Supradin when planning pregnancy. Vitamins Supradin during pregnancy - instructions
After conception, every mother especially needs an increased supply of micronutrients and nutrients, because
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"Aevit": reviews from customers, cosmetologists and doctors, instructions for use
According to many years of research by cosmetologists, by the age of 30, many women in Russia begin to experience premature
Penicillin antibiotics. List of new generation drugs in tablets, injections
The entire list of penicillin antibiotics, indications for use
Penicillin antibiotics are β-lactam antibiotics. To β-lactam antibiotics β-lactams, which are united by the presence in
Biseptol: instructions for use for children
Biseptol suspension for oral administration 240 mg/5 ml 80 ml
Sulfonamide drugs are known to have a fairly high antibacterial effect, so such drugs
Ivan tea: beneficial properties, use and contraindications.
The history of this medicinal plant begins in the 12th century. It was at that time in writings
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Universal sodium chloride solution in a dropper
The universal remedy prescribed by doctors is a sodium chloride dropper. The body is very complex, and
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Cream "Timogen": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews
Skin lesions are considered a fairly common problem. There are many drugs used on the pharmaceutical market
Vivitrol, 380 mg, powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action, 1 pc.
Vivitrol is a drug that is intended for drug coding for drug and alcohol addiction, with
Antiox+ - description and instructions for use
Antiox+ is a complex of effective natural antioxidants from Vision. Mainly prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system,
Zinnat suspension for children is often prescribed by doctors, since the antibiotic is relatively safe even for the smallest.
Zinnat, 125 mg/5 ml, granules for oral suspension, 1.25 g (50 ml), 1 pc.
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