All about vitamin D3: what is it for, does it improve immunity, will it save you from coronavirus, how does hypovitaminosis D occur and what does a lack of the “sun vitamin” mean?

Vitamin D is a collective name for ferols - bioactive substances that take part in vital processes of the human body.
This is probably one of the most underrated vitamins because it is completely “free”. Like any vitamin, fat-soluble or water-soluble, it enters the body with food. But food is not the only source of the substance, another name for which is “sun vitamin”. Enough for the rays to touch the skin, the body starts producing vitamin D. This “solar” element can relieve depression, obesity, and protect against cancer and diabetes. How he succeeds and many more interesting facts about vitamin D are below in the article.

How did humanity learn about the “sunshine” vitamin?

The discovery of vitamin D (calciferol) was preceded by the study of rickets and ways to combat it. At the beginning of the last century, the problem of this disease was especially relevant for infants and children during the period of active growth. As a result of vitamin and mineral imbalance in patients, the process of natural formation of bone tissue was disrupted and the skeleton was modified.


  • How did humanity learn about the “sunshine” vitamin?
  • Biochemical properties and synthesis
  • Factors affecting synthesis efficiency
  • How is it absorbed in the body?
  • Forms of the vitamin
  • Daily norm
  • The role of the “sunshine” vitamin in the body
  • Vitamin D and regulation of metabolic processes
  • How to get the most from nature
  • Duration of sunbathing
  • Vitamin D Source Foods
  • And lack of sun can be dangerous
  • Dangers of calciferol overdose
  • What to do if you have too much vitamin D
  • What about fish oil for babies?
  • When is pharmacy vitamin D appropriate?
  • Little-known interesting facts
  • Forms of release of pharmaceutical vitamin D
  • Use for cosmetic purposes
  • Conclusion

More than a hundred years ago, cod liver oil was used to treat rickets. At that time, scientists already knew about the existence of vitamin A, its beneficial properties and sources, one of which is actually fish oil. At the beginning of the last century, two researchers on two continents - European and American - began to look for a cure for rickets. Scientists took dogs as experimental subjects. Both the American and the British, as a result of parallel experiments, came to the same conclusion - animals that consume fish oil do not have problems with bones. And they attributed the miraculous property to the already known vitamin A. But then one of the researchers, already at the final stage of the experiments, decided to do another test. The scientist first neutralized vitamin A in fish oil, and then began giving the substance to sick animals. It was assumed that rickets could not be cured with such medicine. But the unexpected happened: the dogs got rid of the disease. The American-British theory has failed. The experiments began all over again. More effective this time. The fourth vitamin substance was discovered in 1922 and named with the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet. A little more time passed, and another discovery was made: a person can independently synthesize calciferol. Then they unveiled a new way to combat rickets - ultraviolet treatment.

Who is at risk for vitamin D3 deficiency?

Some people, due to certain characteristics, are at risk of hypovitaminosis D [Official source]. These include:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children in the period of active growth;
  • women during menopause;
  • people with impaired kidney function;
  • those who do not eat foods containing vitamin D;
  • vegetarians;
  • obese people with a body mass index of more than 35;
  • people with liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • those with malabsorption;
  • elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • owners of dark and dark skin;
  • residents of the northern regions;
  • office workers who hardly ever get exposed to the sun;
  • people in self-isolation who do not go outside;
  • persons taking special groups of drugs: glucocorticoids, antiretroviral therapy, antifungals, cholestyramine, drugs for the treatment of epilepsy; rifampicin.

In the summer, it should be taken into account that the use of sunscreen with protection factor 15 (SPF-15) reduces the synthesis of cholecalciferol by 99%.

vitamin D3, vitamin D3, sun vitamin, calciferol

Biochemical properties and synthesis

The chemical structure of vitamin D is the formula of a cyclic high-molecular saturated alcohol, which is necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton. Calciferol is a fat-soluble compound that has the ability to accumulate in the cells of the body. The main vitamin “depots” are concentrated in subcutaneous fat and liver cells. Formed on the skin under the influence of the sun or after entering the body with food, vitamin D is absorbed first into the blood, then into the kidneys and, combining with calcium, creates a substance - calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D).

Considering these abilities, there is every reason to talk about a possible excess in the body. And hypervitaminosis is the cause of a number of diseases, just like hypovitaminosis. Although a vitamin deficiency is almost impossible if a person spends at least 60 minutes a day in the sun. And there is a scientific explanation for this.

The synthesis of the vitamin in the human body occurs as a result of exposure to sunlight on the skin. In temperate climatic latitudes, nature fully provides humans with vitamin standards.

Calciferol deficiency is more often diagnosed in people living in the Far North under polar night conditions. There is also some danger for babies born in winter, since in the first months of life they are less likely to be outside, and even more so in the sun.

One more note. In order for the effective formation of calcitriol in the body, there is a need for calcium. Absorption of the substance into the blood will not occur without fat and bile enzymes. If this natural balance is maintained, the body is able to absorb almost 90 percent of the offered portion of the vitamin, otherwise a little more than half. This condition applies only to the natural form of the vitamin; synthetic analogues do not require fats and bile.

Factors affecting synthesis efficiency

Although the process of vitamin D synthesis in the human body is the same, everyone still absorbs the beneficial substance in different quantities. The intensity of digestibility depends on a number of factors.

  1. Age. The amount of calciferol synthesized decreases in proportion to the aging of the body.
  2. Color of the skin. The lighter the skin, the faster and more vitamin a person will receive under the sun's rays.
  3. Ecological situation. Fewer rays necessary for synthesis penetrate through polluted air.
  4. Solar wavelength. The most useful sources of vitamin D are rays in the early morning and at sunset. The synthesis of calciferol in plant and animal cells also occurs, only in the form of a provitamin, which is converted into a vitamin under the influence of light.

How does self-isolation affect your vitamin D3 intake?

As we already understood, everyone always needs D-vitamin, and you can get it by staying in the sun. But self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic means staying at home. Some people continue to go to work, but many people have locked themselves within four walls and do not walk outside. This is especially true for older people, who are strictly prohibited from visiting public places. Moreover, it is in people over 60 years of age that the synthesis of vitamin D decreases for physiological reasons, since with age there are fewer receptors in the skin that can perceive D-vitamin.

Also at risk are young and healthy adults and children who study and work remotely at home, because they have practically no opportunity to go outside, since homework requires them to be indoors almost 24/7.

In such conditions, it is simply impossible not to experience a lack of the “sun vitamin”. Even office workers and those who prefer to wear closed clothing are at risk.

Therefore, during self-isolation, to prevent D-hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to eat foods containing vitamin D, take fish oil or Omega-3, and also additionally take synthetic vitamin D3 in the form of a drug.

How is it absorbed in the body?

The same scientists who studied fish oil as a cure for rickets were faced with a problem: “pure” vitamin D had no effect on the disease. A series of experiments have shown that certain conditions are required for the activation of calciferol.

First, the vitamin must make its way to the liver. And there, having combined with certain substances, it is transformed into a form that the body is able to absorb. Fortunately, the search for these substances did not require much time from scientists, since some developments had already been made after studying vitamin A. In the case of calciferol, fats were also needed for it to “work.” But vitamin D soon puzzled researchers again. It turned out that fat alone was not enough for him. Among other things, to activate the substance you need food containing calcium and phosphorus, as well as sunlight.

Supplements in drops for adults

Below are examples of drop supplements in the adult preventative dosage of 1000 IU per dose, meaning these supplements contain 1000 IU per drop. They are intended for those categories of the population who have difficulty swallowing capsules.

Natural Factors, Vitamin D3 Drops, Unflavored, 25 mcg (1,000 IU), 0.5 fl oz (15 ml)
Natural Factors, Vitamin D3 Drops, Unflavored, 25 mcg (1,000 IU), 15 ml

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Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3, Drops, Natural Citrus Flavor, 1,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3, Drops, 1000 IU, 30 ml

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Now Foods, Liquid Vitamin D3, Fortified, 1,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
Now Foods, Liquid Vitamin D3, Fortified, 1000 IU, 30 ml

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Do not forget that 2 drops are already 2000 IU. This preventive dosage is indicated for older people.

All supplements are equipped with good dispensers, since when consuming you need to be very careful not to exceed the daily dose.

Forms of the vitamin

The name “vitamin D” does not mean one substance, but six. All of them have the characteristics of sterols and are designated by the term “vitamer”, which means “a type of vitamin”.

So, what is included in the collective name “vitamin D”? This:

  • D1 - can be created exclusively in laboratories; this form of the vitamin does not occur in nature in its natural form;
  • D2 – ergocalciferol, a substance obtained from yeast. It is essentially a synthetic version of the vitamin. In this form, D2 plays a role as a nutritional supplement in bread and milk formulas. Provitamin D2 – ergosterol;
  • D3 – cholecalciferol. This natural form of the vitamin is easily found in animal products. The provitamin for D3 is 7-dehydrocholesterol;
  • D4 – found in the skin, and under the influence of the sun it is transformed into D3;
  • D5 – sitocalciferon. Made from wheat grain oils;
  • D6 – stigmacalciferol. Found in some plant species.

However, of all these forms of calciferol, the body has the greatest need for the fat-soluble forms D2 and D3. They have the highest biological activity, are found in food, withstand thermal influences, and can also be easily synthesized in skin cells under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, most often, when speaking about vitamin D and its role in the human body, these two vitamers are meant.

It is important to note that the functions and meaning of all vitamers are the same. Their main differences are the method of preparation and biological activity.

Examples of supplements per 1000 IU, for whom they are indicated

If you don’t want to take several 400 IU capsules, which is not very economical, then you can get by with supplements that contain 1000 IU of vitamin D per capsule.

Solgar, Vitamin D3, 25 mcg (1000 IU), 180 Tablets
Solgar, Vitamin D3, 25 mcg (1000 IU), 180 Tablets

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Now Foods, Chewable Vitamin D-3, Natural Fruit Flavor, 1,000 IU, 180 Chewable Tablets
Now Foods, Vitamin D-3, 1000 IU, 180 Tablets

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Thorne Research, D-1000, 90 capsules
Thorne Research, D-1000, 90 capsules

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1000 IU is also a preventive dose for an adult up to 35-40 years of age, which can be consumed without fear of harm to health, without taking a blood test. These supplements can easily be combined with the supplements listed above for a total of 1400 IU per day.

The website has even more supplements with this dosage, so you can easily find what you need.

Daily norm

The content of calciferol in food is indicated by the dosage in micrograms or, according to the international designation, IU (40 IU is 1 microgram of vitamin D).
From a nutritional point of view, the optimal intake of this beneficial substance should not exceed 15 mcg daily. But, as in the case of other microelements, the daily dose of the drug is determined for each age category separately. Daily dosage table

CategoryConsumption rate
Kids7.5 – 10 mcg/300-400 IU
Children2.5-10 mcg/100-400 IU
Adults2.5-5 mcg/100-200 IU
Pregnant10 mcg/400 IU
Nursing mothers10 mcg/400 IU
Aged people10-15 mcg/400-600 IU

However, there are categories that experience an increased need for calciferol. These are the people:

  • residents of the north and regions with environmental problems in the atmosphere;
  • night shift workers;
  • bedridden (do not go outside);
  • patients with diseases (chronic) of the kidneys, intestines, gall and liver.

Also, the need for the vitamin increases in women during pregnancy and lactation.

Under optimal conditions, the blood formula should also contain D3 at a level of 10-40 micrograms per 1 liter.

Doses in supplements

All vitamin D supplements list the dose measured in International Units (IU). If you buy a supplement from an American manufacturer, then the letters ME are equivalent to the American IU (International Unit).

Most often you can find the following dosages on sale:

  1. 400 IU per capsule, which is equal to 10 mcg;
  2. 1000 IU per capsule, which is 25 mcg;
  3. 2000 IU per capsule – 50 mcg;
  4. 5000 IU per capsule – 125 mcg;
  5. 10,000 IU per capsule – 250 mcg;
  6. 50,000 IU per capsule – 1250 mcg.

Depending on your level of vitamin D in the blood, your doctor will determine what dosage you need to purchase. Dosages can be combined. Let’s say you buy two jars: one of which is 400 IU, the other is 1000 IU. Then in total you will receive 1400 IU per day.

The role of the “sunshine” vitamin in the body

When researching what vitamin D is good for, the first thing that comes to mind is bones. But how does this “sunshine” vitamin affect the quality of bone tissue?

As already mentioned, the main task of vitamin D in the body is to regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, thereby ensuring the proper development of the musculoskeletal system, normalizing the growth of teeth, and playing the role of a preventative against rickets. In simple terms, the main task of this substance is to promote the absorption of calcium by the body. Nature created humans in such a way that 99 percent of all calcium reserves go to the formation of bone tissue and only one percent, found in the blood, “works” on the nervous system. Meanwhile, if the body feels a lack of an element, it will first satisfy the need of nerve cells for calcium from its reserves, and the remainder will be used to form bones and maintain muscles. Even a slight calcium deficiency causes bone disease. The more serious the deficiency, the sadder the consequences (including cardiac arrest).

A lack of vitamin D causes brittle bones – osteoporosis. Moreover, due to physiological factors, women are more susceptible to this disease. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers deplete the body's vitamin reserves, which leads to thinning and brittle bones. By the way, the latest statistics claim that the cause of 70 percent of fractures is osteoporosis, which means calciferol deficiency. After all, only with a sufficient amount of vitamin D, the body will also have enough calcium.

But still, we should not forget that vitamin D is just as important for children as it is for adults, since it is responsible for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. But at the same time, it is incorrect to ask the question up to what age you need to monitor the level of the substance in the blood - calciferol is always needed.

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

At the beginning of the 20th century, many children suffered from rickets. This disease develops due to a lack of vitamin D. In adults, a deficiency of this element causes osteoporosis, intestinal obstruction, and weakened immunity.

Initial symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include weakness, sweating, irritability, decreased performance and appetite, sleep disturbances, dry and burning mouth.

Due to weakened immunity, a person begins to suffer from colds and infectious diseases more often. Impairments in the functioning of the immune system can even lead to the development of autoimmune and oncological pathologies.

With a deficiency of calciferol, a failure occurs in the synthesis of connective tissue, for example, cartilage. This can cause a person to experience pain in the joints and spine. Also, with a lack of vitamin D, collagen production is disrupted, and the skin begins to age faster.

Another problem is that when the body does not have enough calciferol, calcium begins to accumulate in it. Bones become very fragile and break easily, and teeth are destroyed.

Vitamin D is responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses. Its deficiency leads to cuts in the smooth muscles of the intestines and obstruction. Multiple sclerosis, skeletal muscle damage, and blurred vision may also develop.

Lack of calciferol even affects the reproductive system. In women, the process of egg maturation stops, and in men, testosterone production decreases, which can lead to impotence.

Vitamin D and regulation of metabolic processes

Probably, the curious will be interested in what mechanisms calciferol triggers in the human body and what the “sunshine vitamin” is responsible for.

Among the main functions:

  1. Increases calcium permeability into intestinal cells.
  2. Stimulates the absorption of phosphorus by the intestines, and the absorption of calcium by the kidney tubules.
  3. Responsible for the process of protein synthesis, which determines the transport of calcium throughout the body along with the blood.
  4. Promotes the process of bone calcification.

Many people know that vitamin D is an ideal preventative against rickets for infants and older children, and also protects against osteoporosis in adults. But the beneficial effects of calciferol on the human body are not limited to this; it has more than a dozen important functions.

  1. Due to its ability to influence the blood clotting process, it promotes faster healing of wounds, in particular after operations.
  2. Normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, preventive against leukemia.
  3. In nephrology it is used to combat calcium deficiency.
  4. Prevents cancer (in particular of the reproductive organs), diabetes, arthritis and atherosclerosis.
  5. In combination with vitamins C and A, it is an excellent strengthening cocktail for the immune system. It is part of the treatment for colds and is prescribed to AIDS patients.
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart and muscles.
  7. Indispensable for lead poisoning (milk and cottage cheese rich in vitamin D will protect against negative effects).
  8. Strengthens the nervous system.
  9. Prevents early aging of the body.
  10. Positively affects the functions of kidney and intestinal cells.
  11. Useful for male potency. For men, 10 mcg of the vitamin daily is enough to ensure high potency, the production of healthy sperm, and prolong sexual intercourse.
  12. Increases resistance to skin diseases, effective for psoriasis.
  13. In cosmetology it is used as a hair product (accelerating growth).

How to get the most from nature

Calciferol is a vitamin that enters the body not only with food, but also with sunlight. However, knowing only these 2 rules is not enough to fully provide yourself with vitamins. In addition to the basic axioms, you should adhere to effective advice from specialists, and neither hypovitaminosis nor an excess of “D” will pose a threat.

  1. A properly designed menu will help enhance the absorption of calciferol. In particular, foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E and group B can improve performance. Vitamin E plays a special role in the process of assimilation of calciferol from food sources, as it controls metabolic processes in the liver, which in turn allows the absorption of vitamin D.
  2. Animal fat substitutes (since calciferol from food is absorbed only in the presence of fat) and alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on the absorption of the vitamin.
  3. Eating cereals increases the need for calciferol. Consequently, a child’s body, which receives a large amount of cereals, needs frequent sunbathing.

In addition, it is important to remember that the combination of calciferol with other vitamins and microelements can affect the absorption of nutrients:

  • vitamin D + calcium + iron – hypervitaminosis D provokes iron deficiency;
  • magnesium + vitamin D – better absorption of magnesium;
  • A lack of vitamin E impairs the metabolism of D-substance in the liver.

Duration of sunbathing

“Food” shortage of calciferol can be easily compensated with the help of sunbathing. But this does not mean that spending several hours in the sun will benefit the body. On the contrary, sunbathing while ignoring the rules is fraught with serious consequences. There must be moderation in everything, even in the light of the sun.

A third of the daily requirement for the vitamin can easily be obtained after a 20-minute sunbath. But in the summer, it is important to carry out the procedure in the morning (before 10.00) and in the evening (after 17.00). At this time, solar radiation is non-aggressive, does not cause burns, and the beam length is optimal for the consumption of beneficial substances from the luminary.

It is important that you don’t have to go to the beach to sunbathe. On warm days, it is enough to expose your arms, legs, face and neck to the sun for at least half an hour.

During the summer, many of us spend several hours at a time in the sun. This is especially true for vacationers on the seashore. It would seem: well, they will replenish calciferol reserves for the entire coming year. But paradoxically, no. They get virtually no vitamin D from the sun. And all because they don’t know how to benefit from sunbathing.

To understand what’s wrong with tanning on the seashore, you first need to remember the biological processes of vitamin production by the body. So, under the influence of the sun, subcutaneous fat produces vitamin D, then, already enriched with a useful substance, it is absorbed back into the skin. Now let's remember another fact. People who spend hours on end under the scorching sun usually do not go to the beach without sunscreen, and after sunbathing they immediately go to the shower. This makes sunbathing ineffective, since, firstly, the protective cream acts as a barrier between the skin and ultraviolet radiation, and secondly, the subcutaneous fat enriched with the vitamin does not have time to be absorbed into the body - it is immediately washed off.

Also, the sun's rays breaking through layers of clothing or warming through glass have no effect.

How to avoid hypovitaminosis D3?

The best way to obtain calciferol is from D3, which is synthesized by the skin in the sun. D3 can accumulate in the bones and is then gradually used up. However, the period of storage in “stock” is short - only a couple of weeks. Therefore, one cannot expect that “summer reserves” will be enough for all the winter months. But excessive intake of synthetic vitamin D3 is also not entirely safe.

While an excess of natural vitamin D accumulates in the bones and is gradually used up later without causing harm, an overdose of synthetic vitamin D has no such effect and is toxic, causing serious side effects.

Therefore, in order to avoid D3 hypovitaminosis, you need to follow the following recommendations and methods for preventing D3 deficiency:

  • exposure to the sun daily for 5-30 minutes from 10 to 15 hours of the day with exposed areas of the body;
  • consumption of foods rich in the micronutrient calciferol: salmon, salmon, eggs, milk, butter, hard cheese and others;
  • taking dietary supplements with Omega-3 and vitamin D, as well as multivitamins;
  • the use of synthetic vitamin D3, which is only permissible in cases of diagnosed vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D Source Foods

To replenish your daily dose of vitamin D with food, you need to know exactly which foods contain the vitamin. The daily requirement of calciferol is contained in, for example, 150 grams of salmon. However, most of the vitamin is found in fish oil, which is well known to many since childhood.

Lovers of fish and seafood, wanting to replenish their vitamin reserves, should eat more herring, sardines, tuna, trout, mackerel, caviar and fatty sea fish, especially their liver, as well as algae.

If fortified foods are intended for children or for a nursing mother, it is important to include in the menu foods that are both rich in calcium and D3. They are found in goat and sheep milk, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, eggs, and butter.

An important source of calciferol for meat eaters is liver, as well as fatty pork and duck. But vegetarians can get vitamin D from mushrooms, yeast, cereals, soybeans, parsley, nettles, alfalfa, and horsetail.

Precautionary measures

What happens if you take too much vitamin D? Is it possible to overdose on vitamin D?

When you take high doses of vitamin D, your liver produces a chemical called 25(OH)D, which causes calcium to accumulate in your blood. You are more likely to experience symptoms of vitamin D overuse when taking high-dose supplements over a long period of time. This could potentially cause some effects if 25(OH) levels in the blood become elevated.

Potential side effects may include: high calcium levels in the blood, exhaustion, abdominal pain and digestive problems such as nausea, constipation, diarrhea or loss of appetite, increased thirst and dry mouth, and possibly kidney stones. The best way to avoid vitamin D toxicity is to avoid taking very high doses of vitamin D supplement form, such as 10,000 IU per day, for more than a few days in a row. Instead, get the vitamin D you need from sunlight, a healthy diet, and supplements in the recommended dosage range.

And lack of sun can be dangerous

A lack of the “sunshine” vitamin leads to the body’s inability to absorb calcium from food. And this is fraught with serious health problems, especially for newborns and children under one year old, whose body needs calciferol for normal development and growth. Severe vitamin D deficiency always results in tooth decay, caries, arrhythmias and many other problems caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiency.

The exact level of calciferol in the body is shown only by a blood test done in a laboratory using the necessary chemical reagents. But if the deficiency of a substance is large and has been going on for a long time, this will certainly manifest itself in external signs.

Symptoms in adults:

  • joint diseases, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis;
  • dental problems, tooth fragility;
  • sudden weight loss and lack of appetite;
  • insomnia, nervousness, memory impairment;
  • depression;
  • burning in the mouth and throat;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • indigestion;
  • Crohn's disease and other intestinal lesions;
  • muscle pain.

Signs of deficiency in children:

  • growth retardation;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • rickets;
  • bone fragility.

Health problems in adults caused by vitamin D deficiency usually resolve once the body reaches a balance of essential vitamins and minerals.

How many days do you need to stay indoors to become deficient in vitamin D3?

Today, there are no sufficiently indicative studies that could say how many days you need to not leave the house for vitamin D deficiency to occur. This is due to the fact that the amount of calciferol in the body is influenced by many factors: skin color, diet, taking additional multivitamins, which may include vitamin D.

However, logically we can conclude that for the occurrence of D-hypovitaminosis, a week of complete absence of sun, or a month during which a person goes outside for 5-10 minutes only a couple of times a week, for example, to the grocery store, may be enough.

Such conclusions are prompted by the knowledge that to obtain a daily dose of D-vitamin, you need to be in the sun for 5-15 minutes from 10 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon with bare arms, legs, face and, preferably, skin.

On cloudy and rainy days, as well as in large cities where there is a lot of smog, the penetration of B-band solar rays is significantly limited, which increases the duration of the required stay on the street to half an hour or more.

Statistics also show that 90% of the population of Ukraine has hypovitaminosis D in the autumn-winter and spring periods due to the geographical location causing a lack of sunlight.

For example, according to the UK experience, it is recommended for all people to take vitamin D supplements from October to April, and for those who do not go outside every day in sunny weather (office workers and freelancers working from home) or live in a nursing home, it is recommended year-round reception

Thus, if you are in complete self-isolation and only go out to the store once a week for a period of at least a month, then you already need an additional “sun vitamin”. However, self-medication can be dangerous to your health, so do not start taking vitamin D unless you are sure you are deficient. Run an inexpensive lab test to see if there is a deficiency.

vitamin D3, vitamin D3, sun vitamin, calciferol

Dangers of calciferol overdose

It has long been known that the benefits of vitamin D for the body are enormous. The list of its “good deeds” for humans includes various functions: from a positive effect on nerve cells to preventing the formation of malignant tumors. But if we are talking about hypervitaminosis, then in the case of the sun vitamin, this condition is much worse for the body than a lack of calciferol. A number of dangerous consequences for humans develop.

To start. If the daily dosage of the vitamin is not observed and the body is actively saturated with the substance from, for example, synthetic sources, the absorption of calcium is significantly enhanced, and it is intensively deposited in the form of hardened salts in organs and tissues. The consequence of this is that “salty” systems begin to malfunction. An overdose of vitamin D often manifests itself in arrhythmias, micronecrosis, and malfunctions of the nervous system and heart.

Excess vitamin D can give different symptoms - it all depends on the degree of overdose, and there are 3 types of complexity.

First degree overdose

Doctors call this condition mild poisoning that does not cause toxicosis. External signs include frequent urination, thirst, sweating, constipation, pain in the muscles and bones, nervousness and sleep disturbances for no apparent reason.

Second degree overdose

It’s no longer just a banal allergy, toxic poisoning with all the consequences. And these are: nausea, tachycardia, changes in the blood count, muffled tones in the heart on auscultation, systolic murmurs are noted.

Third degree overdose

Severe poisoning causes harm to the body in the form of vomiting (which is difficult to stop), dehydration and sudden weight loss, drowsiness, anxiety, convulsions, decreased blood pressure and arrhythmia attacks. The skin becomes pale and the extremities become cold, and bacterial diseases occur. In extremely severe cases, a coma may occur.

Examples of 400 IU supplements, who needs them

Supplements containing 400 IU are most often prescribed to babies from birth. This is a prophylactic dose for infants, which serves as an excellent prevention of rickets and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, etc.

For children, supplements are prescribed in the form of drops, since they are not yet able to swallow the capsule. Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, it is most often made from coconut, olive or sunflower oil for better absorption by the body.

Ddrops, Kids, Liquid Vitamin D3, 400 IU, 90 drops, 0.08 fl oz (2.5 ml)

Ddrops, for children, 400 IU, 90 drops, 2.5 ml

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Zarbee's, Baby Vitamin D, 0.47 fl oz (14 ml)
Zarbee's, Baby Vitamin D, 14 ml

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Carlson Labs, Super Daily, Children's Vitamin D3, 10 mcg (400 IU), 0.35 fl oz (10.3 ml)
Carlson Labs, Super Daily, Children, 400 IU, 10.3 ml

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However, be careful: sometimes children experience enzymatic digestive disorders when the body cannot break down fats; in this case, it is better to resort to water supplements with vitamin D.

Adults can also use these same food additives! One drop contains 400 IU, two drops are already 800 IU, three drops are 1200 IU. Which is already quite an adult prophylactic dose!

If you are confused by the drop form of release, then there are quite enough supplements on the market with this dosage in capsules.

Now Foods, Vitamin D-3, 400 IU, 180 Softgels
Now Foods, Vitamin D-3, 400 IU, 180 Softgels

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Source Naturals, Vitamin D-3, 400 IU, 200 Tablets

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Solgar, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), 400 IU, 250 Softgels
Solgar, Vitamin D3, 400 IU, 250 Softgels

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2-3 capsules per day, which is 800 - 1200 IU, is a completely adequate preventive dose for an adult, recommended by the International Medical Associations!

What to do if you have too much vitamin D

If it so happens that the body has received significantly more calciferol than it needs, everything must be done immediately to quickly remove the excess. There are several ways to do this. Which one is better to choose depends on the degree of poisoning.

The easiest way to eliminate the results of mild poisoning. In this case, it is important to take care of reducing the absorption of vitamin D by the body. Vaseline oil (taken orally) will cope with this task. Vitamins A and E will serve as a barrier to excess calcium, and diuretics will help remove the excess faster.

Severe poisoning is eliminated according to a similar principle, but the treatment program includes stronger drugs that prevent the absorption of excess calcium. If poisoning is accompanied by pathological changes in the nervous, cardiovascular or other system, appropriate medications are prescribed in the form of injections and droppers.

What to do with fish oil for babies

When it comes to vitamin D for children, provided they have a balanced diet and sufficient sun exposure, there is no need for additional medications.

An adequate portion of the vitamin necessary for the development of schoolchildren can easily be obtained from food and from the sun. To do this, you need to spend at least an hour outside every day.

And the children's menu should consist of animal products and dairy products. As for meat, any child’s body should receive it at least twice a week.

A justifiable reason for introducing pharmaceutical vitamins into the diet can only be the inability to be in the sun and eat foods rich in calciferol. And also, if the child has noticed curvature of the legs or doctors have diagnosed a disease that requires drug treatment.

But there is currently heated debate about vitamin D for newborns. Adherents of the “old school” persistently cite as an example the experience when “everyone was fed fish oil, and nothing happened - that’s how big they grew!” But at the same time, their opponents remind: babies get everything they need from their mother’s milk, so there is no need for additional pharmaceuticals. Moreover, if we are talking about solar vitamin D. Meanwhile, you should not categorically stick to one of the sides, since none of these theories is 100% correct. And even the strictest rules have exceptions.

So, there is no need to specifically feed the baby calciferol in drops or other form if the nursing mother maintains adequate nutrition and the child spends 30-60 minutes a day in the sun.

But in this light, it is worth clarifying two points. First. Walking when the baby is lying in a stroller, completely enclosed, cannot be called “staying in the sun.” If mothers do not want strangers to stare at their baby, they should choose a secluded place away from street dust and noise and open the stroller with the child for at least an hour. It is important to remember: the sun's rays are beneficial only in the early and afternoon hours. And second. A full-fledged diet for a nursing mother should consist of meat and dairy products, fish and eggs, a variety of vegetables, and do not forget which fruits contain vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the baby and the mother.

Also, do not worry about a possible lack of vitamins in babies who are on mixed or completely artificial feeding. New generation baby food contains a full range of products necessary for the full development and growth of the baby. Even if, due to various circumstances, the baby spends little time in the sun (born in winter or late autumn) and at the same time eats exclusively formulas, parents also have no need to worry about the lack of vitamin D in his body. The baby will receive the required daily portion along with food.

It’s another matter if the food for the child is milk from a cow, goat, or donor, or the nursing mother does not eat well. Then, with the doctor’s permission, his diet can be artificially fortified.

Well, to conclude, regarding the argument: “Why then did our grandmothers feed their babies fish oil?” The thing is that the mandatory use of drugs to prevent rickets in infants is a practice established almost half a century ago. At that time, the diet of nursing mothers, to put it mildly, was not the best, women worked a lot and hard, there were no high-quality formulas, and donor milk for newborns lost all its properties after boiling. Under those conditions, fish oil really was the salvation needed for babies. Today, the situation has changed dramatically and supplemental vitamin D intake is possible only as prescribed by a pediatrician.

What is Omega-3

The concept of Omega-3 refers to a complex of alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the body to carry out a number of biochemical processes correctly, but are not synthesized within itself. Therefore, in order to ensure the proper functioning of a large number of organs, in the regulation of which these unsaturated acids are involved, it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of the entire Omega-3 complex to the body with food.

Omega-3 capsule

Its sources are:

  • sardine, mackerel, herring, halibut, trout, chum salmon and other fatty fish, but only of wild origin (Omega-3 accumulates only in fish that feed on plankton, and not feed);
  • Cod liver;
  • seafood;
  • linseed, sea buckthorn, mustard oil;
  • beef, offal;
  • egg yolks;
  • pumpkin, sunflower, flax seeds;
  • mint, spinach, lettuce, pumpkin, asparagus, sorrel, broccoli;
  • legumes

But in practice, even ardent adherents of the Mediterranean diet fail to obtain the required amount of Omega-3 from the food they consume every day. The problem of getting Omega-3 into the body becomes especially acute for vegetarians, since the largest amount of these important polyunsaturated fatty acids is found in marine fish and seafood.

Therefore, today most doctors agree that every person, including children, needs to use special dietary supplements to ensure the proper functioning of the body. But the Omega-3 complex is involved in the work:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • brain;
  • retina;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • immune system;
  • genitals;
  • skin.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Therefore, with a long-term persistent lack of Omega-3 in the body, there is a high risk of developing atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, vision impairment and endocrine disorders.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 should not be confused. The latter complex of unsaturated fatty acids is also important for the body, but their deficiency is rare. This is due to the fact that sources of Omega-6 are oatmeal, poultry, and vegetable oils, which are present in the daily diet of the vast majority of people. If you additionally take Omega-6 in increased dosages, this can lead to an overdose and provoke an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes or create the preconditions for the development of new ones.

Benefits of Omega-3 for the body

Taking Omega-3 in individually selected doses allows you to achieve a lot of positive changes in the body’s condition and get rid of a number of problems, many of which we are accustomed to consider inevitable, namely:

  • accelerate the removal of metabolic products, harmful compounds, free radicals and decay products, which improves performance, gives lightness and reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • speed up the process of muscle recovery after training, building muscle mass and burning excess fat tissue;
  • reduce the sensitivity of the intestines to irritating factors, which improves digestion and eliminates the problem of constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle, improve the quality and motility of sperm, which makes it possible to achieve pregnancy faster, which is important for problems with conception, and also helps reduce the risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • cleanse the walls of blood vessels from harmful cholesterol, increase their elasticity, normalize blood pressure levels and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole, which sharply reduces the likelihood of vascular accidents, i.e. strokes, heart attacks;
  • increase cognitive abilities (thinking, memory, attention) by normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, since a third of all fats needed by the brain are EPA and DHA;
  • strengthen the immune system and reduce the number of transmitted viral diseases by strengthening cell membranes, increasing the activity of leukocytes and creating protection for the respiratory tract from the penetration of viruses and bacteria;
  • increase stress resistance and improve psycho-emotional state by activating the production of serotonin, also called the hormone of joy;
  • improve the condition of the skin by increasing the amount of synthesized collagen and improving its quality, which allows you to maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin longer.

It is very important for pregnant and lactating women to take Omega-3, as these substances are directly involved in the formation of the brain and nervous system of the fetus, as well as in its overall development.

Omega-3, 6, 9

In addition, Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates tissue regeneration processes. Therefore, it is especially necessary in increased quantities for various inflammatory diseases, as well as any degenerative changes in the body. We must not forget about the fact that the condition of the skin largely depends on Omega-3. Therefore, maintaining a normal level of these polyunsaturated fatty acids helps to significantly slow down the aging process and improve skin color and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Reception features

The daily dose for an adult is considered to be 2 g of Omega-3, and for children 4-10 years old - 0.9 g. In some cases and only after testing, this dose can be increased, but in any situation it cannot exceed 8 g per day . To provide the adult body with this amount of these polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is necessary to eat fish 4-5 times a week. In practice, this is difficult to implement, since fatty fish, firstly, is not affordable for everyone, and secondly, consuming it in such quantities can lead to excess weight gain with an insufficient level of physical activity.

Sources of Omega-3

Therefore, for many, the solution is to take dietary supplements with Omega-3. But before you start using them on a regular basis, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, namely:

  • allergies;
  • kidney diseases, especially urolithiasis in the acute stage;
  • elevated calcium levels;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis.

Omega-3 preparations are poorly accepted by the body in case of chronic constipation and flatulence.

If there are no contraindications and the amount of Omega-3 required to cover all the body’s needs has been accurately established, the chosen remedy should be taken only during or after meals. When consumed on an empty stomach, it can cause problems with the intestines and stomach.

When is pharmacy vitamin D appropriate?

The pharmaceutical form of saturated calciferol in our latitudes is used in extreme cases, when neither the sun's rays nor vitamin-rich food can help. Typically, the laboratory version of D-substance is prescribed for:

  • rickets in children and adults;
  • slow fusion of bone tissue after fractures;
  • arthritis, osteoporosis, softening of bone tissue and inflammation of the bone marrow;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, Crohn's disease;
  • lack of calcium and phosphorus in the blood;
  • tuberculosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • muscle diseases;
  • menopause;
  • viral and colds;
  • AIDS.

What diseases does vitamin D3 reduce the risk of?

According to research data, normal levels of calciferol help reduce the risk of developing many serious diseases:

  • Rickets - 100%
  • Osteomalacia (softening of bone tissue) - 100%
  • Vascular diseases - by 80%
  • Cancer overall - 75%
  • Caesarean section - 75%
  • Infertility - 70%
  • Falls in women - 70%
  • Colon cancer - 65%
  • Kidney cancer - 65%
  • Breast cancer - 50%
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2 - by 50%
  • Fractures - 50%
  • Multiple sclerosis - by 50%
  • Myocardial infarction - by 50%
  • Preeclampsia - 50%
  • Uterine cancer - by 35%
  • Ovarian cancer - by 25%

Little-known interesting facts

In recent years, scientists have uncovered many D-secrets and, by thoroughly studying calciferol, learned a lot of interesting things about this vitamin.

For example, few people are aware that a lack of calciferol can cause schizophrenia or cause seasonal depression. And to saturate the body with vitamin D, black people require 20 times more sunlight than fair-skinned people.

An overdose of the vitamin through the skin is impossible - a certain amount of the substance is produced on the human body, regardless of the time spent under the rays.

It is enough to take 2-3 sunbathings weekly to reduce the risk of diabetes and some types of cancer by more than 2 times.

In the Northern countries, an alternative to natural sunbathing is a solarium - it stimulates the production of vitamin D by the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In addition, residents of northern territories are more at risk of cancer than residents of warm countries. This is explained by the level of vitamin D obtained from the outside.

Tanned and old skin is not able to synthesize vitamin D. And for a therapeutic tan, 15 minutes is enough - the rest of the time spent under the scorching rays is useless for health.

Fats are needed to absorb vitamin D. This axiom also applies to skin. Therefore, before taking a sunbath, you should not wash off the sebum from your skin, just as you should not take a shower immediately after sunbathing, it is better to wait 15 minutes.

Natural antioxidants perform the function of sunscreens without affecting the skin's synthesis of vitamin D. Blueberries, pomegranates, and acai fruits have these properties.

Rural children are less likely to suffer from a lack of vitamin D - the atmosphere in villages is cleaner than in industrial cities, which allows easier penetration of ultraviolet radiation.

The vitamin is less easily absorbed by the body with kidney and liver diseases.

Daily intake of fortified milk will help maintain the minimum level of calciferol required for an adult body.

Drinking tea and coffee in large quantities “depletes” the body’s vitamin reserves.

If the diet has been balanced for a long time, then the vitamin D reserves accumulated in the liver will last the body for 6 months.

Calciferol has the properties of a vitamin and a hormone, the structure of which is similar to steroid hormones, in particular testosterone.

It turns out that the “washing” of cats is also associated with the D-substance: animals lick off the vitamin produced on the skin.

Forms of release of pharmaceutical vitamin D

A pronounced lack of calciferol is the reason to resort to the use of a pharmacy analogue of the “sun vitamin”. The pharmacological industry offers the drug in different forms:

  • in tablets;
  • in capsules;
  • oil based;
  • aqueous solution and others.

Pharmaceutical preparations are based on forms of natural vitamin and its synthetic analogues.

The instructions for use will explain how to properly consume vitamin D tablets, in particular before or after meals. Vitamin complexes with calcium and calcium have become popular recently. They serve as a prophylactic against diseases of the skeleton and bone tissue (osteoporosis, bone tuberculosis and others). Calciferol oil solution can be taken orally. In some cases, intramuscular or intravenous injections of the drug are prescribed. And vitamin D in the pharmacological form of an ointment or cream is a remedy against psoriasis.

It is difficult to say which of the listed drugs is best, but there are optimal proposals for each specific case or disease.

For example, if we are talking exclusively about preventive use, then it is better to opt for mineral and vitamin complexes in the form of tablets or capsules. As a preventive measure, the course of vitamin D can be extended over several years: after a 3-week intake, take a break for a month or two. When to start a new round - decide together with the doctor, after studying blood tests in the laboratory. As a treatment program for rickets, taking calciferol lasts a month and a half, then a week off and repeating. The optimal dosage is 50-125 mcg, but in each specific case all the nuances of treatment are determined by the doctor.

For the prevention of rickets and hypovitaminosis, a liquid preparation is suitable - calciferol in oil. This form of medication is suitable for children. How to give a child a vitamin solution and what it affects is described in detail in the drug’s annotation. But the best option is to drip vitamin oil onto a piece of black bread and eat it slowly.

Both the tablet and oil forms of calciferol are taken with or immediately after meals. Ideally, taking vitamin D is combined with a course of A, E, C, group B and magnesium and calcium salts.

After completing each round of taking the drug, it is important to do a blood test to make sure that the treatment is producing beneficial effects, and at the same time to prevent hypervitaminosis. Laboratory conditions determine the amount of D2 and D3 present in the blood. The optimal concentration of the substance in the blood on an empty stomach is 10-40 mcg/l.

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Is Vitamin D3 Linked to Coronavirus? What do the doctor's say?

There is currently no official data indicating that vitamin D3 has proven effectiveness in the treatment or prevention of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. But many doctors say that hypovitaminosis can be one of the reasons for the severe course of the disease, since a lack of the “sunshine vitamin” leads to an overreaction of the immune system, causing a cytokine storm, which causes serious complications and even coma.

A cytokine storm is a hyperactive response of the immune system to a pathogenic pathogen, which is characterized by an increased release of cytokines (special signaling cells of the immune system, which by a chain reaction provoke the activation of protective immune cells at the site of inflammation). The cytokine storm causes destruction of the source of inflammation, has a systemic effect and spreads to all other organs and tissues of the body. Thus, the body begins to attack and destroy itself, causing multiple organ failure, which in severe cases and without treatment can be fatal.

A sufficient level of vitamin D3 normalizes the functioning of the immune system, allowing it to more effectively fight viruses and bacteria, which increases not only the chances of recovery and a milder course of the disease, but also plays a preventive role, allowing you to “suppress” coronavirus infection at the initial stage or transfer it to asymptomatic form.

This theory is proven by the decrees of the authorities of Great Britain, Scotland and Wales, which obliged all people with a home lifestyle and those at risk to take preventive doses of vitamin D3, and the National Health Service (NHS) of England distributes vitamin D preparations free of charge to all low-income families with children.

How much vitamin D should you take to prevent coronavirus? During the entire period when you lack sun.

vitamin D3, vitamin D3, sun vitamin, calciferol

Use for cosmetic purposes

Quite a lot has already been said about how important vitamin D is for the human body. Until now, the conversation has been, so to speak, about the inside, but calciferol can also take care of a person’s appearance. In particular, he is able to take care of the beauty and health of hair.

Like other useful substances, vitamin D can be added to ready-made shampoos, conditioners, masks and creams, thereby enriching cosmetics with useful substances. For a more effective effect, vitamin cocktails are suitable: in addition to calciferol, use other substances that are beneficial for hair, for example, vitamins B, A and E. A good effect will be achieved by simply rubbing an oil solution of vitamin D into the scalp (light finger movements, massage). Regular vitaminization of hair will give excellent results in the form of thick, strong and healthy curls, and relieve dandruff and itching of the scalp.

Vitamin hair masks

Recipe 1

Despite the simple recipe, this mask is an effective remedy for strengthening hair at home.

Take olive and burdock oil as a base, mix thoroughly and add about half an ampoule of calciferol to the mixture (you can take an oil solution). Rub the product, heated to a comfortable temperature, into the hair roots and leave for at least an hour. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat every week.

Recipe 2

Mix oils: burdock, almond, ylang-ylang and jojoba. Vitaminize the oil base with substances A, , B1, B2, B6 and D. Apply the prepared mixture to the hair roots, wrap in polyethylene, insulate and leave for 2 hours. Repeat weekly. As a preventive measure - once a month.

Recipe 3

Mix egg yolk with castor oil and vitamin D ampoule. Apply to scalp and wait at least 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and fortified shampoo. Express course – daily for 3 days. Under normal conditions, it can be used once a week.

Examples of 2000 IU supplements and who they are indicated for

A dosage of 2000 IU per day is indicated for people aged 45 years and older as a preventive measure. As we age, our body synthesizes vitamin D less and less, meaning the dosage can be increased.

Source Naturals, Vitamin D3, 2,000 IU, 200 Softgels

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Now Foods, High Potency Vitamin D-3, 2,000 IU, 120 Softgels
Now Foods, Vitamin D-3, 2,000 IU, 120 Softgels

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California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin D3, 50 mcg (2,000 IU), 90 Fish Gelatin Capsules
California Gold Nutrition, 2000 IU, 90 Capsules

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