Cerebrolysate ® (Cerebrolysat): instructions for use, differences from Cerebrolysin, price, reviews

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Has limitations for kidney problems

Modern pharmacological companies produce a large number of drugs that help fight brain disorders and damage. Cerebrolysate has a high degree of effectiveness.

Packaging of the drug Cerebrolysate
The main task of the medication is to increase the brain's resistance to hypoglycemia, hypoxia and various intoxications. The instructions for use indicate that Cerebrolysate can be prescribed to both adults and children.

Impact on the human body

Cerebrolysate is a preparation of brain tissue. By hydrolysis, a solution is obtained; it contains active protein chains and various amino acids, which easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier directly into the neurons of the meninges.

Mechanism of action

  • activates chemical reactions that contribute to the regulation of brain tissue and its bioelectrical activity;
  • prevents the formation of free radicals and neuronal death due to the development of hypoxia or ischemia;
  • protects the brain from exposure to toxic substances;
  • has a positive effect on a person’s mental activity, as well as the process of memorizing and reproducing received information;
  • increases the efficiency of energy aerobic metabolism of the human brain;
  • has a positive effect in the complex treatment of paralysis and strokes of various etiologies.


Cerebrolysate is a brain tissue product that contains amino acids and biologically active peptides. They get inside and go to the nerve cells. The intake improves metabolic processes in brain cells.

After using the product, protein synthesis in neurons is activated, the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen starvation, intoxication, and hypoglycemia increases. The technique improves the bioelectrical dynamism of the brain and increases reserve compensatory capabilities. This leads to a decrease in the manifestations of neurological deficits.

Course therapy with the drug has a positive effect on attention and memory processes. Effective in complex therapy of paralysis.

Cerebrolysate is not an antibiotic, but parallel administration of two groups of drugs is possible. Eating does not matter. The duration of therapy can reach a month. The drug is available in pharmacies by prescription.

Doctors allow the use of the drug during critical days. There is no information on the use of the drug in HIV-infected patients.

When taking it, you must be extremely careful when driving. It is also prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages, as the risk of increasing the course of pathologies of a neurotic nature increases. Can increase blood pressure.


Indications for use

Prescribed for the following diseases:

  • neuropathy;
  • dysfunctions of the central nervous system associated with circulatory disorders;
  • ischemic stroke (in both stages - rehabilitation stage, acute stage);
  • myelopathy;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • traumatic brain damage due to surgery, concussion or traumatic brain injury;
  • consequence of hemorrhagic stroke;
  • infectious, traumatic or toxic radiculopathy;
  • impaired concentration;
  • encephalopathy of various etiologies;
  • encephalopathy;
  • post-traumatic asthenic syndrome.

Side effects

Before starting therapy, the attending physician must warn the patient that the procedure for administering the medication is quite painful.

Over time, thickening or irritation of the skin may appear directly at the injection site.

To reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the administration technique:

  • before taking the medicine into the syringe, warm the ampoule to body temperature;
  • easily massage the injection site;
  • administer the medicine gradually;
  • slowly remove the needle from the soft tissue.

In patients suffering from hypertension, during the administration of the drug, in many cases a hypertensive attack may develop, which must be stopped as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications.

In some cases, the drug may cause side effects such as an allergic reaction, fever, chills, anaphylactic shock, high blood pressure, or irritation at the injection site.

In isolated cases, the development of insomnia, excessive aggression, apathy or depression is noted (if available to a psychotherapist). Very rarely, use causes headaches or dizziness, convulsions, heart pain or dyspeptic disorders.

Cerebrolysate injections: instructions for use

The drug is used only parenterally: in the form of intramuscular injections or intravenous drips. The dosage depends on the stage of severity and nature of the pathological process, as well as on the patient’s age and general health.

Doctor's advice

Reviews about the drugs: for what diseases is each drug most often used. Despite the fact that the drugs are very similar, the range of their use is somewhat different. The main applications of Cerebrolysin are ischemic brain lesions - ischemic stroke of any age, dementia, perinatal ischemia in children, post-traumatic changes. Also used for Alzheimer's disease. Cerebrolysate's main purpose is also cerebral ischemia, but spinal cord damage (myelopathy), neuropathy, radiculopathy is added, because the drug also works in the periphery. Most often, both drugs are used for stroke and its consequences, and decreased attention in children. Cerebrolysate is used for dietary and alcoholic polyneuropathy, Cerebrolysin is used in the complex treatment of depression.

Victoria Druzhikina Neurologist, Therapist

The standard duration of treatment is 10-30 injections. After 3-5 months, the course of treatment can be repeated.

In acute conditions, Cerebrolysate is recommended to be administered dropwise in a dose of up to 50 ml in saline solution over 50-90 minutes.

Directions for use and doses

How to inject Cerebrolysin? The experience of using Cerebrolysin intramuscularly shows its high effectiveness. According to the instructions for use of the drug, when performing an intramuscular injection of Cerebrolysin, no more than 5 ml of the drug solution is administered at a time. No more than 10 ml of Cerebrolysin is injected intravenously. To install a dropper, 10-50 ml of the drug solution is pre-diluted in standard solutions for infusion: 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Ringer's solution, 5% glucose solution. Cerebrolysin is administered intravenously over 15-60 minutes.

How often can you inject Cerebrolysin? The course of treatment with Cerebrolysin consists of daily injections or infusion of the drug for 10-20 days. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, repeated courses may be carried out until the patient’s condition improves as a result of treatment. After the first course, the frequency of injections is reduced to two or three times a week.

How to administer Cerebrolysin intramuscularly? The drug is administered according to standard intramuscular injections into the outer upper quadrant of the buttock. The unused solution from the ampoule or bottle is poured out and cannot be stored. In order to get a consultation with a neurologist, call the contact center of the Yusupov Hospital within 24 hours, any day of the week.

Cerebrolysin and Cerebrolysate: differences, which is more effective and cheaper

The composition of these two drugs includes split proteins from different animals: for the production of Cerebrolysate, cow brain hydrolyzate is used, and for Cerebrolysin, pig brain is used.

The main difference between these two drugs is their price. Cerebrolysin is an imported drug that costs an order of magnitude more.

The list of diseases for which these drugs are prescribed is absolutely identical, but it is worth noting that the indications for Cerebrolysate are mainly encephalopathies (non-inflammatory pathologies of the brain and blood vessels), and for Cerebrolysin some types of neuropathies (non-inflammatory nerve damage).

Therefore, if, when choosing a treatment regimen, the doctor prescribed Cerebrolysin, then it is prohibited to independently replace it with a cheap analogue.

In addition, when using Cerebrolysate, more cases of side effects (increased body temperature, blood pressure) were recorded.

In fact, Cerebrolysin and Cerebrolysate are the same type of drugs. The price cannot indicate the duration of the course of therapy. Cerebrolysin is used more often, its therapeutic effects are more pronounced. The duration of treatment is determined by the Standards and Clinical Protocols for the treatment of neurological patients that exist for each nosology. They are published on the Internet on special websites, and are available in the form of books, where standards on neurology are collected. Comparing efficiency by price is incorrect.

Victoria Druzhikina

Neurologist, Therapist

Release form and composition of Cerebrolysate

Cerebrolysate is available in the form of an injection solution (1 ml ampoules). Cerebrolysate is a product of hydrolysis of cattle brain tissue, containing peptides and free amino acids. 1 ml of Cerebrolysate contains 1.00-2.85 mg of L-Lysine; 0.50-0.90 L-Histidine; 1.20-2.61 mg L-Arginine; 1.50-2.60 mg Aspartic acid; 0.90-2.10 mg L-Threonine; 1.85-3.25 mg Serine; 3.75-6.00 mg Glutamic acid; 1.95-5.20 mg L-Alanine; 0.80-1.70 mg L-Proline; 0.90-2.10 mg Glycine; 1.45-4.05 mg L-Valine; 0.85-1.95 mg L-Methionine; 2.10-6.00 mg L-Leucine; 0.80-1.50 mg Phenylalanine; 0.90-3.60 Isoleucine; 0.25-0.65 Tyrosine. In addition, the drug contains the preservative phenol (0.3%).

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of Cerebrolysate produced in Russia may differ in composition and mechanism of action, but when used, an identical therapeutic effect is achieved.

Drug name Characteristic Average cost/RUB
Cerebrolysin This is a drug for intramuscular/intravenous injection. Used to treat adults and children with mental disorders. It is also recommended for Alzheimer's disease, strokes, and heart attacks to prevent the development of complications and stabilize the condition. 1200 — 1600
Amylonosar A nootropic drug that helps improve brain activity. Restores sleep patterns, improves memory, normalizes the condition of regular headaches. 120 — 150
Vinpocetine Produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Prescribed for problems with functioning or decreased blood circulation in the brain, strokes. 70 — 210
Cortexin Available in powder form for injection. The drug is often used in childhood neuralgia with cerebral palsy, critical conditions in newborns, and developmental delay.

For adults, Cortexin is prescribed for:

  • memory and thinking disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • TBI;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • encephalopathy.
750 — 1200

Popular questions

What is more painful to use Cerebrolysin or Cerebrolysate?

Based on patient reviews, we can say with confidence that Cerebrolysin injections are much easier to tolerate by patients. If the medicine is administered strictly according to the rules, then pain practically does not occur.

How long does it take to get better after taking medication?

Improvements usually appear after 3–5 injections, but the effectiveness of the drugs depends on the severity and degree of neglect of the pathology.

At what age can you take medications?

Cerebrolysin and Cerebrolysate are approved for use in children from 3 years of age.

Does it increase blood pressure?

When using these drugs, in some cases side effects may occur in the form of increased blood pressure. But it is worth noting that when using Cerebrolysin, this effect is observed extremely rarely.

Cerebrolysate for headaches, does it help or not?

Most patients who have undergone a course of Cerebrolysate injections note that headaches completely disappear after treatment. The drug is especially effective in the presence of pain caused by poor circulation in the brain.

Benefits and harm to the body

Taking Cerebrolysate helps increase the brain's resistance to oxygen starvation. The bioelectrical activity of the brain improves, memory is strengthened, attention is improved, and brain function improves. This reduces the severity of neurological deficits.

Harm to the patient's body can be caused in case of uncontrolled use of the drug. The drug has contraindications and side effects, so self-medication is highly not recommended.

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For information on creating combinations of nootropics used, watch the video:

This article has been verified by a current qualified physician, Victoria Druzhikina, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.

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