L-lysine escinate solution d/in. 1 mg/ml, 5 ml No. 10 (5x2) in amp.
Description The drug is valued for its safety and is recommended for first aid in critical and comatose conditions.
Primadophilus for children. Instructions for use, reviews
Primadophilus Children's - a powerful probiotic for child health
Parents of children, especially young children, often face problems such as diarrhea, increased gas formation,
Rinonorm nasal spray in packaging
Composition of Rinonorm Depending on the type of nasal spray Rinonorm composition 10 ml. this medicinal
Choreic hyperkinesis
Rheumatic chorea in children: causes, symptoms and treatment
Chorea is a pathological disease of the nervous system in which signs of hyperkinesis of different muscle groups develop.
Instructions for use HARTIL
Pharmacological properties of the drug Hartil Ramipril inhibits the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE, kininase II), causing dilation
Fexadin: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues
(No ratings yet!) Fexadine is a medicine intended to treat various
Retinoic ointment for wrinkles
Retinoic ointment for wrinkles and age-related skin defects
Photo: Reviews and instructions for use of Retinoic ointment for wrinkles Everyone wants to look
Instructions for use of Dorithricin tablets, analogues, reviews
A sore throat that occurs due to inflammatory and infectious diseases of a cold nature is an unpleasant symptom with which
Ticks - male and female what they look like (photo)
Tick ​​bite: signs, symptoms, treatment and consequences, photo
Ticks are small arachnids, the average size is only half a millimeter! Activated during warm spring times
Pulmonary sclerosis
9 diseases leading to the development of pneumosclerosis, and 3 possible complications of the pathology
Pulmonary sclerosis is a disease in which lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue. Pulmonologists Yusupovskaya
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