Instructions for use of the drug Debridat (analogue of Tribux) capsules 150 mg No. 20
Indications for use The main indications of the drug Debridat: pain in the abdomen and pelvis; painful
Omez lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion 40 mg 1 pc. in Moscow
Pharmacodynamics Omeprazole inhibits the enzyme H+-K+-ATPase (“proton pump”) in the parietal cells of the stomach and blocks
tusuprex tablets
The drug "Tusuprex": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
During periods of dampness and cold weather, the incidence of infectious and viral diseases always increases. Usually
Reviews of doctors and patients who took the drug Lozap® Plus
5 positive 1 neutral 1 negative Write a review Your rating for the drug: (8 votes, average:
Ftorotan: instructions for use of the solution
Pharmacological action of Ftorotan According to the instructions, Ftorotan contains a strong active substance for inhalation anesthesia -
Belgian vaccine Priorix: composition, instructions for use and price
Priorix is ​​an imported vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps. Manufacturer – GlaxoSmithKline
Means for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract Pilobact
Pilobact is a highly effective remedy for treating stomach ulcers.
Release form and composition Pilobact is produced in the form of a combined set of tablets and capsules (according to
Rupafin instructions for use
"Rupafin": instructions for use. "Rupafin": reviews from doctors
Release form and composition of "Rupafin" are round tablets of pinkish color. Main active ingredient
effect of the drug on the body
Hofitol: indications for use and contraindications
Composition One Hofitol tablet contains 200 mg of dried aqueous extract of Cynara leaves
Betasalik ointment for external application approx. in a tube 15g in a pack. No. 1 (betamethasone + salicylic acid)
Pharmacological properties of the drug Betasalik Pharmacodynamics. A drug that has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiallergic, keratolytic, antimicrobial effects. Betamethasone
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