Scoliosis of the spine - symptoms, diagnosis, types, treatment

Good posture is the key to not only attractiveness, but also health.
With a healthy spine, the internal organs work correctly, with straightened shoulders, the chest is fully opened, and a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the body.

If pathological processes occur in the spine, the entire functioning of the body is disrupted.

Scoliosis is a common disorder.

The disease can develop both from an early age and in adults.

The prognosis for treating the disease depends on the time of its detection.

What is spinal scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system and is characterized by a lateral curvature of the spine.

It is a mistake to think that if you swallow tablets to strengthen your back and spine in the form of calcium, the problem will be solved. No. Only strengthening the back muscles, which hold the spine like a corset, can restore the desired health and healthy back.

Third degree
Scoliosis third degree

What kind of disease is this

Thoracolumbar scoliosis manifests itself as compensation for the early formation of curvature in the chest area. When the back is twisted, the spine cannot bear the load and tries to spread it in two directions.

According to the course of the disease, right-sided and left-sided scoliosis are distinguished. An orthopedist-traumatologist can make an accurate diagnosis. X-rays, MRI and computed tomography are used for research. The main goal for thoracolumbar scoliosis is to stop its further formation and prevent changes in the sternum. With such an illness, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and properly arrange your sleeping and working space.

Right thoracolumbar scoliosis

The right-sided type of the disease can provoke heart disease, since the displacement affects the proper functioning of the heart muscle. The disease reduces elasticity in the chest and also causes the development of chronic diseases in the respiratory system. Curvature on the right side occurs more often.

Left-sided scoliosis

Left-sided thoracolumbar scoliosis occurs less frequently and is often diagnosed in women. The disease is not capable of causing serious problems in the early stages. But if the disease is not treated, it can provoke osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias. The left-sided type of the disease is associated with prolonged stay with the left shoulder extended. The development of pathology is influenced by carrying heavy loads in one of the hands. In the initial stages, the disease may not manifest itself and not cause much discomfort.

Causes of scoliosis development

Weak back muscle tone is the main cause of scoliosis. When the skeleton and spine grow in childhood and adolescence, the back muscles, which should serve as a corset, are weak. They do not keep the spine in the desired and correct shape, and it begins to bend.

Added to these factors are a soft bed, carrying a briefcase mainly on one side, sitting incorrectly near a computer, at a study table, and leaning forward when writing with one shoulder. All this affects the curvature.

The main causes and factors for the development of scoliosis:

  • Congenital deformities occur against the background of anomalies in the formation or development of the vertebrae, different leg lengths, or fusion of the ribs.
  • A sedentary lifestyle can also cause scoliosis.
  • After injuries and bruises of the back, curvature of the spine may appear.
  • Often after surgery, degenerative changes in the vertebrae appeared.
  • Neuromuscular deformities can be caused by cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies, spina bifida, or polio.
  • In adults, scoliosis can be caused by degenerative diseases of the spine - osteoporosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteomyelitis, hernia, protrusions. In most cases, the cause of scoliosis cannot be identified. Such scoliosis is called idiopathic.

What are the causes of scoliosis in adulthood?

  1. Tension of body tissues towards the area of ​​osteopathic damage (trauma, inflammation). Such an injury could even be a burn or sprain of an arm or leg, or inflammation could be the consequences of appendicitis or pneumonia.
  2. Asymmetry of vision or hearing that occurs in adulthood.
  3. Limb length asymmetry that occurs after 18 years of age, usually due to a fracture.
  4. Compression fracture of the spine due to trauma or tumor metastasis. With these types of scoliosis, usually only the relative position of the vertebrae is disrupted; their shape remains unchanged (except for the vertebra damaged by the fracture). The degree of curvature increases with the appearance of herniated intervertebral discs.
  5. Spinal deformity due to osteoporosis. The vertebrae become pathologically soft and fragile, and the spine begins to change its position and deviate to the side. Pathological fractures of the vertebrae are possible. In this case, scoliosis is usually combined with kyphosis - kyphoscoliosis.
  6. Rare causes – neuromuscular diseases, neoplasms, etc.

In all cases, treatment of spinal scoliosis in adults should be comprehensive, serious and begin as early as possible.

Types of scoliosis

Depending on the type of curvature of the spine, 3 types of scoliosis are classified:

  • C-shaped is more common than others. When the patient bends over, one arc of curvature of the spine is visible.
  • S-shaped scoliosis is characterized by a curvature of the spine with the appearance of two arches. And it looks like the English letter S. One of which is scoliotic, and the second is a compensatory arch. Detected by x-ray.
  • Z-shaped scoliosis is the most severe form, which is characterized by curvature of the spine with the appearance of three arches. The upper and lower arcs of curvature are directed in one direction, and the third between them looks in the opposite direction. It can be detected using x-rays.

Types of scoliosis of the spine
Types of scoliosis

Based on the type of curvature of the spine, there are left-sided and right-sided. There are no fundamental differences between them. The difference is in which direction the curvature is.

Depending on the location of scoliosis, there are:

  • Thoracic scoliosis is a severe form of the disease. The patient has difficulty breathing, the functioning of the heart muscle and lungs is impaired due to deformation of the thoracic region. A rib hump forms and pain appears in the back. More often it occurs on the right side. The higher the arc, the more complicated the disease.
  • Lumbar scoliosis is often observed. It occurs in a mild form. More often found on the left side. It is detected during examination by a doctor and occurs in grades 1 and 2. Characterized by lower back pain and the development of osteochondrosis, the change in figure due to deformation occurs gradually.
  • Thoracolumbar scoliosis can be right-sided or left-sided. If a right-sided one is diagnosed, then it proceeds like a thoracic one. Difficult and burdened by health changes. The left side flows more softly. Not so pronounced.
  • Lumbosacral or combined scoliosis is rare. From the name it is clear that the deformities affected the sacrum and lumbar region. The distortion of the sacrum and pelvis is visible. One leg may be longer than the other. Accompanied by pain in the lumbar region.
  • Cervicothoracic scoliosis is rare. But it has 4 degrees of severity.

Types and forms of scoliosis
Forms of scoliosis

Based on their origin, scoliosis is divided into two groups: congenital and dysplastic or acquired.

Third degree

Curvature of the 3rd degree is an already advanced form, which is much more difficult to cure. Significant deformations in the chest and spinal column lead to displacement, compression of internal organs and disruption of their functions, which poses a direct threat to health.

Scoliosis grade 3 has very characteristic manifestations:

  • one shoulder is significantly higher than the other;
  • the pelvis is skewed and one leg seems shorter than the other;
  • There is a pronounced stoop and the presence of a hump in the ribs.

The third degree of scoliosis is characterized by severe deformation of the torso

The pictures clearly show the scoliotic arch and the wedge-shaped shape of the vertebrae located in its upper part. You can also consider displacement and compression of internal organs. The symptoms are also pronounced:

  • pain is present almost constantly, intensifying with movement or being in an uncomfortable position, with pain spreading to the chest, upper and lower extremities;
  • even light physical exertion causes shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and increased sweating;
  • there is muscle weakness, lethargy, decreased concentration;
  • various complications develop with the digestion and urinary system;
  • motor functions are noticeably limited.

Curvature of the 3rd degree is treated with conservative methods with the mandatory use of drug therapy. In addition to painkillers, vitamin and mineral complexes are necessarily prescribed to normalize tissue metabolism (“Calcemin Advance”, “ArtriVit”).

"Calcemin Advance": instructions for use

It is possible to completely eliminate curvature only during the period of active growth of bone and cartilage tissue, subject to strict adherence to therapeutic measures. In other cases, it is only possible to reduce the deformation and eliminate most of the manifestations of the disease. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the correctness of the selected methods.

A set of basic exercises for grade 3 scoliosis

Conservative treatment of grade 3 scoliosis includes:

  • breathing exercises (Schroth technique);
  • physical therapy;
  • wearing a Chenot corset;
  • massotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic devices

If there are no positive results, the patient may be prescribed surgical treatment. Surgery is indicated if the pathology progresses and the angle of curvature is more than 40 degrees, and the pain syndrome is not relieved by medications.

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat grade 3 scoliosis, and also consider the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Video - Surgery for scoliosis 3rd degree

Scoliosis degrees

There are 4 degrees of scoliosis:

  • 1st degree is practically invisible . She can only be seen without clothes. It's hard to tell in clothes. The curvature with it is minimal. Most of the world's population has 1st and 2nd degree scoliosis. These are minor deviations from the norm and grade 1 does not cause any harm to health. Deviation from the axis by 10 degrees.
  • 2nd degree is already deviated by 11-25 degrees from the axis . Correction can be done with gymnastic exercises and brought back to normal after grade 1, but when grade 2 is prescribed, urgent measures must be taken, since it progresses quickly and can cause harm to health.
  • 3 and 4 are rare. This pathology occurs in 10% of people. It is difficult to respond to conservative treatment. They imply curvature of not only the thoracic region, but also the lumbar region. Launched processes at these stages require surgical intervention.

Degrees of scoliosis of the spine
Scoliosis degrees

How to check if you or your loved ones have scoliosis?

  1. Stand with your back to a wall or door. If a person stands correctly, then his spine forms a concave curve in the neck and waist (lower back), and a convex curve in the chest and pelvis, touching the wall in these places. There are gaps between the spine and the wall in the neck and lower back that are equal to the thickness of the subject’s palm. If these distances are greater, then there are postural disorders.
  2. Locate the protruding seventh cervical vertebra at the base of the neck. Take any weight on a string (plumb line) and, applying it to this protruding place, see: does the plumb line go straight along the spine and then between the buttocks? If yes, then everything is fine. If it doesn’t go away, then there is scoliosis.
  3. Bend forward and see if one of your shoulder blades is sticking out. You can check yourself with a mirror: all changes in posture are clearly visible in it.

Scoliosis (especially grades III and IV) is dangerous because it disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems: the heart, lungs, blood circulation, abdominal organs, and nervous system suffer. People with scoliosis develop osteochondrosis earlier. In addition, scoliosis is a cosmetic defect that puts pressure on a person’s psyche and prevents them from living a full life.

Scoliosis can be accompanied by lordosis (a strong forward curve of the spine) or kyphosis (a backward curve), deformities of the shoulder blades, sternum and muscles. Kyphosis (hunchback) and lordosis are essentially different diseases, but they often accompany each other, because if kyphosis develops in one part of the spine, then compensatory lordosis occurs in the other, and vice versa.

A person has physiological lordosis and kyphosis: normally, a slight kyphosis is present in the upper part of the thoracic spine, in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx. Lordosis is normally present in the lower thoracic, lumbar and cervical spine. The depth of the physiological bends corresponds to the thickness of the human palm.

Scoliosis usually occurs at 6–7 years of age, which is associated with a sharply increasing load on the spine (starting school). The second stimulus for the development of scoliosis is observed at 12–13 years of age - with intensive growth. With age, the curvature of the spine only worsens, the deformation intensifies, the spine seems to twist around its axis. Deformities can only be corrected up to 14 years of age: the growth zones of the vertebrae have not yet closed. After this, scoliosis cannot be cured, but it is possible to stabilize a person’s condition and slow down the deformation of the vertebrae with the help of therapeutic exercises, massage, and physiotherapy. The purpose of these methods is to form a so-called muscle corset from the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, back, neck and shoulder muscles. The muscle corset supports the spine in the correct position, thus reducing severe curvature.

You cannot come up with a set of exercises on your own to strengthen the muscle corset, because some types of exercise for scoliosis are strictly prohibited (jumping, lifting weights, stretching and flexibility exercises). Stretching for scoliosis is not recommended, because a person stretches, first of all, healthy parts of the spine, which are already very mobile. Because of this, scoliosis develops faster, so if you have scoliosis, you don’t need to hang on horizontal bars or wall bars.

Properly selected therapeutic exercises should strengthen the muscles and not aggravate the course of scoliosis. All exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, with minimal amplitude, while the spine should be practically motionless. Manual therapy and massage help normalize muscle tone, increase joint mobility, and improve blood circulation. During their implementation, tissue nutrition is enhanced, and this in turn ensures strengthening and more intensive development of muscles.

With the help of a corset, you can forcefully give the spine the desired shape. The most important thing is that the corset is correctly selected and does not compress the internal organs. But there is no need to get carried away with corsets, since constant artificial maintenance of the spine in the desired position contributes to inactivity and weakening of one’s own muscles, which ultimately worsens scoliosis. Therefore, if you wear a corset, it won’t be for long, and it’s even better to create your own muscle corset. Manual therapy can help in the early stages of scoliosis, but only if done by an experienced professional.

Kyphosis (hunchback) at an early stage is treated with the help of special positions, in which the patient is placed for some time in the most correct position, unloading the spine.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the degree of spinal deformity. In most cases, congenital pathologies are more difficult to correct. Older children and adult patients often have to undergo surgery. Surgical correction is performed for stages III and IV of scoliosis. During the operation, the spine is fixed with metal rods, after which the patient wears a plaster corset for several months. After surgery, lung volume does not increase, but blood oxygen saturation improves. In the future, the possibility of carrying out (and directly carrying out) overinflation of the lungs using devices that create positive and negative pressure during breathing is being considered.

Treatment of scoliosis will be effective only if you regularly perform the prescribed exercises, constantly monitor correct posture, massage your back, wisely alternate between classes and active recreation, and consult with an orthopedic doctor. In addition, consultations with a gastroenterologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist and dentist are needed.

Diagnosis of scoliosis

The method for diagnosing scoliosis is an x-ray:

  • Using an x-ray, the angle of the scoliotic curvature is determined. It can also be determined using a scoliosomer. The angle of curvature is measured and compared with the norm for the classification of scoliosis.
  • The deformation angles are determined using the Enchur, Ferguson, and Cobb methods. The difference lies in the measurement methods and approaches.
  • In addition to measuring the angle of curvature, the deformation and stability index is diagnosed . From this they draw a conclusion about the degree of deformation and the progress of the disease.

If the first symptoms of scoliosis appear, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. X-ray, CT and MRI of the spine. The study will show the degree of pathology and the dynamics of development.

Depending on the stage and type of scoliosis, you need to contact a therapist, orthopedist, surgeon, and specialized specialists.


Before treating scoliosis, it is necessary to diagnose internal disorders. Orthopedists use a number of methods to identify scoliosis.

The tilt test allows you to detect curvature at an early stage. The person leans forward without bending his legs. The arms are hanging freely downwards. The doctor looks from behind and notes the presence of spinal column deformity.

The magnitude of the curvature, as well as the presence of congenital rib deformities, are determined by x-ray. During radiography, the patient takes different body positions so that changes are visible in different projections. X-rays make it possible to see pathological changes in each of the vertebrae.

The spine is analyzed using other hardware techniques: three-dimensional light-optical measurement, three-dimensional ultrasound measurement. Photo control, visual and contact examination by an orthopedist are also used. During the examination, the doctor must measure height, weight and breast volume - these parameters help determine the severity of the disease.

If the patient's condition deteriorates significantly over a short period, in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure, repeat images are taken using the “low dose” method, that is, “reduced dose”. The technique allows you to shorten the procedure time and reduce the radiation dose during x-rays.

If the doctor excludes idiopathic causes of scoliosis, magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed to make a diagnosis.

Symptoms of scoliosis

Depending on the degree and severity of the disease, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • asymmetry of shoulders , shoulder blades, pelvis, legs;
  • poor posture and changes in gait;
  • pain in the back, in the thoracic region, between the shoulder blades and in the lower back, headaches;
  • in severe stages, breathing is difficult, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, lungs occur due to compression of the heart, when the vertebrae are displaced, and the back is bent.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

Curvature of the spine may be asymptomatic: a slight curvature may not be visible.

The main symptoms of scoliosis are:

  • slouch;
  • one shoulder being higher than the other;
  • asymmetrically protruding shoulder blades;
  • deformed chest;
  • one side of the back is higher than the other when bending deeply forward;
  • back pain after standing for a short time or after walking.

The development of an uneven shoulder line indicates a developing curvature of the spinal column at the pelvic level.

Important! If pain occurs after standing or sitting for a long time, this indicates growths on the spine or muscle spasms. Such symptoms indicate a more complex development of scoliosis and require complex treatment.


To determine the severity and nature of the development of the curvature, the patient is examined; if it is necessary to identify pathological processes in the spine, an x-ray examination is performed .

To determine scoliosis, the patient bends forward, and the doctor examines the spinal axis for asymmetry.

Video: “Spinal curvatures and their causes”

Treatment methods for scoliosis

Minor deformities most often do not require any specific treatment. Corsets are used to treat moderate deformities in adolescents with growth potential and allow the initial stages of the disease to be cured. To improve posture and create a good muscle corset, physical therapy is recommended.

The use of corsets for scoliosis

The use of corsets for scoliosis is prescribed at an early stage. They are supportive therapy and are aimed at helping to keep the back muscles in the correct position and promote the formation of posture.

There are supporting corsets, they are represented by: reclinators, breast correctors, thoracolumbar semi-rigid corsets. Corrective corsets are used to correct curvature and stop the transformation of the vertebrae. The product helps keep the spine in a normal position and facilitates muscle function.

A corrective corset must be worn for at least 6 months. A support corset must be used in the postoperative period.

Popular models:

  • Chenot corset.
  • Milwaukee corset.
  • Boston corset of rigid type.
  • Lyon corset.
  • Corset Chest Belt.

Boston corset

Chest Belt corset

Milwaukee corset

Corset support is also important for proper blood circulation. After all, when a corset supports a sore back, the organs take their correct position. Consequently, all organs begin to do their jobs correctly. And this affects the general well-being of a person.

Physical therapy and exercises for scoliosis

For scoliosis, gymnastics and physical education, swimming, yoga and running are very useful. All these activities help strengthen the muscles and the entire body. They serve as disease prevention and help stop the process of scoliosis in the early stages.

IMPORTANT! Strength training and all sports associated with it are contraindicated. Hanging on the horizontal bar and acrobatic exercises are also contraindicated.

An approximate set of exercises for home:

  • It is enough to stand on your toes in the morning and stretch your arms upward, stretching your spine. Slowly spreading your arms to the sides. The next time you stretch, make turns left and right.
  • The pose on all fours also promotes stretching and helps eliminate pain. Do gymnastics slowly and smoothly, with even breathing.
  • In a supine position, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach. The back remains straight and lies on the floor.

Exercises for scoliosis
Exercises to correct scoliosis

In the gym, with a trainer, they do exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Before playing sports, you should consult a doctor.

Yoga for scoliosis

Yoga classes should be performed only after the recommendation of a doctor.

Intensity no more than every 2 days:

Setubandhasana exercise

  • Exercise to unload the spine . Exercise cat pose - cow pose. Starting position: get on all fours and place your hands on the floor below shoulder level. As you inhale, bend your lower back, raising your head up. As you exhale, lower your head and bend your back. Repeat up to 10 times.
  • Starting position - on all fours. As you inhale, raise your left arm and leg up, reaching for your arm. Lower them to their original position. Repeat the exercise with your right arm and leg. Do up to 10 times. Breathe slowly and evenly.
  • Lie on the floor on your stomach and stretch your legs. Bend your arms at the elbows near the lower back. Rise up, arching your back and try to straighten your arms. You can bend your legs at the knees. Try to reach the feet with the top of your head. As you exhale, lie down in the starting position. Do up to 10 times.
  • Take the starting position while sitting, in the lotus position, if possible. Place your hands on your left shoulder. As you inhale, turn your body to the left, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Change the position of your hands to the right. Do up to 5-7 times.

Physiotherapy for scoliosis

Physiotherapy is carried out for grades 1 and 2 of scoliosis. Treatment of grades 3 and 4 is not an easy task. The goal of therapy at these degrees is to prevent scoliosis from developing further. Help return a few degrees of curvature to normal.

Breathing exercises using the Katharina Schroth method, massage, gymnastics, and wearing corsets will be effective. Indications for physiotherapy should be only after the recommendation of a doctor.

In physiotherapy the following is used:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • electrotherapy (electrophoresis and stimulation of the abdominal and back muscles);
  • magnetic therapy;
  • heat therapy;
  • Charcot shower and hydrotherapy;
  • UHF;
  • mud therapy.

All of them are designed to help the body improve metabolism and increase blood flow, improve muscle tone, relieve tension and pain symptoms.

Application of massage

The use of massage is a reflex effect on the back muscles.

For each degree of scoliosis, certain types of massage are used, using different techniques:

Massage for scoliosis is useful at any stage

  • The left and right backs are stroked along the entire line of the body up and down. First smoothly, then more rhythmically.
  • Then they move on to deep stroking.
  • They use enveloping and plane massage.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy offers a wide range of possibilities. And the specialist’s qualifications must be at a high level. Medical education and specialization in this field are required. The doctor's knowledge must be deep.

The specialist begins his sessions with a relaxing massage and stroking, and ends with stretching the vertebrae, screwing them in and realigning them.

Drug treatment for scoliosis

The main goal of drug treatment is to eliminate pain, improve blood circulation, and reduce curvature. A comprehensive solution is needed in the treatment of scoliosis. This includes treatment with pharmaceuticals, massages, physical education, yoga, manual therapy, physiotherapy and reflexology.

A drugGroupAction provided
Chondroitin, DonaChondroprotectorsRestores the cartilage layer.
Ibuprofen, MeloxicamNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsAnalgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Ketanov, KetonalNon-narcotic painkillersThey have an analgesic effect.
MydocalmMuscle relaxantsRelieves muscle spasms.
Rofocoxib, Celecoxib, Parecoxib, ValdecoxibCOX-2 inhibitorsHave minimal side effects. Pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Does not disrupt processes in the gastrointestinal tract.


In the last stages of the disease, when conservative methods do not help, the surgeon recommends surgery. Surgery can correct the curvature, albeit not completely, but bring the spine to a normal state by strengthening it with special metal devices - plates and staples.

Surgical treatment usually requires a deformity of more than 45 degrees due to the high risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, using special screws and rods, the surgeon achieves correction and stabilization of the deformity.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is possible at any stage, but it must be combined with treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Method of treatmentDescriptionAction
Bath with pine branchesIt requires a 10 liter bucket of pine needles. Pour into a container and put on fire, filling with water. When it comes to a boil, leave for 3-4 hours. Then strain this infusion and pour it into the bath. Take such a therapeutic bath for 30-40 minutes. Relaxes muscles and calms. Helps relieve pain.
Bath with aspen bark decoctionIt is brewed for 10 minutes over low heat. The ratio of bark and water is 1 kg of aspen bark per 3 liters of water. This bath can be taken daily for 20-30 minutes. They help to achieve relaxation and relieve muscle tension and sometimes pain.
Salt compressTo do this, you need to dissolve 25 g of salt in 1 liter of water. Make the water warm and soak the cloth in this solution that will be used by the patient with a sore back. And apply it to the problem area and wrap it up. Wear 2 hours Relieves back pain well.
Dandelion compressFor 400 ml of vodka you need 500-600 ml of dandelion flowers. Pour into a glass jar and fill it one third with inflorescences. Place in a warm place for 10 days. Before use, dilute with water and moisten the cloth that will be used to cover the sore spot. The compress is left overnight. Dandelion infused with vodka helps cope with pain

Causes of scoliosis progression

All other things being equal, different patients who started the study with the same degree of spinal curvature may, after some time, have very different degrees of deformation. So far this phenomenon cannot be explained.

Possible reasons for the progression of scoliosis to degree 3:

  • Injuries of the spine and its components (intervertebral discs, blood vessels, vertebrae);
  • Disorders of mineral metabolism (especially calcium) due to pathologies of the endocrine glands;
  • Frequent stay in a forced position;
  • Incorrect distribution of the load when lifting it;
  • Weakening of the tone of the spinal muscles;
  • Bone loss in postmenopausal women;
  • Injuries leading to a fracture of the femoral neck, shortening of the lower limb, displacement of the pelvic bones;
  • History of epilepsy leading to pathological activity of the back muscles;
  • Intensive growth in adolescents.

When a person is in an incorrect position for a long time, his vertebrae adapt to this condition. After returning to the physiologically correct position, all parts of the spine return to normal. If the pathological process is repeated frequently, returning to the original position becomes difficult and then completely impossible.

Treatment of children and adolescents

In children and adolescents, scoliosis is more common than others; treatment should begin as soon as signs are detected:

Scoliosis in an infant

  • Children and adolescents are prescribed physical therapy and massages that strengthen the back muscles.
  • Manual therapy is also used . First, the back muscles are relaxed, and then they are moved to their correct location. It is indicated for scoliosis 1-2 in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.
  • Hydrotherapy methods are effective . These are sodium chloride baths, 10 procedures 2-3 times a year. It is recommended to wear corsets that fix the muscles in the correct position.
  • Physiotherapy and mud . Heat therapy with paraffin and ozokeritin, electrophoresis and electrical muscle stimulation are indicated. They are prescribed 10-20 procedures with an interval of 3 months. Ultrasound removes pain syndromes.

To prevent scoliosis, a child needs a special orthopedic mattress.

Is it possible to cure scoliosis in adults?

The spine is fully formed by the age of 20, so it is recommended to start treatment at an earlier age, during the period of active growth.

Treatment of scoliosis in adults is carried out to eliminate pain symptoms and reduce visual manifestations. Complete recovery is possible only if the cause of the disease is hidden in pathologies of the intervertebral discs.

In any case, only timely treatment will achieve positive results.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment is prescribed to eliminate pain, saturate the body with vitamins and normalize metabolic processes.

NSAIDs are used for pain relief:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketanov;
  • Diclofenac.

For disorders of internal organs and the development of bleeding in the digestive tract, Omeprazole is prescribed. To eliminate unbearable pain in scoliosis, injections of Novocaine or Meloxicam are prescribed.

B vitamins will help get rid of discomfort and mild pain. For concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system, Paracetamol is prescribed instead of NSAIDs as a pain reliever. Vitamins based on calcium and vitamin D are used to strengthen bone tissue.

The rest of the correction of spinal column deformity is carried out using massage, manual therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.


Treatment of scoliosis with massage can strengthen the back muscles, reduce pressure on the spine, and correct posture. The procedure improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the tissue. Manipulations are carried out only by a qualified specialist.

Manual therapy

With a slight deviation of the spine and displacement of the vertebrae, with the help of manual therapy, scoliosis can be corrected as close as possible to its normal location.

During the procedure, the chiropractor uses his hands to influence individual muscles, promoting their relaxation. As a result, the displaced vertebrae fall into place and the manifestations of spinal deformity are reduced.

Wearing corsets

Correction of scoliosis using a corset is most often performed in children and adolescents, since the formation of the spinal column is not complete. The corset reduces the load on the spine and corrects posture. In adult patients, it is rarely used, exclusively to relieve tension from the spine.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapeutic treatment improves blood circulation, strengthens the spinal muscles, and reduces symptomatic manifestations.

The following physiotherapy methods are used:

  • ultrasonic wave treatment;
  • application of magnetic waves;
  • electrophoresis;
  • thermal procedures (use of mud, peat, paraffin, ozokerite);
  • electrical stimulation of muscles;
  • hydromassage;
  • sodium chloride baths.


Eastern techniques

The use of oriental therapy methods is quite popular. Thus, treatment of scoliosis in China consists mainly of various types of massage, acupuncture, herbal treatment, meditation and Qigong gymnastics.

Very often, oriental methods are combined: for example, herbal baths and acupuncture. Herbal medicine occupies one of the leading places in the treatment of scoliosis. For each patient, medications based on plant substances and sometimes animal components are prescribed individually.

Also, Qigong gymnastics plays an important role in therapy and consists of performing slow, smooth and calm movements.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise is quite useful and effective at the beginning of the development of pathology and allows you to completely eliminate the pathological bend. As the disease progresses, exercise therapy is an integral part of therapy.

With daily gymnastics, you can achieve the following results:

  • relieve the load from the spine;
  • strengthen your back muscles;
  • remove imbalance of ligaments and muscles;
  • strengthen the body.

In each individual case, the doctor selects exercises that must be performed daily.


Surgical treatment of scoliosis is rarely performed and only if there is a spinal deviation of more than 45 degrees. The operation consists of installing specialized structures that level the curvature. To do this, metal structures are used to immobilize some vertebrae.

back after surgery

How does an osteopath treat?

At the beginning of the first meeting, of course, there is a conversation.

From it, the osteopath learns from the patient what is bothering him and carries out further treatment:

  • Axial load tests. By applying pressure to the patient's head, he evaluates the body's stability, balance, weaknesses, and the possibility of compensation.
  • An osteopath uses many techniques and techniques. These are active and passive tests, when he asks the patient to bend over, strain, thereby diagnosing his condition. Or he runs his hands over the patient’s joints, assessing their condition.
  • Tensile and torsion tests.

An osteopath is a highly qualified doctor who is able to determine with his hands where the problem is in the body, the displacement, which organs are limited in movement, what is the cause of spasm and pain.

Characteristics/Clinical picture

  • Lateral curvature of the spine.
  • Poor posture.
  • Asymmetry of the shoulder blades and shoulder girdles.
  • Clothes don't fit well.
  • Localized muscle pain.
  • Localized ligament pain.
  • The greatest danger with progressive severe scoliosis is a decrease in pulmonary function.
  • 6% of patients report having chronic chest pain lasting at least three months in the past year.
  • 6% of patients report chronic low back pain for three months over the past year.

Factors associated with chronic low back pain include: single curve (OR, 3.85; 95% CI, 1.85-8.01), wearing a brace (OR, 3.19; 95% CI, 1.56-6.52), moderate depression (OR, 2.49; 95% CI, 1.08-5.71), moderate/severe daytime sleepiness (OR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.10-4.28).

To study Dorsalgia (m54)

The progression of scoliosis leads to deformation of the chest and, as a consequence, to deterioration of lung function. The results of the current study show that deterioration of pulmonary function occurred in more severe spinal deformities, proximal curves, and in older patients.

Sanatorium treatment of scoliosis in Russia

Sanatorium treatment in Russia for scoliosis is indicated in the early stages. They offer a wide range of services. These include massages, mud baths, manual therapy and reflexology, therapeutic exercises and various types of spinal stretches.

Sanatoriums in Russia where scoliosis is treated:

  • “Khoprovsky Dawns” (Volga region).
  • “Zagorskie Dali” (Moscow region).
  • "Yubileiny" (Southern Urals).
  • "Tourist" and "Polushkino" in the Moscow region.

How is this disease diagnosed?

Before starting to treat grade 2 scoliosis, the doctor must examine the patient. Here are the necessary steps:

  • patient interview;
  • X-ray;
  • MRI/CT;
  • scoliometry;
  • visual inspection;
  • spondylography;
  • palpation as well as auscultation.

An orthopedist or vertebrologist, based on the image, draws conclusions about how curved the spine is. To determine the angle more accurately, the doctor must draw several lines. Here the Cobb, Fergusson or Lekum technique is used. This involves using an instrument called a scoliometer. It helps to assess how much the symmetry of the torso is broken.

Methods for measuring the angle of the scoliotic curve

Treatment using the Katharina Schroth method

When breathing according to Schroth, the patient must breathe consciously through all the sinking zones of the chest. It is necessary to get away from stereotypical breathing, which has become possible for people with scoliosis due to incorrect posture and changes in the spine. They breathe stereotypically according to their disease, and the chest is involved in the breathing process asymmetrically.

The procedure goes like this:

  • First, the patient is placed on a massage table. It has a hole for the face. For some time he lies calm and breathes.
  • The instructor gives a light massage to the areas that are sunken. The patient must remember the sensations in these areas. Have a memory of the zones in your head.
  • Then the instructor places his hand on this area, and the patient tries to raise his hand while inhaling . The exhalation should be made as long as possible. In this case, the intercostal muscles are involved.

These exercises make it possible to remember the technique of inhalation and exhalation in certain problem areas. They are being trained.

Types of scoliosis

Scoliosis is classified according to its origin, location of curvature, shape, and degree of deformation. The rate of disease progression and its clinical course are also taken into account. European doctors widely use classification regarding age.

  1. Congenital. It is detected in the first year after birth. But an anomaly is formed during the development of the fetus during pregnancy. At least 20% of diagnosed scoliosis are congenital deformities.
  2. Infantile. This is the name of scoliosis, which is first detected in a child under 3 years of age. This type of curvature is more common in boys. It happens that it disappears as suddenly as it appeared. In infantile scoliosis, torque is less common.
  3. Juvenile. Appears at the age of 3-10 years. The most common type of scoliosis. It has the highest risk of progression. Girls are diagnosed with juvenile scoliosis more often than boys.
  4. Teenage. This is the name for a disease in which the deformity was discovered at the age of 11-17 years. It usually occurs spontaneously. Rapid progression of curvature is also possible.
  5. Acquired. Diagnosed in patients over 18 years of age. Occurs due to degenerative changes in the spine.

Scoliosis can be classified by cause of origin. What is neuromuscular scoliosis? In this case, changes in the spine cause other pathologies associated with the nervous and muscular systems. Such pathologies include, for example, serious metabolic disorders, dystrophy, and cerebral palsy.

According to the shape of the curvature, scoliosis is of 3 types:

  • C-shaped, with 1st arc of curvature;
  • S-shaped, with 2 arcs of curvature;
  • Z-shaped, with 3 arcs of curvature.

The localization of scoliosis refers to the part of the spine in which the curvature is observed.

Treatment of scoliosis according to Bubnovsky

The principle of treatment of Dr. Bubnovsky is to select therapeutic exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles on a multifunctional simulator, avoiding axial load on the spine:

  • These exercises help unload the spine , paravertebral muscles, and allow you to stretch the spine thanks to the decompression created with the help of the simulator.
  • Initially, diagnostics and testing of muscle functions are carried out on a multifunctional simulator, in order to correctly select the necessary exercises for this type of scoliosis.
  • Kinesiotherapy specialists participate in the patient’s exercise process and monitor the progress of the exercise.

A set of exercises has a positive effect on scoliosis in adults and helps stop the progressive disease. This exercise regimen is aimed at strengthening the muscle frame, which leads to improved blood circulation and improves muscle and ligament tone.

Stages and complications of left-sided deformity

Table. Four-grade rating system according to V. D. Chaklin

IC-shaped deformity of the spine, the angle of curvature on the x-ray is about 10°, in the lying position 0°. Unexpressed asymmetry of the shoulder girdle and shoulder blades.
IIPronounced asymmetry of body parts, the appearance of a rib hump, misalignment of the shoulder and pelvic girdles, and unexpressed prolapse of the pelvis are recorded. The curvature angle is from 11 to 30 degrees.
IIIDeformation angle from 31° to 60°. Noticeable asymmetry of parts of the body, deformation of the chest, costovertebral hump up to 3 cm, sagging muscles on the side of the curvature.
IVThe curvature of both the spine and the chest is pronounced and fixed. The angle of deformation is more than 61°, the rib humps are very noticeable, the pelvis and chest are distorted.

Usually, in the early stages, left-sided scoliosis has virtually no effect on the general condition of the patient, there are only minor external deviations.

At the second stage, the disease is already more noticeable visually, as unevenness in the shoulder line develops.

However, at the third stage, scoliosis can cause problems of internal organs, primarily deformation of the chest, which in turn leads to strangulation of the respiratory organs and a lack of respiratory capacity of the lungs, as well as pressure on the heart. This leads to more serious consequences, such as an increased risk of bronchitis or pneumonia, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Scoliosis 3 degrees

Treatment of scoliosis using the Valentin Dikul method

Dikul's therapeutic therapy consists of several blocks.

It loads the muscles with constant load throughout the day:

  • A set of exercises is performed in the morning and evening. The load on muscle groups is different.
  • In the morning, load on the muscle group of the back and legs . And in the evening, exercise the upper body, where the arms, chest and stomach are involved.
  • The second stage is aimed at developing and strengthening the affected area . They work the muscles of this area of ​​the back.
  • The third stage exercises work the spine and force it to be flexible.

An individual program is selected to restore health at home. This technique involves the body's self-healing system. Allows you to defeat the disease, rather than adapt to it.

How to determine scoliosis at home

The onset of the disease is not always accompanied by severe symptoms. Sometimes periodic mild painful sensations can indicate a pathological process in the spine.

To promptly determine the presence of scoliosis at home, you should be more attentive to your body.

It is possible to assume the presence of scoliosis if the shoulders and shoulder blades are unevenly located. If there is a large and uneven distance between the waist and the arms hanging down, we can talk about problems with the spine.

The diagnosis is also suggested if one of the shoulder blades protrudes and is located closer to the spinal column. And the most important thing is the standing forward bend test. In this case, spinal deformity is visualized.

For further examination and identification of the extent of the pathological process, children are shown to a pediatrician. Diagnosis of adult patients is carried out by a general practitioner, orthopedist or vertebrologist.

In patients of different ages, X-rays, MRIs are performed, or prescribed in more severe cases if it is necessary to identify the underlying cause of the disease. If respiratory function is impaired, adult patients are prescribed fluorography.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult and allows for correct treatment.


Methods and principles of scoliosis prevention:

Special orthopedic mattress

  • It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Alternate loads and rest. Have physical activity in the form of gymnastics and physical education. Watch your posture and maintain your muscle frame. Swimming, yoga. Be in a good mood and avoid negative emotions.
  • Sleep on a hard mattress so that the spine does not sag, but stretches out.
  • Have a diet containing substances necessary for the functioning of the spine and the entire skeletal system.
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time , get up and warm up every hour, stretch your spine.
  • Be outdoors a lot. Breathe correctly and stay hydrated . For 1 kg of weight, 30 ml of water is the norm for a healthy person.

Irina Krasikova’s book “Scoliosis. Prevention and Treatment" presents information in an accessible form and provides answers to pressing questions; illustrations and recommendations make it useful.

The enemies of good posture

  1. Sleeping area. It is beneficial to sleep on a hard bed, preferably on your stomach or back. The pillow should not be too big or soft. The ideal option is to use orthopedic mattresses and pillows.
  1. Clothes and shoes. The development of scoliosis is facilitated by tight clothing (shirts), which interferes with the normal growth and development of the chest. It is harmful to wear shoes that are too big, tight or uncomfortable. Incorrect leg position leads to flat feet and long-term results - curvature of the spine. If a child is diagnosed with flat feet or club feet, these diseases should be treated immediately. For adults with scoliosis, it is not advisable to wear high-heeled or stiletto shoes.
  1. Bags. The surest path to scoliosis is carrying a bag in one hand. For schoolchildren, it is preferable to choose backpacks with a hard back and wide straps. The backpack must be selected according to size. And for adults, backpacks are preferable to bags.
  1. The workplace should be comfortable and well lit. It is not suitable for tall schoolchildren to sit on a low chair or at a low desk. If the child is short and does not reach the floor with his feet (sitting at the table), give him a stand so that the hip and knee joints are bent at a right angle. The same rules apply to sitting at the computer. It is very important that the furniture is suitable for the student’s height. Insufficient lighting and blurred vision have a bad effect on posture, because in this case the child sits hunched over and bends low over books and notebooks.

For office workers who spend 7–8 hours at work, it is important to properly organize their workplace, because sedentary work puts a huge strain on the spine. The height of the table should be 2–3 cm above the elbow of the seated arm, and the height of the chair should not exceed the height of the shin. When working at a desk, you need to lean on both elbows, both legs, your back should closely touch the back of the chair, maintaining a lumbar curve. A fist should be placed between the chest and the edge of the table.

  1. The daily routine should be rational: sedentary work should be alternated with physical exercise. For schoolchildren, this could be physical education minutes. Children need to take breaks every 15–20 minutes when working at the computer. It will be useful to enroll your child in a sports section. Office workers should take breaks for 5-10 minutes every 45 minutes, and at this time do small exercises to stretch stiff muscles. Walking, hiking, and swimming are very useful for both children and adults.

Treatment of scoliosis in Europe, Israel and Korea

Treatment in foreign centers is prescribed after diagnosis. Based on conservative treatment for patients with grade 1-2. They are also prescribed special exercises and the use of corsets. From grade 3, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Surgical treatment is carried out by neurosurgeons. The range of prices for treatment in Europe , in particular in Germany ranges from 10 thousand dollars to 37 thousand dollars. An important process after surgery is rehabilitation. Its duration is at least 3 weeks. It is paid and costs from $300 to $2500.

In Israel, the cost of laboratory tests ranges from $320 to $910. Conservative treatment can range from $5,000.

Treatment in Korea will cost more; for 12-14 days of hospitalization you will need to pay 12,000 - 18,000 dollars.

Prevention of scoliosis

Prevention of scoliosis begins in early childhood. Parents should not rush to teach their baby the skill of sitting in the first year of life, so as not to provoke disorders in the spine due to high load. When teaching preschoolers and schoolchildren, it is important to pay great attention to posture, sitting straight at a desk, and straightening your shoulders while standing.

Regular exercise in active games and sports, in which the shoulder girdle and torso are involved, and the back muscles are developed, are useful. During the period of growth, the child should receive adequate nutrition. Vitamins are useful for the health of skeletal bones, especially vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. For prevention, you can give your child vitamin and mineral complexes twice a year.

If there is back pain, stooping, or changes in the child’s gait, the child should be seen by an orthopedist. With initial changes, a minimum of time will be required for correction and correction. If you have diagnosed scoliosis of 1-2 degrees, it is useful to sleep on an orthopedic mattress of medium to strong hardness. It is also better to choose an orthopedic pillow. At a younger age, you can completely abandon the pillow.

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Where is scoliosis treated in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

Clinic nameAddressPrice
Clinic for the treatment of spine and jointsMoscow, Startovaya street, 7.The cost of manual therapy of the spine is 2000 rubles.
Consultation with a vertebrologist RUB 1,200.
International Surgery CenterMoscow, 1905 Goda st., 7 building 1.Primary doctor appointment 1700 rub.
Manual 1700 rub.

Separately for each (cervical, lumbosacral) 5,000 rubles.

Medical clinic MED 4YOUMoscow, st. Palikhina 1, building 1. Reception of specialists from 1500 rubles.
MRI of all parts of the spine RUB 11,500.
Scoliosis Treatment CenterSt. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 53.Appointment, examination and consultation RUB 2,000.
Repeated inspection RUB 1,500.
Longevity CenterSt. Petersburg, st. Bronnitskaya, 15 Initial reception and examination up to 2000 rubles.
Secondary 1500 rub.
Dynasty Medical CenterSt. Petersburg, st. Repisheva, 13. Appointment, examination and consultation with a doctor of the highest category - 1,500 rubles.

Diagnosis of this disease

To diagnose this disease of the musculoskeletal system, first of all, the doctor must carefully examine the patient in order to understand how to correct this or that problem. During examination, the patient should be undressed to the waist. The doctor carefully examines the patient from the front and then from the back. Next he asks the patient to bend over slowly and carefully compares both halves of the person’s body. With second degree scoliosis, the curvature of the spinal column will be clearly visible. Also, depending on the part of the spinal column that is curved, asymmetry in the arrangement of bones and joints will be observed. To confirm the diagnosis of spinal scoliosis, the doctor may prescribe additional tests.

These include:

  1. Radiography. This is the cheapest and most reliable study to confirm the diagnosis. Using this technique, a specialist will be able to identify the presence of a pathological process, stage, angle of curvature with its localization. In addition, using this method it is possible to detect the presence of other pathological processes of the skeletal system, such as osteochondrosis.
  2. Scoliometry. It is performed using a special scoleometer device, which can be mechanical or electronic. With this device, the doctor will be able to measure the degree of curvature of the spine, the presence of rotation or displacement of the vertebrae. This method also allows you to determine the localization of the muscle cushion and the origin of the costal hump.
  3. Spondylography. A study with the help of which it is possible to identify a pathological process affecting a vertebra even at an early stage.
  4. MRI. The most expensive of all methods, but also the most informative. During this study, a specialist can examine the spine in a three-dimensional projection. This method appeared relatively recently, but has proven itself very well. Because when examining a vertebra, you can simultaneously determine the functional state of other organs of the body.

MRI will allow you to examine the disease from all sides, in as much detail as possible
. In addition to the basic methods listed above, the doctor may prescribe other studies in the form of ultrasound or ECG. Because with second-degree scoliosis, other organs and body systems are very often affected.

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