Alcohol solution of iodine: instructions and use

pharmachologic effect

How does an alcohol solution of iodine work? Elemental iodine can have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. This drug (in small quantities) is characterized by a local irritating effect, as well as cauterizing properties (in higher concentrations).

The local effect of iodine is due to its ability to precipitate protein tissue. Agents that split off this elemental substance contribute to a less pronounced irritant effect. As for potassium iodides, they have a local irritating effect only at high concentrations.

Features of the drug

The principle of the resorptive action of potassium iodide and elemental iodine is the same. But the most pronounced effects of such drugs are on the functioning of the thyroid gland. If there is a shortage of this element in the human body, iodides restore the impaired synthesis of hormones (thyroid). If the content of this substance is normal, then they reduce the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and also reduce the sensitivity of the thyroid gland to pituitary TSH and block its secretion by the pituitary gland.

An alcohol solution of iodine can have a direct effect on metabolism, which is manifested by enhanced dissimilation processes. With a disease such as atherosclerosis, this drug causes a slight decrease in the concentration of beta lipoproteins, as well as cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it increases the lipoproteinase and fibrinolytic activity of blood serum and slows down the rate of its coagulation.

After the accumulation of iodine in syphilitic gums, it helps to soften them and completely resolve them. It should also be said that a large amount of this element in tuberculosis foci contributes to the intensification of inflammatory processes in them.

The release of iodine preparations by the excretory glands is directly related to the irritation of glandular tissues and increased secretion. Such properties of the drug explain its expectorant effect, as well as stimulation of lactation (in small dosages). Although in large doses this drug can, on the contrary, contribute to the suppression of lactation.

The importance of the thyroid gland and iodine in the body

When the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, the activity of the thyroid gland decreases and, as a result, the secretion of thyroxine is reduced, myxedema and cretinism develop.

Myxedema is characterized by: a sharp decrease in metabolism, hair loss, and mental disorders. Another serious disease is cretinism. Since thyroxine also affects growth, with cretinism growth is delayed and the body structure is disproportionate; mental retardation appears.

If, for some reason, the thyroid gland, on the contrary, activates its activity, Graves' disease may develop, which is also known as thyrotoxicosis, diffuse toxic goiter. This is a rather dangerous disease, which is characterized by the following symptoms: enlarged thyroid gland, tachycardia (increased heart rate), bulging eyes, increased irritability; Over time, weight loss occurs, because the metabolism in the patient's body is increased.

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For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and for the formation of sufficient amounts of thyroxine, the body needs iodine.


How does an alcohol solution of iodine affect the human body? The use of this product (applied to the skin or mucous membranes) can cause burns (with large quantities of the drug and prolonged exposure).

After applying the medication to the mucous membranes or skin, about 30% of the drug is converted into iodides, as well as into active iodine.

The alcohol solution of iodine is only partially absorbed. The absorbed part of the drug penetrates the organs and tissues, and is then selectively absorbed by the thyroid gland. It is secreted through the kidneys, sweat glands, mammary glands, and also through the intestines.

Iodine test at home

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To find out whether the body contains enough iodine (and therefore whether it enters the body enough) and whether there is an allergy to iodine, you can carry out a simple test.

Using a cotton swab or a regular brush, an alcohol tincture of iodine is applied to the skin of the forearm or inner thigh (where the skin is especially thin and delicate). It is best to draw a grid of thin lines with iodine. And all that remains is to watch this mesh. If the next day the skin where the iodine was applied turns red, this indicates an allergic reaction to iodine, and therefore there is no need to take it. If the iodine network quickly and completely disappears, it means that the body is experiencing a lack of iodine and is in a hurry to absorb it. If the mesh remains on the skin for a long time, this means that enough iodine enters the body and no correction is required.

Indications for the use of iodine preparations

For what purpose can an alcohol solution of iodine be used? The use of this remedy is indicated for the external treatment of infectious and inflammatory skin lesions (for example, injuries, wounds), as well as for myalgia.

As for the local use of the mentioned drug, it is prescribed for wounds, atrophic rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, purulent otitis media, infected burns, trophic and varicose ulcers, fresh chemical and thermal burns of the 1st and 2nd degree.

Is it possible to take an alcohol solution of iodine orally? The instructions indicate that such use of the drug is possible, but only for the treatment of atherosclerosis and tertiary syphilis.

Contraindications for use

Which patients should not be prescribed an alcoholic iodine solution (2%, 5%, 1%)? According to expert reviews, this medication should not be used if a person is hypersensitive to iodine.

As for oral administration of the drug, it is not prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis, nephrosis, nephritis, adenoma (including the thyroid gland), acne, furunculosis, chronic pyoderma, urticaria and hemorrhagic diathesis.

Also, an alcohol solution of iodine (1%, 5%, 2%) should not be used by pregnant women or children under five years of age.

Sources of iodine

Iodine enters the human body with water and food. Drinking water contains different amounts of iodine in different areas. And sometimes it's not enough. A lot of iodine, necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, is contained in seaweed.

It’s good if this product is constantly present on the table. If it is not possible to regularly include seaweed in the menu, in order to maintain the required level of iodine in the body, you need to use iodized salt. You should eat sea or ocean fish more often; this fish, unlike lake and river fish, contains quite a lot of iodine; Other seafood products are also recommended for consumption - squid, crabs, mussels.

Apples, or to be more precise, apple seeds, can provide the body with iodine. Studies have shown that 5-6 apple seeds contain as much iodine as the human body needs for a day.

Instructions for use

How should I use 5% alcoholic iodine solution? When used externally, soak a cotton swab or swab with it, and then briefly treat damaged skin areas. If it is necessary to cauterize an existing wound, then treatment with iodine must be carried out for more than 5-10 seconds (hold the cotton wool until the skin tingles slightly).

The dosage for oral use of this medication should only be determined by a doctor. The amount and frequency of taking the drug are selected individually and depend on the indications, as well as the age of the patient.

We should not forget that quite often an alcohol solution of iodine is used topically. They wash the lacunae and supratonsillar space. To do this, carry out 4-5 procedures with breaks of 2-3 days.

To irrigate the nasopharynx, the medication is used 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months. To instill the drug into the ear, as well as to rinse it, iodine is used for 3-4 weeks.

It should also be said that this medication is very popular in surgical practice. It is also used for burns. Gauze napkins are soaked in the solution, and then (as necessary) they are applied to the affected surface.

Treatment of various diseases with blue iodine

In some cases, blue iodine can act as a medicine. Most often it is recommended to use it to treat the following diseases:

  1. Colitis. In this case, before use, the drug must be diluted with fruit or berry syrup. The acute form of the disease is treated by taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture according to the schedule recommended by the doctor. Manipulations continue until all signs of pathology completely disappear.
  2. Diarrhea. There are two methods of treating the condition using a special composition. The first approach is to simply drink 20 teaspoons of liquid throughout the day. In the second option, the healing drug must be combined with blue clay, which will additionally cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. In this case, you first need to drink a little water with a tablespoon of clay diluted in it, and after an hour - half a glass of blue iodine.
  3. Gastritis. Here blue iodine will act as a primary or additional medicine. It is mixed with fresh non-acidic juices. The medication is taken twice a day before meals, 1 glass. After 5 days, the first signs of relief should appear.
  4. Worms. To get rid of pinworms or carry out preventive cleansing of the body, you need to drink half a glass of blue iodine for 1 week, always on an empty stomach.
  5. Peptic ulcer disease. Homemade or ready-made product is mixed with fruit syrups and taken several times a day. The properties of the mass will speed up the healing of ulcers and scarring of the mucous membrane, and rejuvenate the body.
  6. Dysentery. If you take the blue viscous composition in small volumes for several days, you can kill the dysentery bacillus and get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms. It is best to use the product in its pure form. It is important to do this until complete healing, and not relief of the condition.

The effect of using blue iodine can be compared with the results obtained by long-term treatment with powerful antibiotics. But in the case of a natural product (especially a homemade one), the body’s systems do not suffer, and the intestinal microflora does not change. You don’t have to deal with dysbiosis after therapy or other unpleasant consequences. Immunity from taking the product does not decrease, but rather strengthens. Of course, this composition is not a panacea for all problems, but in some cases it really turns out to be the best option.

Side effects

Like any medicine, iodine solution can also cause side effects. Their type and severity depend on the purpose for which the drug was used.

When used externally, patients may experience skin irritation. With prolonged treatment of the skin on large surfaces, iodism often develops (its symptoms are drooling, rhinitis, acne, urticaria, lacrimation and Quincke's edema).

When taking the medication orally, nervousness, allergic skin reactions, diarrhea (in persons over 40 years of age), tachycardia, increased sweating and sleep disturbances may occur.

Price and reviews of the drug

Now you know what an alcohol solution of iodine is. A doctor's prescription is not required when purchasing it. You can purchase this medicine for 50-60 rubles.

As for reviews, there are a great many of them about the iodine preparation. An alcohol solution of this element is available in almost every home medicine cabinet. Most often, people use it for wounds and burns, as well as for a warming effect. In addition, this medication is often used for local treatment of an inflamed throat. For this purpose, a solution of iodine in the amount of a few drops is diluted with a glass of water, and then the lacunae are rinsed with it.

As for oral administration, this practice is very rare. Experts do not recommend taking iodine orally without consulting your doctor.

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