Instructions for use of the drug “Hexoral” for children

Loving parents always treat the choice of medications for children with caution and great attention. Preference is given to products that have a minimum list of contraindications and side effects.

These include Hexoral, an antiseptic that has additional properties, which are discussed in the article along with instructions for its use for children.


Geksoral - an antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action is used for therapeutic and preventive measures that are aimed at eliminating infectious/viral microorganisms, as well as other inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity.

Thanks to the antimicrobial effect, pathogenic microorganisms that intensively multiply in the larynx are eliminated. The mild anesthetic effect is aimed at relieving pain and relieving inflammation.

The active component of the drug is hexethidine. The principle of operation of the drug is based on the ability of the active component to interfere with the oxidation process in the cells of microorganisms, which leads to their death.

Hexetidine also exhibits activity against various types of fungus, in particular candida. Its feature is considered to be the absence of addiction in the body, which does not reduce the effect of using the drug during a long course of treatment.

For better absorption by the body, hexethidine is supplemented with:

  • polysorbate 80;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • citric acid (food grade);
  • levomenthol;
  • eucalyptus leaf oil;
  • ethanol (96%);
  • nitrogen;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

The drug Hexoral is available in several forms, each of which has differences in composition and rules of administration:

  • Solution (0.1%).
  • Spray (0.2%).
  • Hexoral Tabs tablets.
  • Hexoral Tabs Classic and Tabs Extra tablets.

Hexoral solution

Hexoral Tabs

Hexoral Tabs Extra

Hexoral Tabs Classic


Indications for use for children

Hexoral is popular among specialists and patients; mothers of babies know it. It is effective against dental infections and viruses.

The drug is prescribed for ENT diseases and is widely used to localize inflammatory foci in children of different age groups.

The main range of problems that an antiseptic helps eliminate:

  • Hexoral is recommended for use from the age of three

    dry cough, sore throat, laryngitis, colds;

  • stomatitis, herpes sore throat, various dental problems resulting from injury;
  • preparation for surgery on tissues in the oral cavity;
  • infectious lesions of the oral cavity and larynx.

Hexoral is recommended for use from the age of three, but pediatricians often prescribe the drug for local treatment for children under one year of age.

You need to perform the procedure using a pacifier, applying a small amount of product to the sucking part.

It is also allowed to moisten a cotton swab and spot treat lesions. When using the drug in early childhood, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen and dose.

special instructions

Prescription of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be carried out only according to strict clinical indications. This is due to the lack of information about the degree of penetration of Hexoral and its effect on the fetus and child.

The use of the solution for treating children is recommended at the age of the child when there is no risk of swallowing the medicine when rinsing.

When treating diseases of the oral cavity, you can apply a tampon with Hexoral solution to the wounds.

At what age is it allowed?

The drug is approved for use from 3 years of age. Sometimes doctors prescribe antiseptics to infants under one or two years of age, which raises doubts among parents about the possibility of using the product at such an early age, because the instructions clearly indicate the limitations.

As practice shows, Hexoral is indeed prescribed to children, but exclusively for the treatment of minor injuries and wounds in the oral cavity.

It is physically impossible to perform irrigation or application procedures before the age of two; there is a high risk of the child swallowing the liquid. Any cases of using Hexoral for up to one or two years should be discussed with a pediatrician.


The drug is non-toxic if the dosage is strictly followed. If you use the product in large quantities, vomiting may occur. Its appearance interferes with the absorption of the drug. In practice, no cases of Hexoral poisoning have been recorded.

If a large amount of the drug is swallowed, you should consult a doctor. He will perform gastric lavage and also provide symptomatic therapy. Manipulations are performed within 2 hours from the moment of swallowing the product. Self-medication in this situation is prohibited.

Instructions for use for children

To achieve the maximum effect of treatment, it is necessary to treat the throat or oral cavity, taking into account the recommendations described in the instructions for use of the product.

Hexoral solution

Therapeutic and preventive procedures are carried out by gargling with undiluted medicine for 30 seconds.

The drug is prescribed for local use only; during the procedure, swallowing liquids should be avoided.

Therapeutic and preventive procedures are carried out by gargling with undiluted medicine for 30 seconds.

Repeat the treatment of the lesions several times a day (2-4 times). The dose of the product for one-time treatment of children (from 6 years old) is 15 ml.

It is difficult to gargle with children aged 3-6 years; they are not able to fully hold their breath and prevent liquid from entering the esophagus.

Therefore, it is more advisable to wipe the affected area with a cotton swab or short-term applications (30 seconds in 2-3 passes).

Spray Hexoral

A single dose corresponds to the release of the drug from the bottle within 1-2 seconds

Before carrying out the treatment, you should give instructions to the child on how to properly hold his breath so that during irrigation the product does not penetrate the esophagus.

For children (from 3 years old), the procedure is carried out 2 times a day (spray after meals).

A single dose corresponds to the release of the drug from the bottle within 1-2 seconds.

The frequency of use of Hexoral can be increased, but only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Hexoral tablets

The tableted drug must be dissolved in the mouth

The tableted drug must be dissolved in the mouth. Can be used from 4-6 years of age (Extra 12 years).

In this case, you need to make sure that the child holds the tablet intact for as long as possible, that is, does not bite it.

It is pleasant to take lozenges; they are available with different flavors (citrus, fruit, honey).

Dosage: one tablet 2-4 times a day. In some cases, the dose is increased to 6-8 tablets.

Dosage regimen

The drug is prescribed for local use.
The active component remains on the surface of the mucosa for a long time, thereby ensuring a lasting effect of therapy.

Therapeutic and preventive procedures are carried out after meals.

It is not recommended to eat or drink for at least 2 hours after using the product.

When using Hexoral aerosol, it is necessary to treat the affected area by pressing the bottle dispenser. The drug administration time is up to 2 seconds.

To avoid the appearance of a gag reflex or ingestion of the product, it is recommended to perform the procedure while holding your breath.

For the rinsing procedure, it is recommended to use 15 ml of the drug (at a time). There is no need to dilute the medicine with water. Applications are also carried out with an undiluted solution.

To do this, a cotton swab is moistened with Hexoral solution and applied to the affected area for 2-3 minutes. The procedure can be repeated twice a day for children over 6 years of age.

Children over 6 years old can use antiseptic 2-3 times a day. The regimen and duration of treatment for children is developed exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease.

Dosage form

Hexoral is an antiseptic drug that is used for diseases of the oral mucosa and gums. The drug is available in 2 forms:

  1. Solution. It is a transparent red liquid. It has a mint flavor. The drug is available in 200 ml bottles. The product is sold in cardboard packs.
  2. Aerosol. A transparent liquid with a menthol scent is placed in a 40 ml bottle. A spray nozzle is sold together with it. The bottle, instructions and sprayer are placed in a cardboard box.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of restrictions on the use of antiseptics is small:

  • Side effects are associated with allergies to the components of the drug

    allergy to one of the substances included in the composition;

  • atrophic pharyngitis;
  • the child is less than 3 years old.

Side effects are associated with allergies to the components of the drug.

Manifest in the form of characteristic symptoms:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • redness on the skin.

Occasionally, a subtle change in taste perception is noted.

If procedures are carried out with Hexoral without violating the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, it does not have a negative effect on the body.

If the dose is exceeded, the following is observed:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting or gag reflex;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • thirst;
  • drowsiness.

During clinical studies, no cases of drug poisoning were identified. But you will still need to consult a doctor for any irregularities in intake.

To prevent intoxication of the body, you need to rinse the stomach. This should be done no later than two hours after swallowing the drug or overdose.

Pharmachologic effect:

The antimicrobial effect of the drug Hexoral is associated with the suppression of oxidative reactions of bacterial metabolism (thiamine antagonist). The drug has a wide spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal action, in particular against gram-positive bacteria and fungi of the genus Candida, however, Hexoral can also have an effect in the treatment of infections caused, for example, by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Proteus. At a concentration of 100 mg/ml, the drug inhibits most strains of bacteria. No development of resistance was observed. Hexethidine has a weak anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane.


If you are allergic to the active ingredients of the drug or you cannot buy it, you can choose other products with a similar effect:

Analogues of the drug Hexoral
Nameprice, rub.
Tantum Verde277
Maxicold Lore209

Hepilor Ingalipt


Maxicold ENT

Tantum verde


Terms of sale, storage, expiration date

One of the components of the drug Hexoral is ethanol. In large quantities, if taken uncontrolled, the drug can provoke alcohol intoxication and even cause intoxication of the body.

Therefore, you need to store the antiseptic in a closed cabinet, where the child will not have access. The drug does not lose its properties at temperatures from 5° to 25°C.

It is important not to let the liquid freeze.

Hexoral is sold through a network of pharmacies. The drug is available freely, without a prescription.

How much does aerosol analogues cost in pharmacies?

The photo shows how much Hexoral Spray costs, price:

Hexoral spray is an effective antiseptic medicine. It is often prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs due to its successful effect on the causative agents of these diseases. It is quite simple to use; you only need to remove the dispenser after each use and rinse it in running water so that infections do not accumulate on its tip. This drug has no special contraindications, so it is suitable for children aged three years and older. You can use cheaper analogues, Faringosept or Bioparox.

Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky has no doubt about the effectiveness of the drug Hexoral. However, before using the product, it is necessary to undergo a study that will help establish an accurate diagnosis.

When choosing a remedy for a sore throat or other oral problems, it is important to identify the cause of the disease and direct efforts to eliminate it.

Also, a popular children's doctor recommends choosing the right form of Hexoral for each age group.

For young patients under 3 years of age, a solution is more suitable; older children are more often prescribed tablets or a spray.

Features of use in lactating and pregnant women

Whether it is possible to take Hexoral while breastfeeding is decided by the attending physician after examining the woman. There have been no studies that describe the ability of the active substance to penetrate breast milk. Hexoral is approved for the treatment of diseases in women who are in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In this case, choose the form of a spray or solution. The tablet form of Hexoral is prohibited during pregnancy.

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