Desal in the fight against allergies: composition and instructions for use

Dizal is a pharmacological agent that is used in the fight against allergies. This drug blocks histamine H1 receptors, which have a long-lasting effect.

The drug is aimed at blocking allergies and all its side effects, namely: itching, burning, redness, blisters.

In addition to the blocking function, it prevents or eliminates allergic reactions. Dizal removes swelling and muscle spasms, reducing capillary permeability.

This drug is a metabolite of loratadine.

Desal can be found in any pharmacy in the form of tablets and syrup.

Composition of the drug and release form

Dezal is produced in the form of tablets, which should be taken orally, and in the form of a solution for oral use.

The solution is a colorless transparent syrup , without impurities or inclusions, with a characteristic odor of fruit filling. The Desal solution has an active ingredient of desloratadine, and also contains the following excipients:

  • hypromellose;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • flavoring;
  • sorbitol;
  • propylene glycol.

Desal syrup is sold in bottles with a measuring spoon included, and the cardboard box contains detailed instructions for use.

Desal tablets are usually blue in color, which are in a protective film shell and are convex on both sides. The main active ingredient of the tablets is desloratadine. They also include excipients :

  • macrogol;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • corn starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

Desal tablets are sold in blisters of 10 pieces in a cardboard box with detailed instructions for use.

Desal prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



DEZAL 5mg N10 tab. film-coated

113 rub.

ASNA - Association of Independent Pharmacies

DEZAL 100ml solution for oral administration

210 rub.

ASNA - Association of Independent Pharmacies

Dezal tab. p.p.o. 5mg n10

226 rub.

CV Protek

Desal tablets 5 mg 10 pcs.

232 rub.


Desal tablets 5 mg n10

260 rub.

Europharm LLC

Desal solution for oral administration 0.5 mg/ml vial. 100ml

317 rub.

CV Protek

Desal solution 0.5 mg/ml 100 ml

320 rub.


Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Pharmacological properties

The drug Dezal, both in syrup and tablet form, is a long-acting antihistamine. It is a blocker of H-histamine receptors.

The main active ingredient of the drug has a pronounced anti-edematous and antipruritic effect, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, and helps reduce the permeability of the capillary wall.

According to patient reviews, during treatment with Dezal, lethargy and drowsiness are not observed, and there is no inhibition of the speed of psychomotor reactions, as with the use of other antihistamines. Its therapeutic effect begins to appear 30 minutes after taking the syrup or tablet and lasts throughout the day.

On what principle does the medication Disal work?

Dizal is an antihistamine that is aimed at long-term action. It is related to histamine blockers in the human body and suppresses the allergic reaction.

The active substance desloratadine is a metabolite of loratadine, which is aimed at releasing and activating a chemokine and cytokine. This antiallergic drug helps relieve allergic symptoms, is a preventive measure for allergy sufferers, and suppresses burning and itching in inflamed areas.

Disal reduces swelling and relieves muscle spasms, which helps eliminate swelling caused by allergies. The study of the drug, as well as multiple evaluations and reviews of patients, prove that the drug does not cause feelings of drowsiness and fatigue. After consuming the drug, its effect on the body begins to actively spread within half an hour.

This effect lasts for one day, about 24 – 27 hours. A large concentration of the substance is observed three hours after its use. The body absorbs all active ingredients in the tablets by 86% - 88%, which is an excellent indicator.

The active substance contained in the drug is absorbed and processed by the liver. The remains of undigested components are excreted by the kidneys through urine.

Desal is not recommended for patients with kidney disease

Indications and contraindications for use

According to the instructions for the drug, Dezal is prescribed for the following conditions :

  • hives;
  • allergy to insect bites;
  • allergic skin rash, which is accompanied by severe itching and causes anxiety to the patient;
  • swelling and nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, breathing difficulties that developed due to an allergic reaction to animal fur, household chemicals, medications, pollen, etc.;
  • rhinitis, inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity that arise under the influence of an allergic agent.

Judging by the reviews and according to the instructions, Dezal has contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • children under one year of age (when using syrup);
  • children under 12 years of age (when using tablets);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases with impaired function;
  • lactase deficiency.

Desal should not be taken together with alcohol consumption.

When is Dezal prescribed for allergies?

Desal is prescribed to allergy sufferers in order to eliminate and alleviate the general condition of the patient when symptoms of hay fever appear:

  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • sinus congestion;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • itchy skin rashes.

Dosage and method of administration

If the doctor has prescribed treatment with tablets, then you need to take one tablet , without crushing or chewing it, regardless of meals and with plenty of water.

If a solution is prescribed, then children over one year old need to take it once a day, half a measuring spoon. Children from 6 to 12 years old are recommended to take the syrup once a day, one measuring spoon.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, depending on how severe the allergy is.

Use during pregnancy

Is it possible to take Dezal during pregnancy? According to reviews, it is not prescribed to pregnant women for the treatment of allergic reactions. This is explained by the fact that there is no reliable data on how the main active ingredient of the drug affects the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Desloratadine can pass into breast milk and then into the baby’s body, so Desal is contraindicated during breastfeeding. If a doctor recommends treatment for a woman with this particular drug, then she should temporarily interrupt lactation and transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Analogues of Dezal table

NameRelease formActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsAt what age can you take it?Can it be used during pregnancy?Price
EriusTablets and syrupdesloratadineallergic runny nose and rash.hereditary diseases and hypersensitivity to the drug.From 1 yearNo580 rub.
SuprastinexTablets and dropsLevocetirizine dihydrochloride
  • seasonal allergies;
  • hay fever;
  • dermatoses;
  • Quincke's edema.
  • renal failure;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • spinal cord damage;
  • individual intolerance.
From 2 yearsNo260 rub.
NaloriusPillsdesloratadinechronic urticaria and allergic rhinitis.phenylketonuria and individual intolerance.From 1 yearNo229 rub.

Side effects

If the drug Dezal is used for a long time or the permissible dosage has been significantly exceeded, the following side effects may develop:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • nausea, vomiting, stool disorders;
  • abdominal pain, dry mouth;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • irritability;
  • allergic skin reactions.

Very rarely, this drug may cause angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

Comparison of drugs

Desal and Erius

Erius contains the same active ingredient as desal (desloratadine), therefore it has similar indications and contraindications.
These drugs belong to the 3rd generation antihistamines, which do not affect the central nervous system, therefore they are devoid of such adverse reactions as: decreased reaction speed, drowsiness, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Erius is produced in the USA and Belgium and costs 2-3 times more than desal.

Desal and Suprastin

Suprastin, unlike desal, belongs to the group of 1st generation antiallergic drugs; it can cause undesirable reactions such as drowsiness, dizziness, especially at the beginning of use.
Therefore, it is not recommended to use this drug for people driving cars and dealing with complex mechanisms.

Suprastin has a short duration of action, it is used 3-4 times a day, which is less convenient than taking desal (once a day).

Desal and Zodak

The active ingredient of Zodak, cetirizine, belongs to the 2nd generation drugs.
Their advantage is a wide range of indications: atopic dermatitis, hay fever. The drug is able to relieve bronchospasm in bronchial asthma and prevents the development of edema. When used in prescribed doses, the risk of side effects is minimized.

However, the effect of zodak develops slowly, and desal is able to reduce allergy symptoms after 30 minutes.

Desal and Claritin

The active ingredient of Claritin is loratadine, a 2nd generation drug.
Claritin is a good remedy in the fight against allergies, conjunctivitis, itching, and skin reactions to insect bites.

Unlike desal, the effectiveness of claritin is reduced when taken simultaneously with food.

It can cause side effects such as drowsiness, hair loss, dry mouth, and in case of overdose – headache, rapid heartbeat.

Desal and Cetrin

Cetrin, like Zodak, has cetirizine as its active ingredient, so their characteristics are similar.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of hay fever and chronic urticaria.

Analogs and price

If it is not possible to purchase the drug Dezal, its analogues will help solve the patient’s problem.

One of the analogues of the product, which contains the same active ingredient, is the drug Erius. According to reviews, it is just as effective and helps to get rid of all allergy symptoms very quickly, and is also available in tablets and syrup. Erius is contraindicated in people with severe kidney damage.

Another analogue of the drug is Loratadine. Its main active ingredient is loratadine and it perfectly replaces Desal. It can be used by those patients who cannot tolerate desloratadine, the active substance in Desal. But it has more side effects, but the price is a little cheaper. According to patient reviews, Loratadine effectively relieves all manifestations of allergies.

Claritin is another effective analogue of Dezal . Its active substance is loratadine, and the drug is produced both in syrup and tablet form. Claritin can be used even during pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Lordestin is an analogue of Dezal, which contains the same active substance as in Dezal. But it is produced only in tablet form, so treatment of allergy symptoms can only be carried out for adolescents over 12 years of age and adults. Everything else is the same for these drugs.

The average price for the drug Dezal is 300 rubles for a solution and 200 rubles for tablets.

Special notes when using Dizal

The safe effect of the drug on the children's body has not been established. Children under one year of age should not be given Dizal. In children under two years of age, use of the drug may cause an allergic reaction and swelling.

Before giving the drug to small children, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests that reveal tolerance and side effects on a fragile body. A detailed examination of the respiratory tract and skin analysis for the reaction of the active substance are carried out.

About 6% of children and adolescents find it difficult to tolerate Dizal. Their metabolism slows down and their immune system deteriorates. The substance desloratadine is poorly absorbed and its residues are poorly excreted from the patient’s body.

If kidney function is impaired, you should take the drug with great caution or abandon it; this organ is responsible for removing undigested substances found in Disal from the body.

Studies have not been conducted on people who drive a car or hold a job that requires increased concentration.

Based on this, you need to remember that one of the adverse reactions of the body is drowsiness, loss of concentration and increased fatigue. People undergoing treatment may have problems with technical work and driving a vehicle.

Desal helps cope with all manifestations of allergies


“I suffer very much from allergies to spring blooms. As soon as the plants start to bloom, my eyes start to water very much and my nose starts to get stuffy. I searched for an effective drug for a long time, until finally the doctor recommended Dezal to me. It helped me the best, and it's inexpensive. When spring comes, I immediately start taking it and am very pleased with the results.”


“I worked on a combine all my life. Field, sowing, harvesting, and I never got sick with anything serious. But lately my eyes have started to water and my nose has become stuffy. I took antiviral drugs, but they didn’t help. After going to the doctor and being examined, it turned out that I was allergic to dust. The doctor prescribed the drug Dezal, after using which all allergy symptoms disappeared. Before work in the morning I took one tablet and the whole day I did not have any signs of allergies. This is a wonderful medicine."


“We have never suffered from allergies, but my little child developed one, and in a very serious form. The pediatrician prescribed Suprastin, but it didn’t help at all. I turned to another doctor who recommended the drug Dezal. Within a day, a positive result was noticeable. I am very pleased with this medicine."


Thus, the drug Dezal is an effective remedy against the manifestation of allergy symptoms, as evidenced by numerous reviews. As stated in the instructions for use, this medicine has contraindications and side effects, so you should take it only as prescribed by your doctor.

Pharmacokinetics absorption and distribution

Taking the drug in solution form is the same as taking the drug in tablet form, the content of the active substance is similar.

After oral administration, the active component is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It can be detected in blood plasma after half an hour to an hour. The maximum concentration is reached after 3 hours. Bioavailability is determined by the volume of the dose taken, ranging between 5 and 20 milligrams.

The binding to blood proteins ranges from 85-90%. The average course of treatment is 14 days. The degree of accumulation of desloratadine is directly dependent on the half-life value and frequency of use. When studying a dose calculated for a single dose (7.5 milligrams), there was no effect of food on the distribution of the active substance. The drug does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Instructions for use

Desal Selection of release form and dosage
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