Lactic acid bacteria are a powerful boost for a broken digestive system and weakened immune system.
Dehydration: symptoms in adults and children
Dehydration (dehydration) is a pathological process that involves the body losing a significant amount of fluid,
Demalan is a modern dermatological drug in the treatment of demodicosis
January 16, 2021 Dermatology Ulyana Romanova Demalan ointment is a dermatotropic preparation for local
citeal in gynecology
Citeal solution for external approx. 250ml bottle No. 1
Composition The active ingredients in 100 ml of the drug include: 0.1 g - chlorhexidine
Temperature 39 in an adult
Reasons for temperature rise to 38 - 38.9 in adults
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author U
Menstruation during menopause
Menstruation during menopause. How it goes, how long, symptoms, how to cause, restore
When the reproductive function of the female body begins to fade, a radical hormonal change occurs, which gradually causes
alcohol iodine solution 5
Alcohol solution of iodine: instructions and use
Pharmacological action How does an alcohol solution of iodine work? Elemental iodine can have a pronounced antimicrobial effect.
Pros and cons of Biovital
Vitamin complex Biovital: instructions, composition and benefits, analogues
Is it worth buying vitamin complexes or will it be enough to eat fresh vegetables and
Ornidazole tablets
The use of Ornidazole for the treatment of protozoal and bacterial infections
The drug Ornidazole is a drug with antibacterial and antiprotozoal action. Detrimental effect on anaerobic
eucabal balm and syrup
Eucabal in the form of syrup, emulsion (balm): instructions for use, prices, reviews
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the existing components of the drug, fructose intolerance. The syrup is not recommended for children under
The drug Dikrasin - composition, instructions, contraindications and reviews
204 Bruises and sprains, inflammatory processes - they accompany a person’s life journey. There's no such thing
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