Ultrasound of a child’s kidneys: preparation, indications, interpretation - MEDSI


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Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands

is an ultrasound examination that allows you to assess the condition of these organs and diagnose a wide range of diseases.


They are a paired organ responsible for removing water and water-soluble substances (end products of metabolic processes) from the body. The kidneys are located on the inner surface of the abdominal wall on both sides of the spinal column. Women's kidneys are usually slightly lower than men's. The upper part of the kidney is normally located at the level of the 11th vertebra of the thoracic spine, the lower part is at the level of the 3rd vertebra of the lumbar spine. If for some reason we feel the kidneys, then the unpleasant sensations are localized, as a rule, in the lumbar region - on the right or left, depending on which kidney makes itself felt.

Adrenal glands

belong not to the urinary, but to the endocrine system. This is a paired endocrine gland involved in regulating metabolism. The adrenal glands are located above the upper pole of each kidney, hence their name.

Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands is a study carried out using the echolocation method. Ultrasound is reflected differently by different tissues of the body, so using ultrasound you can obtain an image of internal organs, determine their position, size and changes in their structure. Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands is performed simultaneously, which is explained by the close proximity of these organs. At the same time, healthy adrenal glands are usually not clearly visible on ultrasound, which is explained by their acoustic properties: adrenal tissue reflects ultrasound to the same extent as the surrounding fatty tissue. But in the presence of pathological changes, the adrenal gland, as a rule, becomes clearly visible.

Ultrasound of the kidneys: why is it done and how to prepare correctly?

Kidneys are organs of the excretory system that finally filter out harmful and unnecessary substances from the body, maintain water balance and form urine. If there is any suspicion of poor kidney function, the doctor prescribes ultrasound diagnostics in order to identify or exclude pathologies, diseases of the urinary system, and various types of formations.

When performing an ultrasound of the abdominal organs

Difficulties may always arise due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. Therefore, preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys involves a special diet. You may need to take certain medications.

What is the price

The cost of urological ultrasound is determined by the scope of the study. It also depends on the clinic where the patient is seen. In government institutions, ultrasound diagnostics are carried out free of charge, but are prescribed according to strict indications and you need to stand in line for it.

Private clinics provide the service at the request of the patient. The cost ranges from 800 to 2500 rubles. Ultrasound with Color Doppler Mapping is more expensive, about 3,000 rubles.

Ultrasound diagnostics is effective and simple. The picture shows inflammation of the kidneys, stones, tumors and cysts. The technique is absolutely safe and is not accompanied by pain.

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Indications for kidney ultrasound

We list the main symptoms that require a kidney ultrasound:

  • swelling of the arms, legs, face, abdomen;
  • change in urine color;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • sharp or nagging pain in the lumbar region;
  • constant thirst, dry mouth, loss of appetite, weakness, high fever;
  • hypertension accompanied by headaches.

Ultrasound of the kidneys in children

Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys is included in the mandatory examination program for children every month. In older children, there may be the following indications for a kidney ultrasound:

  • poor urine tests;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • problems with urination;
  • prolonged increase in temperature for unknown reasons;
  • swelling;
  • injuries in the lumbar or abdominal area;
  • genetic predisposition to certain kidney diseases.

Kidney ultrasound is also recommended for newborn children who were in intensive care immediately after birth.

Ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy

During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the pressure and degree of load on a woman’s internal organs, including the kidneys, increases. In this regard, there is often a need to prescribe an ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract during this period in order to prevent possible complications if the functioning of these organs is disrupted during pregnancy.

Answers to common questions

Let us further clarify all unclear points regarding ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Is it necessary to do an ultrasound of the kidneys on an empty stomach or not?

You should not eat before an ultrasound so that food in the intestines does not block the view of the kidney structures. If the ultrasound is scheduled for a late time, then a light breakfast (porridge, biscuits, water or diluted tea) is acceptable. If you feel dizzy, weak and tachycardic before the examination, this may be a sign of low blood sugar. Then you can eat, for example, cookies. It still won’t have time to reach the intestines in a short period of time, but your health will improve.

What can you eat the day before the examination?

Dinner on the eve of an ultrasound of the urinary tract should be as light as possible. This can be porridge, boiled or steamed meat or fish, mashed potatoes, weak tea or water. Raw fruits and vegetables, legumes and cabbage are prohibited, even in the heat-treated version. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages, fruit juices, or coffee.

Should I drink water before a kidney test?

You only need to drink a large amount of liquid during the examination along with the kidneys of the bladder. This is necessary to clearly see its wall. In this case, 1-1.5 hours before the ultrasound, you need to drink at least 1 liter of still water and do not relieve yourself before the examination. If your doctor has prescribed an ultrasound of your kidneys exclusively, taking additional fluid may only complicate the diagnosis.

Where can I get a free kidney ultrasound?

Ultrasound of the kidneys is done free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy in the clinic to which you are attached, provided that it is included in the standards for diagnosing this pathology. If the clinic does not have the necessary equipment, the doctor writes a referral for a free procedure to another medical institution. You must take a referral and compulsory medical insurance policy with you to the examination.

How much does an examination cost on average?

The range of prices for ultrasound diagnostics of kidney diseases is quite large. The cost of the service depends on the equipment used, the qualifications of the doctor, the status of the medical institution, and the region. On average, the price for a kidney ultrasound ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles.

Which doctor issues a referral and makes a conclusion based on the diagnostic results?

A functional diagnostics doctor, a sonologist, fills out the protocol and describes the pathology identified by ultrasound. The final conclusion on the examination is made by the same doctor who refers the patient to an ultrasound scan. Usually this is a therapist, nephrologist or urologist. A urologist is a doctor of a narrow specialty who deals with diseases of the urinary tract. A nephrologist specializes only in renal pathology. Consultations with a urologist and nephrologist are required in case of an unclear diagnosis, severe course of the disease or serious pathology of the urinary tract, which provokes the formation of renal failure. In other situations, the therapist treats patients.

Kidney ultrasound is a universal method for diagnosing diseases of the urinary tract. In the vast majority of cases, ultrasound together with a urine test helps to make the correct diagnosis and recommend adequate therapy. In doubtful situations, doctors prescribe an in-depth examination: CT or MRI of the kidneys, excretory urography.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys

For three days before the test, you must adhere to a special diet that helps reduce the occurrence of gases in the intestines. You should not eat alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sweets, fatty foods, fried, smoked foods, legumes, cabbage, or milk. Preference should be given to lean types of meat, boiled or steamed, porridges, and boiled fish. You can include low-fat cheese in your diet. In addition, between meals you can take enterosorbents (for example, activated carbon) or defoamers (for example, Espumisan). During meals, it is also recommended to drink a Mezima tablet or similar enzyme preparations.

If the patient suffers from constipation, it is also recommended to take a laxative or do a cleansing enema on the eve of the test.

Is it possible to eat?

Eating before a kidney ultrasound

possible no later than 8-12 hours in advance, due to the fact that the procedure is carried out on an empty stomach.

Should you drink water?

About an hour before the diagnosis, you need to drink several glasses of plain water or tea without sugar, and you should not urinate after this.

Deviations from the norm and possible diseases

The doctor may make the following conclusions:

  • nephroptosis - prolapse of the kidney;
  • echo-positive formation - malignant formation;
  • spongy kidney - cysts on organs;
  • echoten - formation or stones in the kidneys;
  • microcalculosis (microlites) - solid formations up to 3 mm, such as stones;
  • hypoechoic areas in the tissue - edema;
  • hyperechoic - bleeding in the kidney tissue;
  • thickening of the mucous membrane of the renal pelvis - pathological edema;
  • enlargement of the pelvis - normally it is not visualized;
  • increased or decreased echogenicity of the kidney - an infection that has led to changes in the kidney tissue.

How is a kidney ultrasound performed?

After the preparation has been completed, on the appointed day the patient comes to the uzist’s office. He undresses to the waist or simply lifts his clothes to expose his back and abdominal wall, then lies down on the couch. The doctor applies a special gel to the area to be examined and begins examining the kidneys. The procedure takes on average 15 minutes.

Ultrasound of the kidneys with contrast agent

Ultrasound of the kidneys with contrast, or urography, is most often performed when renal colic, urolithiasis, and when blood appears in the urine are suspected. The contrast agent is administered intravenously immediately before the examination. This procedure lasts about 40 minutes. In addition to the need to adhere to a diet, as before a regular ultrasound, before urography you need to remove all metal objects (hairpins, glasses, earrings, etc.) and empty your bladder. Due to the composition of the contrast agent, there are a number of contraindications for this procedure:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • renal failure;
  • allergy to contrast agent;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma;
  • decreased blood clotting.

Ultrasound of the kidneys with contrast allows you to see stones, cysts, polyps, tumors, various seals or ruptures, and pathologies of the urinary canals.

The essence of the technique

The ultrasound diagnostic method appeared relatively recently - in the second half of the 20th century. The essence of the technique lies in the ability of ultrasonic waves to penetrate the tissues of the human body and be reflected from them. The speed of reflection depends on the density of the fabric.

The reflected waves are captured by the device's sensor and transmitted to the computer. There the signal is processed, which is displayed on the screen in the form of a picture. What and how an ultrasound scan of the kidneys shows is determined by their structure and the presence of any abnormalities.

There are two types of ultrasound that allow you to assess the main parameters of the organ:

  • echography - reveals changes in the parenchyma;
  • Dopplerography of the kidneys - evaluates blood flow in the organ.

Ultrasound examination is the safest for humans. The method has the following advantages:

  • non-invasive - no skin incisions are made;
  • absence of negative effects on the body of ultrasonic waves;
  • good tolerance of manipulation by patients;
  • no pain;
  • no contrast agents are required.

These properties, combined with a relatively low cost, make ultrasound one of the most common diagnostic methods.


The method can detect the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • developmental anomalies;
  • cysts;
  • organ prolapse;
  • suppurative processes;
  • neoplasms;
  • hydronephrosis.

Ultrasound is used to assess the degree of organ damage due to trauma. In terms of diagnostic accuracy, kidney ultrasound is not inferior to radiography with a contrast agent.

Additionally, we invite you to read the article about performing an ultrasound examination of the kidneys in children.

Decoding the result

Immediately after an ultrasound scan of the kidneys, a decoding of the norm in adults or children is provided to the patient. Usually this is a research protocol and several printed photographs. The protocol describes in detail the structure, shape, size and location of each kidney. The presence or presence of any inclusions or formations is also indicated. Based on the data obtained, the attending physician makes a diagnosis or prescribes additional examinations.

A significant number of kidney diseases are associated with changes in their size. Kidney sizes differ between children and adults.

Normal adult kidney size on ultrasound

First, we will describe normal kidney parameters for adults.

Kidney weight – 120-200 grams, length – 100-120 mm, width – 40-60 mm, thickness – 45-55 mm, thickness of the tissue enveloping the kidney (parenchyma) – no more than 23 mm. With age, the parenchyma becomes thinner and by old age it can reach 11 mm.

Normal kidney sizes in children on ultrasound

The size of the kidneys in children depends on age and height. If, for example, we take a child with a height of 50 to 80 cm, then only the length and width of the kidneys will be measured. As a rule, the sizes of the left and right kidneys differ. So, the width of the left kidney will normally be 2.2-2.5 cm, and the length - 4.8-6.2 cm. The width of the right kidney is 2.2-2.4 cm, length - 4.5-5, 9 cm

It must be borne in mind that in each case, the normal sizes for the child’s kidneys are determined individually, based on his physiological data.

The essence of ultrasound diagnostics

The ultrasound technique is quite simple. The device's sensor emits high-frequency sound waves - ultrasound. It is reflected from body tissues with different intensities. If hyperechoic bones almost completely repel the ultrasonic wave, then the air is permeable to it - anechoic. The reflected ultrasound is perceived by the same sensor, the signal is converted, and a black and white image of the organ is displayed on the monitor screen.

With proper preparation, the kidneys are clearly visible on ultrasound. You can examine their structure, identify the presence of echogenic stones and pathological inclusions. In addition, it is possible to study renal blood flow. In this case, the Doppler scanning mode is activated. Ultrasound is reflected from blood cells, which makes it possible to track its movement along the vascular bed. In this way, vasoconstriction, decreased blood supply to the organ, and improper direction of blood flow are detected.

Ultrasound waves are safe for the human body, so ultrasound can be done as often as necessary.

Is there any harm from the procedure?

Photo 11
In the United States, doctors do not recommend using Doppler when examining pregnant women and children.

The reason is the high load on the body's cells. Strong ultrasound can cause headaches, provoke tumors, and cause infertility in men.

Ultrasound ultrasound is indicated for pregnant women for diabetes, gestosis, multiple pregnancies, and obvious disorders of fetal formation. In other cases, Doppler sonography is prescribed from the age of 18.

Ultrasound echography does not have such contraindications and complications, its power does not exceed permissible values. In addition, equipment manufacturers provide a power limit that does not allow the consumer to overcome it.

Where to do an ultrasound?

INVITRO Medical Center has a complex of 900 offices and 9 laboratories in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Clinical studies and diagnostics conducted by the company’s specialists have earned the trust of doctors and patients. INVITRO kidney ultrasound (the price for the examination is in the average range) will be done with high quality and in a short time.

How much does a kidney ultrasound cost? The price of the examination varies depending on the location of the laboratory.

The average cost of echography is:

  • kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters – 1250 rubles;
  • bladder - 1000 rubles;
  • kidneys, ureters, bladder – 2000 rubles.

Similar diagnostic centers are available not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in large cities of Russia. An examination using Doppler sonography will cost twice as much.

What does darkening in the kidney mean?

In relation to instrumental diagnostics, the term “darkening” is used in radiology. In sonographic descriptions, structures that appear darker than the surrounding tissue are called “hypoechoic” or “reduced echogenicity.” Completely black structures are called “anechoic.” The following changes may be hypoechoic areas:

  • abscess;
  • tumor;
  • hemorrhage;
  • in addition, normal hypoechoic structures in the parenchyma are pyramids.

Completely black, “anechoic” can be: cysts and dilated pelvis or calyces as a result of delayed urine outflow.

What does cancer look like on an ultrasound machine?

The ultrasound picture of cancer is very diverse. The most common malignant kidney tumor is renal cell carcinoma. Small tumors are often hypoechoic, large tumors are usually hyperechoic or contain areas of mixed echogenicity due to changes occurring in the tumor. Often, kidney cancer is isoechoic, that is, identical in structure to the surrounding tissue and thus very difficult to distinguish from it. Isoechogenic cancer smaller than 1 cm in size is especially difficult to detect with ultrasound. Small tumors usually have a regular round shape and relatively smooth contours.

Ultrasound picture of kidney cancer in the form of a round tumor with relatively smooth contours

Kidney cancer

Large cancers are characterized by a heterogeneous structure with areas of increased echogenicity due to fibrosis and areas of reduced echogenicity. Areas of calcification may be detected. In areas of cancer decay, cystic cavities containing fluid, blood or jelly-like masses form. The areas of decay on echography look like an- or hypo-echoic cavities of irregular shape.

Sonographic signs of cancer may include the following changes:

  • volumetric formations that have a different acoustic density than the parenchyma;
  • limited protrusions of the organ contour;
  • cysts with a very dense or uneven wall, with hemorrhage;
  • intermittency of echo signals from the central echo complex, detection of parenchymal bridges;
  • Dopplerography in cancer reveals a staining defect, where the normal architecture of the renal vessels disappears; the degree of vascularization can be different - from the complete absence of vessel images to high vascularization with multiple amplification of the color signal.

Humpbacked kidney - what is it?

Sometimes on the surface of the organ, most often the left, a bulging of its outer contour is detected. In some cases, it is mistaken for a tumor, but upon a more detailed examination it is established that this is an individual feature of the structure of the patient’s organ and does not pose any danger to the life and normal functioning of the organ. In this case, the doctor includes the phrase “humpbacked kidney” in the ultrasound description. It occurs either from pressure of the spleen on the kidney, or as a result of disturbances in embryonic development.


Photo 2
There are two types of ultrasound examination:

  • echography;
  • Doppler sonography.

The method of ultrasound echography (scanning, sonography) is based on the ability of sound waves to change their frequency when reflected from the boundaries of tissues with different densities.

By changing the frequency (from 0.8 to 7.0 MHz), the depth of the tissues being examined is increased or decreased. A special feature of this method is the reverberation (additional image) caused by the echo of fading signals, which must be taken into account when conducting the examination. Currently, one- and two-dimensional ultrasound is performed.

Doppler sonography or duplex ultrasound (USD) uses the Doppler effect, which allows recording reflected waves from a moving medium.
The computer converts the sensor data into black and white or color images. There are several types of Doppler scanning:

  • colored;
  • energy;
  • fabric.

Color scanning shows the direction of blood flow. Power Doppler is used to study blood flow in slow-velocity areas.

Power Doppler is informative when examining the thyroid gland, liver, ovaries and kidneys. Tissue scanning is used to analyze the condition of the heart and to monitor organs after transplantation.

Spongy kidney on ultrasound examination

A spongy kidney is a developmental anomaly - a congenital expansion of the structural components - the collecting ducts. For most patients, this anomaly is harmless and occurs without any clinical manifestations. But in some people, this pathology contributes to the development of an ascending infection that requires appropriate treatment.

With echography, the pyramidal kidneys, which are normally hypoechoic (dark gray), become hyperechoic (white) as a result of an increase in the number of reflective interfaces between the media due to the expansion of the tubes.

With age, secondary calcification of dilated collecting ducts is possible, as well as the formation of cysts in the cortex of the abnormal organ. In this case, the spongy kidney begins to resemble changes in nephrocalcinosis, but without accompanying changes in laboratory tests.

What diseases can be detected?

Ultrasonography can reveal focal and diffuse changes in organs. Focal changes are those that involve a small area of ​​the organ, while the rest of the kidney remains unchanged. With diffuse changes, the pathology affects the entire structure of the organ.

Of the focal changes, cysts are most often detected in the kidneys. They look like anechoic (completely black) round-shaped structures with smooth, distinct contours, giving rise to an amplification of the ultrasonic signal. Only one cyst may be visible, but more often there are several in one or both kidneys. As a rule, simple cysts do not pose any danger and occur in many people after 40 years of age.

If all of the kidney tissue is replaced by multiple cysts from birth, the condition is called polycystic disease. Polycystic kidney disease is often combined with similar changes in the liver and pancreas.

Ultrasound picture of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease

An abscess occurs as a result of acute inflammation and, on ultrasound examination, unlike a cyst, has unclear contours and more echogenic contents, represented by pus. Sometimes the abscess may initially appear hyperechoic.

Among focal changes, a benign formation, angiomyolipoma, can be seen relatively often on ultrasound. It is a rounded formation of increased echogenicity with smooth, clear contours.

Ultrasound picture of renal angiomyolipoma

Angiomyolipoma of the kidneys

Among diffuse kidney diseases, glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis can most often be found. They do not have clear ultrasound criteria, but there are a number of signs that are most typical for these inflammatory diseases on ultrasound.

Acute glomerulonephritis leads to an increase in the size of the kidney with an increase in parenchymal thickness of more than 20 mm. In this case, an increase in the echogenicity of the parenchyma can be noted.

Ultrasound picture of kidney glomerulonephritis

Kidney glomerulonephritis

With long-term chronic glomerulonephritis, the size of the affected organ, on the contrary, becomes smaller than normal, the cortico-medullary differentiation of the parenchyma decreases, and the thickness of the parenchyma becomes less than 12 mm.

Often with acute pyelonephritis, no characteristic changes can be seen on ultrasound. The kidney is hypoechoic, edematous, the boundaries between the cortex and medulla are blurred.

Chronic pyelonephritis is a long-term destructive process, and therefore leads to morphological changes in the kidney, which can be seen using ultrasound. In the terminal stage of pyelonephritis, a decrease in the size of the affected kidney, a hyperechoic halo of the renal parenchyma and individual small cysts are detected. Over time, thinning of the cortex occurs with surface retraction associated with scar formation.

Ultrasound examination helps in diagnosing renal tuberculosis. It begins with damage to the pyramids, in which cavities with liquid contents form. When the caverns break through, a deformed hollow space is formed, which has a characteristic appearance during excretory urography. Ultrasound reveals hollow spaces containing fluid and partially calcified. At the same time, gradual destruction of the renal parenchyma and shrinkage of the entire organ occurs.

Very often, a violation of the outflow of urine occurs in the kidneys, which can be shown by an ultrasound device. There are several stages of hydronephrosis:

  1. Enlargement of the renal pelvis, the renal parenchyma is not changed.
  2. Expansion of the pelvis and calyces, thinning of the parenchyma.
  3. Cystic dilatation of the pelvis and a narrow rim of parenchyma.
  4. The parenchyma is completely invisible, it does not function, the kidney is a “bag” with dilated cups.

Ultrasound picture of kidney hydronephrosis

Hydronephrosis of the kidney

The causes of outflow disturbance can be different: blockage of the ureter by a calculus, a blood clot, compression by a tumor, a pregnant uterus, and others.

One of the common reasons for referral for a kidney ultrasound is renal colic. Using echography, in most cases it is possible to reliably determine the presence of stones with a diameter of more than 2 mm in the kidneys and urinary tract. The stones look like bright hyperechoic structures that reflect ultrasound rays well, and behind them give a clear acoustic shadow.

The diagnosis “Sand in the kidneys”, which is widespread in some clinics, is not actually an ultrasound diagnosis, since currently only those structures in the kidneys whose linear size is more than 2 mm can be physically seen using an ultrasound device. And we all know very well that the diameter of grains of sand is less than 2 mm.

Prevention of kidney diseases

Preventing the development of pathologies in the paired organ and urinary system is extremely important for any person, regardless of age and gender. Doctors say that by adhering to certain rules, you can reduce the load on the kidneys and prevent the occurrence of unfavorable processes in their structures.

Adults need to lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, namely not drink alcohol or smoke, adjust their diet and water load. In children, emphasis should be placed on personal hygiene, daily change of underwear and the importance of timely emptying the bladder at the first urge to urinate. The basic rules of prevention are as follows.

  1. Drinking regime. In the absence of any kidney disease, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible. The daily volume should be at least 2-2.5 liters. It should be remembered that it is water without gas that washes away harmful microorganisms, but you should not get carried away with its mineral types. You should also limit your consumption of coffee or tea.
  2. Nutrition. The best foods that improve kidney function are vegetables and fruits, herbs, and pumpkin. It is useful to include fish and seafood in your diet, and watermelons in season.
  3. Movement. Moderate physical activity can prevent blood stagnation in the paired organ. Industrial exercises or daily and easy housework, as well as evening walks in the fresh air, are suitable. Special exercises for the kidneys and pelvic organs are considered useful.
  4. Warm. A weekly trip to the sauna is considered an ideal option. Steam helps expand pores and remove harmful substances. The load on the kidneys is reduced, and the blood supply to the organs improves.

Attention! We must remember that hypothermia, overwork, diseases carried on the feet, excess salt and sugar, protein diets and beer are destructive. To maintain the health of the paired organ, you should also pay attention to the functioning of the intestines and get rid of constipation.

Ultrasound algorithm

Ultrasound of the kidneys is a painless and quick procedure that does not cause any discomfort in the patient. Therefore, many are interested in how the kidney ultrasound procedure is performed. After deciding to conduct this type of diagnosis, the doctor is required to obtain verbal consent for the procedure, describing in advance the purpose and course of the upcoming study. Next, he should explain what the preliminary stage consists of and indicate further steps after receiving the results.

Preparation rules

The main property of ultrasound is to be reflected from voids and freely penetrate through liquid media. Therefore, to obtain accurate and informative results, the bladder should be filled, and the intestines, on the contrary, should be freed from feces and gases. There are instructions on how to properly prepare for the procedure.

  1. Three days before the scheduled examination, it is necessary to switch to a gentle diet that limits the consumption of foods that cause flatulence: yeast baked goods, vegetables, legumes, cream, milk, sweets, carbonated drinks.
  2. 1-2 days in advance, you should start taking medications that improve peristalsis and eliminate flatulence. These are activated carbon, Motilium, Espumisan, Enterosgel. Pregnant women should consult a gynecologist in advance.
  3. If you have problems with bowel movements, you should do a cleansing enema or take a laxative the night before.
  4. An hour before the procedure, it is recommended to drink 2-4 glasses of still water to fill the bladder.
  5. Ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach. Dinner on the eve of the ultrasound should take place no later than 19.00. This time preference should be given to light dishes that will not take long and be difficult to digest. If the procedure is scheduled for the second half of the day, food intake is allowed until 11.00, the nutritional conditions are the same.

When preparing for a kidney ultrasound, many patients are interested in how the study is performed. This stage is practically no different for men and women. The only addition to the instructions is to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Medical procedures

To eliminate fear of the procedure and avoid any false judgments, it is important to understand how kidney ultrasound is performed in women and men. The patient is asked to sit on the couch and take a comfortable position. During the kidney examination, he may lie on his back, side, sitting or standing. The execution algorithm consists of several stages.

  1. The area of ​​planned study must be cleared of clothing.
  2. The patient should remain calm and breathe evenly and measuredly, while the muscles should be relaxed as much as possible.
  3. A hypoallergenic water-based gel is applied to the skin to ensure full contact of the sensor with the surface of the body and increase the level of transmission of ultrasonic waves.
  4. The doctor conducts a longitudinal examination, then begins to study transverse and oblique sections. The sensor moves smoothly over the entire surface of the abdominal cavity, and the patient turns to the left or right side. Ultrasound waves are reflected from neighboring organs and form an image on the monitor.
  5. To fully visualize the kidneys and assess the degree of their mobility, the patient is asked to take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds.
  6. In order to exclude nephroptosis, the study is carried out in a standing position.
  7. The study of the condition of the vessels of the organ is performed using Doppler ultrasound, the patient is in a sitting position or lying on his side.

For successful diagnosis, the procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. After completing the manipulations, the doctor removes the remaining gel and suggests changing into casual clothes.

Data decryption

The results are interpreted by a sonologist. In conclusion, he indicates the number of kidneys, their anatomical location, shape and size, and mobility. It also describes the condition of the ureters, the structure of the parenchyma and the collecting apparatus.

To correctly understand the information contained in the transcript of a kidney ultrasound, the following information may be useful:

  • if the organ is healthy, then it has clear contours;
  • the renal pelvis is a cavity for collecting urine, which is removed from the calyces;
  • microcalculosis, darkening in the picture means the presence of sand;
  • echogenic formation is kidney stones, the minimum size of which is 4-5 mm.

A form with the results and description is given to the patient. It is accompanied by ultrasound images, which have arrows indicating the detected pathologies. They are a kind of hint to the attending physician in making a diagnosis.

Basic parameters and their standards

In a healthy state, the kidneys of a man or woman are bean-shaped, but the left organ is located slightly higher relative to the right. They are localized in the retroperitoneal region on both sides of the spine, namely at the level of the 12th thoracic and 1-2 lumbar vertebrae. When breathing, they shift by 2-3cm. The right and left kidneys may differ in size, but no more than a couple of centimeters in any of the indicators. They are shrouded in fatty tissue on all sides.

Normally, the paired organ has the following dimensions, which are clearly reflected in the table.

OptionsAdult (mm)Child (mm)
Parenchyma width11-23 mm01.09.2018

In children, the size of the kidneys directly depends on age, and the gender of the child does not have a significant effect. When the baby's growth is 50-80 cm, only the parameters of length and width are determined by ultrasound.

It is important to know! Particular attention should be paid to the state of the body of a pregnant woman. Ultrasound diagnostics should be performed if there are complaints of nagging pain in the lumbar region, problems with urination, or swelling. The dimensions should not differ from the usual values.

Detected pathologies

An ultrasound gives a complete picture of the condition of the kidneys, so it is important to understand what it shows. After the procedure, decoding allows you to detect a fairly wide range of diseases of the urinary system. The most common are the following:

  1. Cystitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder due to infection.
  2. ICD – urolithiasis. The pathology is characterized by the formation of stones in the renal pelvis, bladder or excretory ducts.
  3. Pyelonephritis. An infectious process affecting the pelvis, calyces or parenchyma. It can occur in acute or chronic form.
  4. Renal vein thrombosis. Complete or partial blockage occurs due to the formation of an embolus, an increase in the size of the organ, or the presence of fluid in the tissues.
  5. Calicoectasia (hydrocalicosis). Expansion of the pelvicalyceal system (pyelocalyceal system) with subsequent tissue injury.
  6. Polycystic. Multiple capsules with fluid - cysts.
  7. Kidney block. Stopping the outflow of urine due to inflammation, swelling, injury to any part of the urinary system.
  8. Polyps, tumor formations that form against the background of the development of oncology.
  9. Glomerulonephritis. Damage to the glomerular apparatus (glomerulus).
  10. Inflammation of the prostate. A common process in men after 35 years.
  11. Hydronephrosis, which, if left untreated, leads to the development of chronic renal failure.

Many patients are interested in how much a kidney ultrasound costs. Today, the procedure is carried out in public clinics free of charge on a budgetary basis. The cost of kidney ultrasound in commercial medical institutions depends on the region, the status of the institution, and the professionalism of the staff. In the Med and MKDC laboratories, the price is affordable, and the research is characterized by quality and speed of execution.

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