Why do your eyes swell in the morning and how to quickly bring them back to normal?

Swelling under and above the eyes is a fairly common problem, especially among women. Naturally, men also suffer from this symptom, but they attach much less importance to it.

It is important to know! Swelling around the eyes is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a symptom of many diseases, including life-threatening ones.

That is why, if you notice that your eyes are swollen, the first thing you should do is not run to the cosmetics store for a new cream, but immediately visit a doctor and find out the cause of this symptom.

Why are the eyes and eyelids prone to swelling?

The physiological structure of the periocular tissue determines the tendency of this area to edema:

  • densely branched vascular network - blood flow itself creates swelling;
  • a large space for retaining tissue and interstitial fluid, formed by excess skin of the eyelids, as well as due to the looseness of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • lack of subcutaneous fat;
  • a small amount of connective tissue - collagen and elastin fibers;
  • constant “work” of the eyelid skin when blinking and closing your eyes;
  • pressure on the eyelids from periorbital fatty tissue;
  • tight attachment of the skin of the forehead, nose and cheeks to the tissues located underneath - if fluid accumulates in these areas, it will flow into the free space - the eyelids and the area under the eyes.

What measures need to be taken

Treatment must be preceded by diagnosis, so it is important to immediately contact a specialist.

Compresses made from tea infusions and medicinal herbs will help relieve inflammation. For allergies that cause puffy eyes, take an antihistamine. Antibacterial drops help eliminate inflammation caused by an infectious pathogen.

Photo 2: Ice cubes and cool lotions will help relieve swelling that appears as a result of overwork and lack of sleep. Do not heat the inflamed area or apply warm compresses. Source: flickr (Sofya Yaruya).

Harmless causes of eye puffiness

In the case where bags under the eyes appear, the cause is not necessarily a disease, perhaps it is the body’s reaction to a certain irritant that does not pose any danger.

Power supply errors
  • If you notice swelling under the eyes in the morning, the reason for this is excessively drinking liquid of any origin at night (tea, coffee, drink, water). The kidneys do not have time to cope with the increased load, and the body distributes the drink to the tissues;
  • Morning swelling of the eyes can also be observed after drinking alcohol, which retains fluid in the cells;
  • Eating excessively salty or spicy or smoked food leads to swelling of the eyelids. As you know, salt and spices actively retain fluid and disrupt the physiological process of its elimination;
  • Insufficient drinking regime during the day gradually leads to the fact that the body begins to compensatoryly store fluid in the tissues, and in the morning in front of the mirror you can see an unpleasant picture of swollen eyes. It turns out that in order to remove bags under the eyes, you need not only not to overdo it with liquid, but also to monitor its normal intake into the body, at least 2-2.5 liters per day.
Body reaction
  • Swollen and swollen eyelids can be observed after severe crying, especially against the background of nervous shock. A protective reaction and increased secretion of tear fluid lead to increased blood flow to this area and excessive accumulation of tissue fluid in the loose tissue of the periocular tissue;
  • Lack of sleep, sleepless nights and interrupted sleep invariably affect both general well-being and appearance;
  • Those who like to sleep without a pillow or even with their heads down may also suffer from swelling of the eyes, since the normal venous and lymphatic drainage from the head is disrupted;
  • Overstrain of the eye muscles during minor work, driving a car, sitting for a long time at the computer, reading and lack of oxygen to nourish muscle tissue lead to swelling;
  • Contact of the eye mucosa with caustic vapors, smoke, or a foreign body causes protective swelling due to increased blood flow to the site of irritation and active work of the lacrimal glands;
  • Tobacco smoke is a toxic mixture of various substances and compounds. Smoking leads to edema, since the smoker experiences constant hypoxia, and the body is clogged with aggressive chemicals;
  • The obvious cause of swelling under the eyes is due to a blow to the eye, forehead, bridge of the nose, or head injury. When swelling is detected under one eye, the reasons may be a traumatic effect on this area. This reason is relatively harmless, since even with apparent well-being, any forceful impact on the eye can lead to serious damage. Tissue exudate forms a protective swelling of the eye, but under certain conditions it can become infected.

Additional provoking factors in women

  • Excessive use of decorative cosmetics and failure to wash them off from the eye area in a timely manner is a common cause of swollen female eyes. And if you don’t wash off your makeup at night, then swollen eyes in the morning are simply guaranteed;
  • Improper use of moisturizing and nourishing eye creams or the use of products for other purposes may also result in swollen eyes. The female habit of applying more cream to the eyelids and nearby skin (and any cream consists of 80-90% water) leads to the cells becoming oversaturated with moisture and swelling;
  • Botox-based beauty injections temporarily impair lymphatic drainage and lead to worsening or appearance of edema;
  • At the end of the menstrual cycle, it is common for the female body to retain fluid and deposit it in the tissues due to the action of estrogens;
  • Late pregnancy is often associated with bags under the eyes, since both salt and drunk water have difficulty leaving the body, because the kidneys have to work harder.

Physiological reasons

  • Age-related changes in the skin and musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the eye, increased fat deposition, alas, can also be manifested by swelling of the eyelids;
  • Individual feature of the eyelids. Sometimes you can observe such people in society, with what appears to be slightly swollen eyelids. This structure of the eyelids with excess fatty tissue is often inherited, but does not affect the general health in any way.


Prevention measures are largely aimed at normalizing lifestyle:

  • dietary recommendations with limiting the consumption of salty and spicy foods, limiting fluid intake at night;
  • compliance with the optimal daily routine, work and rest schedule;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • if you have a history of allergies, try to avoid contact with allergens;
  • proper eye hygiene;
  • compliance with the rules for using contact lenses;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases (heart, kidneys).

Causes of pathological edema

Swelling of the face that is observed for a long time and does not go away is highly likely to indicate some kind of disease or pathological condition of the body. Such a striking symptom accompanies many diseases and should not be ignored.

Allergic reaction

This cause of swollen eyelids is multifactorial, since cosmetics and the environment, chlorinated water, light, contact lenses, food products can act as an allergen (see in detail allergies to the skin around the eyes). If contact with the allergen is constant, then swelling will be observed for a long period. More often, the allergic reaction is short-term and quickly passes after contact with its root cause is eliminated. In addition to swelling, you may experience:

  • itching or pain in the eyes, constant watery eyes
  • red eyes, photophobia
  • sneezing, nasal congestion, copious mucous discharge from the nose.

Allergic swelling quickly passes, but also quickly returns again upon repeated contact with the allergen. How to get rid of bags under the eyes of allergic etiology?

  • avoiding contact with allergens that lead to swelling;
  • taking antihistamines - Suprastin, Loratodin, Cetrin, Zyrtec, Fenistil, Zodak, Lekrolin (see allergy medications)
  • in severe cases, the use of local corticosteroid drugs in the form of ointments, creams (see ointments for psoriasis);
  • the use of decongestants - Okumetil, Visina, Octilia;
  • immunotherapy with small doses of allergen.
Eye diseases

Diseases of the eyes and eyelids also lead to swelling localized on the side of the affected eye. Such diseases include: oncological neoplasm in the eye, scleritis, ptosis, trypanosomiasis, blepharitis, eversion of the eyelid.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory swelling that occurs as a result of an infectious process occurring in nearby anatomical structures. Thus, the causes of swelling under the left eye may lie in the inflammatory process in the left-sided sinuses of the nose. Also, unilateral swelling is characteristic of inflammation of the tooth and gums. Swelling of one eye can be associated with conjunctivitis, phlegmon, inflammation of the lacrimal gland, facial nerve, eyelash bulb and periorbital tissue.

Treatment of inflammatory edema. Inflammatory processes in the eye area and on the face in general pose a serious danger, since the branched vascular network contributes to the rapid spread of infection to nearby tissues and even to the brain. Treatment necessarily includes antibiotic therapy, which is prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microbes. In the absence of a purulent component, physiotherapeutic treatment is possible: dry heat, laser, magnetic therapy.

Herniated disc

An intervertebral hernia located in the cervical region is also a likely cause of unilateral eye swelling. Accompanying pathologies will be:

  • frequent headaches, goosebumps
  • muscle weakness, lack of coordination
  • disturbances of innervation in the form of loss of sensitivity along the location of the nerves;
  • stiffness and pain in the cervical spine.

A hernia in the cervical spine may be asymptomatic for a long time and swelling may be the only evidence of poor health. Treatment for IVD hernia includes:

  • load limitation, special gymnastics
  • complex drug treatment (painkillers, steroidal and non-steroidal PVA, muscle relaxants, antidepressants)
  • manual therapy, acupuncture, massage
  • surgical excision
Kidney diseases

Kidney diseases leading to their functional failure. In this case, swelling of the eyes will be accompanied by swelling of the entire face. In the morning you can see imprints from the bed on your face and evenly swollen eyes. Progression of the disease leads to swelling in the legs, abdomen, lower back and genitals.

A feature of renal edema is that it moves from one part to another when changing body position, which is why they are called “free-floating.”

In addition to edema, the following may be observed: hypertension, dysuria, daily decrease in urine volume, dark urine. Renal edema is the most persistent and difficult to treat. For the treatment of kidney pathology the following is used:

  • antispasmodics - No-shpa, Spasgan, Bespa;
  • uroantiseptics – Fitolysin, Canephron;
  • cytostatics – Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide;
  • diuretics – Furosemide, Hypothiazide.
Liver diseases

With such health problems, the hands, especially the fingers, also swell. In addition, you may experience:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth
  • nausea and heartburn (see heartburn pills)
  • jaundice of the sclera, skin (see causes of jaundice)
  • unpleasant belching, dark urine, light stool

The liver does not signal diseases for a very long time, since it is capable of self-healing, but only up to a certain time. For the treatment of liver pathologies, the following are used:

  • hepatoprotectors - Legalon, Essentiale Forte, Karsil, Levolin, Chofitol (see the complete list of all medications for the liver).
  • choleretic drugs – Gepafit, Olimetin, Flamin.
Cardiovascular pathology

Heart problems are manifested by both swollen eyes and swollen legs in the area of ​​​​the ankles and legs, especially with a long forced position of the body and in the late afternoon. An examination may reveal an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The following symptoms are also concerning: pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, vascular butterfly on the skin of the cheeks.

Vascular pathology signals its presence by blueness and pallor of the skin, as well as swelling under the eyes. Due to the disruption of the outflow of venous blood from the face and head, unilateral edema appears. Problems with blood vessels are manifested by constant hypertension or fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, cold skin of the hands and feet. Cardiac and vascular edema require constant treatment and monitoring of the patient's condition by doctors. Depending on the pathology, the following may be prescribed:

  • antihypertensive drugs – Enalapril, Lisinopril, Ramipril, Captopril;
  • diuretics – Hypothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Bekvorin;
  • cardiac glycosides – Digoxin, Novodigal, Strophanthin K.
Vitamin B5 deficiency

Hypovitaminosis (see vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis: symptoms, treatment) of pantothenic acid manifests itself:

  • fatigue, headaches, migraines
  • depression, insomnia
  • numbness of the toes, muscle pain, especially in the legs

In this case, it is enough to compensate for the vitamin deficiency by taking appropriate medications (Brewer's yeast, Calcium pantothenate) and prevent further deficiency states by enriching the diet with green vegetables, buckwheat, oatmeal, hazelnuts, milk, eggs.

The child has

If a child has a swollen eye, what causes this? It should be noted that it would not be particularly correct to divide the causes into children’s and adults’. Most often they are universal. But it would be logical to highlight the most common of them in the form of abscess of the lacrimal sac, renal edema, trauma and phlegmon of the eye, as well as allergic edema and Quincke's edema. Quite often the latter is observed in children under 12 years of age. This is explained by the fact that the child’s body is the most sensitive to the aggressive effects of various environmental factors. The same applies to injuries, since children are more active than adults.

Let's take a closer look at these causes of eye puffiness:

  1. Abscess of the lacrimal sac. This disease manifests itself in the form of severe discharge of pus and tears, soreness, swelling of the eyelids and redness, as well as increased temperature of the skin. The problem is considered a consequence of the most advanced congenital or acquired dacryocystitis.
  2. Injury. A child may fall while running in the yard or in physical education class. There is also a risk that he might simply fight with someone, especially if we are talking about boys. First, a bruise appears on the affected area, which fades over time and leaves behind swelling.
  3. Impaired kidney function. The eye can become swollen due to pyelonephritis, sand and salts in this organ, microliths, renal failure, as well as severe intoxication. All these ailments are accompanied by severe itching of the eyelids, which intensifies in the morning. In parallel with this, inflammation and pallor appear. The problem will be most pronounced after sleeping for a long time on one side. This is why your right eye is swollen if you sleep on your right side.
  4. Phlegmon. This pathology of the orbit is a purulent serious inflammation of the orbital tissue on the mucous membrane, which is accompanied by migraine, severe nausea, hyperemia of the eyelids, blurred vision, high temperature of the skin and severe limitations in the mobility of the eyeball.
  5. Quincke's edema. The disease is mainly localized in the chest area, legs and arms, affecting the face only in rare cases. The development of the disease is very rapid, it literally takes 1-2 days. This does not change the skin tone. The severity of the symptom lies only in the difficulty of opening the eye.
  6. Allergy after an insect bite. Quite often our health is threatened by flies and mosquitoes, wild wasps and bees, and bedbugs. The affected area will not necessarily be on the face. The insect can also bite on the neck. The problem area begins to become inflamed, red, and itchy.

So, we have looked at the main reasons why people notice that their eyes are swollen. What to do in this case? We'll talk about this later.

Diagnosis of the cause of eye puffiness

Even in the absence of other symptoms, it is recommended to visit a doctor, since many diseases are hidden, especially in the early stages. The diagnostic search includes a number of mandatory studies:

  • OAK and OAM, ECG
  • Biochemical blood test
  • X-ray and CT scan of the skull
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs, if necessary CT

Further in-depth studies are prescribed in accordance with the expected diagnosis. If a pathological cause of bags under the eyes is discovered, treatment is prescribed in each specific case that affects the disease itself. Unfortunately, not in all cases, treatment of the identified pathology leads to an improvement in appearance. The chronic course of diseases, especially of the heart and blood vessels, and kidneys, will be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. The main thing in this case is to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions so as not to trigger the underlying disease, and you can try to fight the swelling on your own.

Types of swelling

Considering the wide range of causes, the following types of edema of the upper eyelid are distinguished.


They develop when exposed to infectious agents, viruses and bacteria. They can be one or two-sided. Accompanied by redness of the skin and pain.


The causes may be diseases of internal organs, lifestyle features, and physiological factors. Such swelling is always bilateral, most pronounced in the morning. No additional symptoms are found.


Occurs upon contact with allergens. They are characterized by rapid development, affect one or both eyes, involve other parts of the face, and are painless.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetology has many new methods that help get rid of puffiness under the eyes. It is worth noting that they are really effective, but the effect of the procedures does not last long, and you have to repeat them again and again. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you visit a cosmetologist at least once, you will return to him more than once.

  • Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy in the eye area (mesh method or back-trace method) is a procedure for introducing various drugs (vitamin complexes, amino acids, homeopathic compounds) under the skin or inside the skin. It is necessary to repeat the course of procedures up to 8-10 times once a week.

  • Cryolifting

Cryolifting of problem areas is a targeted and short-term exposure to cold, bringing tissue cells into a stressful state and forcing them to activate metabolic processes, incl. remove excess liquid. The method has good reviews and has virtually no contraindications.


Thus, it is very difficult to quickly find out why a person experiences swelling around the eyes. The first thing to do is to analyze your lifestyle and diet to understand whether you have factors that can cause harmless physiological swelling. If such are found, do everything to get rid of them, and special cosmetic care products, massage, gymnastics, and cold compresses will help you do this. If the swelling is constant or pronounced, or additional pathological symptoms are observed, immediately seek help from a doctor. The specialist will prescribe additional examinations and, according to the diagnosis, draw up an individual treatment program. The sooner you identify

Cream for bags under eyes

There are more than enough products for this purpose on the cosmetics market. Some manufacturers produce their products in convenient packages with roller application of the drug, and supply them with miniature vibrating massagers. Many of them contain plant extracts and are practically devoid of chemical components. However, it should be borne in mind that medicinal plants can be the very irritants that cause allergies and swelling.

  • To quickly achieve the effect, creams containing caffeine help - Green Coffee, Bark, Garnier Caffeine Roller Gel for the skin around the eyes.
  • For periodic swelling, products with horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastane are recommended - eye cream (against swelling and bags under the eyes) Green Pharmacy, Delicate Soufflé, Belita-Vitex Lift Intense roller lifting gel for eyelids.
  • To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, you should choose products with vitamin K and special whitening pigments - JANSSEN, Eye Cream with Vit. K & Matrixyl by New Youth.

Diet for edema

By reviewing your diet and eliminating overly salty and spicy foods, balancing your drinking regimen and giving up drinks late in the evening, you can acquire a healthy appearance in 2-3 days. Moreover, not only facial swelling will go away, but also dull skin, sagging cheeks and bad mood. It’s not for nothing that they say – we are what we eat. Every harmful product will certainly affect your appearance, and will not beautify it.

Proper eyelid skin care

Any, even the most expensive, cosmetics should be removed from the eyelids in a timely manner. Special tonics and lotions should be used for these purposes, but you should forget about washing your eyes with bar soap once and for all. The skin of the eyelids is perhaps the most delicate and most sensitive on our body, and its care should be gentle and careful.

Despite progressive times, many ladies still moisturize the skin of their eyelids with conventional creams that are not intended to care for this area. This is a big mistake, since there will definitely be no benefit from such a procedure, but swelling in the morning is guaranteed.

But eyelid skin care creams should also be used correctly. You don't need to apply a lot of cream, you can't rub it in. Application of the cream should be carried out using point movements of the fingertips, with light distribution over the skin. Any cream can cause allergies, so before applying it to your eyelids, test your sensitivity to its components on the skin of your wrist.

Massage and exercises for swollen eyes

Every morning it is recommended to carry out a light massage of the eyelid area for 2-3 minutes: with the pads of your fingers, light tapping movements are carried out in both directions. The fact is that lymph from the eye area leaves along two paths - to the parotid (to the temple) and submandibular (to the bridge of the nose) lymph nodes. This massage not only activates the flow of lymph, but also helps push it into the regional lymph nodes.

After applying the eye cream, several precise pressing movements are made along the edge of the eye orbit and light surging (point pressure without effort) of the central lymph node located between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. This will tone the orbicularis oculi muscle and improve the outflow of lymph and venous blood from the eyelids.

Special gymnastics, which should be repeated 2-4 times during the day, is a prevention and a way to combat swelling. You need to close your eyes and place your index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, fix them in such a way that there are no skin folds or wrinkles under them. Then you need to close your eyes tightly and hold them in this position for about 6 seconds, and then relax your eyelids. The frequency of approaches is 10 times.

Therapy for a number of diseases

Treatment differs for different diseases.

For barley

Barley is an infectious disease, so the basis of treatment is antibacterial drugs in the form of eye drops (Tobrex, Tsiprolet, Levomycetin, Albucid) and ointments (Tetracycline, Erythromycin). The prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs (Hydrocortisone ointment) is justified. Drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac. Ointments are applied to the lower eyelid despite the location of the stye.

With multiple formations of barley or with its internal localization, it is sometimes necessary to resort to surgical intervention. The barley is opened and its cavity is subsequently drained.

After surgical treatment, systemic antibiotics are indicated orally (Amoxiclav) or intramuscularly (Ceftriaxone). Auxiliary methods such as compresses, for example, with chamomile, are used only in the initial stages of the disease before purulent contents appear.

For conjunctivitis

Treatment for viral and bacterial conjunctivitis is different.

The most effective remedy for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis is Ophthalmoferon drops. The drug has antiviral as well as antibacterial activity, which makes it possible to prevent bacterial complications. It is possible to prescribe other drugs: Poludan drops, Okoferon and Aktipol.

At night, it is recommended to put special ointments that have antiviral activity behind the eyelid: Florenal, Tebrofen, Virolex, Zovirax, Acyclovir and others. It is recommended to wash the eyes with antiseptic solutions (furacilin) ​​several times a day before instilling drops. In this case, each eye is wiped with a separate swab.

For the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs in the form of drops are indicated (Tobrex, Tsiprolet, Levomycetin, Floxal). At night, apply antibacterial ointments (Tetracycline, Erythromycin) behind the eyelid. Similarly, with the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, daily eye rinsing with antiseptic solutions is carried out.

Treatment of conjunctivitis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in compliance with the recommended dosages of drugs and the duration of their use.

For blepharoconjunctivitis

Treatment includes antibacterial and antiviral agents, depending on the etiology of the disease, and washing the eyes with antiseptic solutions.

For trachoma

Treatment includes the prescription of sulfonamide drugs (sulfadimethoxine, sulfapyridazine) and antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments (Tetracycline, Erythromycin). Ointments are applied several times a day for 2-3 months.

Conservative treatment should be combined with mechanical manipulation of the conjunctiva (squeezing out trachomatous follicles with special Bellarminov or Donberg tweezers). Complications of trachoma in the form of scar changes are treated surgically (correction of volvulus, eversion of the eyelid, corneal plastic surgery for cataracts).

For allergic swelling

The standard of treatment includes antihistamines in the form of eye drops (Lecrolin, Cromohexal, Alomide, Histimed). In more severe cases, drops and ointments containing glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone) are prescribed.

Tablet forms of antihistamines (Claritin, Cetrin and many others) are also used. In the most difficult situations, oral and parenteral corticosteroids are recommended.

REFERENCE! If allergic swelling of the eyelids develops, the allergen should be identified and eliminated.

Folk remedies for swollen eyes

Folk remedies for bruises and swelling under the eyes for the lazy

Lack of time or simple human laziness develops a skeptical attitude towards all recipes that require several steps and free minutes. The modern range of packaged herbal teas eliminates the need to make infusions yourself. You just need to purchase herbal tea from any of the raw materials described above. The resulting tea can be used as a lotion, and the herbal bags can be used as compresses and lotions.

If you don’t have time for procedures, you can apply silver spoons to your closed eyes for a few minutes in the morning. The effect will not be long in coming.

Contrast eye lotions

As you know, temperature contrast perfectly tones tissues and also enhances lymphatic drainage. You can use regular boiled water, or you can use herbal infusions that will enhance the effect of the procedure - chamomile, cornflower, sage, linden or dill. Decoctions of arnica, horsetail and string also work well. To prepare the infusion, take a teaspoon of plant material and pour half a glass of boiling water, after 10 minutes the infusion is ready.

For the procedure you will need cotton pads or gauze pads. The infusion or water is placed in two containers, one part is cooled and the second is heated. Hot and cold compresses should be alternated, leaving the wipes on the eyes for 10 minutes. It is optimal to carry out this procedure before going to bed for a month, and if there is a tendency to swelling - regularly, 2-3 times a week.

Treatment options

How to get rid of puffiness under the eyes? If your eyelids periodically swell in the morning for no apparent reason, you should seek help from a professional. First of all, visit a therapist, who, based on the examination and test results, can suggest how to deal with this problem independently, at home, or give a referral to a specialist for further examination and treatment: a urologist, gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, etc. d.

General approach

Just wash your face with cold waterJust wash your face with cold water.
What to do with swollen eyes after sleep? If a medical examination does not reveal any diseases that can cause swelling of the eyelids in the morning, the following will help cope with the problem:

  • Cold compress . It is enough to briefly apply pieces of gauze soaked in cold water to swollen eyes for their condition to significantly improve.
  • Contrast eye bath . For it you will need two containers: one with warm and the other with cold water. In each of them, you should alternately wet a towel and apply it to your eyes for 1-2 minutes. After repeating the procedure several times, at the end you need to wash your face with water at a comfortable temperature.
  • Massage . We are talking about the effect on the eye area: you need to move in a circle, first from the outside of the lower eyelid to the inside, and then in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid. To get the effect, lightly tapping the skin with the pads of your ring fingers is enough. During the massage, you can use essential oils with invigorating aromas, diluted with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Facial gymnastics . Its task is to reduce the amount of fluid accumulated under the eyelids and activate lymph flow. To do this, you need to perform simple exercises every morning, for example, opening your eyes and looking up, lifting your lower eyelids with your fingertips for a few seconds, or tightly closing your eyes for 2 seconds, and then opening them wide, blinking quickly and rotating them. And in order not only to eliminate swelling, but also to improve your mood, you can simply make faces in front of the mirror, making funny faces and at the same time increasing blood circulation in the problem area.

In addition, you can get rid of swelling caused by stagnation of lymph and blood in the morning by “dispersing” your body as a whole. For this, a contrast or just a cool shower, exercise, or at least 10-15 squats, and washing with ice cubes are suitable.


For various diseases, for example, blood vessels, you must first be cured, or take them into account when using any medications.

To get rid of morning puffiness under the eyes caused by pathological causes, you must first cope with the disease that triggered their appearance. For example, if a person’s upper eyelid swells every morning due to stagnation of blood and lymph associated with vascular disease, simply a massage or a special diet is unlikely to help him. Such patients cannot do without drug treatment, which involves taking:

  • diuretics, antibiotics, uroseptics and antispasmodics for kidney pathologies;
  • hormone replacement drugs for patients with hypothyroidism;
  • antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids for allergic reactions;
  • hepatoprotectors, choleretic drugs and antispasmodics for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, etc.

To quickly eliminate swelling, you can use special ointments, for example, Troxevasin, Hepatrombin or heparin ointment. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the eyelids and distribute it evenly with light massage movements. In addition, various diuretic drugs (Furosemide, Triphas, Veroshpiron, etc.) are also effective in combating morning edema. They quickly remove excess water from the body and eliminate swelling of the eyelids. But along with excess fluid, the human body also leaves calcium when it is used, the deficiency of which is also fraught with health problems. This means that you should not abuse drugs of this kind, giving preference, for example, to safer alternative medicine recipes.

Folk remedies

CucumberThe most famous method is, of course, cucumbers, but you can also use cotton pads soaked in tea
. How to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes using homemade remedies? The most effective traditional medicine recipes are:

  1. Potato mask . The raw, peeled tuber should be grated or cut into small pieces and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes. This product not only copes well with puffiness in the morning, but also significantly reduces dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Lotions with sea salt. Due to its property of quickly drawing out excess fluid from tissues, salt has become an indispensable tool for combating eyelid swelling in the morning. To improve the condition of your eyes after sleep, just dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. a spoonful of sea salt, soak 2 cotton pads or a piece of gauze in the liquid and apply to the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  3. Tea compress . Cotton pads should be moistened in strongly brewed tea, lightly squeezed and applied to eyes swollen after sleep - after 10-15 minutes there will be no trace of the problem.
  4. Parsley infusion . It must be taken for at least 5 days in a row, but the effect will last for a long time. Parsley perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, which causes swelling in the morning. To prepare the infusion, 100 g of chopped fresh herbs should be poured into 1 liter of boiling water, and after 7 hours, strain and take 0.3 cups 3 times a day with meals.
  5. Cucumber mask . To improve skin color, remove dark circles and swelling of the eyelids in the morning, just cut a few slices of the vegetable and apply it to your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

You can get rid of excess fluid in the body without harming your health by introducing into your diet fruits, berries and vegetables with a diuretic effect (apples, pears, persimmons, mangoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, watermelons, melons, cranberries, viburnum, gooseberries, blackberries and etc.). In addition, an easy-to-prepare diuretic cocktail, for which you need to mix 1 tbsp, effectively copes with swelling of the eyelids. viburnum and rowan juice, ½ tbsp. lemon juice, 100 g honey and 3 tbsp. spoons of pharmaceutical mixture of plants “Fitolysin”. You need to take the finished product 3 times a day after meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

healthy lifestyle
For prevention you just need to lead a healthy lifestyle

You should also not forget about the prevention of swelling after sleep - preventing its occurrence is much easier than getting rid of swollen eyes every morning. The condition of the eyelids can be improved by a balanced diet, adherence to a drinking regime, giving up alcohol and smoking, proper rest and sleep, walking in the fresh air and playing sports, at least in the form of regular morning exercises. In addition, you should get bedding made from natural materials and a small flat pillow that will not interfere with the outflow of fluid from the upper body. And tan lovers should make it a rule to use sunscreen to protect sensitive skin on the eyelids from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


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