Instructions for use of the drug Rohypnol and what is it?

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Prohibited for children

Has restrictions for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Sleep is one of the most important needs of any person along with food, water and air. The absence or disturbance of sleep causes a decrease in working capacity, disruption of the emotional background, and also contributes to the emergence of psychosomatic pathologies. Such people become irritable, nervous, and prone to anxiety and depressive disorders. A long-term lack of normal sleep is accompanied by hallucinations, panic and emotional instability.

To prevent this condition, doctors use tranquilizers, one of which is Rohypnol. It is important to understand that Rohypnol is not a classic sleeping pill, but a medicine aimed at reducing anxiety, neuroses and restlessness.


It is similar in structure and action to nitrazepam (contains an additional fluorine atom and a CH3 group).

It has a sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect.

Used orally and parenterally (intramuscularly or intravenously).

It is used orally in tablet form for various types of insomnia. Adults are prescribed 1-2 mg (1/2 - 1 tablet before bedtime), elderly patients - 0.5 mg (1/4 tablet); children under 15 years of age - from 0.5 to 1.5 mg (1/4 - 1/2 - 3/4 tablets).

Parenterally used in anesthesiological practice for premedication and induction of anesthesia. For premedication, 1-2 mg (0.015-0.03 mg/kg) is prescribed intramuscularly; for induction of anesthesia - intravenously at the same dose (administered slowly - 1 mg over 30 s).

Possible side effects and precautions are basically the same as when using nitrazepam.

About the Narconon-Standard Center - how to defeat Rohypnol

One of the causes of insomnia is stress. The Narconon program includes steps that allow you to overcome stress and in the future identify and eliminate those things that can cause it.

Stress doesn't just happen, it happens for a reason. Knowing this, you can prevent many difficulties.

Coping with stress allows a person’s ability to “face life”, to be face to face with various circumstances and problems. For those who use, this ability is very low.

Here's an example: a man felt great, was enthusiastic and started his own business, founded a business. But then debts appeared, problems with personnel and a huge amount of work. He's tired. His wife began to complain that she could not see her husband or money. He began to have difficulty sleeping and began taking sleeping pills. But due to their side effects, my thinking became worse and health problems began. As he continues to cope with new difficulties, he starts taking new medications (for abdominal discomfort and constipation), more coffee or tea (for fatigue), and so on. Vicious circle.

So, the Narconon program, firstly, will return the good health that was originally. Secondly, it will give you tools on how to deal with difficulties so that they are resolved and do not arise again. And thirdly, it will give an understanding of what exactly creates difficulties and how to recognize exactly those things that cause harm.

Call us now to get a consultation and come to the program!


What you need to know about hydromorphone

Benzo Fury drug


Using the drug in combination with alcohol and/or opiates may cause memory loss. Thanks to this effect, Flunitrazepam has gained fame as a “date rape drug”. Once exposed to the drug, victims of rape and other unlawful acts typically cannot remember the details of the incident. The drug's abuse for illegal purposes began in the 1990s—the white, tasteless tablets were difficult to detect in alcoholic beverages. In 1999, manufacturers changed the composition of the drug, giving it a bitter taste and the properties of a dye (the colorless liquid takes on a bluish tint).

Slang name for Flunitrazepam: R2[1].

The plot of the film “The Hangover” is based on the abuse of Flunitrazepam. In the TV series Beverly Hills 90210, several episodes of season 8 are devoted to the fact that Rohypnol was used to rape one of the main characters. Also, in the television series Dexter (s02e10), Lila purchases Rohypnol from a drug dealer. ER (s03e17) featured a patient who was raped while using the drug.

In the film “Nurse,” one main character drugs another in order to rape her both herself and together with some guy from a bar.

In Castle (s02e12), Flunitrazepam was used to poison a man in order to obtain the key to the adjacent hotel room where the intended victim was staying. In the series Arrested Development, characters take a drug to forget shameful acts; This is especially true for the protagonist’s older brother Job, who calls flunitrazepam “forget.” Sergei Glukharev, the hero of the series "Capercaillie", used Rohypnol in large doses along with alcohol to relieve stress. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 3525 days


Rohypnol was also used in the film “Amnesia”, where the main character was mixed with it.

Kurt Cobain, on March 4, 1994, while in Rome, fell into a coma after taking a drug and a large amount of alcohol.[2]

Mentioned in the entry Hollywood Undead - Dead Bite.

Also mentioned on The Prodigy

Baby's Got A Temper
as a Rape Drug — “We take rohypnol. Just forget it all”[3]

In the movie The Mechanic, one of the subjects was supposed to have died from mixing the drug into his drink at a bar.

Tom Clancy's novel Command Authority claims that Cuban intelligence agencies often used Ruthie to discredit undesirable politicians who, under the influence of the drug, gave the impression of senility during public speeches. Also, the direct perpetrator of the polonium-210 poisoning of Sergei Golovko believed that she was giving him this drug, and as a result died from careless handling of it.

Is it possible to become dependent on long-term drug use?

Insomnia is not just an unpleasant problem, because due to lack of sleep a person thinks worse and feels worse. Lack of sleep accumulates like a snowball. But insomnia is a symptom, because it doesn’t just appear. It appears due to stress, problems, anxiety, stimulant abuse, etc. And it needs to be solved, of course, not with the help of sedatives and sleeping pills.

However, if you start taking medications, start sleeping... Then later you will want to repeat this simple method again and again when you suffer for an hour or two without sleep. And if you don’t cope with the causes of insomnia (stress, problems, etc.), then your sleep will not improve.

A person wants to feel good, wants to feel pleasure, but chooses the easy (chemical) way for this - this is how he falls into the trap of addiction. And since health and well-being become worse and worse with each dose, the need for medicine (or a narcotic substance) becomes stronger.

Side effects

From the nervous system and sensory organs: headache, dizziness, increased fatigue, weakness, impaired concentration, confusion, slowed physical and mental reactions, muscle weakness, paresthesia, anterograde amnesia (may be accompanied by strange behavior), disorientation upon awakening, paradoxical reactions (anxiety, hallucinations, agitation, irritability, aggressiveness, delirium, fits of rage, nightmares, psychosis), sleep disturbance, daytime drowsiness, manifestation of latent depression, fatigue, ataxia, diplopia, epileptic seizures, aftereffect phenomenon.

Other: leukopenia, agranulocytosis, difficulty breathing, hypotension, dyspeptic symptoms, skin rash, angioedema, urinary retention, changes in libido. Possible addiction, drug dependence, o

How to treat a drug addict

There is no need to treat someone who is addicted to Rohypnol with other medications. We offer a non-drug method of assistance:

  1. Limit your consumption of tea, coffee and chocolate.
  2. Take long walks in the fresh air (without phones, music or conversations). Just walk and look around).
  3. If you feel an elevated heart rate when you go to bed, take potassium and magnesium.
  4. If you crave carbohydrates (tea with sugar, cookies, sweets, etc.) before bed, limit their consumption in the first half of the day.
  5. Eating a large dinner can make it difficult to fall asleep. Save the bulk of your meals for lunch, and have a light dinner about 3 hours before bed.
  6. The bedroom should be well ventilated and dark.
  7. Taking melatonin regularly helps.
  8. An hour before bed, dim the lights in your room, this will also help produce melatonin naturally.
  9. Take B1. This vitamin will help the nervous system function properly.

These simple recommendations will help if addiction does not develop into a serious problem. Otherwise, the person must undergo a rehabilitation program.

An excerpt characterizing Flunitrazepam

PS. Tell me about your brother and his lovely wife.] The princess thought, smiling thoughtfully (at which her face, illuminated by her radiant eyes, was completely transformed), and suddenly got up, walking heavily, and went to the table. She took out the paper, and her hand quickly began to walk over it. This is what she wrote in response: “Chere et excellente ami. Votre lettre du 13 m'a cause une grande joie. Vous m'aimez donc toujours, ma poetique Julie. L'absence, dont vous dites tant de mal, n'a donc pas eu son influencé habituelle sur vous. Vous vous plaignez de l'absence – que devrai je dire moi, si j'osais me plaindre, privee de tous ceux qui me sont chers? Ah l si nous n'avions pas la religion pour nous consoler, la vie serait bien triste. Pourquoi me supposez vous un regard severe, quand vous me parlez de votre affection pour le jeune homme? Sous ce rapport je ne suis rigide que pour moi. Je comprends ces sentiments chez les autres et si je ne puis approuver ne les ayant jamais ressentis, je ne les condamiene pas. Me parait seulement que l'amour chretien, l'amour du prochain, l'amour pour ses ennemis est plus meritoire, plus doux et plus beau, que ne le sont les sentiments que peuvent inspire les beaux yeux d'un jeune homme a une Jeune fille poetique et aimante comme vous. “La nouvelle de la mort du comte Earless nous est parvenue avant votre lettre, et mon pere en a ete tres affecte. Il dit que c'etait avant derienier representant du grand siècle, et qu'a present c'est son tour; mais qu'il fera son possible pour que son tour vienne le plus tard possible. Que Dieu nous garde de ce terrible malheur! Je ne puis partager votre opinion sur Pierre que j'ai connu enfant. Il me paraissait toujours avoir un coeur excellent, et c'est la qualite que j'estime le plus dans les gens. Quant a son heritage et au role qu'y a joue le prince Basile, c'est bien triste pour tous les deux. Ah! chere amie, la parole de notre divin Sauveur qu'il est plus aise a un hameau de passer par le trou d'une aiguille, qu'il ne l'est a un riche d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu, cette parole est terriblement vraie; je plains le prince Basile et je regrette encore davantage Pierre. Si jeune et accable de cette richesse, que de tentations n'aura t il pas a subir! Si on me demandait ce que je desirerais le plus au monde, ce serait d'etre plus pauvre que le plus pauvre des mendiants. Mille graces, chere amie, pour l'ouvrage que vous m'envoyez, et qui fait si grande fureur chez vous. Cependant, puisque vous me dites qu'au milieu de plusurs bonnes choses il y en a d'autres que la faible conception humaine ne peut atteindre, il me parait assez inutile de s'occuper d'une lecture intelligible, qui par la meme ne pourrait etre d'aucun fruit. Je n'ai jamais pu comprendre la passion qu'ont certaines personnes de s'embrouiller l'entendement, en s'attachant a des livres mystiques, qui n'elevent que des doutes dans leurs esprits, exaltant leur imagination et leur donnent un caractere d'exageration tout a fait contraire a la simplicite chretnne. Lisons les Apotres et l'Evangile. Ne cherchons pas a penetrer ce que ceux la renferment de mysterux, car, comment oserions nous, miserables pecheurs que nous sommes, pretendre a nous initier dans les secrets terribles et sacres de la Providence, tant que nous portons cette depouille charienelle, qui eleve entre nous et l'Eterienel un voile impenetrable? Borienons nous donc a etudr les principes sublimes que notre divin Sauveur nous a laisse pour notre conduite ici bas; cherchons a nous y conformer et a les suivre, persuadons nous que moins nous donnons d'essor a notre faible esprit humain et plus il est agreable a Dieu, Qui rejette toute science ne venant pas de Lui;que moins nous cherchons a approfondir ce qu 'il Lui a plu de derober a notre connaissance,et plutot II nous en accordera la decouverte par Son divin esprit. “Mon pere ne m'a pas parle du pretendant, mais il m'a dit seulement qu'il a recu une lettre et attendait une visite du prince Basile. Pour ce qui est du projet de Marieiage qui me regarde, je vous dirai, chere et excellente amie, que le Marieiage, selon moi, est une institution divine a laquelle il faut se conformer. Quelque penible que cela soit pour moi, si le Tout Puissant m'impose jamais les devoirs d'epouse et de mere, je tacherai de les remplir aussi fidelement que je le pourrai, sans m'inquieter de l'examen de mes sentiments a l 'egard de celui qu'il me donnera pour epoux. J'ai recu une lettre de mon frere, qui m'annonce son arrivee a Bald Mountains avec sa femme. Ce sera une joie de courte duree, puisqu'il nous quitte pour prendre part a cette malheureuse guerre, a laquelle nous sommes entraines Dieu sait, comment et pourquoi. Non seulement chez vous au center des affaires et du monde on ne parle que de guerre, mais ici, au milieu de ces travaux champetres et de ce calme de la nature, que les citadins se representent ordinairement a la campagne, les bruits de la guerre se font entendre et sentir peniblement. Mon pere ne parle que Marieche et contreMarieche, choses auxquelles je ne comprends rien; et avant hier en faisant ma promenade habituelle dans la rue du village, je fus temoin d'une scene dechirante... C'etait un convoi des recrues enroles chez nous et expedies pour l'armee... Il fallait voir l'etat dans lequel se trouvant Les meres, les femmes, les enfants des hommes qui partaient et entendre les sanglots des uns et des autres! On dirait que l'humanite a oublie les lois de son divin Sauveur, Qui prechait l'amour et le pardon des offenses, et qu'elle fait consister son plus grand merite dans l'art de s'entretuer. “Adieu, chere et bonne amie, que notre divin Sauveur et Sa tres Sainte Mere vous aient en Leur sainte et puissante garde. "Marie." [Dear and priceless friend. Your letter of the 13th brought me great joy. You still love me, my poetic Julia. The separation, about which you say so many bad things, apparently did not have its usual influence on you. You complain about separation, what should I say if I dared - I, deprived of all those who are dear to me? Ah, if we didn’t have religion for consolation, life would be very sad. Why do you attribute a stern look to me when you talk about your inclination towards a young man? In this regard, I am only strict with myself. I understand these feelings in others, and if I cannot approve of them, having never experienced them, then I do not condemn them. It only seems to me that Christian love, love for one’s neighbor, love for enemies, is more worthy, sweeter and better than those feelings that the beautiful eyes of a young man can inspire in a young girl, poetic and loving, like you.


  • Drug addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Concomitant use with MAO inhibitors
  • Childhood
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Poisoning with sleeping pills, antidepressants, antipsychotics
  • Kidney and liver failure

Doctors prescribe the drug with caution for cerebrovascular accidents and for elderly people

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