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Most often, women after childbirth are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia (IDA). This is explained by the fact that during labor, expectant mothers lose at least 200–300 ml of blood, then blood loss continues in the form of postpartum discharge for 7–10 days. Anemia is manifested by weakness, decreased performance, drowsiness, headaches, fainting, etc. This condition negatively affects the condition of hair and nails.

totem when breastfeeding

Totema is a complex remedy based on iron, copper, manganese, which has an antianemic effect. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency conditions. Women are wondering whether a nursing mother can take Totem. Doctors say that the medicine is safe if the dosage and instructions for use are followed.

Composition and release form


Totem for oral administration is produced in the form of a solution that has a dark brown tint and a specific odor. There may be sediment at the bottom of the bubble. Each Totem ampoule contains active components - Fe gluconate dihydrate, Mn and Cu gluconate, excipients. The cardboard package includes 10 double-ended yellow glass ampoules of type 3 in stands.


The combined antianemic agent takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions, stimulating erythropoiesis, reducing the symptoms of pathology (lethargy, constant fatigue, tachycardia, loss of balance) and quickly increasing hemoglobin.

Copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) are the most important essential microelements, which are non-protein compounds of individual enzymes. Their absorption increases with a lack of iron in the body. Active substances Totems (Fe, Cu, Mn) are one of the best components that can raise hemoglobin levels.

Totem can be taken with alcohol

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Iron in the body is an important element that regulates the catalytic processes of oxygen exchange. The main storage site for iron in the body is ferritin. The adult body contains up to four grams of iron, only three and a half milligrams are in the blood.

Totema was created to eliminate hematological syndrome, which is characterized by a violation or decrease in hemoglobin synthesis due to a lack of iron in the blood.

Totem effectively replenishes iron deficiency in the body. Therapy is prescribed for adults and children from four months. The medicine is used in cases of disturbed iron balance due to increased bleeding, in the presence of diseases with congenital malabsorption of the microelement, in case of increased need or in case of impaired transport of the substance due to a lack of transferrin. The drug compensates for the lack of the active component of the drug in the body. The active substance is necessary for all metabolic processes. It is a component of hemoglobin and some enzymes. Takes part in oxidative and reduction reactions. The medicine improves the production of red blood cells. Manganese helps regulate vitamin C levels in the body, which in turn helps improve iron absorption. Manganese also improves the condition of the nervous system, brain function, and lowers cholesterol levels. Promotes the growth of connective tissue and reduces fat deposition. Copper helps convert iron into hemoglobin. It is transported by the protein albumin into the iron depot and stimulates the metabolic process. After the first dose, there is an improvement in well-being and laboratory manifestations of pathology. The hemoglobin level begins to increase by the end of the first week, and the red blood cell count by the end of the second week. But improvement in performance occurs already in the first week. The product is well absorbed in the digestive system. Biological availability is maximum. Metabolites are eliminated from the body through the digestive and excretory systems. Take with caution a patient with diabetes, since the solution contains three grams of sucrose (when converted to bread units, four ampoules of the medicine contain one grain unit). To reduce the dark plaque on your teeth due to the use of medication, you can use a cocktail straw. While taking the solution, you can drive a car, as the medicine does not affect concentration and consciousness.

Totema is available in the form of a solution for oral use. The composition includes iron, manganese, copper and auxiliary components up to ten milliliters. The dose of iron is fifty micrograms, the dosage of copper is seven hundred micrograms, and manganese is 1.33 milligrams. The solution is available in glass ampoules with a volume of ten milliliters. One packaging box contains ten ampoules with instructions for use.

Indications Totems are a treatment for pathological conditions that manifest themselves as impaired hemoglobin production due to a lack of iron in the body. Also prescribed after suffering heavy blood loss: female menstrual bleeding, uterine bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, the period after surgery, other soft tissue injury with blood loss. The solution is indicated during periods of intense need for the active substance or when there is insufficient supply of it from food.

Side effects of Totema manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, soreness of the stomach and intestines, discoloration of teeth, difficulty defecating. At the first sign of an undesirable reaction, the patient should stop taking it and inform the doctor about the change in well-being. During therapy, patients may experience a change in stool color. The stool turns black. This phenomenon is normal.

Contraindications Totems: anemic condition that is not associated with iron deficiency. Also the presence of a hereditary disease, which manifests itself as a violation of iron metabolism in the body. Do not use the medication if the lifespan of red blood cells is impaired or if there is a hematological condition where the red blood cells contain a small amount of iron. Avoid use in patients with gastrointestinal diseases or ulcers. It is not recommended for persons intolerant to the active ingredient. Not for use in infants under three months.

The medicine can be used by women while carrying a baby from the fourth month of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The medicine is prescribed only by the attending physician.

The drug is taken orally. The dosage depends on the degree of anemia. Admission is carried out under the control of a blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The solution is prescribed from the age of three months in babies, in adults and pregnant women from the fourth month of pregnancy. The solution must be shaken thoroughly before use. Break the tip of the ampoule, pour the contents into a glass and add water. You can sweeten it for your child. During therapy, you should not drink black tea often; it affects the absorption of the active components. The prepared solution is consumed before meals. The duration of treatment is determined by the treating hematologist.

Ethanol changes the absorption of the active component and increases the risk of intoxication and worsening of endocrine diseases, therefore combining Totema with alcohol is not recommended.

The solution has unwanted interactions with other medications. So, when combined with antacids, the absorption of iron in the stomach decreases; calcium and pancreatin have a similar effect. Caffeine and bisphosphonates have an adverse effect on transformation processes. If you combine the intake with vitamin C, the effect will be enhanced and the absorption of the medicine will improve. Iron, when combined with penicillin antibiotics, reduces drug availability. Ethanol alters the absorption of the active component and increases the risk of intoxication. During iron therapy, it is necessary to maintain a two-hour interval between taking other medications to avoid unwanted effects on the body.

If Totem's instructions are violated, an overdose may occur in the form of increased fatigue, weakness, apathy, convulsions in the legs, nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, allergies, and difficulty defecating. At the first signs of an overdose, the patient needs to rinse the stomach and undergo symptomatic therapy from a doctor. The doctor will provide anti-shock treatment.

The solution does not have similar analogues that have the same components. But there are similar medications that are used to treat anemia: Aktiferrina, Hemofer, Maltofer, Maltofer Fol, Sorbifer, Fenyuls, Ferlatum, Ferritab, Ferrum Lek. If you need to replace one medicine with another, you should consult a hematologist.

Terms of sale of Totems: by prescription.

The solution is stored at a temperature of two to twenty-five degrees, do not freeze. Place for storage away from children and out of direct sunlight. The shelf life is twenty-four months. An opened bottle of solution can be stored for no more than thirty days. After the expiration date, the medicine loses its medicinal properties and must be disposed of.

Pharmacy license FS-99-02-005676 dated November 14, 2021

Totema is a remedy that compensates for the lack of iron in the body. Totema is suitable for use for preventive purposes and for the treatment of diseases that have already developed. According to experts, the drug significantly improves immunity. For this reason, the drug Totema is often prescribed in the complex treatment of cancer and viral diseases. With proper treatment, the disease caused by iron deficiency can be eliminated within 1-3 months.

The main components of the drug improve blood circulation and the synthesis of red blood cells, which reduces the severity of symptoms of anemia, such as:

  • weakness;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.

At first these signs are less pronounced, but later they gradually disappear.

Totema is available in the form of a solution that is taken orally. The solution has a characteristic odor and dark brown color, and is packaged in 10 ml glass ampoules. The package contains 20 ampoules.

The combined composition of an iron-containing product is its important advantage.
The solution is made on the basis of iron gluconate. The main active substance stimulates the production of enzymes necessary for the reversible binding of oxygen. The effect of iron is enhanced by the copper and manganese present in the composition (copper and manganese gluconate). The effect of three active ingredients is to effectively protect the body from the development of iron deficiency anemia. Active Ingredients:
Excipients are the following:

  • sodium benzoate and citrate;
  • glucose in liquid form;
  • flavoring and coloring;
  • anhydrous citric acid;
  • glycerol;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • sucrose;
  • purified water.

The composition contains a large number of different substances, so if you are prone to allergies, the possibility of using the drug should be discussed with a specialist.

Totema is absorbed by 30%, absorption occurs in the small intestine (upper section). Due to active enzymes, iron remains in the intestinal mucosa for some time. Distributing, iron partially enters the bloodstream, the other part, in the form of ferretin, remains in the mucous epithelium and represents a reserve set aside “for the future.” When necessary, ferretin is used to saturate blood plasma.

The drug is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • unbalanced diet, insufficient intake of nutrients and vitamins;
  • bleeding with significant blood loss;
  • impaired iron absorption due to problems with the digestive tract;
  • prevention of the development of anemia due to a lack of iron in the body of the expectant mother (especially if the woman is carrying twins).

The drug is taken before meals.
It is dissolved in water, which can be either plain or sweetened. When using the drug, it is necessary to regularly analyze the microelement content - every 10-14 days. To prevent the enamel from becoming dark, the medicine is dissolved in water and drunk through a straw, and after taking it, brush your teeth. During the period of taking the drug, the feces may be black; this is a normal phenomenon associated with the excretion of iron that has not been absorbed. Totema is not a food supplement, but a serious medicine that must be used under the supervision of a doctor.


The required dose is different for each person and is determined by the severity of his condition. The greater the iron deficiency, the higher the dose.

Features of taking the drug:

  • An adult Totem should be taken in a daily dose of 100-200 mg, this amount of the drug is contained in 2-4 ampoules.
  • For children, the drug is prescribed taking into account body weight; for each kilogram you need to take 5-7 mg of solution. The volume of the drug obtained as a result of dilution with water is the daily norm for the child; it is divided into several doses (2-4 doses).
  • The dose for pregnant women is 50 mg, which corresponds to one ampoule. This amount of the drug should be considered as a daily dose. To prevent anemia in children, a smaller dose is selected and determined by a specialist.

An incorrectly selected dose of totem can lead to the development of negative reactions in the body - severe nausea followed by vomiting. Possible side effects include flatulence, heartburn, and intestinal dysfunction. By adjusting the amount of medication consumed during the day, negative reactions quickly disappear on their own.

Using a high dose of the drug is accompanied by a risk of overdose. Complications can be quite serious, and the body of pregnant women and young children reacts most severely to their occurrence.

Signs of overdose include:

  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • state of shock;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • impaired clarity of thinking;
  • bowel disorder.

After taking a large dose of the drug, you need to induce vomiting and drink several raw eggs or milk (one glass is enough). Such actions will reduce the level of iron in the body. To make sure that you are not allergic to Totem, you need to take a small amount of the drug (a third of the recommended dose). If the condition worsens before the next dose of medication, you can continue to use it for treatment or prevention.

The totem is not used for certain diseases:

  • ulcer (damage to the duodenum or stomach);
  • hemochromatosis;
  • hemosiderosis;
  • anemia, the cause of which is not iron deficiency.

It is prohibited to use Totem and iron salts at the same time.

While taking iron supplements, you should not drink alcohol.

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman’s body; there is a risk of developing anemia, so experts often recommend that expectant mothers take Totema. During this period, blood volume increases sharply, the drug helps maintain normal levels of formed elements. It is recommended to use the product for oral administration from the first trimester.

For treatment and prevention, Totem is used after three years.

The drug is stored in a room with an air temperature of 15–25 °C, out of reach of children, for two years.

You can purchase medicine only after it has been prescribed by a doctor and you have received a prescription.
May 25, 2021 admin 1838

Indications for use

In order for the treatment of anemia in adults and children over three months of age to be effective, it is necessary to know the causes of the pathology. So, Totem is taken in such conditions.

  1. IDA, which affects women during pregnancy, premature babies, twins, and newborns who inherit it from their mother.
  2. Hypoacid gastritis.
  3. Alimentary (nutritional) IDA is a lack of iron in the food consumed or disruptions in the process of its absorption.
  4. Consequences of gastric resection.
  5. Very low level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  6. Weakened body resistance to infections and painful neoplasms.

Read also Polycythemia vera. Causes, treatment, prognosis

Totema during lactation

Anemia during breastfeeding is a common occurrence that is dangerous for the mother and newborn. Therefore, it is worth starting treatment after the diagnosis is established. Totem is allowed to be taken during lactation, but you should consult a doctor before using the medicine. There is no need to interrupt natural feeding during the treatment period. If therapeutic doses are observed, the medication will not harm the newborn, and will even improve the condition of his body.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency in the body

Thus, Totema during breastfeeding is an effective and relatively safe antianemic drug.
A lactating woman should follow the doctor's recommendations regarding taking medication. Subscribe to our VKontakte group

Dosage regimen


The duration of therapy is determined individually by the doctor and, on average, ranges from 3–6 months (until the iron concentration is restored). You can find out below how to drink Totem with low hemoglobin levels.


The contents of the drug ampoules are dissolved in water or some other drinking liquid (without alcohol). It is best to take the medicine on an empty stomach. Adults are prescribed 2-4 ampoules of iron daily. The duration of Totem therapy is 3–6 months. If required, the course of treatment can be extended. After taking Totema, the taste in the mouth may change somewhat, as well as the stool may darken.


The medicine can be taken by children from 3 months old; they are prescribed 5–7 mg of elemental iron per kg of body weight per day in 2–4 doses. The course of taking Totema for a child is also 3–6 months. If necessary, the baby can continue taking it for a certain period of time. After a month of taking the indicated dosages, a control blood test should be performed to determine the content of hemoglobin and serum iron.

Pregnancy and lactation

As a preventative measure during pregnancy (after 4 months), 1 ampoule of iron per day is prescribed for the last two trimesters. The effectiveness of therapy should be checked only after 3 months from the start of treatment.

special instructions

The effectiveness of therapy can be assessed no earlier than 3 months after the start of the course.

The drug solution should be swallowed as quickly as possible, avoiding its prolonged stay in the oral cavity, as it causes darkening of tooth enamel.

Tea consumed in large quantities reduces iron absorption.

Information for patients with diabetes: 1 ampoule of Totema contains 3 g of sucrose or 0.25 XE (bread units). In 4 ampoules (maximum daily dose) – 1 XE.

Black stool that sometimes appears during treatment is not an abnormality and does not require medical intervention. During the period of use of the drug Totema, a stool test for occult blood may be false positive.

There is no data on the negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or other potentially dangerous mechanisms.



Antacids (with Al3+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and cholestyramine weaken the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract. Taking such drugs also impairs the absorption of ciprofloxacin, tetracyclines, bisphosphonates, penicillaminum, as a result of which poorly absorbed coordination compounds are formed (the interval of taking these drugs should be at least 2 hours).

When combining treatment with Totem and the use of glucocorticosteroids, a more intense stimulation of erythropoiesis is possible.

The action of this drug can also be interfered with by dairy products, tea, coffee, and the use of certain vitamins improves the effectiveness of taking the drug.



Totem should not be used when the patient has the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • chronic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (acute form);
  • aplastic, hemolytic or sideroachrestic anemia;
  • lead poisoning (saturnism);
  • other types of anemia that are not caused by a lack of iron in the body;
  • hemochromatosis (bronze diabetes);
  • hemosiderosis.

Read also: Aplastic anemia. Rare, but accurate

Before starting your appointment, you must visit the doctor, undergo diagnostics (ultrasound) and take a blood test.

Characteristics of Totema iron preparation

The Totem iron preparation also contains microelements that are necessary for the process of hematopoiesis. Copper and manganese help absorb and accelerate iron, increasing its bioavailability. Thanks to this complex composition, iron-containing enzymes, hemoglobin and myoglobin are formed. The process of energy formation in cells is accelerated.

Iron from the solution is absorbed in the small intestine and duodenum. The speed of this process is influenced by the initial level of the microelement in the blood serum - the more significant the deficiency, the faster and more it is absorbed. The undigested part is excreted in the feces.

Composition, release form, manufacturer

Totem contains gluconates of iron (5 mg/ml), manganese (0.133 mg/ml) and copper (0.07 mg/ml), as well as auxiliary components: water, glucose, sugar, glycerin, citric acid, dye, flavoring, preservatives and stabilizers. The country of origin of Totem is France, and the drug is produced by Innotech (Lab. Innotech International).

The registered form of release is drinking ampoules, sealed on both sides. Each contains 10 ml of solution (50 ml of iron), the package contains 20 pieces.

Recipe in Latin

To purchase the drug, you need a prescription from a doctor in Latin. For example, it might look like this:

Rp.: Sol. Tothema 10 ml

Dtd #20 in amp.

  1. Take 1 ampoule orally 2 times a day before meals.

Indications for use of medicine for hemoglobin

The medicine to normalize hemoglobin levels is used for the following indications:

  • anemia (decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin) due to iron deficiency;
  • prevention of anemia in the absence or deficiency of iron-containing foods in the diet (mainly meat);
  • increased need for iron in donors, pregnant women, active growth in adolescents, stress and physical activity;
  • hidden form of anemia (latent) with a decrease in iron reserves in the body (low ferritin).

Storage conditions

Totema is stored at room temperature (not higher than 25 degrees). The packaging must be closed and exposure to light must be avoided. After the ampoule is opened, its contents must be taken immediately; the solution quickly oxidizes when exposed to air.

Analogues of Totem

Totem has no complete analogue in composition; this drug is original. But there are vitamin complexes in tablets, which include iron, copper and manganese. For example, Vitrum, Duovit, Menopace, Multi-tabs Intensive, Selmevit, Elevit Pronatal. A doctor can prescribe iron supplements, which are cheaper than Totem:

  • Ferrum Lek 30 tablets of 100 mg cost 280 rubles;
  • Aktiferrin capsules 100 mg 20 pieces – 310 rubles;
  • Sorbifer Durules tablets 100 mg 30 pieces – 330 rubles;
  • Tardiferon tablets 80 mg 30 pieces – 280 rubles;
  • Maltofer tablets 100 mg 30 pieces – 270 rubles.



Some patients take iron in excess quantities, which is strictly prohibited and can lead to adverse effects. If the drug is used incorrectly, the following symptoms have been recorded:

  • lethargy;
  • fever;
  • cyanosis;
  • nausea;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the epigastrium;
  • the phenomenon of hyperventilation;
  • less often, necrosis of the walls of the digestive tract, shock.

If such signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin symptomatic therapy.


There are many replacements for Totems. These are all drugs intended for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The most popular analogues of the drug are:

  • Hemofer;
  • Tardiferon;
  • Ferro;
  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • Ferropol;
  • Ferrum Lek.

When choosing what to replace the Totem with, any qualified doctor must take into account certain factors. These are age, body weight, medical history, predisposition to allergic reactions, and so on.

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