Klimalanin: instructions for use, reviews from women

There is no need to say how important the ovaries are for a woman’s body. The sex hormones produced in them affect the functioning of all vital organs and systems of the body. Estrogen receptors are found not only in the organs of the reproductive system, but also in the skin, heart, bones, urinary organs and even in the conjunctiva of the eye. This explains why, during menopause, with the occurrence of a serious hormonal deficiency, changes occur in a woman’s body, leading to rapid aging and the development of many diseases.

pharmachologic effect

The amino acid beta-alanine helps to sharply stop the release of histamine , which results in an anti-menopausal effect. Klimalanin also promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the skin, which cause climacteric vegetative reactions and cause heat and fever , headaches , and hot flashes .

Many people are interested in whether this drug is hormonal or not. Klimalanin does not belong to a number of hormonal drugs.

What happens during menopause?

A decrease in the regulatory influence of the hypothalamus affects menstrual function: periods become short, scanty, and delays occur. In skin deprived of estrogen exposure, the processes of regeneration and collagen synthesis slow down, it loses its elasticity, becomes dry, and becomes wrinkled. All this can be experienced, but a much more unpleasant symptom of the upcoming menopause are the so-called “hot flashes”, they cause a woman a lot of anxiety, reduce her productivity and quality of life, prevent her from enjoying every new day and lead her into deep depression.

Analogues of Klimalanin

Level 4 ATC code matches: Floragin











Gynoflor E


Klimadinon Uno

Analogues with the same active component are not produced. According to the mechanism of action, analogues of Klimalanin are the following substances in various dosage forms:

  • Melsmon.
  • Mammoleptin , Sagenit , Indinol Forto , Femaflor ;
  • Mardil Zink , Solkovagin ;
  • Elixir – Cliophyte;
  • Klimakt-Hel , Remens ;
  • Gynekohel , Hormel SN , Mastodinon ;
  • Gynoflor E , Trioginal ;
  • Climadinon , Mastodinon ;
  • Klimadinon , Mamoklam , Sagenite , Qi-klim .

How to cope with hot flashes and overcome menopausal syndrome?

  1. The trigger for hot flashes is often high air temperature, stuffy rooms, stress, anxiety, hot food, smoking, drinking alcohol and drinks containing caffeine. It is desirable to exclude these situations, but this is not always possible.
  2. A radical way to solve the problem is hormone replacement therapy. In this case, externally administered hormones replenish the missing amount of estrogens, and hot flashes disappear. However, hormonal therapy can promote the development of cancer and thrombosis, and it also sometimes causes side effects.
  3. The use of homeopathic and herbal medicines gives an effect, but in order to feel it, the medicines must be taken for a long time, almost constantly.
  4. Sedatives reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and reduce the number of hot flashes, but cause drowsiness, lethargy, and lethargy.
  5. The drug Klimalanin, which has an anti-climacteric effect, quickly eliminates symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, and has no side effects or contraindications.


Reviews about Klimalanin are different - some write that this drug perfectly helps with “hot flashes” during menopause , while others claim that no results were observed after taking the medicine. This is quite logical, since each organism has an individual reaction to a particular medicine, and it is necessary to select something that would suit everyone personally.

Women who were helped by the drug repeatedly mentioned that for a faster effect it should be placed under the tongue.

Hot flashes are the hallmark of menopausal syndrome

The occurrence of hot flashes is associated with a disorder of the function of the thermoregulation center , located in the hypothalamus and sensitively responding to a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones by changing heat transfer. Estrogen deficiency leads to false signals about overheating of the body, dilation of superficial blood vessels, increased sweating, increased heart rate and breathing, that is, the occurrence of hot flashes.

75-85% of women experience hot flashes during menopause to varying degrees . For some, they appear a year or two before menopause, for others much earlier, 5-15 years. The severity of sensations during hot flashes, their frequency and duration are individual. The most severe cases are associated with surgical menopause, which occurs when the ovaries are removed.

Price, where to buy

The price of Klimalanin for 30 tablets is approximately 300 rubles. Depending on which pharmacy chain you purchase it from, there may be a difference of about 40-50 rubles. If you want to buy a drug in Moscow, you can go to any pharmacy and upon presentation of a prescription they will provide it to you. The price of Klimalanin in Ukraine is approximately 270-300 hryvnia.

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Hot flashes reduce quality of life

Hot flashes are rightfully considered one of the most unpleasant manifestations of menopausal syndrome. During hot flashes, the face and neck become red and covered in cold sweat. Sweating may be so profuse that clothing becomes wet.

Hot flashes can last from several seconds to several minutes, may occur once a day, or may recur every half hour. Often, waiting for the tide causes neurotic disorders, increased anxiety, confusion, and becomes a cause of self-doubt.

Night hot flashes manifest themselves in the form of increased sweating, they lead to sleep disturbance and insomnia, daytime sleepiness and fatigue, deterioration of memory and attention, decreased performance and resistance to stress, which causes depression, which reduces the quality of life.

Directions for use and dosage

There are several options in the method of prescribing medication for menopausal syndrome. Most often, doctors prescribe one or two tablets per day (0.4-0.8 g). In exceptional cases, the dose may be increased to three tablets (1.2 g). After 5-10 days, when the woman’s well-being improves and her condition stabilizes, the dosage is gradually reduced and the patient can switch to a maintenance course, taking one tablet per day.

Climalanine application
The duration and regimen of treatment, that is, how much “Klimalanin” to take and in what quantity, is best regularly discussed with your doctor. In most cases, the disappearance of menopause symptoms occurs within 5-6 days, but after a certain period (its value depends on the individual characteristics of the body), menopausal manifestations in the form of vasomotor reactions can again begin to bother the woman. If unpleasant symptoms return, the course of treatment should be repeated. This medicine does not have a cumulative (accumulative) effect and is not addictive. How to take Klimalanin and what effect should you expect from its use? With sublingual administration of the drug (absorption under the tongue), relief of vegetative-vascular paroxysms occurs within a few minutes. At the same time, not only the number, but also the severity of hot flashes decreases, and sweating decreases. By removing lactic acid from the body, which stagnates in the muscles and increases a woman’s fatigue, resistance to various ailments increases due to the strengthening of the immune system; Serious stressful situations are successfully controlled; concentration increases and long-term memory strengthens; neuromuscular fatigue is reduced; there is an opportunity to work fruitfully without unnecessary illness.

Will it help with acne?

The dietary supplement is active not only to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and the associated appearance of hyperhidrosis, but also helps regulate mood, prevent the development of insomnia and improve the condition of the skin.

The active component of the drug is the essential amino acid alanine, which is necessary for the synthesis of protein, which is responsible for the youth of tissues and prevents the likelihood of premature aging caused by the oxidative effects of free radicals.

The appearance of acne, associated with age-related hormonal imbalance, is easily eliminated under the influence of Klimalanin, but only if the drug is taken during the premenopausal and menopausal periods. The use of dietary supplements for skin treatment during adolescence and before the onset of menopause symptoms is strictly prohibited.

Women's opinions about the drug

Unlike doctors, who recommend the described drug to most women suffering from menopausal syndrome, patients express a variety of reviews about it: from approving to neutral and even negative. Most of them note that thanks to the amino acid, pulsation in the veins disappears, headaches and fever go away, and blood pressure normalizes. At the same time, overall well-being improves, and the emotional state becomes stable, stressful situations are easier to control, and irritability goes away. But not every lady can be helped by Klimalanin. Reviews from women and doctors indicate that the drug is harmless, but sometimes, due to the individual characteristics of the body, its effect may not be felt. Experts point to the presence of a narrowly targeted effect of the drug associated with the relief of hot flashes, fever and headaches. Hypertension, which is a consequence of the emotional restructuring of the body during menopause, as well as other cardiovascular problems should be solved in combination with the use of cardiac medications and beta-alanine, which improves the woman’s condition.

Medicine climalanin
Commenting on the drug and its side effects on the forums, patients aged 45+ suggest putting another amino acid, Glycine, under the tongue along with the Klimalanin tablet. They claim that this combination, prescribed to them by their doctor, eliminates the tingling in the hands, cheeks and ears that is characteristic of taking β-alanine as a single component. For those who can afford to use alcohol tinctures, herbalists advise including (with the doctor’s approval) a mixture of four herbs: peony, valerian, hawthorn and motherwort. A teaspoon or 20 drops diluted in 100 ml of cool boiled water can be drunk before bed for good rest. The anti-climacteric medicine "Klimalanin", the instructions (the price also does not suit everyone) which contains complete information about the amino acid, can cause neutral and even negative reviews. Some consumers complain that the drug does not help, while for others the dose of three tablets is not enough, as they suffer from severe hot flashes. They also talk about other features of using the drug: in addition to hot flashes (the instructions confirm this), other symptoms do not go away (hypertensive crises, nervous disorders, increased heartbeat). In such cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will adjust the complex therapy, prescribing adequate treatment for cardiac or other problems.

Experts' comments

The anti-climacteric drug "Klimalanin" receives positive reviews from doctors (contraindications to the use of the drug can occur very rarely) on medical forums and in everyday practice. It is, as a rule, well tolerated, does not create excessive stress on internal organs (kidneys and liver), does not provoke the formation of blood clots and the development of cardiovascular pathology, and does not cause fluid retention in the body.

How to take climalanin
The medicine is equally effective in eliminating vegetative symptoms of both natural and artificial menopause. The lack of hormonal activity in the drug “Klimalanin” (reviews from women and doctors confirm this) allows it to be successfully used by cancer patients at different stages of treatment, as well as by patients with a high risk of thromboembolism.

Drug interactions

The instructions do not provide information on the interaction of the drug with other drugs. This means that theoretically it is possible to combine the drug with any other type of therapy, but after a doctor’s prescription and assessment of the condition. During treatment, you should not drink alcohol, this can increase the symptoms of menopause and prolong the time you feel hot flashes.

A woman receives doctor's recommendations about taking Klimalanin

special instructions

The drug is not addictive to the active ingredients. Therapy with Klimalanin can continue throughout the entire period of vasomotor clinical disorders without interruption. The use of tablets does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration, so during treatment you can control mechanisms and transport. The drug should not be used by children.

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Indications for use

To alleviate unwanted symptoms during menopause, women may be prescribed Klimalanin.

Climalanine analogues
The use of the drug according to the instructions should eliminate hot flashes at all stages of the menopausal period; for conditions caused by artificial menopause; for perimenopausal and menopausal dysfunctions of unknown origin (during premenopause and for two years in the village, it can be a successful alternative to HRT if hormonal drugs are contraindicated for a woman due to side effects or there is a fear of the appearance and development of cancer.

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