What foods increase hemoglobin in the blood - a list of 20 options with the highest iron content

Reduced hemoglobin comprehensively worsens the condition of the body, since in this case all organs and tissues experience oxygen starvation.

And this is complemented by an increased load on the cardiovascular system - the body simply accelerates blood flow to increase the flow of oxygen.

Hemoglobin deficiency and anemia are especially dangerous in preschool children - this often provokes the development of pathologies of the nervous system, which ultimately leads to mental retardation.

According to numerous studies , hemoglobin levels can be regulated by diet, including or excluding iron-containing foods from the diet.

We have compiled a rating of the 20 most effective foods that should be included in your diet to increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. We will also describe general principles of nutrition and recommendations from doctors.

Let's remember that in the last article we looked at 7 products that reduce hemoglobin levels.


It is a spice that gives dishes a rich yellow color and has long been used in folk medicine. According to a 2012 study, one of its main active ingredients, curcumin, acts as an anticoagulant (prevents blood from clotting). It inhibits the activity of coagulation factors that form the basis of the blood clot. In addition to its effect on coagulation, curcumin also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used in the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. Adding turmeric to your food daily helps maintain blood flow and vascular health. You can add turmeric to main dishes and soups, or mix it with hot water to make a soothing tea.

Medicines and drugs

For complex forms of anemia, the help of medications is necessary. They should only be prescribed by a doctor, after examination, checking relevant tests and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

There are many types of such medicines - ampoules with solutions, tablets, syrups, capsules, drops.

All medications and their dosage are prescribed by the doctor. He must take into account all the diseases that a person may suffer from and observe his patient throughout the entire course of treatment.

These medications should be taken after meals or between meals. There are also capsules that you need to take at night.

In the most difficult cases, with massive blood loss accompanying serious illnesses, after chemotherapy, injections are prescribed.

You need to monitor the side effects that may occur when taking such medications and, if their manifestations are severe, inform your doctor so that he can change your drug.

Medicine to increase hemoglobin in the blood is prescribed if:

  • large deviations from the norm level;
  • there is a sharp drop in level;
  • if it is not possible to increase hemoglobin with food;
  • before complex surgical interventions and long courses of treatment.


Included in the list of products that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.
Ginger belongs to the same family as turmeric and contains salicylates, natural compounds found in many plants. They are salts of salicylic acid, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Acetylsalicylic acid, synthetically obtained from salicylate, can help prevent stroke and heart attack, since its low dosage thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots in small vessels. Foods with salicylates, such as avocados, some berries (raspberries, currants), chili peppers and cherries, can also interfere with blood clotting.

One of the best ways to add ginger to your diet is to start your morning with delicious ginger tea. Research shows that it can eliminate many health problems. And when it comes to thinning the blood, ginger reduces inflammation and further relaxes muscles.

Features of the diet for certain groups of patients

The nutritional rules for low hemoglobin are somewhat different for different groups of patients. Nutritionists indicate:

  1. Adults. The iron requirement for adults is about 12 mg per day. It is much easier for adults to digest meat products and animal by-products (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart). It is recommended to include them in the diet daily, at least in minimal quantities.
  2. Children. The iron requirement for children is from 8 to 11 milligrams per day. Preference should be given to plant products. But you should not overuse milk, especially fatty milk, as it radically reduces the level of hemoglobin and slows down the absorption of iron. It is also recommended to include buckwheat, fish, a small amount of chocolate and halva in the diet.
  3. Pregnant women. The iron requirement in pregnant women is the highest and reaches 20 mg per day. As a rule, to normalize hemoglobin, they are prescribed specialized vitamin complexes. It is also recommended to eat fish, red caviar, and carrots. But it is better to avoid turmeric, parsley and most other spices that stimulate smooth muscle spasms. The doctor with whom the woman registers must talk about all this in detail.
  4. Elderly. Their need for iron is the smallest - only 6 - 8 mg per day, which is explained by the natural slowdown in the functionality of the cardiovascular system and bone marrow. Doctors also recommend that older people consume fish, chicken fillet (breast, since there is practically no fat in it), as well as pomegranate and beet juice.


Often used in cooking, it contains coumarin, a chemical that acts as a powerful anticoagulant in some medications.
Cinnamon and cassia may also lower blood pressure and relieve inflammation caused by arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. However, human studies do not provide evidence that cinnamon is useful for treating any disease. Be careful when using cinnamon as a blood thinner. A 2012 risk assessment found that long-term consumption of cinnamon in foods including bread and cinnamon-based tea may cause liver damage.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies have absolutely no contraindications and have a good effect. True, for a good result you need to wait at least 2-3 months.

Using natural gifts you reduce the level of side effects to zero.


  1. Two tablespoons of sprouted wheat, coated with honey. It should be consumed every day for breakfast. You can add raisins, dried apricots or prunes steamed with boiling water.
  2. Fresh carrot juice before breakfast. Consume 100-150 grams until hemoglobin returns to normal.
  3. You can also mix carrot juice with beet juice. In equal quantities and in total, get 150 mg of the medicinal composition, which will improve blood tests in a few days. Drink before breakfast.
  4. 20 grams of fresh rowan fruits, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse in a sealed container for about two hours, strain, drink everything during the day. You can add honey.
  5. Mix herbs such as yarrow and wormwood. Here you need to maintain a ratio of 3:1. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture with boiling water, 250 ml in total. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink one tablespoon 5 minutes before meals. This composition is very bitter and not to everyone's taste.

You should consume fresh apples, pomegranates and their juices every day. Also, raspberries, strawberries, plums.

How to keep blood fluid

For this purpose, the body has an anti-coagulation system. It helps maintain blood fluidity. These are special substances, including those coming from certain foods. If you frequently eat foods that improve blood circulation, you can prevent many heart diseases. People with certain medical conditions are more likely to suffer from excess blood clotting and the risk of thrombosis.

What increases the risk

  • Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia);
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heart valve surgery;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.

Blood clots, in turn, can cause a heart attack (heart attack) or stroke.
Medicines that thin the blood reduce the risk of these complications, but also have a number of side effects. Therefore, products that effectively thin the blood, and some herbal remedies that have similar properties (albeit to a lesser extent than drugs), help in prevention. But never take any natural remedies along with medications without consulting your doctor first. Do not self-medicate, even if it seems that it is just harmless herbs and plants.

List of 20 products to increase it

The body must receive all micronutrients in sufficient quantities, including minerals, vitamins, and metals. All these elements directly or indirectly affect the hematopoietic function, which needs to be stimulated (hemoglobin is produced in the bone marrow, like red blood cells, platelets, and leukocytes). So, here is a list of the 20 most effective products.


Any liver is useful for hemoglobin. Beef, chicken, pork will do. Moreover, it is particularly rare (rare), since in this case most of the micronutrients are preserved.

The liver contains B-group vitamins, iron (6.9 mg per 100 grams), and iodine - all this helps to increase hemoglobin levels.


The basis of any meat is a wide range of proteins and essential amino acids, which react with iron, thereby forming hemoglobin molecules.

More effective types of meat in this regard are rabbit, pork, and beef. But, again, the meat should be subjected to minimal heat treatment, ideally steamed.


Almost all grains reduce the bioavailability of iron. The only exception is buckwheat, which acts exactly the opposite.

In addition, buckwheat also contains iron (almost 7 mg per 100 grams of kernels). That is why it is recommended to use it primarily as complementary food for infants, and not semolina (which contains calcium and, thereby, slows down the production of hemoglobin).


Halva contains a large amount of iron - almost 30 mg per 100 grams of product (and tahini contains even more - up to 50 mg per 100 grams). That is, 50 grams of such dessert provide the daily requirement of iron in the body.

But it’s worth considering that there are practically no B vitamins and ascorbic acid in halva. Therefore, if you include it in the diet, then take care of a sufficient standard of other micronutrients that promote the absorption of iron.


Contains iron, amino acids, and vitamins that help increase hemoglobin. The peculiarity of table beets is that all micronutrients are retained even during heat treatment.

You can also include beetroot juice in your diet, but you should drink it diluted (1 part juice to 2 parts water).


Of all the fruits, pomegranate is considered the most beneficial for hemoglobin due to its high content of vitamin B6 .

There is also iron in pomegranate seeds, but in small quantities - only 1 - 1.5 milligrams per 100 grams.


To raise hemoglobin, it is better to choose red carrots - they contain the most beta-carotene and vitamin A.

And these microelements help accelerate biochemical reactions using calcium - reducing its “free” level in the blood increases the bioavailability of iron (carrots contain only 0.5 - 0.7 mg per 100 grams).

Dried fruits

The best dried fruits to eat are prunes, raisins, apricots, cherries, cherries, bananas - they contain B vitamins, E, C.

The fact that dried fruits contain a large amount of plant fiber also helps speed up the absorption of iron - this comprehensively normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Walnuts, as well as pistachios, contain a considerable amount of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which accelerate a whole complex of intercellular metabolic processes, including those with iron.

Nuts are considered the most beneficial for young children - they reduce the likelihood of developing pathologies of the nervous system by almost 2 times.

But you should avoid peanuts. It is extremely high in fat, which creates a high load on the gastrointestinal tract and also slows down the absorption of iron.

See 7 nuts that are good for your blood in a separate article.

Fish roe

Both red, black, and yellow caviar are very useful in this regard, as they contain iron (from 6 to 12 mg per 100 grams), as well as omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Literally 100 grams of this product per day completely provides the body with all the necessary micronutrients to normalize hemoglobin levels.

And most importantly, this product is easily digestible, so it can be included in the diet if you have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (when meat or liver are contraindicated).


The main benefit of honey is that it contains a huge range of minerals (including rare ones that cannot be obtained from other foods), which has a positive effect on the water-salt balance . And this is also an important point in normalizing hemoglobin levels.

This will also help get rid of edema, which often occurs when the load on the cardiovascular system increases (which will certainly happen with a hemoglobin deficiency).

Nutritionists indicate that you need to eat buckwheat or honeydew honey to achieve the desired effect - they have the highest concentration of minerals.


Contains a small amount of iron, as well as vitamin B12, which increases its bioavailability for the body .

Doctors recommend including nettle in the diet as a spice (dried) during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

But it is worth remembering that it also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which in case of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach and/or duodenum can aggravate the patient’s condition.


To increase hemoglobin, you should consume egg yolks - they contain up to 8 mg per 100 grams of iron. And it is better to eat them fresh or soft-boiled.

Fresh chicken eggs can be a source of salmonellosis. But quails also contain iron, but their shells have smaller pores through which infection does not penetrate. Therefore, they are considered safer and are recommended for children to include in their diet.


Sea fish is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. And the fattier it is, the more fatty acids it contains. River fishing is also useful in this regard; carp (mirror), pike and perch are better suited. And among the marine varieties of fish - tuna and salmon.

By the way, eating seaweed is no less useful. It contains iodine, which normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system (which indirectly regulates the production of hemoglobin).


Cocoa powder contains up to 12 mg of iron per 100 grams (depending on the variety and variety). Nutritionists say that you should eat natural dark chocolate. Less useful are milky, white, pink.

And it is advisable to prepare chocolate yourself at home without adding butter (as it reduces the bioavailability of iron).

Chocolate also stimulates metabolic processes between cells by stimulating the production of endorphins. But you should not abuse this property, since the body tends to increase the need for the same serotonin. That is, over time, addiction and a kind of dependence develop.

Rose hip

Among berries, rose hips are the largest source of ascorbic acid, which is used in biochemical processes involving iron.

It is better to consume rose hips in the form of a decoction (50 grams of fresh or dried berries per 300 milliliters of boiling water) or jelly.

Although rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin C, it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, so these berries can be included in the diet for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Contains slightly less ascorbic acid than rose hips. It is better to use black currants - they contain less tannin than red ones (tannin is a tannin and slows down the production of hemoglobin).

No less useful are currant leaves, from which you can prepare aromatic and tasty tea. Its use is also an excellent prevention of immunodeficiency.


Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and also contain a small amount of iron (from 0.2 to 1 mg per 100 grams, depending on the variety and growing method).

Just eat whole strawberries either with sugar or honey, but not with sour cream, yogurt or cream.


Of the spices, turmeric contains the most iron - about 35-50 mg per 100 grams. And most importantly, it is great for preparing almost any dish, even some desserts.

During pregnancy, turmeric should not be abused, as it can provoke smooth muscle spasms. In critical cases, this will even lead to premature birth. Doctors in most cases warn about this.


Of the iron-containing greens, parsley is the healthiest. But it should be consumed fresh, so it is better to add it to salads rather than to soups. Contains about 2 mg of iron per 100 grams.

Parsley root is no less useful. It is also used as a spice.

Also check out the product table:

Blood Thinning Diet

It includes fresh fruits and vegetables, 100 percent whole grains, vegetable oils, low-fat dairy products and animal proteins.
A healthy diet also limits foods high in fat, cholesterol and sugar. If you are taking medications, it is important to eat approximately the same amount of foods containing vitamin K each day. Excess vitamin K in your diet may reduce the effectiveness of Coumadin. Green vegetables high in vitamin K (lettuce, spinach, broccoli) should be limited.

In addition to the natural foods and drinks mentioned above, there are others - pineapple, ginseng, seaweed, olive oil, almonds: they also reduce blood clotting. But they should also be consumed in moderation.

General nutrition rules

To raise hemoglobin more quickly and effectively, nutritionists recommend following the following tips:

  1. Keep small meals. You need to eat in small portions, but as often as possible. Optimally – at least 6 times a day.
  2. Avoid cereals (except buckwheat) and fermented milk products - they all slow down the absorption of iron and interfere with the production of formed elements and hemoglobin.
  3. Walk in the fresh air as often as possible - a sufficient balance of oxygen in the blood also indirectly stimulates the renewal of hemoglobin molecules and prevents the oxidation and destruction of red blood cells. Ideally, take walks in the fresh air after each meal (this will also help significantly speed up your metabolism).
  4. Avoid tea and coffee. It is better to give preference to herbal teas, as well as homemade compotes, fruit and vegetable juices.
  5. Do not eat 2-3 hours before your planned bedtime. Metabolic processes during sleep slow down significantly, so iron and vitamins are practically not absorbed during this period (but the load on the gastric mucosa increases, since the utilization of gastric juice slows down).

Hemoglobin - a quick overview

The production of hemoglobin is vital for the body.
Iron, vitamins B12, B9 and C are also involved in this. Therefore, it is extremely important to eat right to maintain your hemoglobin levels at optimal levels. To synthesize it, it is necessary to consume the above microelements with food in sufficient quantities. Why is hemoglobin so important?

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. Its most important function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body, which cannot function normally without it.

Low hemoglobin levels lead to anemia. Poor diet, problems with the absorption of nutrients needed to produce hemoglobin, pregnancy, blood loss, and even some medications can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

The main signs of low hemoglobin levels are fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache and chest pain. This can lead to serious consequences and affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Now let's find out what foods contain this important protein for us.


  1. Saha D, Reddy KV, et al. (2014). "Hemoglobin Expression in Nonerythroid Cells: Novel or Ubiquitous?". Int J Inflamm. 2014 (803237): 1–8. doi:10.1155/2014/803237. PMC 4241286. PMID 25431740.
  2. Coblin, W. South (1986). Sinological list of Sino-Tibetan lexical correspondences. Monumenta Serica Series. 18. Nettetal: Steyler.
  3. Diet Receivers (DRIs): Recommended Receivers for Individuals (PDF), Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies, 2004, archived from the original (PDF) March 14, 2013, retrieved June 9, 2009/
  4. Korovina N.A. et al. Food components affecting ferroabsorption in the intestine, 2004.
  5. Pokrovsky A.A. Iron content in plant products, mg/100 g. 1976.

Which nuts increase hemoglobin?

Of the nuts that are used in the fight against low hemoglobin, walnuts are the most useful. The product contains iron, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, and a large number of vitamins. This composition allows it to stimulate the process of synthesis of the necessary substance and have a strengthening effect on a weakened body.

Eating nuts in combination with raisins is beneficial for hemoglobin. Half a glass of raisins is soaked in water for 2 hours. Then the water is drained, the raisins are mixed with walnuts (20 g is enough). The dish is divided into three servings, the approximate volume of each serving is a couple of tablespoons.

You can also try a combination of nuts with cranberries and honey. All these elements are mixed using a blender.

Daily iron requirement

The level of hemoglobin in the blood depends on several factors: the amount of blood, gender, age and health of the person, proper nutrition. The first and last factors have a greater impact on hemoglobin levels. With blood loss (wounds, operations, and menstruation in women), its level decreases. One natural way to restore your hemoglobin levels is to eat iron-containing foods.

On average, the volume of blood circulating in the body is 5-6 liters in men and 4-4.5 liters in women. Accordingly, the hemoglobin norm in men is higher - 130-170 g/l, in women - 120-140 g/l.

The normal content of the microelement in the body is from three to four milligrams. The main part of the substance (approximately 2/3) is concentrated in the blood. The remaining concentration of iron is concentrated in the bones, liver, and spleen. A decrease in the level of a microelement occurs for natural reasons - menstrual cycles, sweating, exfoliation of the dermis.

The exact amount depends on age, gender and other related factors:

  • children under 13 years of age - from 7 to 10 mg;
  • male adolescents require 10 and female adolescents - 18 mg;
  • men - 8 mg;
  • women - from 18 to 20, and during pregnancy - at least 60 mg.

Failure to comply with the daily intake of iron leads to disruption of many functions, which even affects appearance. The poor condition of the skin and hair is not always associated with age or incorrectly selected cosmetics. And, when thinking about buying another jar of expensive cream, you should take a closer look at your own diet, since the problem may lie precisely in the lack of iron.

The amount of iron required to maintain normal hemoglobin levels and the functioning of internal organs differs depending on gender and age, for example, children and adolescents need more microelements for growth, and pregnant women need more for the proper development of the fetus.

Age and genderNorm per day, mg
From birth to 4 months0,5
4 months – 1 year0,7
2-5 years1
6-12 years0,9
13-16 years old2
During pregnancy3,5-6
When breastfeeding8
Aged people0,9

Reviews and results

  • “... I periodically go on this diet, because due to heavy periods my hemoglobin level is low. As a rule, after a month of dietary nutrition and taking iron supplements, everything returns to normal”;
  • “... After a long stay on a mono-diet and the development of anemia, the doctor prescribed a therapeutic diet and said that although dietary nutrition for anemia is an important stage of treatment, it is not able to independently compensate for the iron deficiency in the body. Therefore, he prescribed iron tablets.”

What fruits increase hemoglobin?

Modern research has found that the first fruit in the fight against iron deficiency is the fresh peach. 4 mg are present in 100 g of fresh product, in dried - about 3 mg. The following fruits are also relevant.

  • Quince. Adding 100 g to the menu provides 3 mg of iron.
  • Persimmon. Eating 100 g of fruit “gives” the body 2.5 mg of iron.
  • Pear. In addition to iron (2.3 mg), the fruit is rich in zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper, and is effective in treating anemia.
  • Apple. For a long time it was considered the number one fruit in the list of fruits that increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the body. When fresh, 100 g of apples contain 2.2 mg. The indicators of dried fruits look better - approximately 2.7 times more.
  • Pomegranate. By eating 100 g of the product, you can replenish iron reserves by 1 mg. It is also good for its abundance of valuable vitamins.
  • Apricot. It is best consumed in dried form, the concentration of essential elements increases. The fresh product is also useful - 0.7 mg. In addition to iron, apricots contain cobalt, manganese, and copper. All these elements together are useful for anemia and activate hemoglobin biosynthesis.
  • Kiwi (0.8 mg) and fresh plums (0.5 mg) will be beneficial for the body.
  • Watermelon is famous for its high concentration of iron; its consumption can enrich the body with other valuable substances - potassium, vitamins. Not only is the hemoglobin level restored, but also energy increases, and the person gets rid of chronic weakness.

Iron absorption is a process that occurs in the proximal intestine. There are certain foods that contain phytates and phosphates that inhibit it. The solution to the problem will be to include in the menu fruits that activate the absorption of iron and are endowed with vitamin C. The most beneficial will be all citrus fruits, melon, pineapple, and sour apples.

What vegetables increase hemoglobin?

Beetroot helps to cope most effectively with iron deficiency; it is useful in raw or boiled form. This product ensures the regeneration of iron content, “starts up” red blood cells, and enriches the blood with oxygen. Other vegetables will help increase hemoglobin.

  • Carrot. The product is consumed fresh, can be added to salads, and can be boiled.
  • Tomato. The vegetable improves blood composition, saturates it with essential elements, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Tomatoes do not lose valuable qualities after heat treatment.
  • Potato. The vegetable is saturated not only with iron, but also with other useful elements - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamins and organic acids. It is included in the menu boiled.
  • Zucchini. The product is rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. The vitamin C content helps in the absorption of iron.

All of these vegetables strengthen the body, restore the functioning of the intestines, which makes the fight against low hemoglobin more effective.

Low hemoglobin in pregnant women

To avoid delays in the development of the child, premature birth and complications during labor, doctors recommend that pregnant women consume foods that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy. These include:

  • quail eggs;
  • offal, especially liver, heart;
  • beef, lamb;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • pomegranate juice diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

For variety, you can combine these products, for example, cook oatmeal or buckwheat porridge in water with the addition of peanuts (pistachios), dried fruits and honey. Even from such a simple set of products that actively increase hemoglobin, you can prepare different dishes every day.

Which berries increase hemoglobin?

Berries will also help improve hemoglobin levels when levels are low. You should definitely eat cranberries and black currants; the products are healthy not only fresh, but also frozen. Cranberries can be mixed with sugar. Strawberries, strawberries and blueberries are also recommended for iron deficiency.

A berry that is useful for anemia and anemia is rowan. To achieve the effect, you must eat at least a tablespoon daily.

Symptoms of hemoglobin deficiency

Lack of hemoglobin can be caused by frequent stress, open bleeding, hormonal imbalances, diseases of internal organs, and poor nutrition. Deficiency is also observed in donors. Frequent symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • blue nasolabial triangle;
  • frequent pain in muscles and head;
  • rapid or irregular heartbeat;
  • light spots under the nails;
  • deterioration of hair condition;
  • noise in ears.

The person begins to feel unwell, his appetite disappears, and he feels constant fatigue.

Established hemoglobin standard

The hemoglobin standard, measured in grams per liter, has certain indicators for women, men and children. Standards:

  • women - 120–140 g/l;
  • men - 135–160 g/l;
  • children: from birth - 225 g/l, from 6 months - not less than 95 g/l, until adulthood the figure increases in accordance with the sex of the child.

The norm of hemoglobin in women during pregnancy is 110 g/l. The reason for the low level is the body’s additional need for iron, since it is consumed when supplying oxygen to the cells of the fetus.

If before pregnancy a woman had a lower threshold of normal, then iron-containing protein may be in short supply, so doctors recommend including foods that raise hemoglobin in the diet. The level may fluctuate upward (up to 150 g/l).

Is there a difference for men and women in consuming foods that increase hemoglobin? The difference in the level of red blood cells in the blood is explained by the male body’s need for additional hematopoiesis.

But products for restoring normal hemoglobin levels do not have to be divided into women's and men's. It is enough to include more red meat, buckwheat, lentils, wheat bran, eggs, citrus fruits and sauerkraut, rich in vitamin C, in your menu.

Fully or partially limited products

Excluded from the diet are very fatty meats, fish and poultry, culinary, beef and lamb fat, spices, fatty and very hot sauces, pastries and cakes with a large content of cream.

Limit foods high in calcium (milk and dairy products, parsley), tannin and caffeine (coffee, strong tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola), as they interfere with the absorption of iron.

Drinking alcohol in case of iron deficiency anemia is completely excluded, since ethyl alcohol negatively affects the liver and disrupts the absorption of iron and flavocins .

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
sour cream 30%2,430,03,1294
pork fat1,492,80,0841
rendered beef fat0,099,70,0897
cooking fat0,099,70,0897
rendered pork fat0,099,60,0896
white dessert wine 16%0,50,016,0153
dry red wine0,20,00,368
black tea20,05,16,9152
energy drink0,00,011,345
* data is per 100 g of product

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood of women and men

AgeFloorHemoglobin level (g/l)
Less than 2 weeksF/M135-200
2 weeks - 1 monthF/M115-180
1-2 monthsF/M90-130
2-6 monthsF/M95-140
6-12 monthsF/M105-140
1-5 yearsF/M100-140
5-12 yearsF/M115-145
12-15 yearsAND112-152
15-18 years oldAND115-153
18-65 years oldAND120-155
Over 65 years oldAND120-157
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