Mycoplasma in women - first symptoms and treatment of infection

This is one of the types of microorganisms that differ from other representatives in their small size. Unlike many other representatives of microflora, they do not have a cell wall, which is one of the main protective mechanisms.

Woman and image of mycoplasma

They belong to the gram-negative representatives. Three main types have pathogenic properties in humans. At the same time, in gynecological practice, the species Genitalium deserves special attention, which shows tropism for the genitourinary tract of both women and men.

Due to their structural features, they cannot be classified as either viruses or bacteria. It manifests its vital activity on the mucous membranes of various organs.

They pose a great danger due to the fact that they penetrate through any biological barrier. This is important when planning pregnancy for a woman who has a history of microplasma infection.

In the environment they turn out to be unstable, and even under the influence of certain factors they can die instantly. They exhibit better stability at low ambient temperatures. For better penetration into the body, they have pathogenicity factors such as hemagglutinin and hemolysins.

What is mycoplasmosis?

MycoplasmaThis is one of the types of infectious process, which is characterized by damage to the urogenital tract.
It can affect both men and women equally. Most often, mycoplasmas are diagnosed in female representatives, for the most part this is due to the structural features of the organs of these systems.

The pathogen is easily treated with antibacterial agents after it is identified using laboratory methods.

It can lead to the development of pathologies of various organs and systems; a greater number of complications are associated with the course of pregnancy against the background of the presence of mycoplasma in the body.

This infection provokes spontaneous miscarriages, infertility, and pathologies of the fetus.

Reasons for development

Urogenital mycoplasmosis is caused by 2 microorganisms, namely:

  • Ureaplasma urealiticum;
  • mycoplasma hominis.

The pathogens were first identified back in 1937, and since then the search has been on for a therapy that will help completely destroy the bacteria. The causes of mycoplasmosis can be different: sexual, contact, nutritional.

Since mycoplasmas do not carry any pathogenic properties, that is why they are conventionally classified as pathogenic microorganisms. They do not provoke the development of any infections and can live in the body of an absolutely healthy person.

Mycoplasmas in a stained medium under a microscope

In order for bacteria to progress to the development of mycoplasmosis, there must be some provoking factors. They first begin to reproduce when the body’s defenses weaken.

The following can lead to this:

  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • development of chronic diseases or infections;
  • emotional or physical overload;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • living in a bad climate.

Frequent or prolonged use of antibiotics, as well as pregnancy in women, can provoke the development of bacteria.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis

Routes of infection

Infection with mycoplasma occurs in several ways, among which the main ones are aerosol, contact and vertical entry of the pathogen into the body.

Routes of infection:

  • The most common route of transmission at present is sexual. Mycoplasma is acquired through contact with a sick person without protective equipment. The possibility of charging will depend on several factors of the body, one of the components is the state of immunity, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in the urogenital tract and the amount of pathogen.
  • The oral route is possible if there is oral sex in a person’s life. The ascending path occurs when mycoplasma penetrates the placenta of a woman who is its carrier. In this case, the accumulation of the pathogen occurs in the amniotic fluid. The risk of infection of a newborn during passage through the birth canal is quite low.
  • Hematogenous infection is possible through contact with the blood of a sick person, as well as through transfusion of donor plasma.
  • Translocation transfer of a pathogen through transition from one organ to another.
  • The everyday way is one of the most rare cases. Theoretically, it can occur through the use of other people's personal hygiene items, as well as through untreated medical instruments.

How does mycoplasmosis infection occur?

How does mycoplasmosis infection occur?

Transmission of genital mycoplasmosis occurs through sexual contact, and there is also a possibility of infection through the use of common household items. Transmission of pulmonary disease occurs through airborne droplets. Mycoplasma colonies can pass from mother to fetus during childbirth, during blood transfusion or organ transplantation.

The route of transmission largely depends on the type of bacterium. For example, mycoplasma hominis is transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse or during childbirth, as contact with infected mucous membranes is necessary.

There is an opinion that the infection can be contracted from sick cats or dogs. Currently, these data have not been confirmed, since none of the causative agents of the disease in pets affects humans. Infection from animals is impossible.

Causes of occurrence in women

There are quite a lot of them:

  • Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact without the use of protective equipment with a person infected with this pathology. The type of sex in this case does not matter much, since it occurs during oral, vaginal and anal contact. In most cases, this links inflammation caused by mycoplasma in other organs.
  • A case of reinfection.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules when visiting public places is associated with the likelihood of the pathogen spreading and becoming infected. These include swimming pools, baths, saunas, restaurants, gyms. In such establishments, preventive measures and disinfection methods must be carefully observed.
  • Insufficiently thorough treatment , as well as the use of drugs to which mycoplasma has developed resistance.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women

In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic, so a woman can carry the pathogen in her body for a long time and not be aware of the pathology.

The appearance of signs of the disease does not always indicate a recent infection; in most cases, the pathological process is activated after exposure to unfavorable factors on the body. These may be diseases that reduce the body's defenses, autoimmune pathologies, stress or environmental factors.


  • Most often it is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the vagina , cervix, and its mucous membrane. Such a serious problem as sluggish oophoritis can lead to the formation of infertility or the development of adhesions in the ovaries.
  • On the part of the reproductive system, mycoplasma is characterized by the appearance of discharge that has a transparent color , is not abundant and is characterized by itching and burning during urination, as well as painful sexual intercourse. From the internal organs, this is a feeling of nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • When the urinary system is involved in the pathological process, cystitis and pyelonephritis develop . In women, body temperature almost always rises, urination becomes painful with pain and discomfort in the lumbar region.
  • Infertility can be associated with both an inflammatory process and menstrual irregularities.
  • During pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage , fetoplacental insufficiency, chorioamnionitis, polyhydramnios, and premature birth increases. Most often, children from mothers infected with mycoplasmas are born prematurely; many have extragenital pathology.

Main symptoms of mycoplasma infection

coughOften the symptoms of the disease are so weak that even a doctor cannot recognize the infection.
In the early stages of the disease, it may look like a cold or flu. Mycoplasmosis is usually accompanied by a persistent cough and fatigue that can last for months. Typical symptoms:

  1. Headache;
  2. fever;
  3. sore throat;
  4. fatigue;
  5. drowsiness;
  6. dry continuous cough.

The cough usually worsens at night, changing from dry to moderately productive with a change in the color of the sputum: white, yellowish, greenish.
If mycoplasma is not recognized and treated, it can lead to bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, ear infections, sinusitis, and in very rare cases, heart and brain infections.

Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy

In most cases, women are diagnosed with mycoplasmosis already during pregnancy, when registration occurs.
This is most often due to the fact that only a small number of women turn to specialists for pre-conception preparation.

First of all, mycoplasma can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy; from an early stage, such women are at risk of miscarriage.

During its development, the placenta changes in structure and also acquires functional defects.

With the development of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the external and internal genital organs, there is a possibility of the pathogen penetrating through the placental tissue and developing inflammation in the amniotic fluid and membranes. There is also a threat of damage to the fetus, manifested by sepsis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, as well as a decrease in the functioning of the immune system.

How does it affect pregnancy?

Mycoplasmosis is dangerous for the health of a pregnant woman, as it causes rejection of the fertilized egg and leads to the development of a miscarriage. Also, the causative agent of an infectious disease can be transmitted to a child in utero. In this case, the perinatal form of the pathology in question develops. Since a sexually transmitted infection cannot be eliminated without the use of antibiotics, pregnant women should receive treatment only after childbirth. The reason is the high probability of penetration of antibacterial drugs through the placental barrier, causing harm to the fetus. Even the use of the antibiotic Josamycin can lead to the development of anatomical defects in a child. The risk to the fetus from administering this drug is greater than the benefit to the mother.

Types of mycoplasma

There are several types of microplasma infection.

First of all, these are several types of process flow:

  • An acute process , which is characterized by vivid symptoms and pronounced signs of inflammation.
  • Subacute or chronic. The symptoms will be mildly expressed, the woman may not pay attention to them until complications develop or a period of exacerbation.
  • Hidden current. The diagnosis of mycoplasma is established only with the help of laboratory tests.

Type of infection depending on the damage to the anatomical area:

  • Respiratory damage. Spread of mycoplasma throughout the respiratory system.
  • Urogenital. Mycoplasma in this case is found on the genitals, as well as all organs of the urinary system.


To differentiate mycoplasmosis depending on the form of its development, doctors use a modern pathology classification system. Taking this into account, the disease is divided into respiratory, urogenital and generalized types. Each of them differs in the way of infection, has features of progression, clinical manifestation and further treatment.


The second definition of this form of mycoplasmosis is pulmonary. Inflammation occurs in the form of pneumonia and bronchitis. The period from the moment the pathogen enters the body until the appearance of initial symptoms is 1-2 weeks. Signs of the disease are a debilitating cough, high body temperature, shortness of breath. Initially, there is no sputum. But as the infectious process progresses, a viscous purulent secretion is produced, making breathing difficult. The duration of treatment for mycoplasma bronchitis or pneumonia can reach 3 months. To eliminate the pathology, in addition to other medications, the patient is recommended to administer antifungal agents.


A common form of mycoplasmosis, in which the infectious process covers the organs of the urinary and reproductive system of a woman or man. The period from the moment pathogenic microflora enters the urogenital tract until the first appearance of symptoms takes from 3 days to 3 weeks. This form of infection is divided into 3 stages - acute, asymptomatic, chronic.

Primary symptoms that attract attention:

  • urinary disturbance
  • pain syndrome
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle

Patients believe that the deterioration in well-being is due to the development of cystitis, and use drugs aimed at eliminating this disease. Such therapy only helps to suppress the severity of symptoms, because the main cause of problems with the urinary system is the presence of a sexually transmitted infection. Urogenital mycoplasmosis is dangerous for the development of multiple complications, including inflammation of the joints. The chronic form of the infectious process always causes problems of reproductive origin.


The most dangerous form of the pathology in question, since it affects almost all life-support organs. This type of disease leads to kidney, liver and heart failure. Additionally, the nervous system, skin, musculoskeletal system, and parts of the digestive tract suffer. Due to extensive damage to brain tissue, its condition and activity are disrupted. Treatment of a patient with established generalized mycoplasmosis is carried out in the intensive care unit. This is explained by the high severity of symptoms and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome. Survival rate for generalized infection is low.

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Since mycoplasmosis is very often asymptomatic, it is detected in most cases after a random examination. But in some cases, the doctor may suspect the presence of an infectious process based on medical history or the presence of various diseases that often recur.

Women with infertility, as well as cases of miscarriage and the development of defects in children deserve special attention.


  • To make a diagnosis, an examination by a specialist is required , as well as clarification of the health status of the sexual partner. A gynecologist can assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix, as well as the nature of the discharge and the degree of inflammation. A mandatory point is the collection of biological material for further research.
  • If necessary, consultation with a urologist or dermatovenerologist may be required.
  • Several laboratory tests can be used at once. One of them is bacteriological culture of vaginal contents. In this case, mycoplasmas are not detected, but the presence of a concomitant infection can be determined or the nature of the microflora can be assessed.
  • Polymerase chain reaction. A diagnostic method for determining the presence and quantity of the pathogen; if necessary, additional reproduction occurs in order to type the strain. The assessment is made on the basis of genetic material obtained from microorganisms.
  • Serological studies evaluate the reaction of the immune system , they clarify the nature of the inflammatory process, whether it is fresh or already experienced.
  • Instrumental methods are not required to detect mycoplasmosis.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Pregnancy and mycoplasmosis

I had such a situation in my life when a child was stillborn. Not long ago I again found out that I was pregnant, but during the examination I was diagnosed with mycoplasma. Tell me, how dangerous is this and what should I do?

If necessary, mycoplasmosis during pregnancy is treated after 16 weeks. As for the risk to the child and pregnancy, it all depends on the clinical situation: if there are no symptoms, then no treatment is required. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment of mycoplasma


The basis of therapy for microplasma infection is antibacterial agents; it is recommended to select them after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to the substances.

They can be taken systemically as monotherapy or in combination with local drugs. The course of treatment is also selected individually.

The most common antibiotics used for mycoplasma include:

  • Sumamed is an erythromycin drug that combines several effects. Acts predominantly on gram-positive bacteria. The mechanism of action is based on the accumulation of the drug in the cells, with a high concentration remaining precisely in those parts where the cells are affected by the pathogen. The concentration of sumamed in plasma is lower than intracellular. It is due to this property that the fight against intracellular microorganisms occurs. The course of treatment is usually not long, on average it can range from 3 to 5 days, this is due to the fact that the drug remains in the cells for several days and continues its effect without new portions entering the blood. Pregnant women are allowed to take it only if the benefit outweighs the possible risk.
  • Azithromycin. A drug with a bactericidal mechanism of action that acts primarily on the site of pathogen concentration. It is highly effective against diseases of the genitourinary tract, which is why it is often used against sexually transmitted infections. The only drawback of the erythromycin group of drugs is that a large number of bacteria have developed pronounced resistance to them. The average course of therapy is a week, the advantage is a single use, i.e. The break between doses is 24 hours.
  • Doxycycline. Doxycycline, which is prescribed for mycoplasma for two weeks, has a similar mechanism of action. The advantage of taking it is that it is approved for use during pregnancy. It also has a solution form that is administered intravenously.
  • Unidox. A drug that is used for various diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. It shows its effectiveness only during an active process, when the metabolism of cell membranes and their destruction, as well as the destruction of dividing cells, are disrupted. It does not show its effectiveness when carried, without the active manifestation of the process. The Solutab form provides high bioavailability. Already two hours after consumption, the manifestation of its effect begins.
  • Vilprafen , a drug from the group of macrolides that are highly effective against mycoplasmas. It disrupts the processes of protein synthesis in bacteria. Within a few days after administration, the required amount of the product accumulates. But nevertheless, the course is at least two weeks in order to destroy the pathogen at all stages of development.
  • Amoxiclav , a product with a combined composition. It is highly stable due to the presence of clavulonic acid, which protects penicillin from destruction by bacteria. It tends to accumulate in the tissues of the genital organs and pass through the placenta, so in some cases it will be contraindicated for use. It is recommended to take at different intervals, depending on the chosen dosage.
  • Tetracycline. The drug is prescribed only after the sensitivity of mycoplasma to it has been determined. It has a large number of side effects and contraindications; it is not recommended to use during pregnancy.









Insufficient attention is paid to the local treatment of mycoplasmosis, since most specialists ignore and consider this method ineffective. But as practice shows, it is drugs with a limited mechanism of action that will help solve the problem in difficult situations.

One of them is the period of pregnancy, when the doctor is faced with a dilemma between whether to take drugs for a woman from the group of antibiotics, or to refuse treatment altogether and weigh the possible risks.

In most cases, it is systemic drugs that are contraindicated during this period. Therefore, topical drugs come to the rescue.

These include both specific agents and general ones. The latter include suppositories or tablets that destroy all the flora in a woman’s vagina, that is, in addition to mycoplasma, beneficial bacteria are also killed.

These are tools such as:

  • Betadine. Suppositories containing iodine. This substance has an antiseptic and slightly anti-inflammatory effect. Practice shows that it is quite effective, but has a number of limitations, including the presence of thyroid pathology and pregnancy after the second month. The course of treatment for mycoplasma is no more than two weeks. 1 suppository per day is inserted into the vagina.
  • Hexicon or suppositories with chlorhexidine . The active substance in this case is a powerful antiseptic. The advantage of its use is the effective destruction of microorganisms. It can be prescribed to all people who do not have hypersensitivity to it, and is also allowed to be taken during pregnancy. In some cases, there may be a side effect from taking it, manifested by a violation of the vaginal microflora.
  • In the fight against mycoplasma, immunostimulating agents are effective . The most common among them are Genferon and Viferon . They are necessary for women when both local and systemic defenses are reduced. Among antibacterial agents, ointments are used, for example, Tetracycline . Very often, mycoplasma can be found in the body as a combined problem with other sexually transmitted infections, so additional medications are always required.
  • Another drug that is effective against mycoplasma is Terzhinan . Vaginal tablets, which have a complex composition and mechanism of action, contain antimicrobial and antimycotic agents, in addition, they contain a hormonal part that enhances the effect of the previous substances. It is prescribed for mycoplasma according to the scheme, a course lasting on average 10 - 20 days. It should be noted that in some cases women do not use this drug due to itching and burning. This is not a manifestation of a complex allergic reaction, but an adaptation of the mucous membrane to the drug, so treatment should not be interrupted. In addition, the advantage of the product is the possibility of use during menstruation.








Complications are as follows:

  • The most common are the development of infertility, as well as during pregnancy - premature birth and spontaneous miscarriages at different stages. Disturbances in the functioning of the placenta are very common, which leads to its insufficiency, as well as structural abnormalities. If it does not work properly, oxygen deficiency in the fetus may occur.
  • Chronic endometritis, oophoritis and vaginitis occur in women.
  • When the pulmonary system is affected, the biggest problem is the formation of bronchiectasis, which is an expansion of the walls of the small bronchi.
  • The nervous system is affected by the development of encephalitis and neuritis.
  • The genitourinary system also suffers in the absence of treatment; women experience pyelonephritis, urethritis and cystitis of microplasma etiology.
  • When the fetus is infected with mycoplasma, the formation and further formation of defects in the visual, digestive and nervous systems is disrupted.


Prevention measures:

  • Includes a set of activities that will be aimed at regulating sexual life.
  • First of all, people who want to protect themselves from mycoplasmosis, as well as those who want to prevent the development of relapse, are advised to limit the number of sexual partners.
  • A person with whom a woman has sexual intercourse without protection should be examined for the presence of infections.
  • Avoid casual contact without a condom.
  • Regularly self-examine for the occurrence and treat the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Refusal to provide commercial sex.
  • Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene after visiting public places, mainly baths, saunas and swimming pools.
  • When the body’s immune forces decrease, carry out preventive courses to strengthen them and maintain them normal.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly and get tested for chlamydia and other dangerous infections.


If eliminated in a timely manner, urogenital infection does not lead to an unfavorable prognosis or the development of infertility. The disease can be easily eliminated, but an integrated approach is required:

  • drug effects
  • implementation of hygiene measures
  • dieting
  • temporary cessation of sexual intercourse

To avoid re-infection, both sexual partners should undergo the therapeutic course at the same time. In the generalized form of the pathology, the prognosis is different; in half of the clinical cases it results in death. Due to simultaneous dysfunction of vital organs, irreversible processes may occur. But if you seek medical help in a timely manner, the likelihood of a full recovery increases.

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