What Actovegin ointment helps with, instructions and reviews

Recently, medicine has widely used Actovegin, which is available in tablets, injections, ointments and gels. It contains an active natural ingredient - an extract from the blood of a calf, and the younger the animal, the more effective the product.

What Actovegin ointment is used for can be found in the instructions for use. Doctors prescribe it as an external medicinal product that improves metabolic processes at the cellular level and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. Actovegin ointment is also used to treat bruises and abrasions in children. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

Composition and price of ointment

The active substance is a deproteinized hemoderivative from the blood of calves (5 ml per 100 g).


  • white paraffin - 66.0 g;
  • cholesterol (cholesterol) - 0.10 g;
  • cetyl alcohol - 3.50 g;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.16 g;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.02 g;
  • purified water - 30.02 g.

The cost of Actovegin ointment is from 580 rubles .

Hormonal or not? This ointment is not a hormonal agent.

Instructions for use

The drug can be used by children from birth, the elderly, and adults. Only the doctor decides how much and how to use the product in children under one year of age! The gel is applied mainly for the treatment of external skin lesions:

  1. For burns, thermal injury
    . Apply a thin layer of the product to the damaged area, repeat twice a day until healing.
  2. For radiation degeneration
    , burns during radiotherapy. Without rubbing, lubricate the skin with gel and apply gauze on top. Repeat twice a day.

    Instructions for broad spectrum ointment

  3. For ulcers
    . Make compresses with a thick layer of gel, or apply gauze soaked in the product to the damaged area. For dry ulcers, apply a compress once a day for 3-4 hours, for weeping ulcers - up to 3 times a day.
  4. For bedsores
    . Apply bandages with medicine up to 4 times a day for up to 2 months.

The ointment can be used after active gel therapy (due to the lower concentration of the active substance), as well as for self-treatment. For example, with hemorrhoids, you need to generously lubricate the problem area in the morning and in the evening after washing. Course - 2-4 weeks. A gel or ointment is applied to the area of ​​veins with varicose veins as an additional component of therapy (together with venotonics, absorbable ointments).

pharmachologic effect

Actovegin is an antihypoxant that activates the metabolism of glucose and oxygen.

Actovegin causes an increase in cellular energy metabolism. Its activity is confirmed by increased consumption and increased utilization of glucose and oxygen by cells.

These two effects are coupled; they cause an increase in ATP metabolism and therefore increase energy metabolism. The result of this is the stimulation and acceleration of the healing process, characterized by increased energy consumption.

What Actovegin ointment helps with, instructions and reviews


The only structural analogue of Actovegin is Solcoseryl ointment and gel (instructions for use). Methyluracil and Levomekol have similar therapeutic properties. But it should be borne in mind that the latter drug contains an antibacterial component.

Solcoseryl - a structural analogue of the drug

What is ointment used for?

Indications for use of Actovegin ointment:

  • wounds and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, such as: solar, thermal, chemical burns in the acute stage, skin cuts, abrasions, scratches, cracks;
  • in order to improve tissue regeneration after burns, incl. after a burn from boiling liquid or steam;
  • ulcers of varicose origin or other weeping ulcers;
  • for the prevention and treatment of bedsores (on the buttocks and other parts of the body);
  • for the prevention and treatment of reactions from the skin and mucous membranes caused by exposure to radiation.

What other ointments can be used to treat bedsores? Read the link.

Actovegin: ointment or gel

The pharmaceutical industry produces three forms of Actovegin preparations for external treatment. These are ointments, creams and gels. They are intended for use in various traumatic or inflammatory skin lesions.

Gels – contain a high concentration of the medicinal component . They contain 20% dialysate

(while in creams and ointments
there is only 5% of it

Gels are used for weeping wounds. These can be weeping bedsores, or deep wounds (at first they secrete a lot of ichor). Purulent wounds are also classified as weeping wounds (pus in medicine is called exudate).

The ointment is used for final scarring . Its fatty composition prevents the crusts from drying out and thereby prevents the formation of scars.

Ointment is a preparation for long-term use . After application to the skin, it is absorbed for a long time and supplies biological substances to the cells for a long time. Gels are absorbed quite quickly.

Creams are means for intermediate treatment . In the case of wounds, creams are applied during the initial epithelization period, between the use of gels and ointments.

To treat the mucous surface, including for dental and ophthalmological practices, jelly-like gel forms are used . This is the optimal treatment option, which lasts quite a long time on the surface of the gums, tongue, and inside the mouth (up to half an hour). Neither ointments nor creams remain on the mucous membrane for a long time. They are swallowed along with saliva within the first 5-10 minutes.


The course of treatment is at least 12 days and continues throughout the entire period of active regeneration. Frequency of application - at least 2 times a day.

Ulcers, wounds and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: as a rule, as the last link in a step-by-step “three-step treatment” using Actovegin 20% in the form of a gel and 5% cream, Actovegin 5% ointment is applied in a thin layer.

To prevent bedsores, the ointment is rubbed into the skin in high-risk areas.

In order to prevent the occurrence of radiation injuries, Actovegin 5% ointment is applied in a thin layer immediately after radiation therapy and in the intervals between sessions.

If there is no or insufficient effect from using Actovegin 5% in ointment form, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Actovegin can be used by children and adults, but this should only be done on the recommendation of the attending physician. The main precaution when using the drug is individual intolerance to the components, which results in allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should also be careful when using the drug - during this period, only a doctor can prescribe any prescription. In any other cases, based on data from clinical studies and consumer reviews, it can be argued that Actovegin has no contraindications. The most important thing is to use a drug with a normal expiration date. After 5 years, the active substances stop working and may not only not be beneficial, but also provoke inflammatory processes.

The ointment is very well tolerated by the body and causes virtually no side effects. Individual cases of intolerance to the components of the drug were observed, as a result of which the person felt itching or burning.

If the product accidentally gets inside, it is recommended to immediately rinse the stomach. This can be done in the following way: drink as much water as possible to induce vomiting. If even after home gastric lavage the patient feels unwell or has a fever, you should consult a doctor.

Patient reviews: pros and cons of the ointment

Most opinions about this drug are positive.


  • significantly accelerates tissue regeneration - burns and other wounds heal much faster;
  • quality;
  • minimum side effects;
  • refreshes and improves complexion;
  • helps remove scars, marks from burns, cuts, etc.;
  • allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  • prevents the appearance of scars.


  • very difficult to find in pharmacies;
  • in rare cases it does not help;
  • the ointment is thick.


  • Yulia, 26 years old: “I first purchased ointment during pregnancy. My cat tore my cheek with its claw - it was not a small scratch, but such that it was scary to look in the mirror. Many medications cannot be used during pregnancy, therefore, after reading forums and reviews from doctors, and not seeing any warnings, I chose Actovegin. My risk was not in vain - the scratch healed very quickly and now even its traces are not noticeable.”
  • Marina, 43 years old. “I became acquainted with this drug quite a long time ago, when my son was very young. He was very active and constantly found himself in unpleasant situations - he ran, fell and received abrasions and wounds. The ointment has always helped to heal wounds quickly and effectively. Since then, Actovegin has always been in my home medicine cabinet - it is difficult to find a more effective ointment. A couple of times, in the absence of it at the pharmacy, I bought analogues, but they were significantly inferior to her.”
  • Alexander, 30 years old. “My sin is that since I was young I like to squeeze out pimples. I came to the pharmacy for headache pills and spontaneously decided to ask the pharmacist for advice on my eternal problem. I bought Actovegin - it is odorless, colorless and quite greasy. Throughout the day I rubbed it into my problematic forehead, and lo and behold! In the morning I didn’t notice any acne marks!”
  • Oksana, 38 years old: “Recently I have been suffering from constant flaking of the skin, and the first noticeable wrinkles began to appear. The cosmetologist recommended that I use Actovegin twice a day for two weeks. After ten days, I noticed the first results - my complexion evened out and wrinkles became less noticeable.”

Cream Actovegin 5%

The cream has a pronounced regenerating effect, promotes metabolic processes and ATP energy metabolism. The affected skin, under the influence of these processes, begins to renew itself successfully, the cells are saturated with oxygen and glucose. Blood circulation improves in the treated area of ​​skin.

This drug practically does not enter the bloodstream when used. This is an important feature for persons with diseases of internal organs

Composition and indications

Cream 5% is packaged in 20 grams and has a uniform white consistency. This product promotes the activation of cellular metabolism, which has a positive effect on the regeneration processes of damaged skin.

The cream consists of the following components:

  • Cream Actovegin 5%
    deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood (active component);

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • glycerol monostearate;
  • macrogol 4000;
  • macrogol 400;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • purified water.

Indications for use:

  • wound skin lesions (scratches, abrasions, cuts);
  • inflammatory rashes on the surface of the skin;
  • burns of various origins, 1st and 2nd degree;
  • therapeutic and preventive measures against bedsores;
  • increasing the rate of skin regeneration;
  • weeping ulcers;
  • for the treatment and prevention of various rashes and lesions on the skin after radiation exposure;
  • varicose veins in the legs, combined with trophic ulcers and other diseases of the peripheral circulatory system.

Varicose veins

The contraindications are as follows:

  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

During pregnancy, use of the product is possible only under the supervision of a physician if the potential positive result from using the cream for the mother is more important than the possible risk to the fetus.

A small amount of the cream’s components can pass into breast milk, so the use of the cream during this period is possible if there is no individual intolerance to the product in the mother and child.

Instructions for use

Shallow wound lesions and skin burns require applying a thin layer of cream to clean, dry skin at least twice a day. The duration of use should not be less than 14 days.

Preventive measures against bedsores involve applying the cream 2-3 times a day to the skin surface where lesions are most likely to form, while the patient is turning over.


In case of radiation exposure, the cream is applied in between radiation therapy sessions. The cream is applied to areas of the skin that have been directly exposed to radiation.

Open deep wounds and ulcers must be treated at least 2 times a day. The cream is applied in a thick layer to the damaged part of the skin; to avoid dust and dirt getting into it, it is necessary to bandage the wound with a clean or sterile gauze bandage.

It is recommended to treat weeping ulcers and wounds with an antiseptic solution (hydrogen peroxide), then carry out the procedure described above. Such lesions are treated 3 times a day.

Weeping ulcer

Elimination of the effects of radiation exposure on the skin and their prevention are carried out by applying a thin layer to the irradiated parts of the skin. The procedure must be performed immediately upon completion of the session or during the break between courses.

Side effects and some features of therapy

Basically, the cream does not cause any adverse reactions, even with increasing dosage. If sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the cream appears, then the following symptoms are likely to appear:

  • redness of the treated areas;
  • local burning sensation and itching;
  • in exceptional cases, urticaria appears.


If there is no therapeutic effect, then you need to consult a specialist. In case of advanced diseases with resulting complications, there may be a need for triple therapy using Actovegin gel, cream and ointment. This type of therapy requires the following conditions to be met:

  • in the presence of open wounds and ulcers, it is recommended to make a compress from the gel, since its effect begins instantly;
  • to stimulate the healing process and regeneration of the skin with weeping wounds, it is recommended first of all to use Actovegin cream;
  • The final stage of triple long-term therapy is ointment. It promotes increased formation of epithelial cells and restoration of the skin surface.


Actovegin is recommended for use in the following pathologies and diseases:

  1. varicose veins in the lower extremities with the presence of trophic ulcers and circulatory disorders;
  2. bedsores that are difficult to treat with other drugs; mechanical, thermal damage to the epidermis - scratches, wounds, abrasions, burns, hematomas;
  3. inflammatory processes;
  4. painful acne;
  5. damage to mucous membranes, including increased dose of radiation;
  6. radiation therapy process;
  7. prevention, treatment of bedsores, diabetic foot.

The drug is available without a prescription, but before starting use it is recommended to consult a specialist.

How it works

The action of the drug is based on cell metabolism. The active substance affects the human body at the molecular level, utilizes oxygen and glucose, thereby significantly accelerating the wound healing process.

An additional effect of the medicine is to accelerate blood circulation, which is useful for venous insufficiency. Actovegin helps with burns.

The active substance has 3 beneficial effects:

  • Metabolic.
  • Neuroprotective.
  • Microcirculatory.

An additional effect of the drug is the acceleration of capillary blood flow processes, while nitric oxide is synthesized, which helps reduce blood pressure.

There is no information about excretion from the body for the reason that the main elements are not chemical, but biological. That is, the active ingredient of the drug does not harm the liver, kidneys and is not absorbed into the mother’s lactose. Actovegin is prescribed during pregnancy.

general information

Local preparations of Actovegin belong to tissue regeneration stimulators and belong to several pharmacological groups:

  • antioxidants and antihypoxants;
  • microcirculation correctors and angioprotectors;
  • reparants and regenerators.

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

Deproteinized calf blood extract (the active component of all three local forms of the drug) is an antihypoxant that improves the metabolic processes of glucose and oxygen at the cellular level.

The component contributes to an increase in the consumption and utilization of oxygen and glucose at the cellular level. Metabolic processes of ATP are improved and affect the acceleration of energy metabolism. Thanks to this, the healing of various lesions is significantly activated and accelerated.

Mechanisms of action of Actovegin

Mechanisms of action of Actovegin

Preparations for external use have a low degree of absorption into the systemic bloodstream, so they can be used for almost all groups of patients and extremely rarely cause negative reactions in the body.

Forms and estimated cost

Actovegin for topical use is produced in three dosage forms: gel, ointment, cream, which are contained in tubes with different dosages. The gel and ointment contain 5% of the active ingredient, and the gel contains 20%. All of them are intended for external use only.

The cost of external medications will vary depending on the amount of product in the tube, the region, as well as the pricing policy of a particular pharmacy chain. Average prices in Russia are presented in the table (Table 1).

Table 1 - Average cost of local forms of Actovegin in Russia

Actovegin formAverage price, rubles
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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