Vazonit tablets: instructions for use, reviews, analogues, price


Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna




Modern cardiologists include Vasonit in a complex of therapy for the treatment of a number of vascular and cardiac pathologies. This effective drug has excellent characteristics:

  • stimulates the process of blood microcirculation in areas with impaired blood supply;
  • improves the rheological characteristics of blood by reducing viscosity (has a positive effect on the fluidity of this liquid tissue);
  • has a vasodilating effect.

The listed properties help to achieve positive results in the treatment of pathologies that are accompanied by serious circulatory disorders.

The drug in the pharmacy chain

Useful properties of the medicine

After entering the human body, the active substance of this drug helps improve blood circulation where it is impaired for some reason. This effect of Vazonit is explained primarily by the fact that it is capable of slightly dilating blood vessels. Also, the active substance of this drug increases the overall fluidity of human blood.

In addition, the beneficial effect of Vazonit on the body of patients is explained by the fact that it suppresses the formation of the fibrinogen protein. This substance is responsible for thrombus formation (adhesion of red blood cells and platelets) in human blood. Thus, the “Vazonit” product:

  • has a positive effect on the processes of blood supply to tissues;
  • promotes the dissolution of existing blood clots;
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • helps restore the activity of various organs.

Improving blood supply in the patient’s body after taking this medicine helps not only to stimulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the patient’s nervous system and causes positive changes in his lower extremities and kidneys.

Mechanism of action

In the human body, the active substance “Vazonita” begins to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. This process occurs gradually and quite slowly. This explains the duration of action of the medicine. The beneficial effect after taking Vazonit can last up to 12 hours. Subsequently, the chemical elements of the drug are excreted from the body through urine and partly feces. In nursing women, they can pass into milk.

In cases of severe renal impairment, this medicine is eliminated from the human body more slowly. Therefore, for such patients its dosage is usually reduced. In case of liver dysfunction, the bioavailability of the drug increases. In this case, its dosage, of course, should also be reduced. Otherwise, the patient may experience symptoms of an overdose of Vazonit.

Vazonite price

The price of Vazonit 600 mg in Moscow ranges from 275 to 340 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Composition and release form

Pharmacological companies produce Vazonit in the form of white, oblong, film-coated tablets. This medicine is packaged in regular blisters of 10 pcs. The manufacturer places two such packages in one cardboard box. Of course, Vazonit also comes with instructions for use in paper form (including with Russian translation).

The active substance of this medicine is pentoxifylline. It is usually contained in one tablet 600 mg. Vazonit also contains the following substances:

  • polyethylene glycol 6000;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hypromellose;
  • crospovidone;
  • silica;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • hypromellose 5;
  • talc.

The price of this drug in pharmacies may vary depending on the region of sale. But most often, 20 Vazonit tablets cost between 340-450 rubles.


The main component of the composition is a xanthine derivative.

The substance is characterized by the ability to improve blood microcirculation in those areas where the blood supply has been compromised.

Pentoxifylline makes the blood more fluid by changing the shape of red blood cells. Course use of the product increases the elasticity of thin tissues of red blood cells. There is also a prevention of the combination of platelets and red blood cells, which provides a liquefying effect.

The principle of operation of the drug is based on the suppression of phosphodiesterase, increasing the concentration of cAMP in vascular smooth muscle cells.

The drug not only improves the biophysical characteristics of the blood, but also enriches it with oxygen, which is especially important for the affected areas, including the central nervous system, limbs, and kidneys.

The effect of a course of use of the medication in question depending on the pathology:

  • relief of symptomatic manifestations when blood flow to the brain is disrupted;
  • relief of pain, night cramps, increase in distance walking in case of blockage or narrowing of peripheral arteries.

Among other things, the drug has a slight myotropic vasodilating effect. It can reduce total peripheral vascular resistance.

Indications for use

The drug "Vazonit" can be prescribed for a variety of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Most often, doctors prescribe it to patients if they have such ailments as:

  1. Atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, Raynaud's disease, gangrene, frostbite. With such pathologies, arterial circulation in the patient’s body is disrupted.
  2. Ischemic stroke accompanied by negative changes in intelligence.
  3. Diseases of parts of the brain associated with impaired vascular patency and lack of oxygen.
  4. Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers. Such diseases are associated with impaired blood circulation in the veins.

Also, indications for the use of Vazonit may be pathologies of the organs of vision and hearing associated with circulatory disorders.

Analogues of Vazonit

Level 4 ATC code matches:

Xanthinol nicotinate



Analogues are drugs from different drug groups that are used to treat the same diseases. An analogue of Vazonit is Xanthinol nicotinate ( Complamin , Thiokol ) - a drug that has a similar effect, but its active substance is different. It improves peripheral blood circulation (including blood circulation in the brain and organ of vision), increases the delivery and absorption of oxygen by brain cells, and reduces platelet aggregation .


In some cases, the medicine "Vazonit", like any other medicine, cannot be prescribed to patients. Sometimes this drug can bring harm rather than benefit to the patient. According to the instructions for use, “Vazonit” cannot be used for treatment if patients have, for example, problems such as:

  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • various types of bleeding;
  • eye diseases accompanied by hemorrhages into the membrane.

Also, this drug should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age.

Features of prescribing tablets

In medical practice, when using Vazonit tablets, the instructions for use recommend an individual approach to the choice of dosage. When planning to prescribe this drug, the doctor is obliged to warn the patient about possible side complications.

Vazonite has a wide range of applications. Indications include:

  • diseases associated with peripheral circulatory dysfunction (obliterating endarteritis, diabetic angiopathy);
  • cerebrovascular disorders caused by ischemia;
  • consequences of stroke of atherosclerotic origin (memory loss, loss of ability to concentrate, dizziness);
  • encephalopathy with pronounced metabolic-dystrophic changes in brain structures;
  • processes accompanied by impaired circulation of blood flow in venous vessels (thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers);
  • brain pathologies caused by oxygen deficiency or poor vascular patency;
  • diseases of the sensory organs (hearing, vision), which developed due to impaired blood supply to these organs.

The indications for prescribing the drug include many pathologies, including those of the brain.
Good to know! Vasonite is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of the effects of gangrene and frostbite.

The doctor must inform the patient what Vazonit helps with. This will facilitate the coordination of therapeutic interventions and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

In which case is it prescribed with caution?

Doctors should carefully select the dosage of Vazonit for patients who have problems such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypotension;
  • impaired renal and liver function;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers.

Also, for obvious reasons, this medicine should be used with caution in postoperative periods and for diseases accompanied by bleeding. Elderly patients taking Vazonit must also be under medical supervision.

Adverse reactions from taking the drug

Common negative consequences include the following:

  • problems with sleep – drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
  • dizziness to the point of fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • hypotension (sometimes there is a tendency to a sharp drop in blood pressure);
  • visual impairment;
  • decreased appetite;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • bowel disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of chronic liver processes;
  • various allergic manifestations (in severe situations, Quincke's edema).

Long-term use of Vasonit can lead to severe anemia and cause internal bleeding.

"Vazonit": instructions for use

The method of using this remedy depends, of course, primarily on this particular disease. Doctors select the dosage of this medicine individually. But most often, Vazonit is prescribed to patients twice a day, one 600 mg tablet. The maximum dose is considered to be 1200 mg per day. An exception in this case may be those patients who have kidney problems. For such patients, maximum dosages are usually 600 mg per day.

In most cases, doctors prescribe two tablets of medication to patients from the very first days of treatment. However, for patients suffering, among other things, from low blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and cerebral vascular stenosis, the dose of the drug is usually increased gradually.

The course of treatment with Vazonit depends on the specific disease and its course. In this case, only the attending physician can make a decision.


Elena, 43 years old:

Vazonit was prescribed to me by a neurologist in combination with other remedies for compression damage to the radial nerve of the right arm. Taking into account the advanced nature of the disease, we managed to cope with the problem in record time.

With the help of a drug that restores blood microcirculation, the functionality of the limb was preserved. While taking the pills, I did not observe any side effects.

Valery, 34 years old:

After neuralgia, the attending physician wrote out a new prescription for recovery. The complex included the drug Vazonit, which was supposed to restore blood microcirculation in the damaged areas of the nerve branches.

I didn't think it would be possible to solve the problem quickly. After a month's course, I closed my sick leave. Vazonite really works!

What side effects can it cause?

This drug is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. You cannot prescribe it to yourself. The thing is that the use of Vazonit for treatment often causes side effects. The most common negative reactions of the body to this drug are:

  • severe dizziness;
  • tachycardia, sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea;
  • liver dysfunction.

Patients taking this medicine may feel very dizzy. Some patients even describe this condition as fainting. Therefore, the instructions for Vazonit recommend that patients, among other things, refrain from driving a car during its treatment. Also, such patients are not recommended to perform work that requires increased attention.

Among other things, patients taking this medicine often experience a feeling of drowsiness. Sometimes taking Vazonit can also provoke adverse reactions such as bleeding gums and nosebleeds. With long-term treatment with this drug, patients sometimes develop anemia.

In some cases, "Vazonit", among other things, can, of course, cause allergic reactions in patients. This problem usually manifests itself as urticaria, itching or angioedema.

Features of therapy with this drug

It is recommended to combine a course of therapeutic therapy with Vasonit with constant monitoring of blood pressure, and when combined with anticoagulants, monitor the level of blood clotting. Patients who have undergone surgery require systematic monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Important! Vasonit's compatibility with alcohol is negative, so you should not drink alcohol during the treatment period. In heavy smokers, the expected therapeutic effect of treatment is noticeably reduced.

During the period of use of the drug, it is advisable to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Overdose symptoms

Even if you feel unwell, the instructions for using Vazonit tablets, as well as the doctor’s recommendations, must be followed exactly. This medicine should be taken in the prescribed dosage. Too much of this drug should not be taken under any circumstances. An overdose of Vazonit can lead to:

  • a sharp drop in the patient’s blood pressure;
  • hyperemia of the facial skin;
  • loss of consciousness, convulsions.

A patient who drinks too much Vasonite may, among other things, feel severe chills. In people with peptic ulcers, this drug often causes internal bleeding when overdosed. And this, in turn, of course, can even be life-threatening.


One of the important rules for taking Vasonit is compliance with the dosage regimen.

Exceeding the norm is fraught with intoxication of the body.

The following signs of illness should alert you:

  • drowsiness;
  • tachycardia;
  • physical weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • redness of the skin;
  • severe decrease in blood pressure;
  • chills due to increased body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding.

To eliminate the problem, you should immediately seek medical help.

The patient's stomach is washed and a sorbent . If there is vomiting with traces of blood, rinsing is strictly prohibited.

Already in the hospital, symptomatic treatment is carried out, stabilizing blood pressure, heart function, etc. For convulsions, Diazepam is used.

How does the drug interact with other medications?

It is also necessary to take Vazonit exclusively under the supervision of a doctor because it can enhance or weaken the effect of other medications. In most cases, this medicine is used in combination with other drugs.

Specialists using Vazonit to treat patients, among other things, have noticed that this medication can enhance the effect of:

  • other drugs aimed at suppressing blood clotting and thrombosis;
  • medications that help lower blood pressure;
  • drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus.

This medicine may also increase the effect of valproic acid when used as an anticonvulsant. Vazonit is also prescribed with caution in cases where the patient is additionally prescribed Theophylline. In this case, an overdose of the latter cannot be ruled out. Also, according to the instructions for use, it is not advisable to prescribe Vazonit to patients in combination with Cimetidine. In this case, an overdose of the medicine we are considering is possible.


When combining the drug in question with other medications, it is important to consider their compatibility.

It is not recommended to combine Vazonit with the following pharmaceutical products:

  • thrombolytics, anticoagulants, antibiotics;
  • valproic acid;
  • insulin, hypoglycemic agents, antihypertensive compounds;
  • Cimetidine;
  • other xanthines.

Drug analogues

Thus, it helps very well against various kinds of diseases if you strictly follow the instructions for use of “Vazonit”. Analogues of this medicine also provide an excellent therapeutic effect. The modern pharmacological industry produces dozens of drugs similar to Vazonit in their effect on the patient’s body. The most popular analogues of this remedy are:

  • "Kinetal."
  • "Arbiflex".
  • "Radomin".
  • "Flexital".

Of course, when using all these products, like Vazonita, the instructions must be followed. Analogs of this drug can be made based on the same active substance or others. Some of these drugs are more expensive than Vazonit, others are cheaper. In any case, it is also the responsibility of the attending physician to select an analogue if it is impossible to take this medicine for any reason.

The generic version of this drug is Pentoxifylline. This medicine is cheap, but replacing Vazonit with this analogue without the advice of a specialist is also highly discouraged. Despite the fact that the active substance is the same, it may have a slightly different effect on the patient’s body.


If it is not possible to use Vazonit, a substitute is selected.

Analogues of the drug:

  • Pentoxifylline sol. for injections – 77 rubles;

  • Trental tablets – 590 rubles;

  • Pentoxifylline-SZ tablets – 282 rubles;

  • Agapurin tablets – 430 rub.

The listed medications are structural analogues with the same active ingredient.

In case of individual hypersensitivity to pentoxifylline, other options from the group of angioprotectors are selected. Prescriptions should only be made by the attending physician.

about the drug

Thus, it is clear how to take this modern, effective drug. Above we reviewed the instructions for “Vazonit”. There are many reviews about this drug on the Internet from patients. Since this medicine is versatile, doctors prescribe it to their patients very often. What do patients who have already been treated with its use say about this modern remedy?

On various forums and specialized sites on the Internet, consumers usually praise the drug “Vazonit”. Among its undoubted advantages, patients include, first of all, its effectiveness. Some people even note the fact that this medicine is simply a real salvation for them.

Patients consider, of course, its versatility to be an undoubted advantage of Vazonit. This medicine helps well with many diseases. It cures some ailments, while in others it significantly improves and alleviates the patient’s condition.

Judging by the reviews, “Vazonit” actually helps very well against various diseases associated with blood vessels and blood. But still, in most cases, consumers note that it works best in combination with other medications.

Patients consider the main disadvantage of Vazonit to be the presence of a large number of side effects. Negative reactions of the body to it, unfortunately, do occur quite often. Most often, patients begin to feel sick while taking this medicine. Also, patients undergoing treatment using Vasonit often experience dizziness. Some patients even note that the condition after taking this medicine resembles alcohol intoxication.

A small drawback of Vazonit, according to consumers, is that these tablets have a very dense structure. It is actually difficult to bite through or crush them. That is why it is recommended to swallow the tablets whole. Many patients consider its relatively high cost to be a disadvantage of Vazonit. Of course, the price of this drug is lower than many other branded ones with the same therapeutic effect. But still, the course of treatment usually has a noticeable impact on the family budget.

Reviews of Vazonite

The reviews for this drug are generally positive ; with the introduction of Vasonit as part of the complex treatment of various diseases with impaired peripheral circulation, the condition of patients gradually improves. But all vascular diseases are difficult to treat and require long-term complex treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Negative reviews of Vazonit 600 mg are mainly related to side effects and overdose of this drug. That is why Vazonit should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all indications and contraindications.

Reviews from doctors

The patients themselves therefore consider this medicine to be quite effective. But what do doctors think about Vazonit? Doctors also consider this drug to be of high quality and truly useful for many diseases. According to many doctors, this medicine copes perfectly with almost all vascular diseases.

However, experts, of course, recommend taking this drug only under the supervision of a doctor. Doctors believe this medicine can only help in combination with other drugs. After all, “Vazonit” is still more of a supporting than a therapeutic agent.

Storage rules and expiration date

Thus, we found out what the medicine “Vazonit” is (reviews, analogues, instructions). This drug can not lose its medicinal properties for 5 years from the date of release. After this, such tablets should be thrown away. Treatment with expired Vazonit is not allowed.

To ensure that the drug does not lose its beneficial properties for 5 years, it, of course, among other things, must be stored correctly. These tablets, like many others, should be kept in a dry, dark place in the house. In any case, their storage temperature should not exceed 25 °C. That is, in the summer, in extreme heat, such tablets may have to be placed in the refrigerator for a while.

Of course, Vazonit should be stored in the house in a place where children cannot access it. The same applies, of course, to pets.

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