Use of the drug Ergocalciferol Orally, 10,000–100,000 IU per day with meals.
Chickenpox is a viral infection. The vast majority of the disease affects young children from 1 to 7
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Chengdu Sino-Strong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd Active Ingredients Diosmin Class
Free consultation with a doctor by phone. Medical abortion is carried out in the clinic daily by appointment!!!
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Abstract describes the drug as a monophasic low-dose oral combined estrogen-progestogen contraceptive
© Author: Z. Nelli Vladimirovna, laboratory diagnostics doctor at the Research Institute of Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnology, specially
Polyoxidonium, 6 mg, vaginal and rectal suppositories, 10 pcs. Pills. Orally and sublingually,
Human immunity is a complex multi-stage system of protecting the body from harmful external influences (viruses,
Methods of administration and doses Set individually. The average recommended single dose is 12.5 mg (1/2
Pancreatitis is a serious disease that leads to disruption of the pancreas. To avoid the formation of severe complications,