm. There is such a place at the end of the condom - this is the sperm receptacle. Squeeze the end of the condom (about 1 cm) or the sperm receptacle so that there is no air left there, and roll the condom along the entire length of the penis.
  9. Withdraw the penis immediately after ejaculation, holding the condom in place. If you wait too long, the condom may come off.
  10. Each condom can only be used once.
  11. You cannot use two condoms one on top of the other. There is strong friction between them and they can tear.

There are infections that are mainly sexually transmitted, but which have contagious rashes outside the protection zone of the condom, for example, on the pubic area, in the groin or intergluteal fold, or in the mouth. In this case, you may become infected.

Such diseases include: syphilis, genital herpes, papillomavirus infection, chancroid, donovanosis, lymphagranuloma venereum, as well as molluscum contagiosum, pediculosis pubis, scabies

After sexual intercourse it is advisable to:

  • take a shower with soap
  • wipe the external genitalia, groin area, intergluteal area, and rinse the mouth and throat with an antiseptic, such as miramistine or chlorhexidine.

Hexicon candles indications for use

This drug has a fairly wide range of applications, as it can cope with a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, gynecologists prescribe these suppositories to their patients in the following cases:

Hexicon reviews

- vaginitis or thrush;

- colpitis;

- vulvitis;

- cervical erosion.

The product can also be used for preventive purposes. For example, as a protective measure after unprotected sexual intercourse. The drug can also be used before childbirth or before gynecological operations. Despite the fact that reviews about Hexicon are positive, be sure to consult a gynecologist before using it. Otherwise, you may experience very serious health problems.

Genferon for men. Genferon: description and indications

Genferon is an antibacterial, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory drug with local action. It is produced in suppositories and is intended for the treatment of inflammatory infectious diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men. Genferon suppositories are available in dosages of 250 thousand IU, 500 thousand IU and 1 million IU.

Genferon suppositories: indications

Genferon is prescribed for almost any infection of the genitourinary system, including:

  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • recurrent vaginal candidiasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • human papillomavirus infections;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cervicitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • bartholinitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • balanitis;
  • balanoposthitis.

Genferon suppositories: instructions for use for women

Genferon suppositories for women are prescribed intravaginally, the dosage depends on the severity of the infection - 250 thousand IU or 500 thousand IU in the morning and evening (2 times a day) for a course of at least 10 days. In the chronic course of the disease, geneferon is prescribed every other day, one suppository for a course of one to three months in the same dosage.

Genferon suppositories: instructions for pregnant women

Pregnant women are prescribed genferon only after 14 weeks of pregnancy, that is, from the second trimester, and only if the expected pharmacological benefit outweighs the possible potential harm.

Genferon suppositories: instructions for use for men

For men, Genferon is prescribed rectally (it must be inserted into the lumen of the anus to the maximum possible depth) with a dosage of 500 thousand IU or 1 million IU in the morning and evening (2 times a day) for a course of 10 days.

Genferon suppositories: side effects

Allergic itching and rash. Usually, when the dose is reduced, the allergic reaction disappears. If this does not happen, the appointment must be reconsidered.

There may also be headache, weakness, increased temperature and sweating, decreased appetite, pain in joints and muscles.

Genferon: contraindications

Allergy to any of the components of the drug.


Do not prescribe the drug yourself, do not cancel or adjust the dose without consulting your doctor. This can lead to the formation of more resistant pathological strains, which will further complicate treatment. If any side effects develop, you do not have to endure it for the sake of recovery, but be sure to tell your doctor.

Analogues of the drug

If the suppositories are not suitable for the patient or turn out to be weak due to his clinical picture, on the recommendation of a specialist, more effective analogues can be used. Modern pharmacology has a very wide range of drugs with varying prices. In order not to experiment with your own body, any replacement of suppositories must be agreed with your doctor. Drugs with similar pharmacological effects are the following: “Citeal”, “Amident”, “Chlorhexizhin Gifrer”, “Amident”, “Plivasept”, “Gibiskrab”, “Katejel S”, “Depantol”.

Hexicon reviews


If Hexicon suppositories are not suitable or turn out to be weak in a specific clinical picture, you can take more productive analogues on the recommendation of a gynecologist. The range of synonyms in modern pharmacology is very extensive, prices vary. In order not to turn your own body into a space for conducting experiments, any replacement of Hexicon suppositories must be agreed upon with your doctor. Alternatively, these could be the following medications with similar pharmacological properties:

  • Amident;
  • Hibiscrub;
  • Depanthol;
  • Categhel C;
  • Plivasept;
  • Chlorhexidine Gifrer;
  • Citeal.

Hexicon reviews

Before purchasing a medicine, it is important not only to look at photos of the packaging on the Internet, but also to carefully study the instructions for potential complications during intensive care. In general, all of the above analogues and the Hexicon vaginal suppositories themselves are worthy of the attention of patients; they collect mostly positive reviews on the World Wide Web

How often is it necessary to prevent sexually transmitted diseases?

Prevention of STDs includes the constant use of barrier contraceptives (condoms), which minimize the risk of infection. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, you can also use spermicides, which not only suppress sperm activity, but also have a slight antimicrobial effect.

Drug prevention of STIs is a last resort method of disease prevention. This method cannot be used regularly as an alternative to a condom. Frequent use of local antimicrobial drugs disrupts the microflora of the genital organs, which leads to dysbacteriosis and a decrease in local immunity. This together increases the risk of infection.

Instructions and analogues

The instructions for Hexicon tablets indicate that they are intended for intravaginal use only. As a rule, the doctor prescribes one tablet twice a day for a week. After this, the doctor examines and, if necessary, prescribes a repeat course.

The drug in gel form is prescribed only for inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The gel is applied to damaged areas of the skin three times a day for 10 days.

Doctors prescribe Hexicon solution for irrigation or rinsing. For the procedure, you need to apply the product to the affected areas. The procedure must be completed for at least three days. To treat gynecological diseases, you can make a tampon, soak it in a solution and put it inside. It is worth remembering that it is not recommended to urinate for two hours after using the product, so as not to reduce its effectiveness.

If the drug is not suitable for the patient, a similar remedy can be used. These medications include: Citeal, Amident, Chlorhexidine and Depantol.

Hexicon reviews

Before taking any medication, you must first consult a specialist and not self-medicate, as the drug has contraindications.

Benefits of topical medications

That is why the treatment of such pathologies requires the prescription of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. However, most of the antibacterial pharmaceuticals are not suitable for the treatment of chronic forms of the disease, and they often cause disruption of the vaginal microflora. In addition, most pathogens become resistant to some antibiotics over time. This especially applies to systemic drugs administered orally or parenterally.

Local medications are optimal for the treatment of vaginitis in women. The main advantages of using them are as follows:

  • absence of a large number of side effects;
  • simplicity, ease of use;
  • minimum contraindications.


Hexicon is widely used in gynecology, venereology and obstetrics. The popularity of the drug is due to its effectiveness and safety. When used correctly, side effects are extremely rare. If negative reactions of the body occur, it is recommended to stop using Hexicon and consult a specialist. He will select a more suitable analogue or substitute with a similar therapeutic effect. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime during storage to avoid premature deterioration of Hexicon.

When is prevention necessary?

To prevent STIs, it is recommended to avoid questionable sexual intercourse and regularly use a condom. If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse, you should immediately take preventive measures and consult a venereologist.

A barrier contraceptive does not provide a 100% guarantee, therefore, if an STD is suspected, it is necessary to carry out emergency prevention and contact a specialized clinic for diagnosis and drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The reason for contacting a venereologist may be the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • rashes on the genitals;
  • redness, swelling of the genitals;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies during sex and when urinating;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • non-physiological discharge from the vagina or urethra (yellow, gray, green with a foul odor).

In addition, the patient may experience increased fatigue, muscle weakness, and body aches. Body temperature may rise to subfebrile or critical levels.

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