Clomid in bodybuilding: what is it for, instructions for use and side effects

Clomid in bodybuilding is one of the common pharmacological drugs in the medicine cabinet of bodybuilders on steroids. In this article we will talk about what Clomid is, how the infertility medicine for women got into bodybuilding, we will provide instructions for use during and after a course of steroids (on PCT), and also compare which is better, tamoxifen or Clomid.

Main thoughts:

Clomid has been used in medicine since the 1970s to treat infertility in women.

Taking Clomid while on steroids avoids side effects associated with increased estrogen levels (gynecomastia), but is ineffective in combating fluid retention in the body.

Clomiphene citrate is taken after a course of steroids on PCT to accelerate the restoration of natural testosterone levels

Scientific studies confirm the effectiveness of Clomid in increasing testosterone levels by an average of 2 times, both with short-term use (for 2 weeks) and long-term use (over several years)

Clomid is considered a relatively safe anti-estrogen in bodybuilding. Taking it may cause blurred vision and decreased bone density. Long-term use does not increase the risk of developing cancer

Many athletes note the greater effectiveness of tamoxifen compared to Clomid during and after a course of steroids

Indications for use

Clomid was developed for:

  • Stimulating ovulation in women suffering from an anovulatory cycle
  • Elimination of amenorrhea caused by insufficient production of gonadotropin
  • Treatment of androgen deficiency in men and oligospermia
  • Diagnosis of the causes of disorders of gonadotropic function of the brain (pituitary gland).

In addition, Clomid is actively used in bodybuilding and sports to normalize the body’s functioning in the production of endogenous hormones after a course of steroids. This use is not provided by the manufacturers of the medicine, but is the result of the personal experience of men involved in building their bodies. Therefore, few doctors will be able to advise and prescribe a remedy for this purpose.

How does it work?

In the gym

After taking the medication, the substances included in the composition enter the receptors of the hypothalamus and provoke the production of gonadoliberin, as well as luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones (LH and FSH). They in turn stimulate the testicles to produce sperm and testosterone. The concentration of estrogen in the blood of men while taking Clomid after finishing a course of steroids does not change, unlike its analog Tamoxifen. In addition, the drug does not pose a threat to the thyroid or pituitary-adrenal glands, so metabolic failure is excluded.

Medicinal properties

The active component of Clomid is clomiphene citrate, which belongs to the group of antiestrogenic drugs. Use in small doses leads to increased production of gonadotropins: prolactin and hormones with follicle-stimulating and luteinizing effects, which promotes ovulation.

If the body's estrogen content is low, Clomid has a moderate estrogenic effect, and if the level is high, it has an anti-estrogenic effect. Taking large doses activates the production of gonadotropins.

Why should Clomid be taken during post-cycle therapy?

To effectively undergo post-cycle therapy and achieve high-quality athletic achievements, athletes often take Clomid. Post-cycle therapy is a recovery process after anabolic steroids, carried out by taking pharmacological drugs and growth hormones. Post-cycle therapy using Clomid is suitable for the following people:

  • athletes on long-term steroid courses;
  • athletes who take high doses of other steroids with a pronounced anabolic effect, which suppresses the male hormone testosterone;
  • athletes who use combinations of anabolic steroids;
  • for beginners who use solo steroid courses.

Clomid: what, how and why?

Post-cycle therapy and proper recovery are necessary procedures for an athlete who takes steroid drugs. Sometimes this is the only way to protect the body from side effects and prevent the rebound phenomenon. Only post-cycle therapy can help maintain the results obtained after taking steroids. Clomid, in the right combination with other drugs, helps restore muscles, maintain muscle definition, endurance and strength. It is also involved in correcting biochemical processes, restoring hormonal levels, normalizing metabolism and maintaining energy balance.

Our online store of anabolic steroids offers Clomid and other drugs for muscle recovery during post-cycle therapy. We know how to protect the athlete’s body from side effects, the development of gynecomastia and processes such as aromatization. It is important to understand that only with the use of the right recovery drugs can you take strong androgenic steroids. In our sale you will always find Clomid, clomiphene, as well as other anti-estrogenic drugs, inhibitors and drugs that reduce the negative effects of the anabolic cycle.

Mode of application

Average cost: (20 pcs.) – about 900 rubles.

The dosage of Clomid tablets depends on the purpose of use of the drug.

Regimen for taking Clomid for infertility problems:

  • To stimulate ovulation, the instructions for use recommend that women take 50 mg daily (before bed). Therapy begins on the 5th day of the monthly cycle. Course – 5 days. If there is no effect, the drug is repeated (up to 3-6 courses), increasing the dosage to 150 mg or extending the duration of therapy, bringing the course to 10 days. It is important not to exceed the total dose for the entire dosage cycle - 1 g of active substance.
  • Infertility in men. Representatives of the stronger sex who experience problems with spermatogenesis are recommended to take 50 mg 1-2 times a day. During the course for men, it is necessary to check the spermogram.

How to take Clomid on PCT

The recovery regimen with Clomid after a course of steroids depends on its duration and the number of stimulants taken. The stronger the dosage of steroids and the longer the cycle lasted, the longer it will take to return body functions to normal.

  • After an ultra-light course: 15 days at 50 mg, then the next 15 days at 25 mg
  • After a light course: 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg, 15 times (once every 2 days) 25 mg each
  • After moderate use: 30 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg
  • After intensive use: 15 days. X 100 mg, 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg
  • After overdoses: 3 days. X 150 mg, 12 days. X 100 mg, 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg.

To restore the production of your own testosterone, other antiestrogens are also used. Which will work best depends on many factors. Basically, several pairs of drugs are compared:

  • Clomid or Tamoxifen? Competing drugs are similar in structure, but the latter drug is stronger. Therefore, less is required to restore testosterone. At the same time, it is believed that the described remedy is the best choice for PCT after taking progestins.
  • Proviron or Clomid? Both medications have an antiestrogenic effect, but each of them in its own way. The difference is as follows: Clomid stimulates tissues to release hormones, which helps increase the level of endogenous testosterone, while Proviron suppresses the enzymes responsible for the transformation of steroid hormones into estrogens. Due to this, the process slows down, which leads to the accumulation of testosterone in the plasma. But the effect is temporary, so after some time the level of the male hormone will decrease again.

Should I take Clomid while on steroids?

While taking anabolic steroids, the level of androgens is extremely high, and therefore the body does not need to synthesize its own substances. The hypothalamus stops giving commands to the pituitary gland to produce hormones. Until the concentration of substances received from outside in the body is maximum, Clomid will not be able to stimulate the body. The drug can be taken during a steroid cycle only as an anti-estrogenic agent.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers. Women of reproductive age should make sure that they are not pregnant if they are prescribed Clomid.

How effective is Clomid for restoring testosterone? Scientific research

Scientific research confirms that clomiphene citrate is indeed effective in increasing testosterone levels.

Taking clomiphene for 2 weeks by men aged 18-55 years led to an increase in testosterone levels by approximately 2 times in most of them, but in some participants after 2 weeks and a month there was a sharp, paradoxical decrease in testosterone for scientists 10.

A study of 125 men with low testosterone (less than 400 ng/dL) and decreased sexual desire who took Clomid for 3 months found that testosterone levels approximately doubled (from 309 ng/dL to 642 ng/dL). There were no changes in blood cholesterol levels, and no side effects were reported by any of the participants 11.

And here 12 scientists studied the long-term effect of taking Clomid in men with low testosterone levels. At baseline, the average testosterone level was 228 ng/dL. After one year of use - 612 ng/dl, after two years 562 ng/dl, after three years 582 ng/dl. Bone density increased significantly. No side effects were noted .

Clomid significantly improves sexual function in men with hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction 2.

Scientific studies confirm the effectiveness of Clomid in increasing testosterone levels by an average of 2 times, both with short-term use (for 2 weeks) and long-term use (over several years)

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Clomid is not prescribed to women if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to constituent ingredients
  • Insufficient liver and kidney function
  • Intermenstrual bleeding of unknown origin
  • Benign ovarian formation (cyst)
  • Tumors of the genital organs
  • New growth or increased activity of the pituitary gland
  • Excessive growth of endometrial tissue (endometriosis)
  • Impaired functioning of the ovaries due to increased levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Breast tenderness from Clomid

Breast tenderness from ClomidBreast tenderness is another potential side effect of clomiphene, occurring in 2 percent of women in clinical trials.
This is another side effect that may make women wonder if they are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms, but it is usually just a side effect of the medications.

Precautionary measures

The use of the medicine should only occur under the constant supervision of specialists.

The drug stimulates superovulation, which creates favorable conditions for the development of multiple pregnancies.

If, after taking it, ovulation presumably occurred, but menstruation did not occur, the woman should be checked for pregnancy. Repeated use of the pills can be carried out only after confirmation of the absence of conception.

Tablets can cause poor alertness, drowsiness, and slower reactions. During treatment, you should avoid potentially hazardous activities: driving vehicles or operating complex machinery.

Like any medication, Clomid should not be taken with alcohol, so as not to reduce its effect.

special instructions

The instructions for use of the drug Clomid indicate that its use increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies.

As a result of simulation, ovulation can occur not in one ovary, but in two at once.

The medicine shows good effectiveness with high levels of its own estrogens, average with normal or low levels, and practically zero in the absence of synthesis of gonadotropic hormones.

The use of Clomid requires caution when performing responsible work or driving.

Side effects

The use of Clomid may be accompanied by undesirable conditions:

  • NS: headaches, vertigo, sleep disturbance (drowsiness/insomnia), inhibition of mental or motor reactions, increased nervousness, excitability
  • Gastrointestinal organs: nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain
  • Allergic reactions: rashes, dermatitis, vasomotor disorders
  • Genitourinary system: pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, increased volume of urine excreted, dysmenorrhea, longer and heavier menstruation, increased size of the ovaries (including cystic).

Other side effects include:

  • Body weight gain
  • Tides
  • In rare cases, visual impairment
  • Hair loss
  • Breast tenderness, soreness.

Bloating and abdominal discomfort from Clomid

Bloating and abdominal discomfort from ClomidAnother very common side effect of clomiphene is bloating and abdominal discomfort.
The study found that this occurred in about 5 percent of women. Wearing clothes that are not too tight around the waist can help. The bloated feelings should subside as soon as your treatment cycle ends. Of course, if you experience more than moderate discomfort and cramping, call your doctor. Severe bloating or abdominal tenderness may be a sign of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. (More on this below.)


In 2004, the registration of Clomid in Russia was canceled. There are other drugs on the pharmaceutical market with identical effects for the treatment of infertility. In order not to harm the body, the selection of generics should be agreed with the treating specialist.


"EGIS Pharmaceutical Plant" (Hungary)

Average cost: (10 pcs.) – 576-640 rubles.

Hormonal agent based on clomiphene citrate. The medicine is used to eliminate infertility caused by problems with ovulation or spermatogenesis. Clostilbegit is also used in bodybuilding to restore the body’s ability to produce testosterone itself.

The drug is produced in tablets. The regimen of use and features of therapy are prescribed by the treating specialist.


  • Helps when used correctly
  • Eliminates ovulation problems.


  • Weight gain
  • Provokes cystosis.


The drug is available in white tablets, sometimes with a tinge of yellow, and they rarely have an odor. The substance is poorly soluble in water or ethers, so it is always produced in tablet form. Most often, manufacturers make blisters of 10 tablets, each containing 50 mg of clomiphene (the main active ingredient), as well as additional ingredients - lactose, starch, magnesium. Analogues of Clomid in terms of the active component are the drugs Clomiphene and Clostilbegit. We will tell you below how to take these medications on PCT.

Vaginal dryness or thick cervical mucus from Clomid

Vaginal dryness or thick cervical mucus from ClomidThis is a frustrating potential side effect of clomiphene, as thick or absent cervical fluid can prevent you from achieving pregnancy.
Cervical mucus is needed to help transport sperm to the cervix. If clomiphene causes thick cervical mucus, it may reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

Tell your doctor if this happens during treatment. He or she can decide whether clomiphene is the right medicine for you, or find a way to treat or work around a problem (such as when treating an IUD).

You can try using a sperm-friendly lubricant to make sex more comfortable.

Symptoms that occur with estrogen deficiency

  • In adolescence, a lack of estrogen leads to insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics, a decrease in the size of the uterus, late onset and disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  • During reproductive age, a decrease in estrogen levels provokes a decrease in sexual desire, sudden mood swings, various disturbances in the duration and other indicators of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, memory and performance decrease, insomnia appears and the condition of the skin worsens (its elasticity, color, turgor). Stretch marks, pigmentation, and inflammatory rashes appear on the skin. Female infertility and dysfunctional uterine bleeding may occur.
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