Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

Relief Advance is a rectal suppository that provides immediate pain relief for hemorrhoids, inflammation of nodes, and anal fissures. Reviews about the drug from doctors and patients of different ages characterize suppositories as an effective, safe remedy.

Relief Advance is part of the Relief line of hemorrhoid products, performing the function of anesthesia during the treatment of pathology. When used separately, the drug can stop the development of the disease in the early stages, relieve painful symptoms, and significantly improve the quality of life.

Indications for use

Relief Advance preparations are used as a symptomatic remedy that alleviates the manifestations of hemorrhoids, relieving pain and burning in anal fissures. Daily administration of a suppository facilitates bowel movements. In addition to the local anesthetic effect, the product exhibits moderate anti-inflammatory properties, reduces bleeding of nodes and fissures.

Relief Advance is prescribed for the following indications:

The drug Relief Advance does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, but only relieves pain and helps natural tissue healing, therefore, for early manifestations of hemorrhoids, it is used as the main treatment, for moderate and severe cases - as an adjuvant.

Relief: answers to questions

  • Can Relief suppositories be used to treat pregnant women?

    There are no contraindications to the use of Relief suppositories during pregnancy, but before starting their use, medical consultation is necessary.

  • Can Relief be used while breastfeeding?

    The components included in the drug will pass through the bloodstream into breast milk and then into the baby’s body. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from using this product during lactation. It is possible to use the drug Relief during breastfeeding only under strict medical indications.

  • What is the difference between Relief Advance, Relief Ultra and Relief?

    Relief suppositories are used for the treatment and prevention of internal and external hemorrhoids, the drug is especially effective against bleeding nodes. In addition, Relief helps reduce pain, relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. Stopping bleeding is possible due to Phenylephrine, which is part of the drug.

Relief Ultra

primarily prescribed to eliminate inflammation, relieve swelling and itching, which is possible due to the steroid hormone Hydrocortisone included in the drug. In addition, suppositories have a drying and astringent effect, which is provided by zinc sulfate. Relief Ultra is prescribed for the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids, against the background of severe itching, in the presence of eczema or dermatitis.

Relief Advance

contains Benzocaine, which allows you to achieve a pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, Relief A suppositories are often used to reduce postoperative pain, as well as pain caused by anal fissure and hemorrhoids.

Author of the article:

Volkov Dmitry Sergeevich |
Ph.D. surgeon, phlebologist Education: Moscow State Medical and Dental University (1996). In 2003, he received a diploma from the educational and scientific medical center for the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Our authors


Relief Advance - suppositories, reviews of which present the drug as an urgent remedy for pain, burning and itching. This property is provided by the main active ingredient - Benzocaine. Additional components ensure stability of the shape of the suppository or the structure of the ointment, and also soften and envelop the mucous membranes, allowing the active component to contact the affected tissues longer.

Chemical composition of Relief Advance in different dosage forms:

Release formActive substance Additional substances
Suppositories (in one suppository)Benzocaine – 206 mg
  • Cocoa butter – 1448 mg;
  • Starch – 340 mg;
  • Propylparaben – 4 mg;
  • Methylparaben – 2 mg
Ointment (per 1 g)Benzocaine – 200 mg
  • Vaseline – 647 mg;
  • Mineral oil – 120 mg;
  • Sorbitan – 10 mg;
  • Propylene glycol – 20 mg;
  • Methylparben – 2.4 mg;
  • Propylparaben – 0.6 mg

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

The active component of the drug Benzocaine (Benzocainum) is a local anesthetic that penetrates moderately into the bloodstream and does not have a resorptive systemic effect, provided the dosage is observed. The substance provides local numbness of tissues in a few minutes.

As part of an ointment or suppository, benzocaine provides a noticeable improvement in the condition in 2–3 hours, a decrease in inflammation occurs in the first 7 days of use.

In what form is it produced?

The release forms of Relief Advance, a drug for hemorrhoids, allow you to choose the most convenient method of delivering the anesthetic to the problem area. The product is available in two forms: rectal suppositories and ointment.

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

Suppositories are white or pale yellow suppositories, not transparent, oblong, streamlined in shape. The composition retains a solid consistency at room temperature and melts when heated to body temperature. The candles are hermetically packed in 6 pieces in blisters and packaged in 2 blisters in cardboard packs. The price per package of the drug is about 480 rubles.

Relief Advance ointment is a cream-like product for external application and insertion into the rectum, packaged in plastic tubes of 28.4 g. The yellow mass has a uniform, viscous consistency.

If there are dense inclusions or liquid discharge, you should check the expiration date. Tubes complete with applicator attachments are packaged in cardboard boxes. Relief Advance (ointment) costs about 250 rubles.


Since Relief Advance has local application, while practically not entering the bloodstream, its effect on internal organs is minimal and has not been studied separately.

With an excessive amount of the substance, side effects from the respiratory and nervous systems may occur. Therefore, it is dangerous to exceed the daily dosage. If there are cracks or other violations of tissue integrity at the injection site, the drug tends to penetrate the blood faster.

The manufacturer does not provide official data on the pharmacokinetics of Relief Advance ointment and suppositories.

How does the medicine work?

In proctology, Relief Advance is used as a remedy to help cope with the problems of hemorrhoids. Its natural composition avoids the risk of unwanted reactions.

It has a variety of effects:

  • locally produces an analgesic effect due to the presence of a component such as benzocaine;
  • Shark liver oil, which is included in the structure of the medicine, has the ability to quickly heal wounds, stop inflammatory processes and blood loss. There is a detrimental effect on cancer cells and increased tissue regeneration;
  • cocoa bean butter and petroleum jelly act as a softening agent for the epithelial layer of the intestine.

This medicine helps eliminate pain, stop bleeding and accelerate regeneration processes, while also having a healing effect


Relief Advance are suppositories, reviews of which always positively evaluate the ease of use of the solid form of the drug. The introduction of suppositories does not cause difficulties even in the presence of large hemorrhoidal cones and general soreness of the anus. The surface of the suppository quickly becomes plastic, and the streamlined shape does not injure the sphincter or rectal walls.

If the procedure still causes severe pain, it is recommended to melt the suppositories, and moisten a sterile napkin with the resulting solution and apply it as a lotion until the condition eases. In the future, rectal administration of Relief Advance becomes possible.

Instructions for use:

  1. The general rule for using both suppositories and ointments is hygiene. Before the procedure, wash your hands, use medical gloves if possible, and also wash the perineum.

    Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

  2. The plastic packaging of the solid variety of Relief Advance is opened and the solid suppository is carefully inserted into the lumen of the rectum.
  3. It is recommended not to push the suppository deeply, leaving its heel level with the anus. This way, the melting drug will be able to numb the internal and external areas. For internal nodes, advance the suppository no more than 3 cm deep.
  4. Relief Advance ointment is used as a regular cream, lubricating painful areas or injected orally. For this purpose, an applicator is provided that screws onto the neck of the tube.
  5. The spout of a special nozzle is pushed deep into the intestine, pressed on the tube, squeezing a small portion of ointment into the lumen. The applicator should be washed and disinfected after each use.

A rectal suppository is made from materials that remain solid at room temperature but melt inside the body. Despite the fluidity of the composition, neither the ointment nor the suppositories leave stains on clothes.

For children under 18 years old

Relief Advance - suppositories, reviews of which positively characterize the drug when used for adult patients, are prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age without consulting a doctor. After this age, an antihemorrhoidal analgesic is prescribed to adolescents in an adult dosage according to the standard treatment regimen.

For adults

The course of treatment for various problems of the rectum remains unchanged: 1 suppository is administered rectally no more than 4 times a day. The first procedure is performed in the morning, after which you can lead a normal active life. The last, evening use of Relief Advance is prescribed before going to bed. During the day, you should use a suppository after each bowel movement.

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

The minimum period of use of suppositories or anesthetic ointment is 7 days. For conditions of moderate severity and in the postoperative period, the usual course of treatment is 2 weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, therapy is extended, but not longer than 21 days.

If after several days of treatment there is no improvement or the pain cannot be relieved, it is recommended to consult a doctor to change the drug.

For pregnant

Relief Advance painkillers are approved for use during pregnancy, but their prescription at different stages may vary significantly. The effect of the drug on fetal development has not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, in the first trimester, Relief Advance for internal use is prescribed extremely carefully, according to strict indications.

In the last weeks of gestation, most painful disorders of the rectum develop. In the third trimester, Relief Advance can be prescribed according to the standard regimen - up to 4 times a day for 14 days.

Symptomatic treatment with ointment is indicated for defecation disorders, constipation with cracking, and burning. In case of severe lesions, the appearance of traces of blood, or detection of external or internal nodes, an anesthetic drug from the Relief line can be included as part of complex therapy.

The product in the form of ointment or suppositories is also used for pain relief and treatment of cracks, ruptures, and the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth. The product is allowed to be used during breastfeeding, with constant monitoring of the baby's reactions.

For the elderly

Relief Advance - suppositories and ointment that receive positive reviews when used in older patients. The incidence of rectal diseases increases significantly after 50 years in men and women.

The drug is able to quickly provide assistance with sudden progression of the disease, itching and inflammation around the anus, and painful bowel movements. Relief Advance is prescribed after surgery on the rectum to reduce pain and speed up healing of excised areas.

Prescribe suppositories and internal administration of ointment with caution to patients with the following concomitant diseases:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • heart disease and vascular pathologies;
  • prostate diseases;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension.

In these conditions, exceeding normal doses is unacceptable and constant monitoring of the condition is necessary. Suppositories are also prescribed with caution for any renal or hepatic disorders.

Therapy rules

You must wash your hands before use. Suppositories are administered rectally after completion of the hygiene procedure, no more than three times a day. Before use, the candle should be heated in your hand until softened. This will help to painlessly insert it into the anus. The course of therapy lasts one to two weeks.

Clinical studies have shown good tolerance of the drug by patients. However, rare cases are characterized by adverse reactions caused by the action of phenylephrine hydrochloride. Adverse reactions are expressed by the following symptoms:

  1. Reflex bradycardia.

  2. Hyperthyroidism.
  3. Local allergic reactions.
  4. Contact dermatitis.
  5. Dizziness, increased excitability of the nervous system, involuntary trembling of the fingers, a feeling of unreasonable fear.

Preservatives - methyl and propyl ether can provoke delayed allergic reactions and bronchospasm.

Concomitant use with antihypertensive drugs is prohibited. The opposite threatens severe hypertension. Atropine sulfate causes vasoconstriction, beta-blockers lead to arterial hypertension. Thyroid hormone medications lead to cardiac conduction disturbances.

Simultaneous use with drugs that excite the nervous system can lead to convulsions, increased nervousness, irritability, and insomnia. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors reduce the effect of phenylephrine.

Comparison of drugs:

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Relief Advance suppositories and ointment are not prescribed if there is a known intolerance to any component in the composition.

Strict contraindications are the following conditions:

  • thromboembolism;

    Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

  • granulocytopenia;
  • childhood;
  • rectal infection.

Relief Advance pain-relieving suppositories are used with caution under the supervision of a specialist for diagnosed hyperthyroidism, enlarged prostate gland, rectal tumors, and diabetes mellitus.

Reviews about Relief Advance

According to reviews, Relief Advance is a fairly effective remedy for the symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids. The drug acts quickly, promotes the healing of anal fissures, relieves pain well, and eliminates discomfort. The added mild laxative effect is also a plus, according to patients.

Sometimes after the introduction of Relief Advance rectal suppositories, patients feel a burning sensation and itching. Some users note the relatively high cost of the drug.


The first signs of an overdose with Relief Advance may be nervousness, increased excitability, or, conversely, unusual drowsiness. More serious cases of excess accumulation of the drug in tissues and its entry into the bloodstream are sometimes accompanied by seizures.

High doses of benzocaine can cause cyanosis and respiratory distress caused by the oxidation of hemoglobin (methemoglobinemia). If there are any signs of overdose, you should seek medical help. A specific antidote for such conditions is methylene blue, administered intravenously.

How much do Relief candles cost?

Pharmacies in the capital region offer to choose and buy a combination drug in standard packaging (rectal suppositories 12 pcs.) at the following prices:

Pharmacy name Price (in rubles)
Wer 390
Avicenna 383
Pills 384
Europharm 430
EPharmacy 363

Side effects

When used in recommended doses, Relief Advance rarely causes adverse events. Among the complaints of patients, sometimes there is immunity to the active substance, which manifests itself during the first applications by the absence of an analgesic effect. Side effects include the development of an allergic reaction to the composition (rare).

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price
Relief Advance candles

Specific body reactions noted to products containing benzocaine:

  • at the site of application: local irritation, rash, swelling;
  • allergic dermatitis, shortness of breath;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (bradycardia, tachycardia).

The development of side effects is most often caused by exceeding recommended doses or unauthorized extension of the treatment course. It should be remembered that use in areas with damaged skin increases the absorption of benzocaine.

Types of the drug

Pharmacies provide the patient with a wide range of Relief rectal suppositories, which are sold without a prescription, but not all may be suitable. Before starting treatment for any type of hemorrhoids, you should consult your doctor. What Relief candles are, and how they differ, is described in detail below.


Suppositories are intended mainly for the treatment of pathologies of blood vessels - internal hemorrhoids. The natural ingredients included in the product reduce local bleeding and swelling. Cocoa butter softens the mucous tissues of the intestines. Inflammatory processes are reduced and the condition is normalized. They are used in preventive procedures for all types of hemorrhoids to stop bleeding.

Relief Advance

Used to treat blood vessels with severe pain or obvious burning. The anesthetic benzocaine contained in the drug helps reduce burning and pain in the anorectal area when symptoms of pathology intensify, after colorectal surgery, and diagnostic procedures.

Efficiency of the drug

Cocoa butter produces a pronounced softening effect. The differences between Relief and Relief Advance are that the latter is prescribed for severe attacks of pain that accompany the acute stage of hemorrhoids. It is used in severe forms of pathology, after surgery to stimulate the restoration of intestinal mucous membranes, in the treatment of anal fissures.

Relief Ultra

It mainly helps to reduce irritation and itching with increased painful symptoms. Hydrocortisone acetate and zinc sulfate relieve itching and reduce inflammation. Prescribed as an additional remedy to relieve inflammation. Thanks to the corticosteroid, suppositories quickly cope with swelling and pain syndromes, accompanied by constant itching and irritating burning.

Indications for the use of various forms of Relief

The suppositories have a good drying effect, tightening the wounds of the intestine and the lower extremity of the anal canal. Recommended for various types of hemorrhoids, inflammation, skin rashes, anal fissures.

Relief Pro

Suppositories are intended mainly for the treatment of pathology of the blood vessels of the terminal part of the digestive tract, accompanied by painful sensations and inflammatory processes. Due to anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

Relief Pro
The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the prolonged action of lidocaine and glucocorticoid - fluocortolone pivalate. The latter is an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substance that blocks histamine receptors, thereby preventing the development of allergic reactions.

The anesthetic lidocaine blocks epithelial sodium channels, thereby stabilizing the neuronal membrane. The action reduces its permeability and ability to transmit pain signals.

Algorithm for choosing a medication

The presence of several varieties of the antihemorrhoidal drug Relief allows you to select the drug individually for each patient, therefore, which one to choose depends on the symptoms of the pathology. Rational use of suppositories will delay or prevent colorectal surgery.

Relief drug selection algorithm

Thanks to various combinations of ingredients, a targeted approach can be taken to selecting an acceptable product. Depending on the signs of pathology, the following types of Relief are used:

  1. Bleeding – Relief.
  2. Acute pain attacks - Relief Advance.
  3. Inflammatory reactions, itching, swelling - Relief Ultra.
  4. Accumulation of inflammatory and tumor infiltrate, exudation – Relief Pro.

The last three antihemorrhoidal medications are used in the preoperative and early postoperative period for anesthesia and wound healing.

Which type is more effective?

The drug has various indications for use, which are indicated in the instructions for use. But consulting a doctor will help you decide which is best. Most often, doctors opt for Advance suppositories, which contain a high concentration of the local anesthetic benzocaine.

The drug is good at reducing pain attacks in acute forms of pathology and after surgery. Used when performing diagnostic procedures. The Ultra form gives a quick positive effect on acute itching and burning. Zinc and glucocorticoid inhibit inflammation and reduce the sensation of itching.

If there is no positive effect or the disease worsens, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

What to replace the drug with?

Analogues of Relief are considered to be all drugs that are similar in composition or action. The patient can use the following medications:

  1. Hemorrhoids – 1 suppository contains benzocaine and extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile, belladonna, chestnut, etc.). Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are indications for use.
  2. Anuzol - active ingredients - xeroform, zinc sulfate and belladonna extract. , Ukraine.
  3. Doxyproct – comes in the form of an ointment (for the treatment of external hemorrhoids) and suppositories (for internal ones). Active ingredients: calcium dobesilate, lidocaine hydrochloride.

The use of drugs with similar effects is recommended only after visiting a doctor's office.


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Drug interactions

No official drug interaction studies have been conducted with the Relief line of drugs.

Theoretically, due to the composition of the suppositories and ointments, you should not combine the use of the painkiller Relief Advance with the following medications:

  • antidepressants (due to a possible sharp increase in blood pressure);
  • drugs from the MAO group (monoamine oxidase inhibitors);

    Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

  • medicines for hypertension.

You can combine different suppositories for hemorrhoids in one course of treatment only on the recommendation of a doctor, observing the order and intervals specified by a specialist.

Side effects of the drug Relief

Side effects include itching and rashes in the anal area.

You should not continue self-treatment with the drug if, after a week from the start of its use, heavy bleeding from the anus is observed. It is imperative to consult a specialist.

There are no data on the interaction of the drug Relief with other drugs.

The drug can be stored for 2 years in a dry and dark place out of reach of children.


Relief Advance - suppositories, reviews of which show their rapid effect on the dynamics of the disease, in some cases cannot be indicated for therapy. If treatment is ineffective within a week, an allergy to the components occurs, or any side effects develop, Relief Advance is replaced with an analogue of the active substance or a medicine with a similar effect.

Heparin ointment

In cases where the disease is aggravated by bleeding, a combination drug based on heparin is used. The use of Heparin ointment is especially indicated for the external location of hemorrhoidal cones. The use of the drug can prevent complications, stop or prevent blood loss.

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

Active ingredients in Heparin ointment and their properties:

  • heparin is a strong coagulant;
  • benzocaine is a local anesthetic;
  • benzyl nicotinate is a vasodilator that enhances the absorption of heparin.

Due to the complex effect, it is possible to achieve a therapeutic effect with simultaneous anesthesia of the affected areas. The composition of the ointment for external use prevents venous congestion, normalizes blood flow, and relieves inflammation. In a short time it is possible to facilitate the process of defecation and reduce the size of hemorrhoids.

The price of heparin ointment in a 25 ml tube starts at 50 rubles. and on average does not exceed 90 rubles. in any pharmacy chains.

Suppositories Gemoproct

Combined antihemorrhagic drug providing multiple effects:

  • anesthesia;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • astringent action.

In addition to benzocaine, Gemoproct suppositories contain menthol, zinc oxide, bismuth subgallate and formative additional ingredients. Prescribe 1-2 rectal administrations of the suppository throughout the day. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

The price of Gemoproct suppositories (10 pieces per package) ranges from 90 to 100 rubles.


A fast-acting, effective analogue of Relief Advance is suppositories based on the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance bufexamak with additional ingredients in the form of lidocaine, titanium dioxide and bismuth subgallate. The formative element of suppositories is solid fat.

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

The use of suppositories quickly eliminates pain, itching, burning, and facilitates the process of bowel movement. It is possible to quickly reduce the bleeding of cracks, nodes, and heal erosions and wound surfaces. When used daily in the morning and evening, 1 suppository rectally, the time to achieve a therapeutic effect usually does not exceed 10 days.

Price of Proctosan (suppositories, 10 pieces per package) – 450 rubles.


Rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, fissures, inflammation of the anus.

Anestezol combines the therapeutic effects of the following substances:

  • benzocaine – anesthetic effect;
  • menthol – narrows dilated veins, normalizes blood circulation, eliminates burning sensation;
  • bismuth subgallate – dries wound surfaces, relieves inflammation and swelling, protects damaged tissues from infection, which accelerates healing;
  • Zinc oxide is a catalyst that accelerates regeneration.

The usual dosage of Anestezol is 1 suppository no more than 2 times a day (in the morning and before bed). The standard period of therapy involves 2 weeks of daily use, which is recommended to be completed completely, even after a clear improvement in the condition.

Relief Advance candles. Reviews, instructions for use, analogues, price

The price of a package of Anestezol can range from 60 to 100 rubles. depending on the manufacturer and pharmacy chain.

Suppositories with novocaine

Suppositories with a single active ingredient in the composition provide a quick therapeutic effect, if necessary, to relieve pain and alleviate the symptoms of aggravated hemorrhoids. Novocaine is an anesthetic widely used in medicine, providing local numbness to tissues.

The active ingredient in suppositories for rectal administration is procaine in the amount of 0.1 g per suppository. The basis of the solid form of the drug is animal fat. A package of Novocain rectal suppositories (100 mg, 10 pcs.) can be purchased for 36–40 rubles.

Relief Advance is an antihemorrhoidal drug suitable for urgent care in cases of exacerbation of rectal problems, and also applicable for the treatment of uncomplicated pathologies.

Ointment and suppositories, according to reviews from doctors and patients, have good effectiveness if used correctly. The specific form of the drug, the method of application and the duration of the course should be determined by the doctor after examination and identification of possible contraindications.

Pharmacological action of suppositories

The drug belongs to the group of antihemorrhoidal drugs and has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and local anesthetic effects. Shark oil contains alkoxyglycerol, fat-soluble vitamins, and therefore helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Due to this, the drug has hemostatic and immunomodulatory effects. Cocoa bean butter is known for its emollient properties.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic, does not have a resorptive effect on the body, stabilizes the neuronal membrane, and reduces its permeability to sodium. By suppressing membrane depolarization, the conduction and occurrence of nerve impulses is blocked. Benzocaine is excreted in mucus or urine.

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